3,412 research outputs found

    Evidence of a new low field cross-over in the vortex critical velocity of type-II superconducting thin films

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    We measure current-voltage characteristics as function of magnetic field and temperature in Nb strips of different thickness and width. The instability voltage of the flux flow state related to the vortex critical velocity v* is studied and compared with the Larkin-Ovchinnikov theory. Beside the usual power-law dependence v* ~ B^-1/2, in the low field range a new cross-over field, Bcr1, is observed below which v* decreases by further lowering the external magnetic field B. We ascribe this unexpected cross-over to vortex channeling due to a fan-like penetration of the applied magnetic field as confirmed by magneto-optic imaging. The observation of Bcr1 becomes a direct evidence of a general feature in type-II superconducting films at low fields, that is a channel-like vortex motion induced by the inhomogeneous magnetic state caused by the relatively strong pinning

    Integrals of Motion for Critical Dense Polymers and Symplectic Fermions

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    We consider critical dense polymers L(1,2){\cal L}(1,2). We obtain for this model the eigenvalues of the local integrals of motion of the underlying Conformal Field Theory by means of Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz. We give a detailed description of the relation between this model and Symplectic Fermions including the indecomposable structure of the transfer matrix. Integrals of motion are defined directly on the lattice in terms of the Temperley Lieb Algebra and their eigenvalues are obtained and expressed as an infinite sum of the eigenvalues of the continuum integrals of motion. An elegant decomposition of the transfer matrix in terms of a finite number of lattice integrals of motion is obtained thus providing a reason for their introduction.Comment: 53 pages, version accepted for publishing on JSTA

    Perceptions of Reading Instruction

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    It follows that there exists an obvious need for elementary reading programs to be closely articulated with the developing and changing reading requirements of pupils as they progress through the elementary grades. There is an even more obvious need for close cooperation between teachers and administrators in order to implement reading programs that meet pupil requirements

    Effect of Kaolin/Defoliation Combined with Dry Ice on Lambrusco Red Wine Production to Constrain the Effects of Climate Change

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    Since viticulture is affected considerably by climate change, it is imperative to encourage research on newstrategies in order to constrain these critical effects on the composition of berries and the quality of wines.A multi-strategy approach composed of (i) kaolin application on foliage, (ii) late tree defoliation and (iii)cryomaceration of grapes with dry ice was evaluated in the production of Lambrusco Salamino wines.Physical, chemical and sensory analyses were carried out on the sample set, including the control wines.In general, cryomaceration with dry ice proved to be a winning choice to lower alcoholic strength (roughly5%). In addition, the wines showed an increase in anthocyanin content by approximately 17%, while thecontent of catechins, flavanols and hydroxycinnamic acids decreased. Consistent with the increase in theanthocyanin content, an increase in colour indices and sensory colour intensity scores was observed. As forthe aromatic profile, 2-phenylethanol showed an increase of approximately 18% in the treated wines while,in parallel, a lower content of C6 alcohols and volatile fatty acids was observed. The multiple adaptationstrategies put in place in the present study show an alternative way to mitigate the severe effects of climatechange on wine production, and to face changing consumer demands

    The Baxter Q Operator of Critical Dense Polymers

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    We consider critical dense polymers L1,2{\cal L}_{1,2}, corresponding to a logarithmic conformal field theory with central charge c=−2c=-2. An elegant decomposition of the Baxter QQ operator is obtained in terms of a finite number of lattice integrals of motion. All local, non local and dual non local involutive charges are introduced directly on the lattice and their continuum limit is found to agree with the expressions predicted by conformal field theory. A highly non trivial operator Ψ(ν)\Psi(\nu) is introduced on the lattice taking values in the Temperley Lieb Algebra. This Ψ\Psi function provides a lattice discretization of the analogous function introduced by Bazhanov, Lukyanov and Zamolodchikov. It is also observed how the eigenvalues of the QQ operator reproduce the well known spectral determinant for the harmonic oscillator in the continuum scaling limit.Comment: improved version, accepted for publishing on JSTA

    Intermittency in MHD turbulence and coronal nanoflares modelling

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    High resolution numerical simulations, solar wind data analysis, and measurements at the edges of laboratory plasma devices have allowed for a huge progress in our understanding of MHD turbulence. The high resolution of solar wind measurements has allowed to characterize the intermittency observed at small scales. We are now able to set up a consistent and convincing view of the main properties of MHD turbulence, which in turn constitutes an extremely efficient tool in understanding the behaviour of turbulent plasmas, like those in solar corona, where in situ observations are not available. Using this knowledge a model to describe injection, due to foot-point motions, storage and dissipation of MHD turbulence in coronal loops, is built where we assume strong longitudinal magnetic field, low beta and high aspect ratio, which allows us to use the set of reduced MHD equations (RMHD). The model is based on a shell technique in the wave vector space orthogonal to the strong magnetic field, while the dependence on the longitudinal coordinate is preserved. Numerical simulations show that injected energy is efficiently stored in the loop where a significant level of magnetic and velocity fluctuations is obtained. Nonlinear interactions give rise to an energy cascade towards smaller scales where energy is dissipated in an intermittent fashion. Due to the strong longitudinal magnetic field, dissipative structures propagate along the loop, with the typical speed of the Alfvén waves. The statistical analysis on the intermittent dissipative events compares well with all observed properties of nanoflare emission statistics. Moreover the recent observations of non thermal velocity measurements during flare occurrence are well described by the numerical results of the simulation model. All these results naturally emerge from the model dynamical evolution without any need of an ad-hoc hypothesis

    Real-Time PCR Detection and QUantification of Soilborne Fungal Pathogens : the Case of Rosellinia necatrix, Phytophthora nicotianae, P. citrophthora and Verticillium dahliae

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    Conventional and Scorpion primers were designed from the ITS regions to identify Rosellinia necatrix, Phytophthora nicotianae, and P. citrophthora and from the IGS regions to identify Verticillium dahliae and V. alboatrum. Specificity of primers and probes was assessed using genomic DNA from a large number of fungi from several hosts and by means of BLAST analyses, to exclude the presence of similar sequences in other micro-organisms among available DNA databases (GenBank). Simple and rapid procedures for DNA extraction from naturally infected matrices (soils, roots, bark, and/or woody tissues) were utilised to yield DNA of a purity and quality suitable for PCR assays. Combining these protocols with a double amplification (nested Scorpion-PCR), the real-time detection of these pathogens was possible from naturally infested soils and from infected citrus roots (P. nicotianae and P. citrophthora), from the roots and bark of stone fruits and olive (R. necatrix) and from olive branches (V. dahliae). For target pathogens, the limit of detection was 1 pg µl-1 in Scorpion-PCR and 1 fg µl-1 in nested Scorpion-PCR. High and significant correlations between pathogen propagule concentrations and real-time PCR cycle thresholds (Ct) were obtained. Moreover, specific tests with R. necatrix seem to indicate that its DNA is quite rapidly degraded in the soil, excluding the risk of false positives due to the presence of dead cells

    Sperm cryopreservation during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    Purpose: Sperm cryopreservation is fundamental in the management of patients undergoing gonadotoxic treatments. Concerns have risen in relation to SARS-CoV-2 and its potential for testicular involvement, since SARS-CoV-2-positive cryopreserved samples may have unknown effects on fertilization and embryo safety. This study therefore aimed to analyze the safety of sperm cryopreservation for cancer patients after the onset of the pandemic in Italy, through assessment of the risk of SARS-CoV-2 exposure and viral RNA testing of semen samples. Methods: We recruited 10 cancer patients (mean age 30.5 ± 9.6 years) referred to our Sperm Bank during the Italian lockdown (from March 11th to May 4th 2020) who had not undergone a nasopharyngeal swab for SARS-CoV-2 testing. Patients were administered a questionnaire on their exposure to COVID-19, and semen samples were taken. Before cryopreservation, SARS-CoV-2 RNA was extracted from a 150 Âµl aliquot of seminal fluid in toto using QIAamp viral RNA kit (Qiagen) and amplified by a real time RT PCR system (RealStar SARS-CoV2 RT PCR, Altona Diagnostics) targeting the E and S genes. Results: The questionnaire and medical interview revealed that all patients were asymptomatic and had had no previous contact with COVID-19 infected patients. All semen samples were negative for SARS-CoV-2 RNA. Conclusion: This preliminary assessment suggests that a thorough evaluation (especially in the setting of a multidisciplinary team) and molecular confirmation of the absence of SARS-CoV-2 in seminal fluid from asymptomatic cancer patients may assist in ensuring the safety of sperm cryopreservation

    Adiponectin Receptors and Pro-inflammatory Cytokines Are Modulated in Common Variable Immunodeficiency Patients: Correlation With Ig Replacement Therapy

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    Adiponectin exerts beneficial pleiotropic effects through three receptors, AdipoR1, AdipoR2, and T-cadherin; it also exerts immunomodulatory effects. We previously demonstrated that adiponectin levels are altered in common variable immunodeficiency disease (CVID). The purpose of the present study was to investigate further the specific involvement of adiponectin in CVID by characterizing (i) the expression profile of adiponectin receptors on peripheral blood mononuclear cells; (ii) the levels of another relevant adipokine, namely leptin; (iii) the levels of five other cytokines (IL-2, IL-6, IL-10, TNFα, and IFNγ) in 24 patients on maintenance therapy, in 18 treatment-naïve patients (before and 24 h after the first Ig infusion) and in 28 healthy controls. We found that (i) adiponectin was down-expressed in patients on maintenance therapy and in treatment-naïve patients, and that it increased in treatment-naïve patients 24 h after the first Ig infusion; (ii) leptin expression did not differ between maintenance patients and controls either before or after the first Ig infusion; (iii) AdipoR1 expression was significantly higher on B lymphocytes, monocytes and NK cells of CVID patients than in controls; (iv) the expression of AdipoR1 and AdipoR2 on B lymphocytes, monocytes and NK cells was higher after the first Ig infusion than in treatment-naïve patients; (v) T-cadherin expression did not differ between treatment- naïve CVID patients and controls, and was not affected by Ig infusion; and (vi) IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, and TNFα levels were differently expressed in CVID patients on therapy maintenance and were not affected by the first Ig replacement therapy. This is the first study to demonstrate that the expression of AdipoRs in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from CVID patients differs from that of controls, and changes after the first Ig infusion. The specificity of adiponectin involvement in CVID is supported by the absence of changes in leptin levels and in the levels of the cytokines investigated. Taken together, these results suggest that the adiponectin system plays an important and specific role in CVID. A better understanding of adiponectin as a link in the cross-talk between the immune system and adipose tissue may provide additional benefits for the management of CVID patients
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