481 research outputs found

    The NBD-NBD interface is not the sole determinant for transport in ABC transporters

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    International audienceOne of the most exciting scientific challenges in functional genomics concerns the discovery of biologically relevant patterns from gene expression data. For instance, it is extremely useful to provide putative synexpression groups or transcription modules to molecular biologists. We propose a methodology that has been proved useful in real cases. It is described as a prototypical KDD scenario which starts from raw expression data selection until useful patterns are delivered. Our conceptual contribution is (a) to emphasize how to take the most from recent progress in constraint-based mining of set patterns, and (b) to propose a generic approach for gene expression data enrichment. The methodology has been validated on real data sets

    The opposing homeobox genes Goosecoid and Vent1/2 self-regulate Xenopus patterning

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    We present a loss-of-function study using antisense morpholino (MO) reagents for the organizer-specific gene Goosecoid (Gsc) and the ventral genes Vent1 and Vent2. Unlike in the mouse Gsc is required in Xenopus for mesodermal patterning during gastrulation, causing phenotypes ranging from reduction of head structures—including cyclopia and holoprosencephaly—to expansion of ventral tissues in MO-injected embryos. The overexpression effects of Gsc mRNA require the expression of the BMP antagonist Chordin, a downstream target of Gsc. Combined Vent1 and Vent2 MOs strongly dorsalized the embryo. Unexpectedly, simultaneous depletion of all three genes led to a rescue of almost normal development in a variety of embryological assays. Thus, the phenotypic effects of depleting Gsc or Vent1/2 are caused by the transcriptional upregulation of their opposing counterparts. A principal function of Gsc and Vent1/2 homeobox genes might be to mediate a self-adjusting mechanism that restores the basic body plan when deviations from the norm occur, rather than generating individual cell types. The results may shed light on the molecular mechanisms of genetic redundancy

    Деформационное упрочнение начально-изотропных металлов при деформировании по траекториям малой кривизны

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    На примере стали мартенситного класса исследованы закономерности деформационного упрочнения при нагружении по траекториям, имеющим вид двухзвенных ломаных, которым соответствуют траектории деформирования малой кривизны. Показано, что поверхность нагружения, разделяющая области упругого и упругопластического деформирования, смещается в направлении вектора, который соединяет центр поверхности нагружения и изображающую точку на траектории нагружения, при этом не изменяется форма ее фронтальной части. Зависимость величины смещения центра поверхности нагружения от интенсивности накопленных пластических деформаций описывается кривой, инвариантной к виду траектории нагружения.На прикладі сталі мартенситного класу досліджено закономірності деформаційного зміцнення при навантаженні по траєкторіях, що мають вигляд дволанкових ламаних, яким відповідають траєкторії деформування малої кривини. Показано, що поверхня навантаження, яка розділяє області пружного та пружнопластичного деформування, зміщується у напрямку вектора, який з ’єднує центр поверхні навантаження та відображуючу точку на траєкторії навантаження, при цьому форма фронтальної частини не змінюється. Залежність величини зміщення центра поверхні навантаження від інтенсивності накопичених пластичних деформацій описується кривою, яка є інваріантною відносно траєкторії навантаження.By the example of martensitic steel we study regularities of strain hardening under loading along two-section broken lines corresponding to slightly curved strain paths. It is shown that the loading surface separating domains of elastic and elastoplastic strains (yield surface) is displaced in the direction of a vector connecting the surface center with the loading trajectory image point, while the shape of its frontal part remains unchanged. The yield surface center displacement versus the intensity of accumulated plastic strains is described by a curve invariant to the loading trajectory

    attract: A Method for Identifying Core Pathways That Define Cellular Phenotypes

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    attract is a knowledge-driven analytical approach for identifying and annotating the gene-sets that best discriminate between cell phenotypes. attract finds distinguishing patterns within pathways, decomposes pathways into meta-genes representative of these patterns, and then generates synexpression groups of highly correlated genes from the entire transcriptome dataset. attract can be applied to a wide range of biological systems and is freely available as a Bioconductor package and has been incorporated into the MeV software system

    Novel role for the innate immune receptor toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) in the regulation of the wnt signaling pathway and photoreceptor apoptosis

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    Recent evidence has implicated innate immunity in regulating neuronal survival in the brain during stroke and other neurodegenerations. Photoreceptors are specialized light-detecting neurons in the retina that are essential for vision. In this study, we investigated the role of the innate immunity receptor TLR4 in photoreceptors. TLR4 activation by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) significantly reduced the survival of cultured mouse photoreceptors exposed to oxidative stress. With respect to mechanism, TLR4 suppressed Wnt signaling, decreased phosphorylation and activation of the Wnt receptor LRP6, and blocked the protective effect of the Wnt3a ligand. Paradoxically, TLR4 activation prior to oxidative injury protected photoreceptors, in a phenomenon known as preconditioning. Expression of TNFα and its receptors TNFR1 and TNFR2 decreased during preconditioning, and preconditioning was mimicked by TNFα antagonists, but was independent of Wnt signaling. Therefore, TLR4 is a novel regulator of photoreceptor survival that acts through the Wnt and TNFα pathways. © 2012 Yi et al

    Elevated levels of Dickkopf-related protein 3 in seminal plasma of prostate cancer patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Expression of Dkk-3, a secreted putative tumor suppressor, is altered in age-related proliferative disorders of the human prostate. We now investigated the suitability of Dkk-3 as a diagnostic biomarker for prostate cancer (PCa) in seminal plasma (SP).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>SP samples were obtained from 81 patients prior to TRUS-guided prostate biopsies on the basis of elevated serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA; > 4 ng/mL) levels and/or abnormal digital rectal examination. A sensitive indirect immunoenzymometric assay for Dkk-3 was developed and characterized in detail. SP Dkk-3 and PSA levels were determined and normalized to total SP protein. The diagnostic accuracies of single markers including serum PSA and multivariate models to discriminate patients with positive (N = 40) and negative (N = 41) biopsy findings were investigated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Biopsy-confirmed PCa showed significantly higher SP Dkk-3 levels (100.9 ± 12.3 vs. 69.2 ± 9.4 fmol/mg; <it>p </it>= 0.026). Diagnostic accuracy (AUC) of SP Dkk-3 levels (0.633) was enhanced in multivariate models by including serum PSA (model A; AUC 0.658) or both, serum and SP PSA levels (model B; AUC 0.710). In a subpopulation with clinical follow-up > 3 years post-biopsy to ensure veracity of negative biopsy status (positive biopsy N = 21; negative biopsy N = 25) AUCs for SP Dkk-3, model A and B increased to 0.667, 0.724 and 0.777, respectively.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In multivariate models to detect PCa, inclusion of SP Dkk-3 levels, which were significantly elevated in biopsy-confirmed PCa patients, improved the diagnostic performance compared with serum PSA only.</p

    Exploring the Dynamic Range of the Kinetic Exclusion Assay in Characterizing Antigen-Antibody Interactions

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    Therapeutic antibodies are often engineered or selected to have high on-target binding affinities that can be challenging to determine precisely by most biophysical methods. Here, we explore the dynamic range of the kinetic exclusion assay (KinExA) by exploiting the interactions of an anti-DKK antibody with a panel of DKK antigens as a model system. By tailoring the KinExA to each studied antigen, we obtained apparent equilibrium dissociation constants (KD values) spanning six orders of magnitude, from approximately 100 fM to 100 nM. Using a previously calibrated antibody concentration and working in a suitable concentration range, we show that a single experiment can yield accurate and precise values for both the apparent KD and the apparent active concentration of the antigen, thereby increasing the information content of an assay and decreasing sample consumption. Orthogonal measurements obtained on Biacore and Octet label-free biosensor platforms further validated our KinExA-derived affinity and active concentration determinations. We obtained excellent agreement in the apparent affinities obtained across platforms and within the KinExA method irrespective of the assay orientation employed or the purity of the recombinant or native antigens

    WNT signalling in prostate cancer

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    Genome sequencing and gene expression analyses of prostate tumours have highlighted the potential importance of genetic and epigenetic changes observed in WNT signalling pathway components in prostate tumours-particularly in the development of castration-resistant prostate cancer. WNT signalling is also important in the prostate tumour microenvironment, in which WNT proteins secreted by the tumour stroma promote resistance to therapy, and in prostate cancer stem or progenitor cells, in which WNT-β-catenin signals promote self-renewal or expansion. Preclinical studies have demonstrated the potential of inhibitors that target WNT receptor complexes at the cell membrane or that block the interaction of β-catenin with lymphoid enhancer-binding factor 1 and the androgen receptor, in preventing prostate cancer progression. Some WNT signalling inhibitors are in phase I trials, but they have yet to be tested in patients with prostate cancer