38 research outputs found

    Procedural Fairness of Taxation

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    Celem artykułu jest ukazanie znaczenia badań dotyczących spostrzeganej sprawiedliwości proceduralnej podatków. Omówiono w nim trzy poziomy badania percepcji sprawiedliwości podatków. Praca zawiera także dane obrazujące wpływ spostrzeganej sprawiedliwości proceduralnej na zachowanie podatników. Jednocześnie przedstawiono w niej narzędzie służące do pomiaru sprawiedliwości proceduralnej podatków.The purpose of this paper is to prove the significance of studies devoted to perceived procedural fairness of taxation. Three levels of research into the perception of tax fairness are discussed. The paper presents relations between procedural fairness and taxpayers’ behaviour. The measures used for studying perceived procedural fairness of taxes are also discussed.Małgorzata Niesiobędzka: [email protected] Małgorzata Niesiobędzka – Instytut Psychologii, Uniwersytet Gdański4(70)10111

    Rola rodziny i rówieśników w procesie kształtowania się skłonności do kupowania kompulsywnego wśród nastolatków

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    The role of family and peers in the development of compulsive buying tendency among teenagersSince the 1990s, one could observe a growing focus on children’s and teenagers’ consumption behavior, especially their influence on family decisions. Growing up in the consumption culture may lead to developing dysfunctional consumer behavior, e.g. compulsive buying. Compulsive buying is defined as chronic, pathological purchasing that becomes a response to negative events or feelings and ultimately results in harmful consequences. The purpose of the research was to establish the impact of family acquisition and expenditure patterns and susceptibility to peer influence on compulsive buying. The analysis has revealed that compulsive buying depends significantly on teens’ susceptibility to peer influence. The study has confi rmed the impact of incorrect family acquisition, expenditure pattern and gender

    Wpływ przemocy emocjonalnej i fizycznej doświadczonej w dzieciństwie na osobowość jednostki

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    The influence of emotional and physical abuse experienced in the childhood on the personality According to Karen Horney a basic anxiety is rooted in a child’s feelings of isolation and helplnessess. This anxiety could be enhanced by a number of evironmental factors, but is mostly due to problems in the parent-child relations. The purpose of presented research was to establish what kind of influence on the structure of personality has emotional and physical abuse. Two kind questionnaires were used: Scale Battered Child (to investigation emotional and physical experienced in the childhood) created by Krystyna Kmiecik-Baran and Barbara Wojciechowska, and Horney-Coolidge Type Indicator. HCTI created by Frederick L. Coolidge is based on Karen Horney’s theory of personality. The HCTI consists of three scales to investigate tridimesional personality: compliance, aggression and detachment (Horney’s approach adequately: moving toward people, moving against people and moving away from people).The overall results appear to indicate that emotional abuse conducted towards consolidation of the belief that the person should take care only of oneself, to manifestation the own courage and strength, but physical abuse reduced the need of relations and intensifed the need of indenpendence

    Remisja wolna od leczenia w praktyce klinicznej: opis grupy 6 chorych na przewlekłą białaczkę szpikową, po zaprzestaniu leczenia nilotynibem — doświadczenie jednego ośrodka

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    In the last 20 years major goals of therapy of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) have changed. This leukemia, which was previously a fatal disease, has indeed become a chronic disease thanks to the use of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), with life expectancy close to that in the general population. Excellent treatment effectiveness with the achievement of long-term, stable, deep molecular response was the motivation for attempts to stop the therapy with the intention of maintaining remission (TFR, treatment-free remission). Based on many clinical trials with over 3,000 patients and several years of follow-up, it is known that 40–60% of patients will maintain molecular remission and remain untreated, while the rest of them will require TKI to be restarted. Information on the procedure to be followed appeared in scientific societies’ recommendations and some centers treating CML patients have made attempts to stop the therapy. This work describes a group of six patients in the TFR phase after discontinuation of nilotinib used in the first-line treatment.Cele leczenia przewlekłej białaczki szpikowej (CML) zmieniały się w ostatnich 20 latach. Białaczka ta, dzięki zastosowaniu inhibitorów kinaz tyrozynowych (TKI), z choroby śmiertelnej stała się rzeczywiście przewlekłą, z oczekiwanym czasem przeżycia bliskim średniej dla populacji. Doskonała skuteczność leczenia z uzyskaniem długotrwałej, stabilnej, głębokiej remisji molekularnej była powodem podjęcia prób zaprzestania leczenia z intencją utrzymania remisji, czyli tak zwanej remisji wolnej od leczenia (TFR). Po przeprowadzeniu wielu badań klinicznych obejmujących ponad 3000 chorych i kilkunastu latach obserwacji wiadomo, że 40–60% pacjentów utrzyma remisję molekularną i pozostanie bez leczenia, a pozostali będą wymagać ponownego włączenia TKI. Informacje dotyczące sposobu postępowania pojawiły się w rekomendacjach towarzystw naukowych i niektóre ośrodki leczące chorych na CML podjęły próby zaprzestania terapii. W niniejszej pracy opisano grupę 6 chorych w fazie TFR po odstawieniu nilotynibu stosowanego w pierwszej linii leczenia

    Cukrzyca u chorego na przewlekłą białaczkę szpikową skutecznie leczonego nilotynibem

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    Leczenie inhibitorami kinaz tyrozynowych jest standardem postępowania w przewlekłej białaczce szpikowej. W przypadku nieskuteczności imatynibu w pierwszej linii znaczna część chorych odnosi korzyść z leczenia nilotynibem lub dasatynibem w drugiej linii, uzyskując całkowitą remisję cytogenetyczną i większą molekularną. Terapia może być jednak powikłana działaniami niepożądanymi, do których w przypadku nilotynibu należy cukrzyca. Monitorowanie wyników badań laboratoryjnych, modyfikacja stylu życia i włączenie w odpowiednim momencie leczenia przeciwcukrzycowego zapewniają możliwość dalszego skutecznego leczenia białaczki. Opisany przypadek dotyczy chorej skutecznie leczonej nitotynibem, po niepowodzeniu terapii imatynibem, u której wystąpiła cukrzyca. Zastosowanie doustnych leków przeciwcukrzycowych spowodowało poprawę i umożliwiło kontynuację leczenia nilotynibem

    Deep molecular response on imatinib treatment — results from a real-life retrospective study

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    Introduction: Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) have dramatically changed the outcome of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients. Recent research focused on TKI discontinuation after achieving a deep molecular response (DMR) has revealed that about half of the patients maintain the response. DMR is a key criterion for TKI discontinuation. Our retrospective, ‘real-life’ study was aimed at to estimating the proportion of patients treated with first-line imatinib (IM) who achieved DMR and thus may be candidates for discontinuation of TKI treatment in a real life setting. Material and methods: Two hundred and twenty-three patients were enrolled. All patients started IM at 400 mg daily. The median age at the time of diagnosis was 57 years (range: 17–92). Results: Eighty-five patients (43%) in the whole group achieved DMR. Early molecular response (EMR) was achieved by 136 (69%) patients and correlated with the DMR rate (53% with EMR vs 14% without, p < 0.001). Major molecular response (MMR) after a year of treatment was confirmed in 108 (55%) patients, and was predictive for achieving DMR at any time (69% with MMR vs. 24% without, p < 0.001). Conclusion: DMR can be achieved in a significant proportion of patients in a real-life setting. We observed that both the achievement of an EMR at three months and MMR at 12 months were associated with a significant advantage in terms of DMR

    Environmental Correlates of Adolescent’ Materialism: Interpersonal Role Models, Media Exposure, and Family Socio-economic Status

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    The present study examined how adolescents’ materialism relates to interpersonal materialism role models (i.e., mothers’, fathers’, siblings’, and peers’), media exposure, and family socio-economic status (SES). We obtained our data from the adolescent, his/her mother and father, and one each of his/her siblings and peers. The results showed that mother’s, father’s, sibling’s and peer’s’, materialism are approximately equally strong predictors of adolescents’ materialism. Further analyses, using structural equation modeling, revealed that interpersonal materialism role models and media exposure both positively predicted adolescents’ materialism; in contrast to past literature, family SES was also significantly positively related to adolescents’ materialism. Limitations and implications of the current project are discussed

    137Cs and 40K in Cortinarius caperatus mushrooms (1996–2016) in Poland - Bioconcentration and estimated intake: 137Cs in Cortinarius spp. from the Northern Hemisphere from 1974 to 2016

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    Cortinarius caperatus grows in the northern regions of Europe, North America and Asia and is widely collected by mushroom foragers across Europe. This study shows that in the last three decades since the Chernobyl nuclear accident, C. caperatus collected across much of Northern Poland exhibited high activity concentrations of radiocaesium (137Cs) - a long-lived radionuclide. The mushroom appears to efficiently bioconcentrate 137Cs from contaminated soil substrata followed by sequestration into its morphological parts such as the cap and stipe which are used as food. The gradual leaching of 137Cs into the lower strata of surface soils in exposed areas are likely to facilitate higher bioavailability to the mycelia of this species which penetrate to relatively greater depths and may account for the continuing high activity levels noticed in Polish samples (e.g. activity within caps in some locations was still at 11,000 Bq kg−1 dw in 2008 relative to a peak of 18,000 in 2002). The associated dietary intake levels of 137Cs have often exceeded the tolerance limits set by the European Union (370 and 600 Bq kg−1 ww for children and adults respectively) during the years 1996–2010. Human dietary exposure to 137Cs is influenced by the method of food preparation and may be mitigated by blanching followed by disposal of the water, rather than direct consumption after stir-frying or stewing. It may be prudent to provide precautionary advice and monitor activity levels, as this mushroom continues to be foraged by casual as well as experienced mushroom hunters

    Relations between Conspicuous Consumption and Materialism

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    The research focuses on relationships between conspicuous consumption and materialism. Contrary to previous studies, here conspicuous consumption is seen as an individual trait rather than as an attitude. The purpose of the research was twofold: to establish to what extent are a) success, centrality, happiness, and b) the importance and the attainment of wealth, popularity and image responsible for conspicuous consumption. Two studies were conducted. Materialism was measured using the MVS (Richins, 2004) in study 1 (N = 80), and the Aspiration Index (Kasser & Ryan, 1996) in study 2 (N = 169). In both studies, the measure of the propensity to conspicuous consumption was the same: The Conspicuous Consumption Orientation Scale (CCO) (Chaudhuri, Mazumdar, & Ghoshal, 2011). The obtained data demonstrated that the propensity to conspicuous consumption was significantly related to only two dimensions of materialism – success and centrality. Furthermore, the results showed that while the importance of financial success and popularity enhanced the propensity to conspicuous consumption, attainment of financial and popularity aspirations had no impact on the propensity to conspicuous consumption. In turn, image (both its importance and its attainment) was a significant positive predictor of the propensity to conspicuous consumption. The research findings suggest that the crucial materialistic drivers of the propensity to conspicuous consumption are: the belief that success is closely connected with ownership; the conviction that owning and acquiring are the primary life goals; and the need to have a socially admired image

    Procedural Fairness and Employee Engagement

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    Celem badań własnych było ustalenie związków między poczuciem sprawiedliwości proceduralnej a przywiązaniem do organizacji. Badania przeprowadzono w grupie 300 pracowników różniących się stażem pracy. Uzyskane wyniki potwierdziły przyjęte założenia. Poczucie sprawiedliwości proceduralnej jest istotnym predyktorem wszystkich trzech komponentów przywiązania organizacyjnego: afektywnego, normatywnego oraz trwania. Staż pracy ma istotne znaczenie w wypadku przywiązania afektywnego i trwania.The purpose behind the research was establishing a relationship between a sense of procedural fairness and organizational commitment. The study involved 300 employees with different levels of seniority. The results confirmed assumptions. The sense of procedural fairness is a significant predictor of all three components of organizational commitment—affective, normative, and continuance commitment. Seniority has an important role in the case of affective and continuance commitment