405 research outputs found

    Simulating Interactions Between Coronal Mass Ejections

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    Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) launch large amounts of plasma and magnetic fields into the interplanetary medium. Under the right initial conditions, this ejecta can reach Earth and cause issues with electronic devices. As such, we would like to have an accurate model that depicts how these CMEs propagate as they leave the sun. By using fluid dynamics and one-minute resolution in-situ solar wind data, we sought to simulate CME plasma propagation with analytical and numerical models. Because the interstellar medium contains other material and other events happen on the sun simultaneously, CMEs can interact with each other and other ejecta, which can cause them to change, so in order to have an accurate simulation we considered these interactions in our model. For our model, we made the assumption that the plasma was an ideal fluid, was super-alfvenic, and we employed an injection radius of 10 R⦿

    A first exploratory analysis of the regional economic impact of COVID-19 in Argentina

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    In this article, we present a first exploratory analysis of the regional economic impact that COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown measures adopted in Argentina could have had during the last weeks of March and the month of April, the period of greatest economic impact, when restrictions were mainly raised at the sectoral level, without taking into account any regional criteria. To this end, we built an index of territorial economic impact by COVID-19 (ITEI-COVID), which takes into account, on the one hand, the regional production structure in terms of formal private employment, and on the other hand, the operational level of each sector. Results show that the regional impact of COVID-19 on private economic activity in Argentina was highly heterogeneous and that these unequal effects were largely related to the degree of productive diversity or the type of regional specialization. All these results are relatively stable and robust when comparing different geographical units of analysis, when changing the period chosen to define the private production structure, or when considering the informality and self-employment in addition to formal salaried employment.Fil: Niembro, Andrés. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios sobre Territorio, Economía y Sociedad; Argentina.Fil: Calá, Carla Daniela. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina

    How to measure the territorial economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in contexts with scarce regional data? A methodological proposal and application for Argentina (April-September 2020)

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    In this paper we propose an index to measure the territorial economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in contexts with scarce or outdated regional data, which is often the case in developing countries. This index is based on data that are usually available in most countries: a) the sectoral productive structure of the regions, b) the operational level of each sector, c) the mobility of workers in each region, and d) the possibility of remote work among sectors. The empirical application for Argentina describes the territorial economic impact during the second and third quarters of 2020, both for the provinces and labor market areas. Our results show that the regional impact of COVID-19 on private economic activity was highly heterogeneous and, in some cases, dissociated from the regional health impact. The proposed index is also highly correlated with sporadic official data coming from national agencies, while it has a wider geographical and temporal scope.Fil: Niembro, Andrés. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios sobre Territorio, Economía y Sociedad; Argentina.Fil: Calá, Carla Daniela. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina

    O que significa a federalização da ciência e tecnologia na Argentina?

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    En la última década, la federalización de la ciencia y la tecnología (CyT) se ha establecido como idea fuerza en Argentina, tanto en la agenda como en el discurso de políticas para el área. Sin embargo, el concepto mismo de federalización resulta un tanto difuso y en ocasiones se ha utilizado de forma ambigua. A partir de una revisión de estudios académicos previos, documentos institucionales y expresiones de diferentes actores del sistema, este trabajo se propone ordenar las ideas que se manejan respecto de este tema, principalmente aquéllas surgidas de debates ocurridos durante la última década. En este contexto se distinguen dos concepciones diferentes: desconcentración y descentralización. Esta distinción puede resultar de utilidad a la hora de definir y clarificar líneas de acción para establecer políticas CyT integradas de alcance nacional, regional y provincial.In the last decade, the federalization of science and technology (S&T) has established itself as a key force in Argentina, both in the agenda and the policy discourses for the area. However, the concept of federalization is, to a certain extent, vague and has sometimes been used ambiguously. Based on a review of previous academic studies, institutional documents and expressions of different actors, this article aims at organizing the most common ideas on this topic, especially those that arose out of debates during the last decade. In this context, two different approaches are distinguished: deconcentration and decentralization. This distinction can be useful when defining and clarifying lines of action to establish integrated S&T policies at a national, regional and provincial level.Na última década, a federalização da ciência e tecnologia (C&T) estabeleceu-se como uma forte idéia na Argentina, tanto na agenda quanto no discursos políticos da área. No entanto, o próprio conceito de federalização é um tanto vago e às vezes tem sido usado de forma ambígua. Com base em uma revisão de estudos acadêmicos anteriores, documentos institucionais e expressões de diferentes atores do sistema, este trabalho tem como objetivo ordenar as idéias que são tratadas com relação a esse tópico, principalmente aquelas que surgem de debates que ocorreram durante a última década. Nesse contexto, distinguem-se duas concepções diferentes: desconcentração e descentralização. Essa distinção pode ser útil ao definir e esclarecer linhas de ação para estabelecer políticas integradas de C&T de âmbito nacional, regional e provincial.Cátedra Libre Ciencia, Política y Socieda

    La Auditoría y su papel para la prevención de fraudes dentro de las PyME´s

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    La mente de los seres humanos es muy grande ya que es capaz de crear una mentira haciendo que todo parezca “normal”, cuando la realidad es otra. Las auditorías son el análisis minucioso de los estados financieros en una empresa, con el objetivo de corroborar que éstos muestren los resultados de las operaciones durante un tiempo determinado, y en su defecto detectar el área del problema (fraude) para darle una solución y prevenir o evitar posibles fraudes en un futuro. Las zonas más vulnerables para realizar estos actos es dónde se maneja dinero (efectivo) físico o documentos que forman parte de la contabilidad, ya que pueden ingresar gastos que no corresponden al giro de la misma, o hacer mal uso los recursos de la empresa. Sin embargo se deduce que las primeras personas sospechosas de los fraudes son los administrativos, ya que por su poder adquisitivo pueden manipular estos datos a su conveniencia. Para detectar los fraudes se debe de planear y llevar acabo todo un plan de auditoría donde se especifican todos los procedimientos y pasos a seguir, una vez ya terminado dicho plan debe ser analizado para emitir un dictamen el auditor con su punto de vista profesionalmente con las respectivas sugerencias, recomendaciones y observaciones sobre su contabilidad. Este dictamen debe ser entregado al director o representante legal de dicha empresa para proseguir con las sanciones correspondientes. Los fraudes son distorsiones provocadas en el registro de las operaciones con el objetivo de obtener un beneficio personal, y este debe ser detectado a tiempo ya que trae muchas consecuencias atróficas dentro de la empresa, incluso puede haber cierre total de la misma

    An empirical typology of travel-to-work areas in Argentina based on sectoral profiles of territorial coagglomeration

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    Spatial location of economic activities is a central aspect for the analysis of a country's productive structure and the design of productive development policies. In developed countries there is a large number of investigations that describe regional specialization profiles within a single country and explain the observed patterns based on different factors, such as the existence of economies of scale, the endowment of natural resources or fiscal incentives. The specialization profile is also typically used as an input to explain the economic performance of the regions in terms of employment growth, productivity or value added (Frenken et al., 2007; Bishop and Gripaios, 2010; van Oort et al., 2015; Cortinovis and van Oort, 2015). Besides, the evolution of regional specialization profiles can be used to illustrate or describe processes of structural change.Fil: Calá, Carla Daniela. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Niembro, Andrés. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. CIETES; Argentina.Fil: Belmartino, Andrea. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina

    Towards a first typology of regional innovation systems in Argentina

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    Versiones previas de este trabajo fueron presentadas en la VI Conferencia Anual de la Sociedad Argentina de Economía Regional (sección argentina de la RSAI), realizada en San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, como así también en la XXI Reunión Anual de la Red PyMEs MERCOSUR, en Tandil, Argentina (donde se obtuvo una mención del jurado). Otra versión resultó premiada en la quinta edición (año 2016) del Premio Anual de Investigación Económica, organizado por la Fundación Banco Municipal de Rosario y la Escuela de Economía de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina.Los trabajos que han analizado las desigualdades socio-económicas entre las provincias argentinas no suelen tener en cuenta las diferencias provinciales en materia de conocimiento, innovación y aprendizaje. En paralelo, buena parte de la literatura sobre sistemas regionales de innovación se ha abocado a la construcción de tipologías empíricas que permitan abordar dichas diferencias, pero hasta ahora no se han aplicado ejercicios de esta naturaleza al caso argentino. Por medio de una combinación de técnicas multivariantes (análisis de componentes principales y análisis clúster) apuntamos a brindar un primer aporte en estos nichos de investigación.The studies that have analyzed the socioeconomic inequalities between Argentinean provinces do not usually take into account provincial differences in terms of knowledge, innovation and learning. In parallel, much of the literature about regional innovation systems has focused on the construction of empirical typologies that allow to account for these differences, but exercises of this nature have not been applied in Argentina until now. Through a combination of multivariate techniques (principal component analysis and cluster analysis) we aim to provide a first contribution in these research gaps

    O que significa a federalização da ciência e tecnologia na Argentina?

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    In the last decade, the federalization of science and technology (S&T) has established itself as a key force in Argentina, both in the agenda and the policy discourses for the area. However, the concept of federalization is, to a certain extent, vague and has sometimes been used ambiguously. Based on a review of previous academic studies, institutional documents and expressions of different actors, this article aims at organizing the most common ideas on this topic, especially those that arose out of  debates during the last decade. In this context, two different approaches are distinguished: deconcentration and decentralization. This distinction can be useful when defining and clarifying lines of action to establish integrated S&T policies at a national, regional and provincial level.En la última década, la federalización de la ciencia y la tecnología (CyT) se ha establecido como idea fuerza en Argentina, tanto en la agenda como en el discurso de políticas para el área. Sin embargo, el concepto mismo de federalización resulta un tanto difuso y en ocasiones se ha utilizado de forma ambigua. A partir de una revisión de estudios académicos previos, documentos institucionales y expresiones de diferentes actores del sistema, este trabajo se propone ordenar las ideas que se manejan respecto de este tema, principalmente aquéllas surgidas de debates ocurridos durante la última década. En este contexto se distinguen dos concepciones diferentes: desconcentración y descentralización. Esta distinción puede resultar de utilidad a la hora de definir y clarificar líneas de acción para establecer políticas CyT integradas de alcance nacional, regional y provincial.Na última década, a federalização da ciência e tecnologia (C&T) estabeleceu-se como uma forte idéia na Argentina, tanto na agenda quanto no discursos políticos da área. No entanto, o próprio conceito de federalização é um tanto vago e às vezes tem sido usado de forma ambígua. Com base em uma revisão de estudos acadêmicos anteriores, documentos institucionais e expressões de diferentes atores do sistema, este trabalho tem como objetivo ordenar as idéias que são tratadas com relação a esse tópico, principalmente aquelas que surgem de debates que ocorreram durante a última década. Nesse contexto, distinguem-se duas concepções diferentes: desconcentração e descentralização. Essa distinção pode ser útil ao definir e esclarecer linhas de ação para estabelecer políticas integradas de C&T de âmbito nacional, regional e provincial

    Numerical simulations of ICME-ICME interactions

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    We present hydrodynamical simulations of interacting Coronal Mass Ejections in the Interplanetary medium (ICMEs). In these events, two consecutive CMEs are launched from the Sun in similar directions within an interval of time of a few hours. In our numerical model, we assume that the ambient solar wind is characterized by its velocity and mass-loss rate. Then, the CMEs are generated when the flow velocity and mass-loss rate suddenly change, with respect to the ambient solar wind conditions during two intervals of time, which correspond to the durations of the CMEs. After their interaction, a merged region is formed and evolve as a single structure into the interplanetary medium. In this work, we are interested in the general morphology of this merged region, which depends on the initial parameters of the ambient solar wind and each of the CMEs involved. In order to understand this morphology, we have performed a parametric study in which we characterize the effects of the initial parameters variations on the density and velocity profiles at 1 AU, using as reference the well-documented event of July 25th, 2004. Based on this parametrization we were able to reproduce with a high accuracy the observed profiles. Then, we apply the parametrization results to the interaction events of May 23, 2010; August 1, 2010; and November 9, 2012. With this approach and using values for the input parameters within the CME observational errors, our simulated profiles reproduce the main features observed at 1 AU. Even though we do not take into account the magnetic field, our models give a physical insight into the propagation and interaction of ICMEs