9 research outputs found
Increased Attention and Memory for Beloved-Related Information During Infatuation: Behavioral and Electrophysiological Data
Emotionally salient information is well attended and remembered. It has been shown that infatuated individuals have increased attention for their beloved. It is unknown whether this attention bias generalizes to information related to the beloved. Moreover, infatuated individuals report to remember trivial things about their beloved, but this has not yet been tested empirically. In two studies, we tested whether infatuated individuals have increased attention and memory for beloved-related information. In a passive viewing task (Study 1), the late positive potential, an event-related potential (ERP) component reflecting motivated attention, was enhanced for beloved-related vs friend-related words/phrases. In a recognition task (Study 2), memory performance and the frontal and parietal ERP old/new effects, reflecting familiarity and recollection, respectively, were not enhanced for beloved-related compared with friend-related words/phrases. In free recall tasks in both studies, memory was better for beloved-related than friend-related words/phrases. This research reveals that attention and memory are enhanced for beloved-related information. These attention and memory biases for beloved-related information were not due to valence, semantic relatedness, or experience, but to arousal. To conclude, romantic love has profound effects on cognition that play a clear role in daily life
Effects of dopaminergic modulation on electrophysiological brain response to affective stimuli
Introduction: Several theoretical accounts of the role of dopamine suggest that dopamine has an influence on the processing of affective stimuli. There is some indirect evidence for this from studies showing an association between the treatment with dopaminergic agents and self-reported affect. Materials and methods: We addressed this issue directly by examining the electrophysiological correlates of affective picture processing during a single-dose treatment with a dopamine D2 agonist (bromocriptine), a dopamine D2 antagonist (haloperidol), and a placebo. We compared early and late event-related brain potentials (ERPs) that have been associated with affective processing in the three medication treatment conditions in a randomized double-blind crossover design amongst healthy males. In each treatment condition, subjects attentively watched neutral, pleasant, and unpleasant pictures while ERPs were recorded. Results: Results indicate that neither bromocriptine nor haloperidol has a selective effect on electrophysiological indices of affective processing. In concordance with this, no effects of dopaminergic modulation on self-reported positive or negative affect was observed. In contrast, bromocriptine decreased overall processing of all stimulus categories regardless of their affective content. Discussion: The results indicate that dopaminergic D2 receptors do not seem to play a crucial role in the selective processing of affective visual stimuli
Van gokken en gamen tot facebook en food: alles een verslaving?
In de afgelopen tien jaar is er toenemende belangstelling voor gedragsmatige verslavingen. Inmiddels is er op basis van de overlap in klinische kenmerken, neurobiologie, genetische kwetsbaarheid en effectiviteit van behandelingen internationale consensus dat problematisch gokken gezien kan worden als een gedragsverslaving. In dit artikel wordt naast problematisch gokken aandacht besteed aan excessief internetten, gamen en gebruik van sociale media, en wordt nagegaan of ook in deze gevallen gesproken kan worden van een gedragsverslaving. Tot slot wordt stilgestaan bij eetproblematiek en met name de eetbuistoornis: in hoeverre liggen hier ook mechanismen aan ten grondslag die vergelijkbaar zijn met de gedragsverslavingen? Achtergrond, nieuwe onderzoeksinzichten en evidentie wat betreft behandeling van deze stoornissen worden toegelicht
Relation of Emotional and Behavioral Problems With Body Mass Index in Preschool Children: The Generation R Study
Objective: Although problem behavior in children and adolescents has frequently been associated with overweight, it is unclear whether this relationship is already present in early childhood. We hypothesized that problem behavior is positively related to body mass index (BMI) in children of preschool age and that eating behavior explains part of this relation. Methods: The study was embedded in the Generation R Study, a population-based cohort with data available on BMI and problem behavior for 3137 children aged 3 to 4 years. Problem behavior was measured with the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCI), and eating behavior was assessed using the Child Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (CEBQ). Linear regression analyses were conducted to assess the association between the CBCI (expressed as z-scores). CEBQ, and BMI standard deviation scores (BMI-SDS), Bootstrapping was used to formally test mediation. Results: Children with higher levels of emotional problems had a lower BMI-SDS after adjustment for relevant covariates (e.g. beta [95% confidence interval {CI}] for mother report of emotional problems = -0.04 [-0.07, -0.001], father report = -0.04 [-0.08, -0.001]). Behavioral problems were not associated with BMI. Emotional and behavioral problems were not associated with underweight or overweight if studied categorically. The effect estimate for the relation of emotional problems with BMI-SDS attenuated to nonsignificance after adjustment for specific eating behaviors, i.e., they were accounted for by satiety responsiveness, fussiness, and emotional undereating. Conclusion: In this population-based study, emotional problems in pre-schoolers were negatively related to BMI, and this relation was fully explained by food avoidant eating behaviors
Increased attention and memory for beloved-related information during infatuation: behavioral and electrophysiological data
Tailored anticoagulant treatment after a first venous thromboembolism: protocol of the Leiden Thrombosis Recurrence Risk Prevention (L-TRRiP) study - cohort-based randomised controlled trial
Introduction Patients with a first venous thromboembolism (VTE) are at risk of recurrence. Recurrent VTE (rVTE) can be prevented by extended anticoagulant therapy, but this comes at the cost of an increased risk of bleeding. It is still uncertain whether patients with an intermediate recurrence risk or with a high recurrence and high bleeding risk will benefit from extended anticoagulant treatment, and whether a strategy where anticoagulant duration is tailored on the predicted risks of rVTE and bleeding can improve outcomes. The aim of the Leiden Thrombosis Recurrence Risk Prevention (L-TRRiP) study is to evaluate the outcomes of tailored duration of long-term anticoagulant treatment based on individualised assessment of rVTE and major bleeding risks.Methods and analysis The L-TRRiP study is a multicentre, open-label, cohort-based, randomised controlled trial, including patients with a first VTE. We classify the risk of rVTE and major bleeding using the L-TRRiP and VTE-BLEED scores, respectively. After 3 months of anticoagulant therapy, patients with a low rVTE risk will discontinue anticoagulant treatment, patients with a high rVTE and low bleeding risk will continue anticoagulant treatment, whereas all other patients will be randomised to continue or discontinue anticoagulant treatment. All patients will be followed up for at least 2 years. Inclusion will continue until the randomised group consists of 608 patients; we estimate to include 1600 patients in total. The primary outcome is the combined incidence of rVTE and major bleeding in the randomised group after 2 years of follow-up. Secondary outcomes include the incidence of rVTE and major bleeding, functional outcomes, quality of life and cost-effectiveness in all patients.Ethics and dissemination The protocol was approved by the Medical Research Ethics Committee Leiden-Den Haag-Delft. Results are expected in 2028 and will be disseminated through peer-reviewed journals and during (inter)national conferences.Trial registration number NCT06087952