47 research outputs found

    Place and role of the OSCE in police reform in the Republic of Serbia and countries of former Yugoslavia

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    полиције у Републици Србији и другим земљама са просторa бивше Југославије, спровођених у оквиру укупних реформи сектора безбедности у овим државама, са акцентом на сагледавању улоге, остварених резултата, проблема и недостатака везаних за ангажовање теренских мисија Организације за европску безбедност и сарадњу (ОЕБС) у овим процесима. У истраживању се пошло од хипотезе да су полицијске службе у државама на простору Западног Балкана, а посебно у тадашњој СР Југославији (Србији и Црној Гори), током 90-их година ХХ века углавном остале изван токова модернизације који су били присутни у бившим социјалистичким земљама после пада Берлинског зида. Уместо да буду реформи- сане, наслеђене полицијске структуре су у годинама након распада СФРЈ често биле инструментализоване од стране носилаца власти, укључиване у политичке процесе и претваране у репресивни инструмент за одржање владајућих режима...achievements of the police reform in Serbia and other countries from the former Yugoslavia, implemented within the framework of the overall reform of the security sector in these countries, with emphasis on the perception of the role, achieved results, problems and deficiencies related to the engagement of the field missions of the Organization for Security and Cooperation (OSCE) in these processes. The study started from the hypothesis that the police services in the countries of the Western Balkans, and especially in the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), the 90-ies of XX century remained largely outside the course of modernization, which was present in the former socialist countries after the fall of the Berlin wall.Instead of being reformed, inherited police structures in the years after the breakup of Yugoslavia were often used by those in power, included in a political process and turned into a repressive instrument for the ruling regime..


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    In this paper a new method for design of the first order differentiator is presented. The proposed differentiator consists of two parallel branches, i.e. direct path and IIR all-pass filter. The described design method allows one to obtain solution with minimum mean relative error at the desired region by controlling the ratio of phase response extremes. A small relative magnitude error, as well as a low phase error, at low frequencies is condition for good time domain behaviour. The obtained differentiator can be realized by means of only two multipliers, hence being a good choice for real time applications. The proposed solution provides a lower magnitude error than several known differentiators with similar phase error

    Thermal diffusivity of single crystal Bi0.9Sb0.1

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    A single crystal Bi0.9Sb0.1 ingot was synthesized using the Bridgman technique. Thermal diffusivity and electronic transport properties of single crystal cleaved plates (00l) were determined from PA photoacoustic phase and amplitude spectra obtained using the photoacoustic method with a transmission detection configuration. Both the PA phase and amplitude were measured versus the modulation frequency and numerically analyzed. EDS analyses done to determine chemical composition of the studied samples as well as to check sample homogeneity. Hall effect measurements data were used for the photoacustic measurements

    Physico-chemical characterization of mixed-ligand complexes of Mn(III) based on the acetylacetonate and maleic acid and its hydroxylamine derivative

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    Two new Mn(III) mixed-ligand complexes with two acetylacetonate (acac) ligands and one maleate ligand and its hydroxylamine derivative of the general formula [Mn(C5H7O2)2L] were prepared. Their structure was established by using elemental analysis, FTIR and UV/VIS spectroscopic methods, as well as magnetic measurement. Replacement of the acetylacetonate ligand by the corresponding acid ligand has been confirmed in Mn(III) acetylacetonate. Based on the obtained experimental data and literature indications, structural formulae to these compounds were assigned

    Antimicrobial activity of lozenge with garlic bulb powder

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    According to the tested antimicrobial activity of constituents and their chemical characteristics, a new formulation of oral antiseptic was made based on garlic bulb powder and its active principles with strong antimicrobial activity against a wide range of bacteria and fungi. The antimicrobial activity of garlic bulb powder, allicin and the lozenge with 15% of garlic powder was tested using broth microdilution method. The tested garlic powder, as well the lozenge, have shown very high antimicrobial activity with MIC 1.25-5.00 mg/ml, and 1.87-7.50 mg/ml, respectively. The major compound, allicin, was highly active at a very low concentration. The minimal inhibitory concentration of allicin was from 6.25-12.50 μg/ml for antibacterial activity and 0.4 μg/ml for antifungal activity. Those concentrations are comparable with concentrations of commercially available antibiotics and fungicides. The formulation of an antiseptic with herbal constituents, high antibacterial and antifungal activity and pleasant taste could be an alternative to classical pharmaceutical oral antiseptics.Na osnovu ispitane antimikrobne aktivnosti komponenata i njihovih hemijskih karakteristika, napravljena je nova formulacija oralnog antiseptika koji kao aktivnu komponentu ima prašak belog luka čiji sastojci pokazuju veoma izraženu aktivnost protiv širokog spektra bakterija i gljive Candida albicans. Antimikrobna aktivnost praška belog luka, alicina i lozengi sa 15% praška belog luka je ispitivana bujon mikrodilucionom metodom. Testiran prašak belog luka, kao i lozenge imaju veoma jaku antimikrobnu aktivnost sa minimalnim inhibitornim koncentracijama (MIC) 1,25-5,00 mg/ml (prašak belog luka) i 1,87-7,50 mg/ml (lozenge). Glavna aktivna komponeta belog luka, alicin, pokazuje antimikrobnu aktivnost u veoma niskim koncentracijama. Minimalne inhibitorne koncentracije alicina se kreću od 6,25-12,5 μg/ml protiv bakterija i 0,4 μg/ml protiv gljivice Candida albicans. Ove koncentracije se mogu uporediti sa koncentracijama komercijalnih antibiotika i fungicida. Naši rezultati su u skladu sa prethodnim ispitivanjima alicina i različitih ekstrakta belog luka, i potvrđuju najvažniju ulogu alicina u antimikrobnoj aktivnosti. Veoma je važna visoka aktivnost ovako formulisanog oralnog preparata protiv gljivice C. albicans koja je čest uzročnik infekcija usne duplje. Formulisan proizvod sa antiseptičkim osobinama karakteriše stanje čvrstog rastvora gde su aktivne supstance molekularno-disperzno ugrađene u obliku dobro rastvornog polimernog matriksa (sorbitola) velike specifične površine. Dobra rastvorljivost polimernog matriksa i velika specifična površina omogućuju zadovoljavajuću brzinu otpuštanja aktivnih principa iz belog luka (alicin). Pored visoke antimikrobne aktivnosti, lozenge poseduju prijatan ukus i osvežavaju dah, pa se mogu koristiti kao prirodni antiseptik u prevenciji i terapiji infekcija sluzokože usta i ždrela. Formulacija antiseptika sa biljnim sastojcima i visokom antibakterijskom i antifungalnom aktivnošću može biti alternativa farmaceutskim oralnim antisepticima.Projekat ministarstva br. 173021, br. 34012 i br. 17303


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    Modern high-rise buildings require use of a growing number of elevators that have become important factors in energy consumption. Most of the existing lifts are powered from the grid. In order to reduce grid energy consumption and increase reliability, an improved elevator system which uses dual power supply is proposed in this paper. This system supplies electronic modules of the elevator with renewable sources whenever there is sufficient sunlight and maintains usual work of the elevator in case of electricity power failure. The corresponding architecture of the proposed elevator system and needed battery capacity for correct operation are given in this paper

    Nanostructured SnO2 thick films for gas sensor application: analysis of structural and electronic properties

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    This research is focused on structural and electrical characterisation of tin oxide (SnO2) applied as a thick film and investigation of its properties as gas sensitive material. Micron sized SnO2 powder was milled in an agate mill for six hours to fabricate SnO2 nanopowder, which was afterwards sieved by 325 mesh sieve and characterized by XRD and SEM. This powder was used as functional part in the production of thick film tin oxide paste containing a resin vehicle with 4 wt. % nanosize glass frits acting as permanent binder. The glass frits where additionally milled for twelve hours in the agate mills to nanosized powder and sieved by a 325 mesh sieve as well. The achieved thick film paste was screen printed on alumina and fired at 850oC peak temperature for 10 minutes in air. After the sintering process, thick film samples where characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The reflectivity was measured on the same samples by UV-VIS spectrophotometer: the band gap was determined from the slope of reflectance. After that a matrix of different interdigitated electrode structure of PdAg paste was printed and sintered using the mentioned sintering conditions. The tin oxide thick film was printed over the interdigitated electrodes as a top layer and sintered again under the same conditions. The total electrical resistance was measured as a function of the electrode spacing and temperature. A negative temperature coefficient (NTC) was identified and measured in the range from room temperature (27°C) to 180°C in a climate chamber. Finally the samples were placed into a gas reactor with NOx and CO gas and the resistance was measured in the same temperature range (27°C-200°C)

    Study of Green Nanoparticles and Biocomplexes Based on Exopolysaccharide by Modern Fourier Transform Spectroscopy

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    The intention of this chapter is to contribute in clarification of nanoparticle synthesis and biocomplexes based on exopolysaccharide, green synthetic method development, their physico‐chemical characterization by modern spectroscopy, as well as testing of their antimicrobial activity. Silver nanoparticles of polysaccharide type have scientific interest, but practical importance too, because of their application in pharmaceutical and cosmetic product development due to proven antimicrobial and antioxidant activities. On the other hand, the biocomplexes based on exopolysaccharides are important in treatment of biometal deficiency in human and veterinary medicine, as well as in metal ion transporting in organism. Despite a number of studies of this kind of complexes, the investigations of effect of their structure to pharmaco‐biological activity are still interesting. It is important that question of interaction between reducing and stabilizing agents with metal ions is still opened. In this respect, the presented chapter offers further progress in the examination of silver nanoparticles and cobalt biocomplex synthesis with dextran oligosaccharides and its derivatives (such as dextran sulfate and carboxymethyl dextran). The complex structure, spectroscopic characterization, and the spectra‐structure correlation have been analyzed by different Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopic techniques combined with energy‐dispersive X‐ray (EDX), X‐ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and surface plasmon resonance UV‐Vis methods

    Formation of the honeycomb-like MgO/Mg(OH)(2) structures with controlled shape and size of holes by molten salt electrolysis

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    Synthesis of the honeycomb-like MgO/Mg(OH)(2) structures, with controlled shape and size of holes, by the electrolysis from magnesium nitrate hexahydrate melt onto glassy carbon is presented. The honeycomb-like structures were made up of holes, formed from detached hydrogen bubbles, surrounded by walls, built up of thin intertwined needles. For the first time, it was shown that the honeycomb-like structures can be obtained by molten salt electrolysis and not exclusively by electrolysis from aqueous electrolytes. Analogies with the processes of the honeycomb-like metal structures formation from aqueous electrolytes are presented and discussed. Rules established for the formation of these structures from aqueous electrolytes, such as the increase of number of holes, the decrease of holes size and coalescence of neighbouring hydrogen bubbles observed with increasing cathodic potential, appeared to be valid for the electrolysis of the molten salt used

    Characterization of a low cost Lagenaria vulgaris based carbon for ranitidine removal from aqueous solutions

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    Practical aspects of Lagenaria vulgaris shell conversion to activated carbon were examined along with its use in ranitidine adsorption. Kinetics and isotherms of adsorption onto Lagenaria vulgaris carbon (LVC) were correlated to several theoretical adsorption models. The best fit was found in the case of Langmuir and pseudo-second-order model indicating monolayer adsorption. The influence of pH under kinetic study showed slightly hindered adsorption below pH 4. The optimal adsorbent dosage was set to 1 g/L. LVC was characterized by several complementary techniques, including wet chemical techniques such as Boehm's titrations and determination of pH(pzc) and pH of LVC, which revealed neutral nature of the adsorbent. N-2 sorptometry determined specific surface area of 665 m(2)/g and significant ratio of micropores in the sample with maximum wall's diameter of 2.2 nm. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) confirmed the role of lignin and cellulose in the formation of the final LVC structure. Porous structure of the material was proved by using scanning electron microscopy. Preparation of LVC material drew attention as an easy and low-cost process for production of a highly efficient adsorbent which exhibited fast kinetics of ranitidine removal in the first minutes of contacting and large adsorption capacity (315.5 mg/g) at equilibrium