5 research outputs found

    Genetic association between longevity and linear type traits of Holstein cows

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    Longevity is a desirable trait in the dairy industry because of its relationship to profitability. The aim of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for longevity measurements related to productive life, or life in the herd, and linear type traits of Brazilian Holstein cows born between the years 1990 and 2008. The (co) variance components were estimated by the restricted maximum likelihood method. The heritability for measurements of longevity and linear type traits ranged from 0.05 to 0.07 and 0.08 to 0.39, respectively. The genetic correlations between measurements of longevity and linear type traits ranged from -0.39 to 0.31. Direct selection for longevity does not necessarily lead to long-lived cows, due to low heritability. Indirect genetic selection for udder depth, bone quality, udder height, rear teat placement and conformation traits showed the highest genetic correlations with measurements of time between birth and last milk record and time from first calving to last milk record

    Invited review: A quarter of a century-International genetic evaluation of dairy sires using MACE methodology

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    For the past few decades, the international exchange of genetic materials has accelerated. This acceleration has been more substantial for dairy cattle compared with other species. The industry faced the need to put international genetic evaluation (IGE) systems in place. The Interbull Centre has been conducting IGE for various dairy cattle breeds and traits. This study reviews the past and the current status of IGE for dairy cattle, emphasizing the most prominent and well established method of IGE, namely multiple across country evaluation (MACE), and the challenges that should be addressed in the future of IGE. The first IGE methods were simple conversion equations. Only a limited number of common bulls between pairs of countries were considered. These bulls were a biased sample of highly selected animals, with their daughters under preferential treatment in the importing countries. Genetic relationships among animals were not considered either. The MACE method was the first IGE method based on mixed-model theory that could handle genotype by environment interaction (G x E) between countries. The G x E between countries is handled by treating the same trait in different countries as different traits, with genetic correlations less than unity between the traits. The G x E between countries is not solely due to different genetic expressions in different environments (countries), but is also attributable to different units or ways of measuring the trait, data editing, and statistical approaches and models used in different countries. The MACE method also considers different genetic means, genetic groups for unknown parents, heterogeneous genetic and residual variances among countries, and heterogeneous residual variances (precision weights for observations) within countries. Other IGE methods that came after MACE are rooted in MACE. The genomic revolution of the industry created new needs and opportunities. However, an unwanted aspect of it was genomic preselection bias. Genomic preselection causes directional information loss from pre-culled animals (bias) in statistical models for genetic and genomic evaluations, and preselected progeny of a mating are no longer a random sample of possible progeny from that mating. National genetic evaluations without genotypes are input to MACE, and biases in national evaluations are propagated interna-tionally through MACE. Genomic preselection for the Holstein breed is a source of concern for introducing bias to MACE, especially when genomic preselection is practiced intensively in the population. However, MACE continues to be useful for other breeds, among other species, or for non-IGE purposes. Future methods will need to make optimum use of genomic information and be free of genomic preselection bia

    Análise das relações da curva de crescimento e eficiência produtiva de vacas da raça Holandesa Analysis of the relationships of growth curve and productive efficiency of Holstein-Friesian cows

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    O objetivo neste trabalho foi analisar as relações entre parâmetros da curva de crescimento (peso à maturidade e taxa de maturação) e medidas da eficiência produtiva de 333 vacas da raça Holandesa nascidas de 1992 a 2002. Dados de idade ao primeiro parto, produção de leite e duração da primeira lactação, primeiro intervalo de partos e produção de leite por dia de intervalo de partos foram analisados por meio de um modelo linear generalizado com o efeito fixo de grupo contemporâneo (ano-estação de nascimento), os efeitos aleatórios de pai da vaca e erro e os efeitos lineares e quadráticos do peso à maturidade e da taxa de maturação. Nas análises de longevidade e de duração da vida útil, incluiu-se o efeito fixo de motivo de descarte da vaca. Houve efeitos linear e quadrático da taxa de maturação sobre a maioria das características, exceto o primeiro intervalo de partos e a produção de leite por dia de intervalo de partos. As estimativas das taxas de maturação ótimas variaram de 0,0896 a 0,1187 kg/kg de peso vivo/mês. O peso à maturidade influenciou a longevidade de forma linear e quadrática. A combinação ótima foi de 701 kg de peso à maturidade e 0,0934 kg/kg de peso vivo/mês de taxa de maturação. O peso à maturidade correlacionou-se de forma desfavorável com a duração da primeira lactação (-0,11). Coeficientes de correlação significativos foram obtidos entre taxa de maturação e idade ao primeiro parto (-0,22), produção de leite na primeira lactação (0,18), duração da primeira lactação (0,18) e longevidade (0,14), o que confirma a hipótese de que vacas com taxas de maturação mais rápidas apresentam maior eficiência produtiva.<br>The objective of this study was to analyze the relationships between previously estimated individual growth curve parameters (mature weight and maturing rate) and measures of productive efficiency of 333 Holstein-Friesian cows, born from 1992 to 2002. Data on age at first calving, first lactation milk yield, first lactation length, first calving interval and milk yield per day of first calving interval were analyzed using a generalized linear model with the fixed effect for age group (year-season of birth), the random effects of sire and error and the linear and quadratic effects of mature weight and maturing rate. In the analyses of longevity and productive life, the fixed effect of culling reason was also included in the model. There were significant linear and quadratic effects of maturing rate on most of the traits analyzed, except on first calving interval and milk yield per day of first calving interval. The estimates of optimum maturing rates varied from 0.0896 to 0.1187 kg/ kg of liveweight/month. There were both linear and quadratic effects of mature weight on longevity. The optimum combination was a mature weight of 701 kg and a maturing rate of 0.0934 kg/kg of liveweight/month. Mature weight showed a significant and unfavourable correlation with first lactation length (-0.11). Significant correlation coefficients were obtained between maturing rate and age at first calving (-0.22), first lactation milk yield (0.18), first lactation length (0.18) and longevity (0.14), confirming the hypothesis that cows with faster maturing rates have higher productive efficiency