31 research outputs found

    Relationship Between Salted Fish Consumption and Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: An Evidence-based Case Report

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    Aim: to know the relationship between salted fish consumption and nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Methods: we searched for the articles from PubMed® and ScienceDirect® based on our clinical question. After filtered with our in- and exclusion criteria, we had six articles about this topic, all of them were case-control studies. All articles were then critically appraised for their validity, importance, and applicability. Results: there was no consistent relationship between salted fish consumption and NPC. Worth to note that those studies wo showed the firm relationship were conducted in Southern China, where the incidence of NPC was extremely high and related to specific Chineese-style salted fish consumption. Conclusion: there was an inconsistent relationship between salted fish consumption and NPC.Key words: salted fish, risk factor, nasopharyngeal carcinoma

    Supremasi Patriarki: Reaksi Masyarakat Indonesia dalam Menyikapi Narasi Seksualitas dan Perkosaan Kasus Reynhard Sinaga

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    Ide utama dari paper ini adalah ingin membongkar narasi seksualitas yang acapkali dipersamakan dengan narasi kekerasan seksual (perkosaan) pada berbagai kasus. Paper ini berangkat dari fenomena yang sedang menjadi sorotan di awal tahun 2020, yakni tentang pemerkosaan yang melibatkan warga negara Indonesia yang berada di Inggris. Diberitakan bahwa pemerkosaan yang dilakukan oleh warga negara Indonesia ini merupakan kasus pemerkosaan terbesar di Inggris. Permasalahan disini, fenomena pemerkosaan yang dilakukan oleh warga negara Indonesia tersebut menjadi sebuah supremasi patriarki dengan banyaknya komentar yang berseliweran di jagat dunia maya. Metode yang dilakukan dalam peper ini adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kepustakaan. Penyajian data deskriptif analisis yang berasal dari data sukender. Data yang dianalisis berasal dari data sekunder yang berasal dari pemberitaan media, jurnal ilmiah dan buku yang berkaitan dengan tema paper ini. Berdasarkan analisis, masyarakat Indonesia sebagian besar masih beranggapan bahwa kejahatan perkosaan berkaitan dengan seksualitas. Pada kasus Reynhard yang lebih banyak dikutuk adalah seksualitasnya (homoseksual) dibandingkan kejahatan dan kriminal yang dilakukannya. Seksualitas adalah ranah privat, yang bukan menjadi penentu kau mau jadi orang baik atau orang jahat. Sementara perkosaan adalah tindak pidana yang sama sekali berbeda dengan seksualitas, dimana perkosaan bukan terjadi karena seksualitas melainkan adanya relasi kuasa yang timpang


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    INTRODUCTION Ergothioneine (ET) is a natural antioxidant which is biosynthesized solely by fungi and mycobacteria (1). Chemically, ET is the betaine of histidine with a sulfur atom attached to the imidazole ring. It should not be considered a thiol compound, but rather a thione, a derivative of thiourea. As a consequence of the prevailing thione tautomer, ET is a very stable antioxidant with unique properties (2). Recently, we have discovered an ET transporter (ETT; gene symbol SLC22A4) (3). ETT from human (ETTh) has high affinity for ET (K m =21 µmol/l) and catalyzes cotransport of ET with Na + . Cells lacking ETT do not accumulate ET, since the plasma membrane is virtually impermeable for this compound. By contrast, cells with expression of ETT accumulate ET to high levels. In humans, ETT is strongly expressed in small intestine, kidney, erythrocyte progenitor cells in bone marrow, and monocytes (3). Much interest in ETT has been generated by casecontrol studies that suggest an association of polymorphisms in the SLC22A4 gene with susceptibility to chronic inflammatory diseases such as Crohn's disease (4-9), ulcerative colitis (10) and Type I diabetes (11). It is presently unknown how the mutation in the transporter gene promotes disease. The existence of a specific transporter suggests a beneficial role for ET. Most authors consider ET as an intracellular antioxidant. However, the precise physiological purpose of ET and the consequences of ET deficiency are still unclear. A particularly conspicuous site of ET accumulation is boar semen; in seminal plasma, 0.3-0.8 mmol/l ET has been measured (12, 13). Boar spermatozoa contain, if any at all, much less ET than seminal plasma (14). Thus, in boar semen ET is an extracellular constituent -unlike blood, where nearly all ET is contained within erythrocytes and specific leukocytes. ET apparently enters boar semen at the seminal vesicles. The isolated secretion of this gland contains amazingly high concentrations (average: 3.4 mmol/l; range: 1.3-11 mM; 29-256 mg/100 ml) (12); this level is 10 times higher than in the blood of pig (range: 0.13-1.2 mM; 3-27 mg/100 ml) or other specie

    Total Synthesis and Functional Characterization of Selenoneine

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    The N-alpha-trimethyl 2-selenohistidine selenoneine is the selenium isolog of the natural antioxidant ergothioneine. Sulfur-to-selenium substitutions are known to endow proteins and nucleic acids with special activities. In contrast, secondary metabolites that exploit selenium-specific chemistry are rare. Selenoneine therefore provides a unique opportunity to study how natural organoselenides interact with cellular processes. In this report we describe the chemical synthesis of selenoneine and other 2-selenoimidazoles. With synthetic selenoneine at hand we discovered a set of reactivities that distinguish selenoneine from ergothioneine, showing that the two compounds can fill distinct functional niches. Synthetic access to 2-selenoimidazoles should pave the way to explore the pharmaceutical potential and physiological function of this heretofore inaccessible class of compounds

    Relationship Between Salted Fish Consumption and Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: An Evidence-based Case Report

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    Aim: to know the relationship between salted fish consumption and nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Methods: we searched for the articles from PubMed® and ScienceDirect® based on our clinical question. After filtered with our in- and exclusion criteria, we had six articles about this topic, all of them were case-control studies. All articles were then critically appraised for their validity, importance, and applicability. Results: there was no consistent relationship between salted fish consumption and NPC. Worth to note that those studies wo showed the firm relationship were conducted in Southern China, where the incidence of NPC was extremely high and related to specific Chineese-style salted fish consumption. Conclusion: there was an inconsistent relationship between salted fish consumption and NPC. Key words: salted fish, risk factor, nasopharyngeal carcinoma

    Structural decoding of the netrin-1/UNC5 interaction and its therapeutical implications in cancers

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    Netrin-1 has been shown to be up-regulated in a fraction of human cancers as a mechanism to allow these tumors to escape the pro-apoptotic activity of some of its main dependence receptors, the UNC5 homologs (UNC5H). Here we identify the V-2 domain of netrin-1 to be important for its interaction with the Ig1/Ig2 domains of UNC5H2. We generate a humanized anti-netrin-1 antibody that disrupts the interaction between netrin-1 and UNC5H2 and triggers death of netrin-1-expressing tumor cells in vitro. We also present evidence that combining the anti-netrin-1 antibody with epidrugs such as decitabine could be effective in treating tumors showing no or modest netrin-1 expression. These results support that this antibody is a promising drug candidate