520 research outputs found

    Determinants of Loan Performance in P2P Lending

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    This research paper investigates the influential factors of loan performance in the online P2P lending industry. The study analysed 143,654 P2P loans that were funded on the P2P lending platform Lending Club between 2012 and 2013 and found evidence that the assigned credit grade of loans is the most influential factor on loansuccess and default. Furthermore, loan amount and annual income are significant predictors. The variables debt-toincome ratio, inquires in the last 6 months, open credit lines and revolving credit balance were only found significant for some credit grade classes

    A Spreading Activation Approach for e-Commerce Site Selection System

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    This paper presents a dynamic associative network model for e-commerce site selection system based on the psycholinguistic theories of human memory; Spreading Activation Network (SAN).This paper presents a dynamic associative network model for e-commerce site selection system based on the psycholinguistic theories of human memory; Spreading Activation Network (SAN). The system is designed to give personalized suggestions based on the user’s current personal preferences, other user’s common preferences, web-link structure, and activation rules. This work employs a SAN as a technique to provide the evaluation and selection mechanism that provides multiple parallel processes for perception by representing dynamic associations among web-links, user activities, and the relevance subjects of the websites. The system attempts to evaluate a number of sites in an unpredictable complex dynamic environment. Spreading activation explains the predictive top-down effect of knowledge. These processes select the group of the most suitable websites (context) in response to the current conditions (e-commerce activities) while the system continues working towards the user objective goal

    A Dynamic Associative e-learning model based on a spreading activation network

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    This paper proposes a dynamic semantic model for e-learning system based on the psycholinguistic theories of human memory, Spreading Activation Network (SAN). This work employs a SAN as a technique to provide the interface's action selection mechanism in an uncertain environment.Presenting information to an e-learning environment is a challenge, mostly, because of the hypertext/hypermedia nature and the richness of the context and information provides. This paper proposes a dynamic semantic model for e-learning system based on the psycholinguistic theories of human memory, Spreading Activation Network (SAN). This work employs a SAN as a technique to provide the interface's action selection mechanism in an uncertain environment. The paper combines the SAN with the temporal logic to provide an e-learning system that a learning activity level evolves according to their expected contextual relevance. The system differs from the other e-learning by representing dynamic associations between learning activities and the relevance subjects. This system equipped with an Event-Triggered learning interface (context) adaptation component. This component provides multiple parallel processes for perception. These processes provide context screen selection and learning task operation based upon the user current situation. The SAN attempts to achieve a number of goals in an unpredictable complex dynamic environment. Spreading activation explains the predictive top-down effect of knowledge. It supports general heuristics which may be used as the first step of more elaborated methods. This model is suited to deal with the interaction between semantic and episodic memories, as well as many other practical issues regarding e-learning, including the retroactive effect of semantics over perception. The system uses the SAN to activate the most suitable interface screen (context) in response to the current conditions (learning activities) while the system continues working towards the learning objective goal. The paper presents our efforts to realize such e-learning system. The proposed paradigm has been implemented to develop a prototypical system, and the experiments also illustrate the robustness of such an e-learning framework

    Byudvikling og infrastruktur – nye udfordringer

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    Den overordnede planlægning af infrastrukturen og byplanlægningen har sine rødder i den såkaldte ”Fingerplan” fra 1947. Formålet med regionplanlægningen har siden været at skabe sammenhæng mellem udbygning af by og trafik (regionale veje, motorveje og jernbanestationer) og samtidig bevare de grønne ”kiler” mellem byfingrene. Fingerbyprincippet er ikke et statisk princip, men er blevet udviklet i takt med byudviklingen. I dag forbinder byfingrene det centrale København med Købstæderne Køge, Roskilde, Fredrikssund, Hillerød og Helsingør 35- 40 km. fra centrum. Regionens en-center struktur er afløst af en flercenterstruktur med ét stort hovedcenter og mange større og mindre centre i regionens håndflade og byfingre. I 1947 boede og arbejdede folk nær deres bopæl. I dag har vi ét sammenhængende bolig- og arbejdsmarked i regionen. Transportafstandene vokser med 2% pr. år pr. person, transporttiden pr. person er uforandret omkring 1 time. Bilejerskabet er endvidere steget fra 22 biler pr. 1000 indbyggere i 1947 til 313 biler i dag, Trafikken på tværs er vokset relativt år for år, trafikken i fingrene er blevet rettet begge veje og mobiliteten er blevet høj. For at undgå at for megen trafik søger ind mod byen og for at fordele trafikken i hele regionen, planlagde man med Regionplan 1989 et system af trafik- tværforbindelser med flere-centre i de trafikale knudepunkter. Denne tværforbindelsesstrategi var særdeles nødvendig, når den øgede biltrafik tages i betragtning. Samlet set står Hovedstadsregionen med en relativ robust hovedstruktur. Byen ”har bredt sig ud”, men den fastlagte hovedstruktur har været styrende for udviklingen, og uhensigtsmæssig byspredning har i vidt omfang være undgået

    NEWS AND NOTES 1996, VOL.6, NO.16

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    Regional bicycleplanning : a study of power and structures in transport planning

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    Den skånska cykelplaneringen lämnar mycket att önska. I ett gytter av olika aktörer och oklara ansvarsförhållanden har denna viktiga del av trafikplaneringen ofta hamnat mellan stolarna. Detta innebär i praktiken ett osammanhängande, knapphändigt regionalt cykelnät med långa, ineffektiva planeringsprocesser och misslyckade projekt. I denna uppsats analyseras en svensk regions arbete med regional cykelplanering utifrån teorier om hur olika maktstrukturer påverkar transportplaneringen. En av de grundläggande byggstenarna för en ökad cykling identifieras som en tillgänglig, säker, trafikseparerad cykelinfrastruktur som i den studerade regionen visar vara en bristvara. Orsakerna till denna brist härleds till svårrubbliga strukturer inom bl.a. Trafikverket på nationell nivå vilket i sin tur leder till en bristande finansiering i de regionala projekten. Ett resonemang förs även kring huruvida den neoliberala ideologin och andra politiska och ekonomiska strukturer sätter sin prägel på den samtida transportplaneringen och försvårar en övergång mot ett hållbart mobilitetssystem.The Scania bicycle planning leaves you with much to ask. In a hot mess of different stakeholders and unclear areas of responsibilities, this very crucial part of the traffic planning has often been neglected. In reality this has resulted in a disconnected, poorly sustained regional bicycle road network where long and inefficient planning processes has become commonplace. In this paper the bicycle planning in the Swedish region of Scania is analyzed through the lens of different power structures and how these tend to affect the transport planning itself. One of the cornerstones in working for an increased cycling is identified as in creating, safe, available and traffic separated bicycle infrastructure. This kind of infrastructure is inadequate in the region. The causes of the inadequacy is led to cemented structures, in for instance The Swedish transport agency (Trafikverket), which lead to budget decisions tilted towards unsustainable modes of transport. A further argument is made about whether the neoliberal ideology, among other political and economic structures, is actually influencing these decisions on an abstract level and if that is complicating the transition towards a sustainable mobility system

    Nøglen til at få Københavns Kommunes styreform til at fungere

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    I december 2016 skiftede Peter Stensgaard Mørch sin stilling som departementschef i Beskæftigelsesministeriet ud med stillingen som administrerende direktør for Københavns Kommunes økonomiforvaltning. Administrativ Debat mødtes med Peter, der efter et ét år i sin nye stilling fortæller om forskellen på at være øverste chef i henholdsvis et centralt ministerium og i landets største kommune, om sine erfaringer med den politiske styreform i København og en lille smule om fodbold

    De nyeste styringstendenser – resultater fra årets Forvaltningskonference 2014

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    Hvert år er NAF medarrangør af den traditionsrige Forvaltningskonference, som er resultatet af et mangeårigt succesfyldt samarbejde med Djøf. I 2013 fejrede Forvaltningskonferencen 20-års jubilæum, og der benyttede vi især lejligheden til at evaluere NPM-styringen. På årets Forvaltningskonference 2014, som blev afholdt torsdag den 6. februar 2014 i den store konferencesal på Hotel Radisson Blu Scandinavia, der heldigvis var fyldt til sidste plads, var dagsordenen en lidt anden, idet vi havde tre hovedemner, som alle viste sig at give anledning til spændende statements og opdateringerog også bidrog til en god debat
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