17 research outputs found

    Mengurangi Dosis Pupuk Anorganik pada Tanaman Jagung Ungu dengan Aplikasi Pupuk Organik Cair

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    Kandungan antioksidan pada jagung ungu menjadikan jenis jagung ini dapat dijadikan sebagai tanaman pangan dan penting untuk dibudidayakan saat pandemi Covid-19. Salah satu faktor yang harus diperhatikan dalam kegiatan budidaya adalah unsur hara. Aplikasi pupuk anorganik secara terus menerus tanpa adanya penambahan pupuk organik dapat menurunkan kualitas tanah. Perbaikan kualitas tanah dapat dilakukan dengan penambahan bahan organik salah satunya pupuk organik cair. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 5 perlakuan berupa pengurangan dosis pupuk anorganik dengan taraf masing-masing dosis pupuk anorganik 100% (kontrol), 75%, 50%, 25% dan 0%. Analisis data menggunakan sidik ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan uji BNJ (Uji Lanjut Tukey). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengurangan dosis pupuk anorganik beberapa taraf dengan adanya penambahan pupuk organik cair BMW pada tanaman jagung ungu memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap variabel jumlah daun, panjang tongkol, diameter tongkol dan produksi. Aplikasi pupuk organik cair BMW pada tanaman jagung ungu mampu mengurangi pemakaian pupuk anorganik sebesar 25%

    A European study investigating patterns of transition from home care towards institutional dementia care: the protocol of a RightTimePlaceCare study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Health care policies in many countries aim to enable people with dementia to live in their own homes as long as possible. However, at some point during the disease the needs of a significant number of people with dementia cannot be appropriately met at home and institutional care is required. Evidence as to best practice strategies enabling people with dementia to live at home as long as possible and also identifying the right time to trigger admission to a long-term nursing care facility is therefore urgently required. The current paper presents the rationale and methods of a study generating primary data for best-practice development in the transition from home towards institutional nursing care for people with dementia and their informal caregivers. The study has two main objectives: 1) investigate country-specific factors influencing institutionalization and 2) investigate the circumstances of people with dementia and their informal caregivers in eight European countries. Additionally, data for economic evaluation purposes are being collected.</p> <p>Methods/design</p> <p>This paper describes a prospective study, conducted in eight European countries (Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Spain, United Kingdom). A baseline assessment and follow-up measurement after 3 months will be performed. Two groups of people with dementia and their informal caregivers will be included: 1) newly admitted to institutional long-term nursing care facilities; and 2) receiving professional long-term home care, and being at risk for institutionalization. Data will be collected on outcomes for people with dementia (e.g. quality of life, quality of care), informal caregivers (e.g. caregiver burden, quality of life) and costs (e.g. resource utilization). Statistical analyses consist of descriptive and multivariate regression techniques and cross-country comparisons.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The current study, which is part of a large European project 'RightTimePlaceCare', generates primary data on outcomes and costs of long-term nursing care for people with dementia and their informal caregivers, specifically focusing on the transition from home towards institutional care. Together with data collected in three other work packages, knowledge gathered in this study will be used to inform and empower patients, professionals, policy and related decision makers to manage and improve health and social dementia care services.</p

    Psychological distress during pandemic Covid-19 among adult general population: Result across 13 countries

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    The COVID-19 pandemics caused an unprecedented mortality, distress, and globally poses a challenge to mental resilience. To our knowledge, this is the first study that aimed to investigate the psychological distress among the adult general population across 13 countries. This cross-sectional study was conducted through online survey by recruiting 7091 respondents. Psychological distress was evaluated with COVID-19 Peritraumatic Distress Index (CPDI). The crude prevalence of psychological distress due to COVID-19 is highest in Vietnam, followed by Egypt, and Bangladesh. Through Multivariate Logistic Regression Analysis, the respondents from Vietnam holds the highest level of distress, while the respondents from Sri Lanka holds the lowest level of distress with reference to Nepal.Female respondents had higher odds of having reported psychological distress, and those with tertiary education were less likely to report psychological distress compared to those with lower level of education. The findings indicate that psychological distress is varies across different countries. Therefore, different countries should continue the surveillance on psychological consequences through the COVID-19 pandemic to monitor the burden and to prepare for the targeted mental health support interventions according to the need. The coping strategies and social support should be provided especially to the lower educational attainment group

    Decommissioning normal: COVID‐19 as a disruptor of school norms for young people with learning disabilities

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    To slow the spread of COVID-19, on 20 March 2020, nurseries, schools and colleges across England were closed to all learners, apart from those who were children of key workers or were considered “vulnerable.” As young people with learning disabilities, families, professionals and schools become acquainted with the Erfahrung of the new horizon brought about by COVID-19, the negativity of altered social inclusion is becoming the “new normal.” Capturing this transitory moment in time, this paper reflexively analyses the curiously productive variables of altered ecological pathways to social inclusion for people with learning disabilities. Taking a hermeneutic stance, this paper draws on Gadamer's construction of the nature of new experiences. Focussed on the experience of social inclusion during the COVID-19 pandemic, semi-structured interviews were conducted with six key stakeholders. As the phenomenon in question was new, an inductive approach to thematic analysis was applied. The critical tenet of this paper is that the Erfahrung of COVID-19 has created the conditions for a “new normal” which have afforded children with learning disabilities altered opportunities for social inclusion, whether that be through increased power/agency for them and their families and/or new modes of connectedness leading to enhanced relationships. Whilst the impact of COVID-19 has been a negative one for many aspects of society, application of Simplican and Gadamer's theories on social inclusion and the nature of new experiences has permitted the surfacing of new possibilities for the social inclusion of children with learning disabilities.N/


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    ABSTRACT\ud \ud Zucchini yellow moaic virus (ZYMV) is one of the most important potyviruses in the world, and this virus damages the agricultural production, especially cucurbit crops. Until now, there are limited reports of ZYMV of pumpkin from different regions of Indonesia. In this study, detection of ZYMV isolates from Bantaeng District, the Indonesia Province of South Sulawesi were done using degenerate universal primers of potyviruses (NIb2F/NIb3R). The nucleotide (nt) sequences of the NIb genes of three Indonesian Zucchini yellow mosaic virus isolates (ZYMV-Btg-E1, ZYMV-Btg-E2 and ZYMV-Tp) were determined. The NIb partial genes of all isolates were 350 nt long and encoded 96 amino acids (aa). The nt and deduced aa sequence similarities between the three isolates were 96.8 %, 95.4 and 95.1 %, respectively. The deduced aa sequences of NIb genes of the Indonesia isolates were compared with those of previously reported ZYMV isolates by phylogenetic analysis. This comparison lead us to divide all ZMYV isolates into 3 groups, in which ZYMV-Btg-E1-, ZYMV-Btg-E2 and ZYMV-Btg-Tp formed its own distinct group

    Synthesis, characterization and magnetorheological properties of carbonyl iron suspension with superparamagnetic nanoparticles as an additive

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    Magnetorheological (MR) fluids are suspensions of micron-sized particles dispersed in carrier fluid. Due to high density magnetic particles, MR fluids are facing the problem with the instability of the suspension caused by high settling rate. Recently, researches have been conducted on the advantages of using the mixture of magnetic nanoparticles and microparticles, called bidisperse MR fluids. However, even though the sedimentation stability is improved, there is a reduction in dynamic yield stress when the nanoparticle is introduced. In this work, the investigation of magnetic iron nanoparticles (γ-Fe2O3) as an additive to magnetic carbonyl iron (CI) suspension has been proposed so as to improve the sedimentation stability and redispersibility, but at the same time enhance the MR performance. The results indicated that the addition of nanoparticles reduced the sedimentation rate, improved redispersibility and enhanced the rheological performance of MR fluids as the particle fill the voids between the microparticles and strengthened the interparticle chains contributing to well-arranged particle structure

    Using Green Open Spaces to Support Campus Academic Activities

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    Green open space has many advantages, including acting as an effective air filter, maintaining groundwater availability, and preserving flora and fauna. Furthermore, green open spaces can provide direct benefits to users such as beauty and a sense of comfort, which can help to support the academic activities of students, lecturers and employees. The goal of this study was to determine the level of comfort with green open spaces on the IAIN Kendari campus and to provide information to students about how to use them to support student academic activities. The service project began with a Google Form survey to determine the academic community's perception of the contribution of green open spaces to IAIN Kendari's academic activities, which was completed by 120 IAIN Kendari students. The findings indicated that the campus green open spaces were perceived as comfortable. The next activity was a webinar on using green open spaces to support academic activities, in which mentoring was provided. Keywords: green open space, academic activities, IAIN Kendar

    Psychometric properties of the EUROHIS-QOL 8-item index (WHOQOL-8) in a Brazilian sample

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    Objective: To test the psychometric properties of the EUROHIS-QOL 8-item index in a Brazilian sample. Methods: The sample consisted of 151 patients and 174 healthy controls (n=325). Several psychometric properties were tested. Results: Reliability showed good internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.81). The measure showed good discriminant validity between patients and healthy controls (mean1 = 3.32, SD1 = 0.70; mean2 = 3.77, SD2 = 0.63, t = 6.12, p < 0.001). Convergent validity showed significant correlations (p < 0.001) between the EUROHIS-QOL 8-item index and all domains of the WHOQOL-Bref (overall r = 0.47; general health r = 0.54; physical r = 0.69; psychological r = 0.62; social relationship r = 0.55; environment r = 0.55) and between the EUROHIS-QOL 8-item index and the domains of the SF-36, except for the social domain (p = 0.38). On Rasch analysis of unidimensionality, general fit measures showed adequate performance. The EUROHIS-QOL 8-item index also showed good fit on confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) (chi-square = 18.46, degrees of freedom [df] = 15; comparative fit index [CFI] = 0.99; root mean square error of approximation [RMSEA] = 0.03; goodness of fit index [gfi] = 0.99; root mean square residual [RMR] = 0.03; p = 24). Conclusion: The EUROHIS-QOL 8-item index showed good psychometric properties. It is a reliable quality of life measure that can be used in Brazilian populations