60 research outputs found

    Effects of Spiro-Cyclohexane Substitution of Nitroxyl Biradicals on Dynamic Nuclear Polarization

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    Spiro-substituted nitroxyl biradicals are widely used as reagents for dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP), which is especially important for biopolymer research. The main criterion for their applicability as polarizing agents is the value of the spin–spin exchange interaction parameter (J), which can vary considerably when different couplers are employed that link the radical moieties. This paper describes a study on biradicals, with a ferrocene-1,1′-diyl-substituted 1,3-diazetidine-2,4-diimine coupler, that have never been used before as DNP agents. We observed a substantial difference in the temperature dependence between Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectra of biradicals carrying either methyl or spirocyclohexane substituents and explain the difference using Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculation results. It was shown that the replacement of methyl groups by spirocycles near the N-O group leads to an increase in the contribution of conformers having J ≈ 0. The DNP gain observed for the biradicals with methyl substituents is three times higher than that for the spiro-substituted nitroxyl biradicals and is inversely proportional to the contribution of biradicals manifesting the negligible exchange interaction. The effects of nucleophiles and substituents in the nitroxide biradicals on the ring-opening reaction of 1,3-diazetidine and the influence of the ring opening on the exchange interaction were also investigated. It was found that in contrast to the methyl-substituted nitroxide biradical (where we observed the ring-opening reaction upon the addition of amines), the ring opening does not occur in the spiro-substituted biradical owing to a steric barrier created by the bulky cyclohexyl substituents

    Synthesis and properties of the heterospin (S1 = S2 = 1/2) radical-ion salt bis(mesitylene)molybdenum(I) [1,2,5]thiadiazolo[3,4-c][1,2,5]thiadiazolidyl

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    The authors are grateful to the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Project 8.14), the Royal Society (RS International Joint Project 2010/R3), the Leverhulme Trust (Project IN-2012-094), the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Project 13), the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Project of Joint Laboratories of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and National Research Universities), and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Projects 13-03-00072 and 15-03-03242) for financial support of various parts of this work. N.A.S. thanks the Council for Grants of the President of Russian Federation for postdoctoral scholarship (grant MK-4411.2015.3). B.E.B. is grateful for an EaStCHEM Hirst Academic Fellowship. A.V.Z. thanks the Foundation named after D. I. Mendeleev, Tomsk State University, for support of his work.Low-temperature interaction of [1,2,5]thiadiazolo[3,4-c][1,2,5]thiadiazole (1) with MoMes2 (Mes = mesitylene / 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene) in tetrahydrofuran gave the heterospin (S1 = S2 = 1/2) radical-ion salt [MoMes2]+[1]– (2) whose structure was confirmed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD). The structure revealed alternating layers of the cations and anions with the Mes ligands perpendicular, and the anions tilted by 45°, to the layer plane. At 300 K the effective magnetic moment of 2 is equal to 2.40 μB (theoretically expected 2.45 μB) and monotonically decreases with lowering of the temperature. In the temperature range 2−300 K, the molar magnetic susceptibility of 2 is well-described by the Curie-Weiss law with parameters C and θ equal to 0.78 cm3⋅K⋅mol–1 and −31.2 K, respectively. Overall, the magnetic behavior of 2 is similar to that of [CrTol2]+[1]– and [CrCp*2]+[1]–, i.e. changing the cation [MAr2]+ 3d atom M = Cr (Z = 24) with weak spin-orbit coupling (SOC) to a 4d atom M = Mo (Z = 42) with stronger SOC does not affect macroscopic magnetic properties of the salts. For the XRD structure of salt 2, parameters of the Heisenberg spin-Hamiltonian were calculated using the broken-symmetry DFT and CASSCF approaches, and the complex 3D magnetic structure with both the ferromagnetic (FM) and antiferromagnetic (AF) exchange interactions was revealed with the latter as dominating. Salt 2 is thermally unstable and slowly loses the Mes ligands upon storage at ambient temperature. Under the same reaction conditions, interaction of 1 with MoTol2 (Tol = toluene) proceeded with partial loss of the Tol ligands to afford diamagnetic product.PostprintPostprintPeer reviewe

    Matrix isolation and computational study of the photochemistry of p-azidoaniline

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    The photochemistry of p-azidoaniline was studied in argon matrices in the absence and presence of oxygen. With the help of quantum chemical calculations we were able to characterize the triplet p-aminophenylnitrene as well as the cis- and trans-p-aminophenylnitroso oxides. It was found that the latter two isomers can be interconverted by selective irradiation and that they are ultimately converted into p-nitroaniline. Although restricted wavefunctions of the nitroso oxides are unstable, CASSCF calculations turned up no evidence for the claimed diradical character of these compounds. Also we found no evidence for dioxaziridines as intermediates of the conversion of the nitroso oxides to p-nitroaniline

    Matrix isolation and computational study of the photochemistry of 1,3,2,4-Benzodithiadiazine

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    Photolysis of 1,3,2,4-benzodithiadiazine (1) at ambient temperature yields stable 1,2,3-benzodithiazolyl radicals. In order to reveal the mechanism of this unusual transformation, the photochemistry of 1 was studied in argon matrices using IR and UV-vis spectroscopy. A series of intermediates, including four- and five-membered heterocyclic and o-quinoid acyclic species, were characterized spectroscopically with the help of quantum chemical calculations. With selective irradiation, these intermediates can be mutually interconverted as well as converted back to the starting compound

    Unexpected Primary Reactions for Thermolysis of 1,1-Diamino-2,2-dinitroethylene (FOX-7) Revealed by <i>ab Initio</i> Calculations

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    The primary thermolysis reactions of a promising insensitive explosive 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethylene (DADNE, FOX-7) have been studied in the gas phase at a high level of theory (CCSD­(T)-F12/aVTZ). Our calculations revealed that none of the conventional reactions (C–NO<sub>2</sub> bond fission, nitro-nitrite and nitro-aci-nitro rearrangements) dominate thermolysis of FOX-7. On the contrary, two new decomposition pathways specific for this particular species that commenced with enamino–imino isomerization and intramolecular cyclization were found instead to be more feasible energetically. The activation barriers of these primary isomerization reactions were calculated to be 48.4 and 28.8 kcal/mol, while the activation energies of the overall decomposition pathways are predicted to be ∼49 and ∼56 kcal/mol, respectively. The new pathways can also be relevant for a wide series of unsaturated hydrocarbons substituted with both nitro- and amino-groups (e.g., triaminotrinitrobenzene, TATB)