6,302 research outputs found

    Propagation of localized surface plasmons in sets of metallic nanocylinders at the exit of subwavelength slits

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    We analyze, by means of numerical simulations, transmission enhancements through sub- wavelength slits due to the presence of sets of plasmonic nanocylinders, placed near the exit of these apertures. Further, we extend this study to photonic crystals of dipolar plasmonic particles in front of an array of extraordinarily transmitting slits practiced in a metallic slab.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to Journal of Nanophotonic

    Importance of interlinguistic similarity and stable bilingualism when two languages compete

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    In order to analyze the dynamics of two languages in competition, one approach is to fit historical data on their numbers of speakers with a mathematical model in which the parameters are interpreted as the similarity between those languages and their relative status. Within this approach, we show here, on the basis of a detailed analysis and extensive calculations, the outcomes that can emerge for given values of these parameters. Contrary to previous results, it is possible that in the long term both languages coexist and survive. This happens only when there is a stable bilingual group, and this is possible only if the competing languages are sufficiently similar, in which case its occurrence is favoured by both similarity and status symmetry.Comment: to appear in New Journal of Physic

    Heisenberg-type higher order symmetries of superintegrable systems separable in cartesian coordinates

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    Heisenberg-type higher order symmetries are studied for both classical and quantum mechanical systems separable in cartesian coordinates. A few particular cases of this type of superintegrable systems were already considered in the literature, but here they are characterized in full generality together with their integrability properties. Some of these systems are defined only in a region of Rn\mathbb R^n, and in general they do not include bounded solutions. The quantum symmetries and potentials are shown to reduce to their superintegrable classical analogs in the 0\hbar \to0 limit.Comment: 23 Pages, 3 figures, To appear in Nonlinearit

    Optical binding of cylinder photonic molecules in the near-field of partially coherent fluctuating Gaussian Schell model sources. A coherent mode representation

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    We present a theory and computation method of radiation pressure from partially coherent light by establishing a coherent mode representation of the radiation forces. This is illustrated with the near field emitted from a Gaussian Schell model source, mechanically acting on a single cylinder with magnetodielectric behavior, or on a photonic molecule constituted by a pair of such cylinders. Thus after studying the force produced by a single particle, we address the effects of the spatial coherence on the bonding and anti-bonding states of two particles. The coherence length manifests the critical limitation of the contribution of evanescent modes to the scattered fields, and hence to the nature and strength of the electromagnetic fores, even when electric and/or magnetic partial wave resonances are excited

    Influence of the Ground-State Topology on the Domain-Wall Energy in the Edwards-Anderson +/- J Spin Glass Model

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    We study the phase stability of the Edwards-Anderson spin-glass model by analyzing the domain-wall energy. For the bimodal distribution of bonds, a topological analysis of the ground state allows us to separate the system into two regions: the backbone and its environment. We find that the distributions of domain-wall energies are very different in these two regions for the three dimensional (3D) case. Although the backbone turns out to have a very high phase stability, the combined effect of these excitations and correlations produces the low global stability displayed by the system as a whole. On the other hand, in two dimensions (2D) we find that the surface of the excitations avoids the backbone. Our results confirm that a narrow connection exists between the phase stability of the system and the internal structure of the ground-state. In addition, for both 3D and 2D we are able to obtain the fractal dimension of the domain wall by direct means.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Rapid Communications of Phys. Rev.

    Towards an Ashtekar formalism in eight dimensions

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    We investigate the possibility of extending the Ashtekar theory to eight dimensions. Our approach relies on two notions: the octonionic structure and the MacDowell-Mansouri formalism generalized to a spacetime of signature 1+7. The key mathematical tool for our construction is the self-dual (antiself-dual) four-rank fully antisymmetric octonionic tensor. Our results may be of particular interest in connection with a possible formulation of M-theory via matroid theory.Comment: 15 pages, Latex, minor changes, to appear in Class. Quantum Gra

    A Practical Environment to Apply Model-Driven Web Engineering

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    The application of a model-driven paradigm in the development of Web Systems has yielded very good research results. Several research groups are defining metamodels, transformations, and tools which offer a suitable environment, known as model-driven Web engineering (MDWE). However, there are very few practical experiences in real Web system developments using real development teams. This chapter presents a practical environment of MDWE based on the use of NDT (navigational development techniques) and Java Web systems, and it provides a practical evaluation of its application within a real project: specialized Diraya.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2007-67843-C06-03Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2007-30391-

    Mathematical modeling of Zika disease in pregnant women and newborns with microcephaly in Brazil

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    We propose a new mathematical model for the spread of Zika virus. Special attention is paid to the transmission of microcephaly. Numerical simulations show the accuracy of the model with respect to the Zika outbreak occurred in Brazil.Comment: This is a preprint of a paper whose final and definite form is with 'Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences', ISSN 0170-4214. Submitted Aug 10, 2017; Revised Nov 13, 2017; accepted for publication Nov 14, 201

    Ebola Model and Optimal Control with Vaccination Constraints

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    The Ebola virus disease is a severe viral haemorrhagic fever syndrome caused by Ebola virus. This disease is transmitted by direct contact with the body fluids of an infected person and objects contaminated with virus or infected animals, with a death rate close to 90% in humans. Recently, some mathematical models have been presented to analyse the spread of the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa. In this paper, we introduce vaccination of the susceptible population with the aim of controlling the spread of the disease and analyse two optimal control problems related with the transmission of Ebola disease with vaccination. Firstly, we consider the case where the total number of available vaccines in a fixed period of time is limited. Secondly, we analyse the situation where there is a limited supply of vaccines at each instant of time for a fixed interval of time. The optimal control problems have been solved analytically. Finally, we have performed a number of numerical simulations in order to compare the models with vaccination and the model without vaccination, which has recently been shown to fit the real data. Three vaccination scenarios have been considered for our numerical simulations, namely: unlimited supply of vaccines; limited total number of vaccines; and limited supply of vaccines at each instant of time.Comment: This is a preprint of a paper whose final and definite form is with 'Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization' (JIMO), ISSN 1547-5816 (print), ISSN 1553-166X (online). Submitted February 2016; revised November 2016; accepted for publication March 201