9 research outputs found

    La dyslexie dans le contexte de l’apprentissage et de l’enseignement d’une langue seconde

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    The paper elucidates the complex nature of dyslexia, specifying the multiple levels of explanation of this phenomenon and indicating the causal relations between them. It defines dyslexia, sketches the way it surfaces across languages, identifies the overlaps between the native and second/foreign language learning, and outlines the potential difficulties that dyslexic learners may encounter in second language learning. Finally, research referring to foreign language teachers’ preparedness to include dyslexic learners in mainstream classes is discussed. An account of the components of teacher preparedness is provided, including background knowledge on dyslexia, self-efficacy beliefs about implementing inclusive instructional practices, and attitudes towards inclusion, which can be subject to change as a result of professional training. The paper stresses the pressing needs for the provision of appropriate and sufficient initial teacher training and continuing professional development opportunities for foreign language teachers in order to prepare them to appropriately recognize and respond to dyslexic foreign language learners’ needs.El presente artículo gira en torno a la complejidad de la dislexia, especificando los múltiples niveles de explicación de dicho fenómeno e indicando las posibles relaciones causales entre ellos. Se define la dislexia y se explica cómo se manifiesta en distintas lenguas, identificando semejanzas y diferencias en el aprendizaje de la lengua materna y de una segunda lengua/una lengua extranjera. Además, se presentan los potenciales obstáculos con los que se pueden encontrar los estudiantes con dislexia al aprender una segunda lengua. Por último, se analizan distintas investigaciones sobre la formación profesional del profesorado que enseña lenguas extranjeras a estudiantes disléxicos. En el artículo se comentan los componentes de una adecuada preparación docente, entre los que se incluyen el conocimiento sobre la dislexia, el convencimiento sobre la propia eficacia en la implementación de técnicas de educación inclusiva y en la actitud hacia la inclusión, las cuales pueden modificarse como resultado de la formación y el perfeccionamiento profesional. El autor destaca la necesidad de asegurar una formación docente apropiada y un desarrollo profesional continuo a los profesores de lenguas extranjeras para que sean capaces de reconocer correctamente y reaccionar ante las necesidades de los estudiantes disléxicos.Le but de cet article est d’élucider la nature complexe de la dyslexie, en spécifiant les multiples niveaux d'explication de ce phénomène et en indiquant les relations causales qu’ils entretiennent entre eux. Dans cet écrit, on définit la dyslexie, on esquisse la manière dont elle se présente à travers les langues, on identifie les chevauchements entre l'apprentissage d'une langue maternelle et celui d'une langue seconde / étrangère et on décrit les difficultés que les apprenants dyslexiques peuvent rencontrer lors de l'apprentissage d'une langue seconde. Enfin, on se penche sur les recherches se rapportant à la formation des enseignants de langues étrangères afin qu’ils soient à même d’inclure les apprenants dyslexiques dans leurs classes. L’article offre aussi un aperçu synthétique des composantes de la préparation des enseignants, comprenant les connaissances de base sur la dyslexie, les convictions relatives à l'efficacité personnelle dans la mise en œuvre de pratiques d'enseignement inclusif et les attitudes à l'égard de l'inclusion, qui peuvent être modifiées à la suite d'une formation professionnelle. Le texte souligne la nécessité pressante de fournir aux enseignants de langues étrangères une formation initiale appropriée ainsi que des possibilités de développement professionnel continu afin de les former à reconnaître les besoins des apprenants dyslexiques et à y répondre de façon appropriée

    Grasping dyslexia: Bridging the gap between research and practice

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    Controversy and uncertainty concerning dyslexia is mirrored in EFL teachers‟ hesitation and doubtfulness as to how they can most successfully deal with individuals with dyslexia. Several prevailing misconceptions about the mechanisms, symptoms and teaching approaches are at large, which, most probably, can be attributed to the gap, the mismatch between the contemporary sophisticated scientific knowledge and practice and to the fact that pre- and in-service EFL teachers are not offered satisfactory training on dyslexia. This paper shortly discusses some background theoretical considerations on dyslexia, identifies the principles of effective teaching and refers to EFL teachers‟ professional development needs on dyslexia

    Prakse inkluzivnega poučevanja učencev z disleksijo: spremembe, spodbujene z izobraževanjem v živo, glede samoučinkovitosti v prepričanjih, skrbeh in v stališčih učiteljev tujih jezikov

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    The survey research reported in this paper aimed to show how foreign language teachers’ (N = 69) self-efficacy beliefs and concerns related to implementing inclusive instructional practices with learners with dyslexia, as well as their attitudes to inclusion in foreign language education, change as a result of the teachers’ participation in an intensive face-to-face course on dyslexia and foreign language teaching. The pre-post comparisons identified a statistically significant improvement in self-efficacy beliefs and attitudes, with large and medium effect sizes, respectively, as well as a decrease in concerns, with a small effect size. Moreover, the perceived level of knowledge of dyslexia reported by course participants after the course increased significantly compared to pre-course knowledge, with a large effect size. The perceptions of knowledge were crucially related to pre-course self-efficacy beliefs and concerns, as well as to post-course self-efficacy beliefs. The impact of several background variables on self-efficacy beliefs, concerns and attitudes was investigated. We found no significant effects of general teaching experience, experience in teaching learners with dyslexia, teaching context (country), full-time employment and level of education on self-efficacy beliefs and attitudes both before and after the course. The initial effect of previous training on self-efficacy beliefs disappeared in the post-course questionnaire. No significant effects of previous training were observed for pre-course and post-course concerns and attitudes. The initial effect of level of education and experience in teaching a foreign language to learners with dyslexia on concerns disappeared in the post-course questionnaire. Teaching context (country) and full-time employment differentiated participants with regard to how concerned they were about implementing inclusive teaching before the course, and these differences persisted after the course. Age differentiated participants in the attitudes to inclusion they held before the course, but this difference disappeared after the course. Finally, teacher trainers differed significantly from other course participants regarding pre-course self-efficacy and post-course concerns, with a small to medium effect size. (DIPF/Orig.

    Cross-country comparison of EFL teacher preparedness to include dyslexic learners: Validation of a questionnaire

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    The aim of this study was to validate a 24-item TEPID (Teachers of EFL Preparedness to Include Dyslexics) scale measuring the beliefs of 546 pre-service and in-service teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL) across three countries (Cyprus, Greece, and Poland) on their preparedness to include learners with dyslexia in mainstream foreign language (FL) classes. Principal component analysis of the scale led to a two-factor structure, that is, knowledge and self-efficacy in implementing inclusive instructional practices with dyslexic EFL learners, and stance towards inclusion. The analysis of measurement invariance confirmed the generalizability of the TEPID across all subgroups and allowed valid comparisons between factor variances and covariances. The scale is a useful tool for investigating perceived teacher preparedness to include dyslexic learners and variables that influence TEPID, comparing the results across countries, and designing tailored pre-service and in-service training schemes on inclusion

    Inclusive practices in teaching students with dyslexia:Second language teachers’ concerns, attitudes and self-efficacy beliefs on a massive open online learning course

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    Abstract In this study we investigated whether language teachers' self-confidence, self-efficacy and attitudes to using inclusive educational practices with dyslexic students differ before and after participation in a massive open online course (MOOC). An online questionnaire survey, before (n = 1187) and after the course (n = 752), showed that the participants’ post-course attitudes were more positive, their self-efficacy beliefs higher and their concerns lower than at the beginning of the course. Participants who completed more tasks on the course demonstrated increased post-course self-efficacy beliefs and those who posted more comments reported lower levels of worry about the implementation of inclusive language teaching practices

    Foreign language trainee teachers’ concerns and preparedness to implement inclusive instructional practices with learners with special educational needs: training induced changes

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    The study was conducted in a group of second year university students – pre-service teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL). The aim of the study was to investigate how the trainee teachers’ participation in a compulsory SEN-dedicated course delivered online impacted their self-reported concerns and preparedness to implement inclusive teaching practices with foreign language (FL) learners with special educational needs (SEN). A semester-long course was designed and conducted as part of emergency remote instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic. Data was collected online via before and after course questionnaires. Principal component analysis of the preparedness and concerns scales led to a two-factor (F1 – self-efficacy beliefs and knowledge and F2 – attitudes) and a single factor solution (concerns) respectively. The pre- (N=113) and post-course (N=86) online survey responses were compared with regard to all the factors. The analysis showed that the participants’ post-course attitudes were more positive than at the beginning of the course, but the difference was not statistically significant. We observed a statistically significant increase in the trainee teachers’ post-course self-efficacy beliefs and knowledge of inclusion and SEN, with a large effect size. This change was paired with a statistically significant increase in their post-course concerns, with medium effect size for the change. A series of one-way MANOVAs showed that the effect of demographic variables (gender, teaching experience other than during practicum, experience with learners with SEN) on all factors across the two datasets was not statistically significant

    Cross-country comparison of EFL teacher preparedness to include dyslexic learners: Validation of a questionnaire

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    The aim of this study was to validate a 24-item TEPID (Teachers of EFL Preparedness to Include Dyslexics) scale measuring the beliefs of 546 pre-service and in-service teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL) across three countries (Cyprus, Greece, and Poland) on their preparedness to include learners with dyslexia in mainstream foreign language (FL) classes. Principal component analysis of the scale led to a two-factor structure, that is, knowledge and self-efficacy in implementing inclusive instructional practices with dyslexic EFL learners, and stance towards inclusion. The analysis of measurement invariance confirmed the generalizability of the TEPID across all subgroups and allowed valid comparisons between factor variances and covariances. The scale is a useful tool for investigating perceived teacher preparedness to include dyslexic learners and variables that influence TEPID, comparing the results across countries, and designing tailored pre-service and in-service training schemes on inclusion

    English as a foreign language teacher training needs and perceived preparedness to include dyslexic learners: The case of Greece, Cyprus, and Poland

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    This study examines the effect of demographic variables on the beliefs of teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL) about their preparedness to include dyslexic learners in mainstream classrooms in Greece, Cyprus and Poland and identifies their professional development needs. Statistically significant MANOVA effects were obtained for country, training, teaching experience with dyslexic learners and school type. Unlike overall teaching experience and completed level of education (degree), the type of teaching experience with dyslexic EFL learners (direct contact and personal involvement in teaching) seems to shape the perception of teacher preparedness to successfully include these learners. Other interesting tendencies were identified such as between-country differences concerning sources of prior professional knowledge on EFL and dyslexia as well as preferences for particular modes of training. The paper highlights the demand for professional training on EFL and dyslexia as this was confirmed across the three countries