230 research outputs found

    Straffeutmålingsmomenter ved seksuallovbrudd - En analyse av Høyesteretts avgjørelser etter lovendringen i 2010

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    Avhandlingen tar sikte på å kartlegge hvilke straffeutmålingsmomenter det er tillat å vektlegge når straff for seksuallovbrudd skal utmåles. Straffen for seksuallovbrudd ble betydelig skjerpet ved lovendring i 2010. Avhandlingen vil analysere Høyesteretts bruk av skjerpende og formildende momenter slikt de fremkommer i rettspraksis etter innføringen av straffeskjerpelse

    Ă… ta beslutning om behovsmedisin : En kvalitativ studie om hvordan beslutningstaking praktiseres i forbindelse med bruk av behovsmedisin, i kommunale omsorgsboliger for eldre

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    Avhandling (Ph.d.) – Nord universitet, 2022publishedVersio

    Validation of the WHOQOL-Bref: psychometric properties and normative data for the Norwegian general population

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    Background: The World Health Organization’s Quality of Life Questionnaire (WHOQOL-Bref ) is a frequently used instrument to assess the quality of life in both healthy and ill populations. Inquiries of the psychometric properties of the WHOQOL-Bref report that the validity and reliability is generally satisfactory. However, some studies fail to support a four-factor dimensionality; others report poor reliability of the social and environmental domain; and there may be some challenges of supporting construct validity across age. This paper evaluates the psychometric properties of the Norwegian WHOQOL-Bref and extends previous research by testing for measurement invariance across age, gender and education level. In addition, we provide updated normative data for the Norwegian population. Methods: We selected a random sample of the Norwegian population (n=654) aged 18–75 years. Participants flled out the WHOQOL-Bref, the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale and various sociodemographic variables. Results: We found an acceptable convergent and discriminate validity and internal consistency of the physical, psychological and environmental domains, but a marginal reliability was found for the social domain. The factor loadings were invariant across gender, education and age. Some items had low factor loadings and explained variance, and the model ft for the age group 60–75 years were less satisfactory. Conclusions: The original four-factor dimensionality of the WHOQOL-Bref displayed a better ft to the data compared to the one-factor solution and is recommended for use in the Norwegian population. The WHOQOL-Bref is suitable to use across gender, education and age, but for assessment in the oldest age group, the WHOQOL-Old module could be a good supplementary, but further studies are needed.publishedVersio

    Subtraksjon og regnestrategi i læreverket Dragonbox skole. En kvalitativ innholdsanalyse

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    Master i grunnskolelærerutdanning 1-7. Matematikk 4 - 202

    Determinants of School Satisfaction in Times of Crisis According to Parents of Children with Special Educational Needs

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    In the initial phase of the pandemic caused by the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), schools were closed, forcing most students to stay home on school days. In this chaotic and stressful situation, facing a potential life-threatening disease, parents needed to handle their family life, their own work, in addition to being teachers of their children. This situation may have been especially stressful for parents of children in need of special education. In this study, we examined possible determinants of parental satisfaction with the school during the lockdown using a sample of parents (N = 476) with children in need of special education. By applying a multivariate regression model, we found that the strongest predictor of parental satisfaction with the school during the lockdown was good communication between the parents and the school (r = .38), followed by how often the teachers were in contact with the children (r = .18) and how well the teachers guided the parents regarding home-schooling (r = .17). Notably, the degree of the children’s difficulties, family climate or socioeconomic status was not related to parental satisfaction with the school during the lockdown.publishedVersio

    How does women's health matter? A qualitative study on women's health issues in relation to work participation. Experiences and perspectives from nurses and managers in a Norwegian hospital

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    In this article, we explore associations between women’s health and participation in working life, work ability and sickness absence. Through interviews with nurses and hospital managers, we identified three main occupational barriers connected to biological and physiological sex differences: considerations on women’s health, work organization and work environment as conditions for health, and equality and expectations in society. We find that individual experiences, job systems, and societal attitudes affect each other negatively, and that systemic problems tend to be individualized. The lack of recognition of women’s health affects work participation, work ability and sickness absence in women, representing a challenge to female occupational health, as well as to gender equality and public health in general.publishedVersionPaid open acces

    Multidose i sykehjem. Syke- og vernepleieres tanker om hvordan multidose pĂĄvirker hĂĄndtering av legemidler

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    Beskriver en studie hvor hensikten var å utforske sykepleier og vernepleiere sine tanker om hvordan multidose påvirker deres håndtering av legemidler.Hensikt: Med mål om økt sikkerhet i legemiddelhåndteringen og frigjøring av tid for syke- og vernepleiere, innføres multidose i flere norske sykehjem. Denne artikkelen ønsker å belyse hva syke- og vernepleiere i 28 nordtrønderske sykehjem tenker om multidose og hvordan ordningen påvirker deres legemiddelkunnskaper. Materiale og metoder: Det ble i 2011 sendt ut 390 spørreskjema til ansatte med medikamentfaglig kompetanse i sykehjem i Nord-Trøndelag. 258 personer responderte, og dette gir en svarprosent på 66 %. Multidose var innført på noen av sykehjemmene som var representert i denne studien, 20 % av respondentene jobbet ved en avdeling der multidose ble brukt. Alle data ble behandlet i SPSS. Resultater: Majoriteten av respondentene mener at multidose vil gi redusert tidsbruk og føre til en enklere og sikrere legemiddelhåndtering, men at ordningen vil svekke legemiddelkunnskapen deres. Meningene om multidose og legemiddelhåndtering varier er noe i forhold til om multidose er innført på avdelingen eller ei. Litt over en tredjedel av respondentene mener at deres ansvar i forbindelse med legemiddelhåndtering blir redusert. Konklusjon: Syke- og vernepleiere i sykehjem i Nord-Trøndelag mener multidose vil forenkle legemiddelhåndteringen, redusere tidsforbruk og føre til mindre feil i forbindelse med legemiddelhåndtering. Respondentene mener multidose vil svekke deres legemiddelkunnskaper og føre til mindre kontroll og helhetsoversikt over hva som deles ut av legemidler til pasientene
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