107 research outputs found

    Higher Education Funding and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from Croatia

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    Deprived of investment in education, no country can expect sustainable economic growth and development. Higher education is particularly a priceless tool in today's era of globalization that requires continuous education to keep up with new knowledge. According to UNESCO (2014), higher education is no longer a luxury; it is essential to national, social and economic development. The impact of education on economic growth is possible to observe within the so-called ā€˜education led growth hypothesisā€™. The main aim of this paper it to analyse the higher education size and structure, model and financing sources in Croatia and to test the ā€˜education led growth hypothesisā€™ on the example of Croatia. The study will apply the Granger causality test to evaluate if there is any causal relationship between investment in higher education and economic growth in Croatia.JEL Codes - C58; H52; I25; O4

    Development Impact of FDI in Hotel: Case Study of Terme Tuhelj in Croatia

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    The main objective of this study is to assess the development impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) in tourism in the case of foreign-owned hotel on the micro-location of Croatia. As an example of this study, the FDI in the Terme Tuhelj, a hotel complex which is located in the area of small local government in the continental Croatia, is choosen. The research methodology is based on questionnaires, unstructured interviews and processing of secondary data sources. The research results show that Terme Tuhelj became the engine of growth of Tuhelj municipality and Krapina-Zagorje County. The Terme Tuhelj example showed how a foreign-owned hotel, in less developed country, has a significant development impact on the local economy.

    Tourism foreign direct investment led tourism gross value added: a co-integration and causality analysis of Croatian tourism

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the causal relationship between foreign direct investment in tourism and tourism gross value added in Croatia. The study employed econometric techniques, such as the unit root test, Johansen co-integration, and the Granger causality test, in a vector error correction model (V.E.C. model), and the Todaā€“Yamamoto causality test in a vector autoregressive model (V.A.R. model), using quarterly time-series data from 2000(1) to 2012(4). The results confirm the existence of a stable co-integrated relationship between variables in the long term. A short-term relationship was also proved between foreign direct investment in tourism and gross value added, using the Todaā€“Yamamoto causality test. By including control variables, the two-way causality between the subject variables was proven using the Granger causality test

    Does Terrorism have a Limited Impact on International Investments in Tourism? Some Theoretical Considerations

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    Foreign direct investment (FDI) in tourism is a catalyst for a number of positive changes within the economy of the host country and reflect positively on economic growth. Therefore, it is in the interest of many countries to attract foreign investors, which is especially prevalent in developing countries. At the same time, the 21st century is marked by major changes in terms of safety, influencing the appearance of the contemporary international terrorism. Terrorism has many direct and indirect effects and is influenced by mass media, reflects on changes in behaviour patterns of modern tourists, including the movement of tourist flows as well as flows of FDI into tourism. Tourism, FDI and security are three very interrelated concepts. The purpose of this paper is to explore to what extent uncertainty, primarily in the form of terrorism, affects FDI in tourism. It should also be borne in mind that the picture of the risky countries in the conditions of global uncertainty changes very rapidly and in such circumstances each destination may potentially become risky. Existing research on terrorism and foreign direct investment in tourism are scarce and give different results

    Comparison of biological traits of three breeding lines of Carniolan bee (Apis mellifera carnica P. 1879)

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    U suvremenom se pčelarstvu najviÅ”e pozornosti posvećuje povećanju gospodarske koristi, stoga pčelarska proizvodnja uvelike ovisi o selekciji. Naime, u selekciji pčela brzina proljetnog razvoja, intenzitet rojenja, agresivnost, mirnoća pčela na saću, proizvodnost i tolerantnost na bolesti su najvažnija svojstva koja se koriste kao kriteriji u različitim selekcijskim programima. Stoga je cilj ovog rada bio usporediti dinamiku razvoja legla, broj pčela na saću, jakost, ponaÅ”anje i prinos meda između pčelinjih zajednica od triju uzgojnih linija (A, B, C) sive pčele (Apis mellifera carnica Pollmann, 1879). Istraživanje je bilo provedeno na ukupno devet pčelinjih zajednica, po tri zajednice od svake uzgojne linije. Svakih 15 dana na svakoj pokusnoj zajednici pratila se jakost pčelinjih zajednica, broj pčela na saću i dinamika razvoja legla ā€žLiebefeldā€œ metodom, a ponaÅ”anje pčela kroz agresivnost, mirnoću pčela na saću i rojidbeni nagon prema standardnom kriteriju (Ruttner, 1972). Također se utvrdio i prinos meda po pčelinjoj zajednici između istraživanih linija. U istraživanju su ustanovljene statistički značajne razlike između uzgojnih linija A (18 734) i B (14 935) i linija B i C (19 312) u prosječnom broju pčela na saću, međutim ona nije utvrđena s obzirom na dinamiku razvoja legla. S obzirom na jakost pčelinjih zajednica utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika između uzgojnih linija B (39 202) i C (50 334). U ponaÅ”anju pčela (agresivnost i mirnoću pčela na saću) između uzgojnih linija nije bila utvrđena statistički značajna razlika, dok je kod rojidbenog nagona bila utvrđena između uzgojnih linija A (2,90) i C (3,54), te B (2,58) i C. S obzirom na prosječni prinos meda između uzgojnih linija nije bila utvrđena statistički značajna razlika.In modern beekeeping the most attention is focused on increasing economic benefits, so the beekeeping production greatly depends on selection. In the selection of honey bees, the most important biological traits used as criteria in different selection programs are the speed of spring development, swarming tendency, aggressiveness, calmness on the comb, productivity and tolerance to diseases. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the dynamics of brood developement, number of bees on the comb, strength, behavior and honey production between honey bee colonies from three breeding lines of Carniolan bee (Apis mellifera carnica P.,1879). The study was conducted on a total of nine colonies, three colonies per three breeding lines (A, B and C). The colony strength, number of bees on the comb and development of brood were observed by the Liebefeld method every 15 days on each experimental colony and the behavior of the bees through aggressiveness, calmness on the comb and the swarming tendency was evaluated according to the standard criterion (Ruttner, 1972). Also, the honey production per colony was compared between the investigated lines. The results have revealed statistically significant differences between breeding lines A (18 734) and B (14 935), and lines B and C (19 312) in the average number of bees on the comb but were not determined for dynamics of brood development. A statistically significant difference between breeding lines B (39 202) and C (50 334) was established for the strength of the honey bee colonies. There was no statistically significant difference between the breeding lines for the aggressiveness and calmness on comb, while in the case of the swarming tendency it was observed between breeding lines A (2,90) and C (3,54), and B (2,58) and C. Considering the average honey yield the statistically significant difference between the breeding lines was not determined.

    Comparison of biological traits of three breeding lines of Carniolan bee (Apis mellifera carnica P. 1879)

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    U suvremenom se pčelarstvu najviÅ”e pozornosti posvećuje povećanju gospodarske koristi, stoga pčelarska proizvodnja uvelike ovisi o selekciji. Naime, u selekciji pčela brzina proljetnog razvoja, intenzitet rojenja, agresivnost, mirnoća pčela na saću, proizvodnost i tolerantnost na bolesti su najvažnija svojstva koja se koriste kao kriteriji u različitim selekcijskim programima. Stoga je cilj ovog rada bio usporediti dinamiku razvoja legla, broj pčela na saću, jakost, ponaÅ”anje i prinos meda između pčelinjih zajednica od triju uzgojnih linija (A, B, C) sive pčele (Apis mellifera carnica Pollmann, 1879). Istraživanje je bilo provedeno na ukupno devet pčelinjih zajednica, po tri zajednice od svake uzgojne linije. Svakih 15 dana na svakoj pokusnoj zajednici pratila se jakost pčelinjih zajednica, broj pčela na saću i dinamika razvoja legla ā€žLiebefeldā€œ metodom, a ponaÅ”anje pčela kroz agresivnost, mirnoću pčela na saću i rojidbeni nagon prema standardnom kriteriju (Ruttner, 1972). Također se utvrdio i prinos meda po pčelinjoj zajednici između istraživanih linija. U istraživanju su ustanovljene statistički značajne razlike između uzgojnih linija A (18 734) i B (14 935) i linija B i C (19 312) u prosječnom broju pčela na saću, međutim ona nije utvrđena s obzirom na dinamiku razvoja legla. S obzirom na jakost pčelinjih zajednica utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika između uzgojnih linija B (39 202) i C (50 334). U ponaÅ”anju pčela (agresivnost i mirnoću pčela na saću) između uzgojnih linija nije bila utvrđena statistički značajna razlika, dok je kod rojidbenog nagona bila utvrđena između uzgojnih linija A (2,90) i C (3,54), te B (2,58) i C. S obzirom na prosječni prinos meda između uzgojnih linija nije bila utvrđena statistički značajna razlika.In modern beekeeping the most attention is focused on increasing economic benefits, so the beekeeping production greatly depends on selection. In the selection of honey bees, the most important biological traits used as criteria in different selection programs are the speed of spring development, swarming tendency, aggressiveness, calmness on the comb, productivity and tolerance to diseases. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the dynamics of brood developement, number of bees on the comb, strength, behavior and honey production between honey bee colonies from three breeding lines of Carniolan bee (Apis mellifera carnica P.,1879). The study was conducted on a total of nine colonies, three colonies per three breeding lines (A, B and C). The colony strength, number of bees on the comb and development of brood were observed by the Liebefeld method every 15 days on each experimental colony and the behavior of the bees through aggressiveness, calmness on the comb and the swarming tendency was evaluated according to the standard criterion (Ruttner, 1972). Also, the honey production per colony was compared between the investigated lines. The results have revealed statistically significant differences between breeding lines A (18 734) and B (14 935), and lines B and C (19 312) in the average number of bees on the comb but were not determined for dynamics of brood development. A statistically significant difference between breeding lines B (39 202) and C (50 334) was established for the strength of the honey bee colonies. There was no statistically significant difference between the breeding lines for the aggressiveness and calmness on comb, while in the case of the swarming tendency it was observed between breeding lines A (2,90) and C (3,54), and B (2,58) and C. Considering the average honey yield the statistically significant difference between the breeding lines was not determined.

    Antioksidativne aktivnosti vrelih vodenih ekstrakata iz karpofora i spora gljive Ganoderma lucidum

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    Ganoderma lucidum (Leyss.:Fr.) Karst is one of the medicinal mushrooms, which possesses enviable antioxidant properties. Objective of this investigation was to evaluate antioxidant activity, reducing power, scavenging abilities on 1.1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radicals and chelating effects on ferrous ions of hot water extracts obtained from carpophore and spores of this mushroom. Hot water extract from carpophore (Gl-I) showed high antioxidant activity of 85.7 Ā± 0.7%, at 10 mg/ml, while antioxidant activity of hot water extract from spores (Gl-Is) was 9.2 Ā± 0.3% at 10 mg/ml. Reducing power of Gl-I reached a plateau of 3.4 Ā± 0.1 at 20 mg/ml, and 0.3 Ā± 0.0 at 20 mg/ml for Gl-Is. At 10 mg/ml, scavenging ability on DPPH radicals of Gl-I increased to 96.8 Ā± 2.5%, whereas Gl-Is scavenged DPPH radicals by 69.6 Ā± 2.5% at 10 mg/ml. Gl-I chelated 81.6 Ā± 3.6 % of ferrous ions at 20 mg/ml, while the chelating effect of Gl-Is was 73.8 Ā± 1.7%. The antioxidative activities of hot water extracts from carpophore and spores of the mushroom G. lucidum were concentration dependent and increased with an increase in the concentration.Ganoderma lucidum (Leyss.: Fr.) Karst je jedna od medicinski važnih gljiva, koja poseduje izuzetna antioksidativna svojstva. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je potvrda antioksidativne aktivnosti, redukcione sposobnosti, mogućnosti hvatanja 1,1-difenil-2-pikrilhidrazil (DPPH) radikala i sposobnosti heliranja jona gvožđa vrelih vodenih ekstrakata dobijenih iz karpofora i spora ove gljive. Vreli vodeni ekstrakt iz karpofora (Gl-I) pokazao je visoku antioksidativnu aktivnost 85.7 Ā± 0.7%, pri 10 mg/ml, dok je antioksidativna aktivnost vrelog vodenog ekstrakta spora (Gl-Is) bila 9.2 Ā± 0.3% pri 10 mg/ml. Redukciona sposobnost ekstrakta Gl-I dostigla je nivo 3.4 Ā± 0.1 pri 20 mg/ml i 0.3 Ā± 0.0 pri 20 mg/ml za ekstrakt Gl-Is. Pri koncentraciji 10 mg/ml sposobnost hvatanja DPPH radikala ekstrakta Gl-I dostigla je 96.8 Ā± 2.5%, dok je ekstrakt Gl-Is vezao 69.6 Ā± 2.5% DPPH radikala pri 10 mg/ml. Ekstrakt Gl-I helirao je 81.6 Ā± 3.6 % fero jona pri koncentraciji 20 mg/ml, a helirajući efekat ekstrakta Gl-Is bio je 73.8 Ā± 1.7%. Antioksidativne aktivnosti vrelih vodenih ekstrakata iz karpofora i spora gljive G. lucidum zavisile su od koncentracije i povećavale su se sa povećanjem koncentracije

    Ekstrakt Ŕumskog soja gljive Ganoderma lucidum kao prirodni antioksidant

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    Recently, much attention has been paid to revealing natural biomaterials for clinical purposes since use of synthetic antioxidants is restricted due to their carcinogenicity. Among various natural antioxidants, polysaccharides, in general, have strong antioxidant activities and can be explored as novel potential antioxidants. The aim of this work was to examine the antioxidant properties of hot water extracted polysaccharides from Ganoderma lucidum in the form of mature fruit bodies, collected from the Bojčinska forest near Belgrade, the Republic of Serbia. Antioxidant properties were assayed in vitro, by the conjugated diene method, reducing power, scavenging abilities against 1.1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radicals and chelating ability on ferrous ions. At concentrations of 1 mg/ml, the scavenging ability of G. lucidum polysaccharide extract on DPPH radicals was 74.7 %. At 1 mg/ml, the radical scavenging ability of the positive controls BHT, ascorbic acid and Ī±-tocopherol were 11.5, 77.1 and 79.4 %, respectively. The antioxidant activity of the polysaccharide extract increased as the concentration increased to 78.0% at 20 mg/ml. Antioxidant activities of ascorbic acid and Ī±-tocopherol were 63.8 % and 65.4% at 20 mg/ml. Polysaccharide extract from G. lucidum showed steady increase in the reducing activity as concentrations increased to 2.9 at 20 mg/ml. Ascorbic acid, used as a positive control, had a reducing power of 3.9 at 5 mg/ml. Chelating effects of the polysaccharide extract on ferrous ion increased with the increased concentrations. At 0.1-20 mg/ml, the chelating ability of G. lucidum polysaccharide extract was between 10.3-87.8%. The chelating effect of the synthetic metal chelator EDTA was 100% at 0.1-20 mg/ml, while citric acid did not prove to be good chelating agent for ferrous ions in this assay since its chelating ability was 10.3% at 20 mg/ml.U danaÅ”nje vreme sve veće pažnja se poklanja pronalaženju prirodnih bioloÅ”kih materijala koji imaju antioksidativna svojstava. Neželjeni efekti, oÅ”tećenje jetre i karcinogeneza, od strane sintetičkih antioksidanata koji se koriste kao aditivi ishrani su uveliko potvrđeni. Među različitim pri rodnim antioksidantima polisaharidi privlače sve veću pažnju kao jedinjenja sa izraženom antioksidativnom aktivnoŔću. Cilj rada je bio da se ispitaju antioksidativna svojstva vrelog vodenog ekstrakta polisaharida gljive Ganoderma lucidum dobijenog iz zrelih plodonosnih tela, prikupljenih u Bojčinskoj Å”umi u blizini Beograda, Republika Srbija. Antioksidativna svojstva su ispitivana pomoću antioksidativne metode u model sistemu linoleinske kiseline, merenjem snage redukcije, sposobnosti hvatanja 1,1-difenil-2-pikrilhidrazil (DPPH) radikala i sposobnosti heliranja jona gvožđa. Pri koncentraciji od 1 mg/ml sposobnost hvatanja DPPH radikala polisaharidnog ekstrakta Å”umskog soja Ganoderma lucidum dostigla je nivo od 74.7%, dok su izmerene vrednosti, pri istoj koncentraciji, za pozitivne kontrole BHT, askorbinsku kiselinu i Ī±-tokoferol iznosile 11.5, 77.1 i 79.4%. Antioksidativna aktivnost izmerena u model sistemu linoleinske kiseline zavisila je od koncentracije i povećavala se sa povećanjem koncentracije. Izmerena je vrednost od 78.0% pri koncentraciji od 20 mg/ml. Antioksidativne aktivnosti askorbinske kiseline i Ī±-tokoferola pri koncentraciji od 20 mg/ml bile su 63.8 i 65.4%. Redukciona sposobnost polisaharidnog ekstrakta dostigla je nivo od 2.9 pri 20 mg/ml i 3.9 pri 5 mg/ml kod askorbinske kiseline koja je koriŔćena kao pozitivna kontrola. Sposobnost heliranja jona gvožđa se povećavala sa povećanjem koncentracije. Pri koncentraciji od 0.1-20 mg/ml izmerena sposobnost heliranja bila je između 10.3-87.8%. Helatni efekat EDTA bio je 100% u opsegu od 0.1-20 mg/ml. Limunska kiselina se nije pokazala kao dobar helirajući agens (10.3% pri 20 mg/ml)

    Uticaj strukturnih karakteristika na imunostimulativnu aktivnost glukana ekstrahovanih iz gljive Agaricus blazei

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    High molecular weight b-D-glucans derived from Basidiomycetes cell walls are able to specifically activate cellular and humoral components of the host immune system. The aim of this paper was to examine immunomodulating activity of native, chemically and enzimatically modified glucans from Agaricus blazei mushroom and to determine which structural features are of primary importance for their stimulation referring to humane immune cells. The immunomodulating activities were tested in vitro, by stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and measuring of interferon-gamma (IFN-g) production by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Measurements of immunomodulatory capacity of Agaricus blazei native glucans showed their expressive immunostimulating effect on activated PBMCs and synthesis of IFN-g. The results obtained after the stimulation of cells with 1M H2SO4 and 1M NaOH, the treated glucans showed that primary structure is of more importance than the tertiary structure of the triple helix for their immunostimulating activity and synthesis of IFN-g. Glucans of lower molecular weight obtained after acid hydrolysis appeared as effective immunostimulators of PBMC's. The results obtained after the incubation of cells with 1,6 b-glucanase modified glucans suggest that b-(1,6) binding of glucose monomers probably has no importance for the production of imunostimulating effects, in vitro. This confirmed that b-(1,3) bonds are the primary determinants of immunomodulatory activities and stimulation of IFN-g synthesis.b-D-glukani velikih molekulskih masa izolovani iz ćelijskog zida gljiva iz klase Basidiomycetes imaju sposobnost da specifično aktiviraju celularne i humoralne komponente imunog sistema domaćina. Imunomodulatorska aktivnost miko-D-glukana u funkciji je njihovih hemijskih karakteristika, kao Å”to su molekulska masa, stepen grananja, rastvorljivost u vodi i tercijarna struktura. Cilj ovog rada je bio ispitivanje imunomodulatorske aktivnosti nativnih, hemijski i enzimski modifikovanih glukana gljive Agaricus blazei i da se utvrdi koja je strukturna karakteristika od primarnog značaja za stimulaciju ćelija humanog imunog sistema. Imunomodulatorska aktivnost je testirana in vitro, stimulacijom mononuklearnih ćelija krvi iz perifernog krvotoka (PBMC) molekulima glukana i merenjem količine sintetisanog interferona-gama (IFN-g) od strane stimulisanih ćelija enzimoimunotestom (ELISA). Merenjem imunomodulatorskog kapaciteta Agaricus blazei nativnih glukana pokazano je da ovi molekuli imaju izraženo imunostimulativno dejstvo na aktivirane PBMC ćelije i stimulaciju sinteze IFN-g. Stimulacijom ćelija glukanima koji su prethodno bili parcijalno hidrolizovani 1M H2SO4 i 1M NaOH izmereni titar IFN-g se nije značajno promenio u odnosu na nativne molekule. Glukani manjih molekulskih masa, nastali nakon kisele hidrolize, pokazali su se kao efikasni stimulatori PBMC ćelija. Merenjem titra IFN-g nastalog nakon inkubacije aktiviranih ćelija sa 1,6 b-glukanazama modifikovanim glukanima potvrđeno je da su fragmenti b-(1,3)-glukana velikih molekulskih masa (MM > 80 kDa) i mali fragmenti b-(1,3)-glukana (MM lt 80 kDa), nastali nakon enzimske modifikacije, ispoljili značajno povećanje imunostimulativne aktivnosti u odnosu na nativne molekule. Dobijeni rezultati su ukazali da b-(1,6)-glikozidne veze nemaju značaja u ispoljavanju imunostimulativnog efekta, in vitro. Ovim je potvrđeno da je za imunostimulativnu aktivnost i stimulaciju sinteze IFN-g od primarnog značaja prisustvo b-(1,3)-glikozidnih veza. Zaključeno je da je za imunomodulatorsku aktivnost ovih molekula bitna primarna struktura, a ne konformacija trostrukog heliksa nativnih molekula, kao i da su molekuli glukana manjih molekulskih masa efikasni stimulatori sinteze IFN-Ī³
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