3,505 research outputs found

    Determinants of guideline use in primary care physical therapy: a cross-sectional survey of attitudes, knowledge, and behavior

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    Background Understanding of attitudes, knowledge, and behavior related to evidence-based practice (EBP) and use of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines in primary care physical therapy is limited. Objectives The objectives of this study were: (1) to investigate self-reported attitudes, knowledge, behavior, prerequisites, and barriers related to EBP and guideline use among physical therapists in primary care and (2) to explore associations of self-reported use of guidelines with these social cognitive factors along with demographic and workplace characteristics. Design This was a cross-sectional survey. Methods A web-based survey of 419 physical therapists in primary care in western Sweden was performed. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to examine factors associated with guideline use. Results The response rate was 64.7%. Most respondents had positive attitudes toward EBP and guidelines: 90% considered EBP necessary, and 96% considered guidelines important. Approximately two thirds reported confidence in finding and using evidence. One third reported being aware of guidelines. Thirteen percent knew where to find guidelines, and only 9% reported having easy access to guidelines. Fewer than half reported using guidelines frequently. The most important barriers to using guidelines were lack of time, poor availability, and limited access to guidelines. Young age and brief work experience were associated with positive attitudes toward EBP. A postgraduate degree was associated with higher application of EBP. Positive attitudes, awareness of guidelines, considering guidelines to facilitate practice, and knowing how to integrate patient preferences with guideline use were associated with frequent use of guidelines. Limitations Data were self-reported, which may have increased the risk of social desirability bias. Conclusions Use of guidelines was not as frequent as could be expected in view of the positive attitudes toward EBP and guidelines among physical therapists. Awareness of and perceived access to guidelines were limited. The identified determinants can be addressed when developing guideline implementation strategies

    Erenumab in chronic migraine: Patient-reported outcomes in a randomized double-blind study.

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of erenumab, a human monoclonal antibody targeting the calcitonin gene-related peptide receptor, on health-related quality of life (HRQoL), headache impact, and disability in patients with chronic migraine (CM). METHODS: In this double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 667 adults with CM were randomized (3:2:2) to placebo or erenumab (70 or 140 mg monthly). Exploratory endpoints included migraine-specific HRQoL (Migraine-Specific Quality-of-Life Questionnaire [MSQ]), headache impact (Headache Impact Test-6 [HIT-6]), migraine-related disability (Migraine Disability Assessment [MIDAS] test), and pain interference (Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System [PROMIS] Pain Interference Scale short form 6b). RESULTS: Improvements were observed for all endpoints in both erenumab groups at month 3, with greater changes relative to placebo observed at month 1 for many outcomes. All 3 MSQ domains were improved from baseline with treatment differences for both doses exceeding minimally important differences established for MSQ-role function-restrictive (≥3.2) and MSQ-emotional functioning (≥7.5) and for MSQ-role function-preventive (≥4.5) for erenumab 140 mg. Changes from baseline in HIT-6 scores at month 3 were -5.6 for both doses vs -3.1 for placebo. MIDAS scores at month 3 improved by -19.4 days for 70 mg and -19.8 days for 140 mg vs -7.5 days for placebo. Individual-level minimally important difference was achieved by larger proportions of erenumab-treated participants than placebo for all MSQ domains and HIT-6. Lower proportions of erenumab-treated participants had MIDAS scores of severe (≥21) or very severe (≥41) or PROMIS scores ≥60 at month 3. CONCLUSIONS: Erenumab-treated patients with CM experienced clinically relevant improvements across a broad range of patient-reported outcomes. CLINICALTRIALSGOV IDENTIFIER: NCT02066415. CLASSIFICATION OF EVIDENCE: This study provides Class II evidence that for patients with CM, erenumab treatment improves HRQoL, headache impact, and disability

    Assessment of the benefits of user involvement in health research from the Warwick Diabetes Care Research User Group : a qualitative case study

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    Objective  To assess the benefits of involving health-care users in diabetes research. Design and participants  For this qualitative case study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with researchers who had worked extensively with the group. During regular meetings of the Research User Group, members discussed their views of the group's effectiveness as part of the meeting's agenda. Interviews and discussions were transcribed, coded using N-Vivo software and analysed using constant comparative methods. Results  Involvement of users in research was generally seen as contributing to effective and meaningful research. However, the group should not be considered to be representative of the patient population or participants of future trials. An important contributor to the group's success was its longstanding nature, enabling users to gain more insight into research and form constructive working relationships with researchers. The user-led nature of the group asserted itself, especially, in the language used during group meetings. A partial shift of power from researchers to users was generally acknowledged. Users' main contribution was their practical expertise in living with diabetes, but their involvement also helped researchers to remain connected to the `real world' in which research would be applied. While the group's work fulfilled established principles of consumer involvement in research, important contributions relying on personal interaction between users and researchers were hard to evaluate by process measures alone. Conclusions  We demonstrated the feasibility, acceptability and effectiveness of this longstanding, experienced, lay-led research advisory group. Its impact on research stems from the continuing interaction between researchers and users, and the general ethos of learning from each other in an on-going process. Both process measures and qualitative interviews with stakeholders are needed to evaluate the contributions of service users to health research

    A Unified Quantum NOT Gate

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    We study the feasibility of implementing a quantum NOT gate (approximate) when the quantum state lies between two latitudes on the Bloch's sphere and present an analytical formula for the optimized 1-to-MM quantum NOT gate. Our result generalizes previous results concerning quantum NOT gate for a quantum state distributed uniformly on the whole Bloch sphere as well as the phase covariant quantum state. We have also shown that such 1-to-MM optimized NOT gate can be implemented using a sequential generation scheme via matrix product states (MPS)

    Psychophysical or spinal reflex measures when assessing conditioned pain modulation?

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    Background: Assessing conditioning pain modulation (CPM) with spinal reflex measures may produce more objective and stable CPM effects than using psychophysical measures. The aim of the study was to compare the CPM effect and test–retest reliability between a psychophysical protocol with thermal test‐stimulus and a spinal reflex protocol with electrical test‐stimulus. Methods: Twenty‐five healthy volunteers participated in two identical experiments separated by minimum 1 week. The thermal test‐stimulus was a constant heat stimulation of 120 s on the subjects’ forearm with continuous ratings of pain intensity on a 10 cm visual analogue scale. The electrical test‐stimulus was repeated electrical stimulation on the arch of the foot for 120 s, which elicited a nociceptive withdrawal reflex recorded from the anterior tibial muscle. Conditioning stimulus was a 7°C water bath. Differences in the magnitude and test–retest reliability were investigated with repeated‐measures analysis of variance and by relative and absolute reliability indices. Results: The CPM effect was −46% and 4.5% during the thermal and electrical test‐stimulus (p < 0.001) respectively. Intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.5 and 0.4 was found with the electrical and thermal test‐stimulus respectively. Wide limits of agreement were found for both the electrical (−3.4 to 3.8 mA) and the thermal test‐stimulus (−3.2 to 3.6 cm). Conclusions: More pronounced CPM effect was demonstrated when using a psychophysical protocol with thermal test‐stimulus compared to a spinal reflex protocol with electrical test‐stimulus. Fair relative reliability and poor absolute reliability (due to high intraindividual variability) was found in both protocols. Significance: The large difference in CPM effect between the two protocols suggests that the CPM effect relates to pain perception rather than nociception on the spinal level. Due to poor absolute intrarater reliability, we recommend caution and further research before using any of the investigated CPM protocols in clinical decision making on an individual level

    Can screening and brief intervention lead to population-level reductions in alcohol-related harm?

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    A distinction is made between the clinical and public health justifications for screening and brief intervention (SBI) against hazardous and harmful alcohol consumption. Early claims for a public health benefit of SBI derived from research on general medical practitioners' (GPs') advice on smoking cessation, but these claims have not been realized, mainly because GPs have not incorporated SBI into their routine practice. A recent modeling exercise estimated that, if all GPs in England screened every patient at their next consultation, 96% of the general population would be screened over 10 years, with 70-79% of excessive drinkers receiving brief interventions (BI); assuming a 10% success rate, this would probably amount to a population-level effect of SBI. Thus, a public health benefit for SBI presupposes widespread screening; but recent government policy in England favors targeted versus universal screening, and in Scotland screening is based on new registrations and clinical presentation. A recent proposal for a national screening program was rejected by the UK National Health Service's National Screening Committee because 1) there was no good evidence that SBI led to reductions in mortality or morbidity, and 2) a safe, simple, precise, and validated screening test was not available. Even in countries like Sweden and Finland, where expensive national programs to disseminate SBI have been implemented, only a minority of the population has been asked about drinking during health-care visits, and a minority of excessive drinkers has been advised to cut down. Although there has been research on the relationship between treatment for alcohol problems and population-level effects, there has been no such research for SBI, nor have there been experimental investigations of its relationship with population-level measures of alcohol-related harm. These are strongly recommended. In this article, conditions that would allow a population-level effect of SBI to occur are reviewed, including their political acceptability. It is tentatively concluded that widespread dissemination of SBI, without the implementation of alcohol control measures, might have indirect influences on levels of consumption and harm but would be unlikely on its own to result in public health benefits. However, if and when alcohol control measures were introduced, SBI would still have an important role in the battle against alcohol-related harm

    Gyroscopic motion of superfluid trapped atomic condensates

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    The gyroscopic motion of a trapped Bose gas containing a vortex is studied. We model the system as a classical top, as a superposition of coherent hydrodynamic states, by solution of the Bogoliubov equations, and by integration of the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation. The frequency spectrum of Bogoliubov excitations, including quantum frequency shifts, is calculated and the quantal precession frequency is found to be consistent with experimental results, though a small discrepancy exists. The superfluid precession is found to be well described by the classical and hydrodynamic models. However the frequency shifts and helical oscillations associated with vortex bending and twisting require a quantal treatment. In gyroscopic precession, the vortex excitation modes m=±1m=\pm 1 are the dominant features giving a vortex kink or bend, while the m=+2m=+2 is found to be the dominant Kelvin wave associated with vortex twisting.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Automated track recognition and event reconstruction in nuclear emulsion

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    The major advantages of nuclear emulsion for detecting charged particles are its submicron position resolution and sensitivity to minimum ionizing particles. These must be balanced, however, against the difficult manual microscope measurement by skilled observers required for the analysis. We have developed an automated system to acquire and analyze the microscope images from emulsion chambers. Each emulsion plate is analyzed independently, allowing coincidence techniques to be used in order to reject background and estimate error rates. The system has been used to analyze a sample of high-multiplicity Pb-Pb interactions (charged particle multiplicities ∼1100) produced by the 158 GeV/c per nucleon 208Pb beam at CERN. Automatically measured events agree with our best manual measurements on 97% of all the tracks. We describe the image analysis and track reconstruction techniques, and discuss the measurement and reconstruction uncertainties

    Charged particle production in the Pb+Pb system at 158 GeV/c per nucleon

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    Charged particle multiplicities from high multiplicity central interactions of 158 GeV/nucleon Pb ions with Pb target nuclei have been measured in the central and far forward projectile spectator regions using emulsion chambers. Multiplicities are significantly lower than predicted by Monte Carlo simulations. We examine the shape of the pseudorapidity distribution and its dependence on centrality in detail.Comment: 17 pages text plus 12 figures in postscript 12/23/99 -- Add TeX version of sourc

    Decreasing intensity of open-ocean convection in the Greenland and Iceland seas

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    The air–sea transfer of heat and fresh water plays a critical role in the global climate system. This is particularly true for the Greenland and Iceland seas, where these fluxes drive ocean convection that contributes to Denmark Strait overflow water, the densest component of the lower limb of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). Here we show that the wintertime retreat of sea ice in the region, combined with different rates of warming for the atmosphere and sea surface of the Greenland and Iceland seas, has resulted in statistically significant reductions of approximately 20% in the magnitude of the winter air–sea heat fluxes since 1979. We also show that modes of climate variability other than the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) are required to fully characterize the regional air–sea interaction. Mixed-layer model simulations imply that further decreases in atmospheric forcing will exceed a threshold for the Greenland Sea whereby convection will become depth limited, reducing the ventilation of mid-depth waters in the Nordic seas. In the Iceland Sea, further reductions have the potential to decrease the supply of the densest overflow waters to the AMOC