17 research outputs found

    Senzorni kvalitet fermentisanih kobasica sa dodatkom lanenog ulja tokom skladiĆĄtenja

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    The study examined the impact of the replacement of backfat with linseed oil on the sensory characteristics of fermented sausages. The oil was added as alginate gel and as emulsion with soy protein isolate. The content of the oil replacing backfat was around 5%, 7% and 9% of the batter. Increase the oil content and the manner of preparation did not influence the appearance and surface color. As for cut appearance, color, odor and taste grades declined progressively with the increase in the oil content. During storage, changes were mostly of the same intensity as in control. Content of linseed oil higher than 5% can negatively impact the acceptability of fermented sausages.U ovom ogledu ispitivan je uticaj zamene čvrstog masnog tkiva (ČMT) lanenim uljem na senzorna svojstva fermentisanih kobasica. Ulje je dodato kao alginatni gel i kao emulzija sa izolatom proteina soje. ČTM je zamenjen tako da u nadevu sadrĆŸaj ulja bude oko 5%, 7% i 9%. Povećanje zamenjenog dela ČMT-a i način pripreme generano nisu uticali na izgled na preseku i boju povrĆĄine. Međutim, u pogledu izgleda na preseku, boje na preseku, mirisa i ukusa ocene su sa povećanjem sadrĆŸaja ulja progresivno bile manje. Tokom skladiĆĄtenja promene uglavnom nisu bile većeg intnziteta od kontrole. Veći sadrĆŸaj lanenog ulja od 5% u nadevu feremnisanih kobasica moĆŸe negativno da utiče njihovu prihvatljivost

    Uticaj biljnih ulja na fizičko-hemijska i senzorna svojstva suvih fermentisanih kobasica

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    In order to improve the functional properties of dry fermented sausages, one part of backfat can be substituted with oils that have a more favourable fatty acid profile. In this experiment, one part of backfat in the mixture for dry fermented sausages was replaced with flaxseed and grapeseed oils prepared as alginate gel, with the content of oil in the mixture equalling 3% and 5%. The type and amount of oil did not affect the change in pH values. Sausages with flaxseed oil received lower grades for colour, odour, flavour and overall acceptability compared with the control and grapeseed oil variant. Increase in the flaxseed oil content in the mixture resulted in lower sensory analysis grades.U smislu poboljĆĄanja funkcionalnih svojstava suvih fermentisanih kobasica moguće je deo masnog tkiva zameniti uljima s povoljnijim masnokiselinskim profilom. U ovom ogledu deo čvrstog masnog tkiva u nadevu suvih fermentisanih kobasica zamenjen je lanenim i uljem od koĆĄtica groĆŸÄ‘a pripremljenim kao alginatni gel tako da je u nadevu sadrĆŸaj ulja bio oko 3% i 5%. Vrsta i količina ulja nisu uticali na tok promene pH vrednosti. Kobasice s lanenim uljem ocenjene su manjim ocenama u pogledu boje, mirisa, ukusa i ukupne prihvatljivosti u odnosu na kontrolnu kobasicu i kobasice sa uljem od koĆĄtica groĆŸÄ‘a. Povećanje sadrĆŸaja lanenog ulja u nadevu uticalo je na smanjenje ocena senzorne analize

    Ecological Momentary Assessment of Awake Bruxism Behaviors: A Scoping Review of Findings from Smartphone-Based Studies in Healthy Young Adults

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    Background: The recent introduction of ecological momentary assessment (EMA) smartphone-based strategies has allowed achieving some interesting data on the frequency of different awake bruxism (AB) behaviors reported by an individual in the natural environment. Objective: The present paper aims to review the literature on the reported frequency of AB based on data gathered via smartphone EMA technology. Methods: On September 2022, a systematic search in the Pubmed, Scopus and Google Scholar databases was performed to identify all peer-reviewed English-language studies assessing awake bruxism behaviors using a smartphone-based Ecological Momentary Assessment. The selected articles were assessed independently by two authors according to a structured reading of the articles’ format (PICO). Results: A literature search, for which the search terms “Awake Bruxism” and “Ecological Momentary Assessment” were used, identified 15 articles. Of them, eight fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The results of seven studies using the same smartphone-based app reported a frequency of AB behaviors in the range between 28.3 and 40% over one week, while another investigation adopted a different smartphone-based EMA approach via WhatsApp using a web-based survey program and reported an AB frequency of 58.6%. Most included studies were based on convenience samples with limited age range, highlighting the need for more studies on other population samples. Conclusions: Despite the methodological limits, the results of the reviewed studies provide a standpoint for comparison for future studies on the epidemiology of awake bruxism behaviors

    Using Dental Imaging to Identify Women At-Risk of Osteoporosis: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

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    Introduction: Osteoporosis is a term for “porous bone” and is seen as a major health problem due to the high costs of treating osteoporosis-related fractures, which often are the first signs of the disease. A wide range of studies have shown the possibility of identifying changes in the structure and density of the jaw bone tissue that are associated with osteoporosis through dental images. Aim: The aim was to investigate, by means of an economic decision model, whether a new method (NM) for osteoporosis risk assessment in primary dental care is associated with a smaller number of osteoporotic fractures and lower costs compared with the conventional method (CM) for diagnosing osteoporosis using DXA measurements. Material and Method: A simulated cohort of all women at the age of ≄ 50 years in Kalmar County was followed for 34 years. The model is based on cost-data retrieved from Kalmar County hospital and VĂ€stervik hospital, from an on-going study at Kalmar County hospital as well as from published literature. All relevant direct costs associated with NM and CM were identified, measured and valued resulting in a total cost per patient and osteoporotic fracture that was incorporated in the model. Results: The model showed that the estimated number of fractures during the remaining statistical lifetime of the women, i.e. 34 years from the age of 50, was considerably lower for NM with n=4 699 for NM compared with n=23 712 for CM. Also the total direct lifetime cost for NM was considerably lower with 1 billion € compared with 5.1 billion € for CM resulting in an incremental cost of 4.1 billion €. The direct cost to the provider was 1 003 911 114 € for NM and 5 060 551 385 € for CM whereas the cost related to the patient was 813 966 € for NM and 622 689 € for CM. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was negative showing a 213 363 € lower cost per fracture for NM compared with CM. Hence, NM was dominant and unequivocally cost-effective compared with CM. Conclusion: This model-analysis suggests that the NM using risk-assessment of osteoporosis in primary dental care is a cost-effective method compared with the CM of diagnosing osteoporosis. Using this NM can lead to a reduced number of undetected osteoporosis cases and osteoporosis-related fractures which in turn can result in an increased quality of life among women aged 50 years and upwards as well as a reduced financial burden for the healthcare system and for society


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    Private equity funds invest money into companies and, in return, receive stakes in the companies' equity, thus becoming the partners who share the business risk. Because of that, private equity funds increase the value of their portfolio companies, by, among other things, improving their internal processes and strengthening their market positions. While doing that, private equity funds place a special emphasis on the implementation of the total quality. In order to do that, they focus on the three key elements for the successful implementation of the total quality: strategy-based organization, focus on consumers, and obsession with quality

    Co-loading : A concept for utilization of loading factor in fright transport

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    Ökad folkmĂ€ngd och infrastruktur skapar alltmer behov av godstransport. Godstransporter Ă€r en vĂ€sentlig del av samhĂ€llsutvecklingen och kommer alltid att vara. Men tyvĂ€rr medför det negativa belastningar pĂ„ miljön. Dock finns det teorier som sĂ€ger att det finns samband mellan fyllnadsgraden och antalet lastbilar. Att effektivisera fyllnadsgraden Ă€r att minska antalet lastbilar som eventuellt leder till mindre miljöbelastningar. Syftet med studien Ă€r att undersöka korrelationen mellan lastbilstrafiken och dess fyllnadsgrad. Vidare Ă€r syftet att föreslĂ„ en lösning till att optimera fyllnadsgraden för lastbilar. För att fĂ„ ett omfattande perspektiv kring problematiken och föreslĂ„ ett tillĂ€mpbart koncept inom projektets ramar, avgrĂ€nsas studien till godstransportsektorn i Göteborg. Motiveringen till den geografiska avgrĂ€nsningen Ă€r med hĂ€nsyn till Göteborgs vision att bli Nordens logistikcentrum 2035 (Trafikkontoret, 2014). Projektet Ă€r dĂ€rav begrĂ€nsat ytterligare till lastbilar som stĂ„r för ca 30 procent av vĂ€xthusgasutslĂ€ppen (NaturvĂ„rdsverket, 2020). Statistiken frĂ„n trafikanalys om lastbilar (Trafikanalys, 2021) blev grunden till konstaterandet att fyllnadsgraden inte utnyttjas fullt och dĂ€rför behöver effektiviseras. Den kvalitativa metoden “semistrukturerad intervju” hölls med Trafikkontoret och nĂ„gra aktörer inom transportsektorn, vilka kom att bli Derome och Bring, för att ytterligare kartlĂ€gga var exakt i vĂ€rdeflödet bristen ligger. Projektets frĂ„gestĂ€llningar Ă€r konstruerade utefter samhĂ€llets behov och dagens bekymmer som Ă€ven kan pĂ„verka framtida generationer. Underlag till projektets resultat Ă€r kvalitativ och kvantitativ insamlad data. Resultatet av studien visade sig att dĂ„lig fyllnadsgrad, samt frekventa tomkörningar av lastbilar ökar transportstrĂ€ckorna som leder till miljöbelastning. En lösning Ă€r att optimera fyllnadsgraden och minska tomkörningar hos lastbilstransport, vilket görs genom samlastning som denna studie föreslĂ„r. Samlastning (Figur 3) minskar lastbilarnas transportstrĂ€ckor och effektiviserar godstransporters vĂ€rdeflöde. Konceptet leder till mindre buller, emissioner, skadliga partiklar, slitage och trafikering, utan att ha en negativ pĂ„verkan pĂ„ nĂ€ringslivet. Studien Ă€r generell och riktar sig till alla berörda aktörer och myndigheter som berörs av transportbranschen, speciellt lastbilstransporter, och som ett underlag till deras uppsatta miljömĂ„l och en potentiell strategi för en hĂ„llbar transport.The increasing population and infrastructure development creates need for more demands and supplies, which eventually leads to increase in transport movements. Freight transport have become an essential part of the rapidly growing communities, but unfortunately entails the negative impact on environment as well. The purpose of this project is to find the correlation between fright transport and its loading factor. Furthermore, the purpose is to suggest a solution for optimizing the loading factor in fright transport. In order to gain a comprehensive perspective on the subject and suggest an applicable solution within the projects framework, this project is limited to optimization of freight transport sector in Gothenburg. The motivation for the geographical delimitation is, regarding to Gothenburg's vision to become the Nordic logistics center 2035 (Trafikkontoret, 2014). This project is further limited to transport by road, which often are trucks. The motivation for this delimitation is, transport by roads being responsible for almost 30 percent of greenhouse gas emissions (NaturvĂ„rdsverket, 2020). The statistical data from “Trafikanalys” on trucks (Trafikanalys, 2021) is the basis for stating that loading factor in freight transport is not efficient and needs to improve. Interviews were held with the Swedish transport agency “Trafikkontoret” and other suppliers in the transport branch to further map where exactly in the value chain lies the shortcomings. The project's issues are constructed according to society's needs and current concerns that may also affect future generations and the basis for the project's results are the qualitative and quantitative data collected. This project's issues are constructed according to society's needs and current concerns that may also affect future generations and the basis for the project's results are the qualitative and quantitative data collected. The result of this study shows that poor utilization of truckÂŽs capacity and frequent empty rides of trucks increase the quantity of transports by trucks which eventually leads to negative environmental impacts. A solution is improving the capacity utilization and reducing empty rides of transports by trucks which could be achieved by co-loading that this project suggests. Co-loading (Figure 3) Improves capacity utilization and improves the value chain of freight transport which eventually leads to less noise, less emissions, less production of harmful particles from trucks, less traffic caused by trucks etc. without having a negative impact on the efficiency. This report in general, is aimed to aid all relevant suppliers and authorities in the transport industry and can be used as a basis for their set environmental policies and potential strategy towards sustainability

    A novel sensory feedback approach to facilitate both predictive and corrective control of grasping force in myoelectric prostheses

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    Reliable force control is especially important when using myoelectric upper-limb prostheses as the force defines whether an object will be firmly grasped, damaged, or dropped. It is known from human motor control that the grasping of able-bodied subjects is based on a combination of anticipation and feedback correction. Inspired by this insight, the present study proposes a novel approach to provide artificial sensory feedback to the user of a myoelectric prosthesis using vibrotactile stimulation to facilitate both predictive and corrective processes characteristic of grasping in able-bodied people. Specifically, the level of EMG was conveyed to the subjects while closing the prosthesis (predictive strategy), whereas the actual grasping force was transmitted when the prosthesis closed (corrective strategy). To investigate if this combined EMG and force feedback is indeed an effective method to explicitly close the control loop, 16 able-bodied and 3 transradial amputee subjects performed a set of functional tasks, inspired by the “Box and Block” test, with six target force levels, in three conditions: no feedback, only EMG feedback, and combined feedback. The highest overall performance in able-bodied subjects was obtained with combined feedback (79.6±9.9%), whereas the lowest was achieved with no feedback (53±11.5%). The combined feedback, however, increased the task completion time compared to the other two conditions. A similar trend was obtained also in three amputee subjects. The results, therefore, indicate that the feedback inspired by human motor control is indeed an effective approach to improve prosthesis grasping in realistic conditions when other sources of feedback (vision and audition) are not blocked

    Pain's Adverse Impact on Training-Induced Performance and Neuroplasticity : A Systematic Review

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    Motor training is a widely used therapy in many pain conditions. The brain's capacity to undergo functional and structural changes i.e., neuroplasticity is fundamental to training-induced motor improvement and can be assessed by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). The aim was to investigate the impact of pain on training-induced motor performance and neuroplasticity assessed by TMS. The review was carried out in accordance with the PRISMA-guidelines and a Prospero protocol (CRD42020168487). An electronic search in PubMed, Web of Science and Cochrane until December 13, 2019, identified studies focused on training-induced neuroplasticity in the presence of experimentally-induced pain, 'acute pain' or in a chronic pain condition, 'chronic pain'. Included studies were assessed by two authors for methodological quality using the TMS Quality checklist, and for risk of bias using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. The literature search identified 231 studies. After removal of 71 duplicates, 160 abstracts were screened, and 24 articles were reviewed in full text. Of these, 17 studies on acute pain (n = 7) or chronic pain (n = 10), including a total of 258 patients with different pain conditions and 248 healthy participants met the inclusion criteria. The most common types of motor training were different finger tasks (n = 6). Motor training was associated with motor cortex functional neuroplasticity and six of seven acute pain studies and five of ten chronic pain studies showed that, compared to controls, pain can impede such trainings-induced neuroplasticity. These findings may have implications for motor learning and performance and with putative impact on rehabilitative procedures such as physiotherapy