368 research outputs found

    Design Space Exploration: Bridging the Gap Between High­‐Level Models and Virtual ExecutionPlatforms

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    International audienceThispaper presents a novel embedded systems modeling framework that fills the gap betweenhigh-­‐level AADL models and low-­‐level hardware virtual execution platforms. This approach allows refinement and improvement of system performance through exploration of architectures at different levels of abstraction. The aim of the proposed approach is to achieve virtual prototyping of the complete system in order to allow validation to begin early in the design flow, thereby accelerating its development while improving system performances

    Quark coalescence in the mid rapidity region at RHIC

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    We utilize the ALCOR model for mid-rapidity hadron number predictions at AGS, SPS and RHIC energies. We present simple fits for the energy dependence of stopping and quark production.Comment: Talk given at SQM2001, Frankfurt, (LaTeX 8 pages, 5 .ps figs

    Heisenberg's Universal (lns)**2 Increase of Total Cross Sections

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    The (lns)**2 behaviour of total cross-sections, first obtained by Heisenberg 50 years ago, receives now increased interest both on phenomenological and theoretical levels. In this paper we present a modification of the Heisenberg's model in connection with the presence of glueballs and we show that it leads to a realistic description of all existing hadron total cross-section data.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Transient Cenozoic tectonic stages in the southern margin of the Caribbean plate : U-Th/He thermochronological constraints from Eocene plutonic rocks in the Santa Marta massif and Serranía de Jarara, northern Colombia

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    We use U-Th/(He) zircon and apatite thermochronology and Al in hornblende geobarometry from Eocene granitoids of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and Guajira uplifted massifs in northern Colombia to elucidate the exhumation history of the northern South America continental margin and its bearing to Cenozoic Caribbean- South American plate interactions. Aluminium in hornblende geobarometry from the Eocene Santa Marta batholith yields pressures between 4.9±0.6kbar and 6.4±0.6kbar, which indicate that at least, 14.7-19.2km of unroofing took place since 56-50Ma in the northwestern Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. In the Guajira Peninsula, calculated pressures for the Eocene Parashi stock are 2.3±0.6kbar and 3±0.6kbar. Stratigraphic considerations pertaining to Oligocene conglomerates from the Guajira area suggest that 6.9-9km of crust was lost between 50Ma and ca. 26Ma. U-Th/He zircon and apatite thermochronology from granitoids in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta shows the existence of major exhumation events in the Late Eocene (ca. 45-40Ma), Late Oligocene (ca. 25Ma) and Miocene (ca. 15Ma). The Guajira region records the Late Eocene to Early Oligocene (35-25Ma) event, but it lacks evidence for the Miocene exhumation phase. These differences reflect isolation of the Guajira region from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and the Andean chain due to extensive block rotation and transtensional tectonics that affected the region during post-Eocene times. The post-Eocene events correlate in time with an increased convergence rate and the frontal approach of North and South America. It is suggested that the two major tectonic mechanisms that govern exhumation in these Caribbean massifs are: 1) subduction of the Caribbean plate, and 2) post Eocene changes in plate convergence obliquity and rates that caused the South American continental margin blocks to override the Caribbean plate. Temporal correlation with other Caribbean and Northern Andean events allows to resolve the regional Cenozoic plate tectonic reorganizations experienced by the South American, Caribbean and Pacific plates at a regional scale

    Liver resections in hepatocarcinoma – preliminary results

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    Clinica I Chirurgie, Sp. “Sf. Spiridon”, Iași, UMF “Gr.T. Popa”, Iași, Romania, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011Introducere. Carcinomul hepatocelular (CHC) este forma dominantă de malignitate hepatică primitivă şi este diferită histologic şi etiologic de alte forme de cancer hepatic. Incidența în lume variază între 2 şi 30 de cazuri/ 100000 locuitori/an, iar în România după ultimele date este de 4-10/100000 locuitori/an. Carcinomul hepatocelular este o cauză importantă de deces prin cancer în întreaga lume, iar incidența sa este de aşteptat să crească în continuare în următorii ani. Rezecția chirurgicală a tumorii este cea mai bună metodă de tratament și are șansa de vindecare cea mai mare. Material și Metodă. Am efectuat un studiu prospectiv în perioada 01.04.2009-30.06.2011 pe 17 pacienți cu hepatocarcinom tratați în Clinica I Chirurgie. Au fost incluși doar pacienții la care s-a practicat rezecție hepatică. Rezultate. Din numărul total de pacienți au predominat bărbații reprezentând 64,7%. Vârsta medie a fost de 59,6 ani cu extreme între 25 ani și 78 ani. În 14 cazuri CHC s-a dezvoltat pe hepatită virală cronică. La 58.8% din pacienți localizarea a fost în lobul drept, iar în lobul stâng la 41,2%. Am avut complicații postoperatorii la 4 pacienți și un deces. Concluzii. Rezecția hepatică se poate efectua la pacienții cu CHC în condiții sigure chiar și la cei cu ciroză hepatică. Această metodă de tratament trebuie efectuată de fiecare dată când este posibil deoarece are complicații minime și cel mai bun prognostic.Introduction. The hepatocarcinoma (HCC) is the dominant type of primary liver malignant tumors, with a different etiology and histology comparing to others liver malignancies. The worldwide annual incidence varies between 2 and 30 cases/100000 inhabitants. The incidence of hepatocarcinoma in Romania is 4 to 10 cases/100000 inhabitants per year. The hepatocellular carcinoma represent an important cause of death through malignancies, with a predictive raising in the next years. The liver resection is the rational and potentially curative therapy. Material and methods. This paper is based on a prospective study between 01.06.2009- 30.06.2011; we included 17 patients with hepatocarcinoma treated in 1st Surgical Clinic of St. Spiridon Hospital, considering only the patients with liver resection. Results. The males represented 64,5% of all the patients included in our study, the medium age was 54,7 years, with age limits between 25 and 78. In 14 of the cases the HCC developped on chronic viral hepatitis. In 58,5% of the cases the tumor was localised in the right liver, in the left liver the percentage being 41,5%. We had 4 postoperative complications and 1 death. Conclusions. The liver resection is a safe procedure for the patients with hepatocarcinoma, even the liver cirrhosis developped. This treatment procedure should be considered in all the selected cases, the resection having the best prognosis and minimally complications

    P-P Total Cross Sections at VHE from Accelerator Data

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    Comparison of P-P total cross-sections estimations at very high energies - from accelerators and cosmic rays - shows a disagreement amounting to more than 10 %, a discrepancy which is beyond statistical errors. Here we use a phenomenological model based on the Multiple-Diffraction approach to successfully describe data at accelerator energies. The predictions of the model are compared with data On the basis of regression analysis we determine confident error bands, analyzing the sensitivity of our predictions to the employed data for extrapolation. : using data at 546 and 1.8 TeV, our extrapolations for p-p total cross-sections are only compatible with the Akeno cosmic ray data, predicting a slower rise with energy than other cosmic ray results and other extrapolation methods. We discuss our results within the context of constraints in the light of future accelerator and cosmic ray experimental results.Comment: 26 pages aqnd 11 figure