636 research outputs found

    Les modèles de représentation syllabique, l’analyse du redoublement et la condition de satisfaction

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    Au cours de la dernière décennie, le modèle hiérarchisé de la syllabe à été remis en question en faveur d’une représentation morique de la syllabe sans unités temporelles et sans structure interne en constituants. Le redoublement a été l’un des phénomènes utilisé dans les travaux pour alléguer la supériorité du modèle morique sur le modèle hiérarchisé. Nous présentons, à partir d’une analyse des patrons de redoublement du ponapéen, une évaluation des deux modèles de représentation syllabique. Il ressort de l’analyse que, pour rendre compte de certains faits de redoublement, le modèle morique doit incorporer les positions temporelles, des positions vides et assigner un statut de constituant à l’attaque. Nous rejetons ainsi la condition de satisfaction qui interdit les positions vides pour introduire la contrainte de satisfaction structurale comme condition de légitimation des relations prosodiques.Since the last decade, the hierarchical theory of the syllable has been questionned. A moraic representation without both timing units and internal structure for constituents has been proposed. Reduplication is a phenomenon often used to demonstrate the superiority of moraic models over hierarchical ones. We present an evaluation of those two models of syllablic representation based on an exhaustive analysis of Ponapean reduplicative patterns. It appears that the moraic approach has to resort to timing units, empty positions and assign a constituent status to the onset. Finally, we show that the requirement that all prosodic units be licensed (satisfaction condition) is too restrictive. We propose a Structural Licensing Constraint as a well-formedness condition on prosodic structures (relations)

    Rhetoric of Assimilation, Integration, and Belonging in Khadi Hane's Des Fourmis dans la Bouche

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    Twenty-first century francophone African literature has greatly been influenced by the transnational turn, which shattered the walls between nation-states, and opened the African writer and his protagonists to new experiences. As a result, the new literary space not only redefined the place of the African writer by allowing him to explore new literary territories, but also led him to question the relational problem that stemmed from the presence of the African exiles and diaspora in the West. While postmodern critics, such as Edward SaĂŻd, explore the exilic experience in terms of loss and represent it as a rift and a never-recoverable situation, Afropean novelists mostly narrativize the existing link between the African exiles/diaspora from the perspective of belonging, raising therefore the problematic question of their place and Identity in Western societies. Exploring that presence of Africa in the West, Senegalese writer Khadi Hane, centers her 2011 novel, Des Fourmis dans la Bouche, on the vivid depiction of the uncertain and peripheral life of exiles/diaspora in France. Hane capitalizes on her protagonist’s Parisian experience in order to subtly open on the challenging Afropean presence. This paper therefore argues that Hane’s novel calls for the recalibration of contemporary dialogues on encounters, integration and assimilation within the French society and its omnipresent discourse on multiculturalism. Expanding on Pap Ndiaye’s notion of “blessure identitaire”, Axel Honneth’s ideas on “atteinte Ă  la dignité”, as well as Du Bois’ conceptualization of double consciousness, this paper examines the exile’s memory and projection in France, while also proposing that Hane’s narrativization of double consciousness and dislocation participates in carving out new diasporic perspectives that mainly lead to a subtle reconsideration of the home country.  &nbsp

    Évolution de la question de l’utilisation des langues nationales dans le système éducatif au Burkina Faso

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    Nous nous intéresserons à la question de l'utilisation qui est faite des langues nationales, notamment dans le système éducatif. C'est un fait connu en effet que la langue officielle du Burkina est le français et que tout l'enseignement formel, du premier jour à l'école jusqu'au dernier jour à l'université en passant par le secondaire se fait exclusivement en français (comme d'ailleurs dans beaucoup d'autres pays dits "francophones"). Il s'en suit que la langue française est très valorisée et valorisante, étant la langue du peu d'élus qui sont allés à l'école, la langue des fonctionnaires de l'État et de la classe dirigeante, la langue de l'administration, de la justice, la langue de communication internationale. Se pose alors la question de savoir ce qu'on fait des langues du pays, pour lesquelles on utilise le terme de "langues nationales"

    Rhetoric of Assimilation, Integration, and Belonging in Khadi Hane's Des Fourmis dans la Bouche

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    Twenty-first century francophone African literature has greatly been influenced by the transnational turn, which shattered the walls between nation-states, and opened the African writer and his protagonists to new experiences. As a result, the new literary space not only redefined the place of the African writer by allowing him to explore new literary territories, but also led him to question the relational problem that stemmed from the presence of the African exiles and diaspora in the West. While postmodern critics, such as Edward SaĂŻd, explore the exilic experience in terms of loss and represent it as a rift and a never-recoverable situation, Afropean novelists mostly narrativize the existing link between the African exiles/diaspora from the perspective of belonging, raising therefore the problematic question of their place and Identity in Western societies. Exploring that presence of Africa in the West, Senegalese writer Khadi Hane, centers her 2011 novel, Des Fourmis dans la Bouche, on the vivid depiction of the uncertain and peripheral life of exiles/diaspora in France. Hane capitalizes on her protagonist’s Parisian experience in order to subtly open on the challenging Afropean presence. This paper therefore argues that Hane’s novel calls for the recalibration of contemporary dialogues on encounters, integration and assimilation within the French society and its omnipresent discourse on multiculturalism. Expanding on Pap Ndiaye’s notion of “blessure identitaire”, Axel Honneth’s ideas on “atteinte Ă  la dignité”, as well as Du Bois’ conceptualization of double consciousness, this paper examines the exile’s memory and projection in France, while also proposing that Hane’s narrativization of double consciousness and dislocation participates in carving out new diasporic perspectives that mainly lead to a subtle reconsideration of the home country.  &nbsp

    Vowel Length in Moore: Its Phonemic Status and Its Orthographic Representation

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    Le statut de la nasalité en créole de Sainte-Lucie

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    Nous proposons dans ce travail que les voyelles nasales du créole de Sainte-Lucie sont en fait dérivées d’une même suite sous-jacente voyelle orale et consonne nasale adjointe (consonne sans position temporelle, mais associée à la rime). Cette représentation sous-jacente permet de rendre compte de façon claire de toutes les formes de surface attestées dans ce créole à base lexicale française, soit les voyelles orales suivies d’une consonne nasale, les voyelles nasales, les variations de la nasalité, les assimilations des consonnes occlusives sonores en position finale, les formes morphologiquement dérivées et les formes du déterminant postposé.This paper shows that nasal vowels in St. Lucia Creole are in fact derived from a single underlying sequence consisting of an oral vowel with an adjoined nasal consonant (a consonant which does not have a temporal position but which is associated to the rhyme). This underlying representation straightforwardly accounts for all the surface forms attested in this French-based Creole, including oral vowels followed by a nasal consonant, nasal vowels, variations in nasality, assimilation of final voiced stops, morphologically derived forms and the forms of the postposed determiner

    Control of methane emissions issuing from lanffills: the Canadian case

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    [Abstract] During their storage in landfills, wastes are biodegraded, which results in the production of biogas and leachate. Over recent years, the handling of the leachate product has become one of major concern. However, in the case of biogas product, elimination or valorization processes are applied in a smaller proportion, even if the methane emissions, directly related to landfills, are some 25 % of the total anthropogenic methane emissions. Indeed, many older or smaller landfills are deprived of gas collection systems, thereby making impossible the application of gas combustion and/or valorization methods. Therefore, other processes have to be considered, e.g., the biofiltration of methane. In this paper, the results of an experiment, undertaken to confirm the stability of the biofiltration system that has been developed at Université de Sherbrooke by the Biocom group, are presented. At a methane inlet concentration of around 7500 ppmv and a gas flow rate of 0.25 m3/h, the conversion of the biofilter can be maintained at 22 % unchanged for a period of 150 days or more. Even after the cessation of methane feeding and biofilter irrigation for some 2 weeks, the biofilter performance was able to be restored, in only one week, to the same operating level as it was maintained before the deliberate shutdown

    Technological options for safe resource recovery from fecal sludge

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