1,163 research outputs found

    Disaster Risk Reduction, Health and Sustainable Development: The Case of The Philippines

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    Màster en Diplomàcia i Organitzacions Internacionals, Centre d'Estudis Internacionals. Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2019-2020. Tutora: Ana García JuanateyClimate change is increasingly causing changes in the intensity of extreme weather events, rising sea levels and infectious disease distribution. It is affecting the economic, environmental and social determinants of health, and it will continue to increase migration and internal displacements of people, conflicts over natural resources and fragmented policy-making processes. While it is known to be one of the most serious threats to development, its impact is dependent on people's level of exposure (age, education, income and health status and access to public services). As climate-related disasters in developing countries pose a challenge for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, we should analyze development plans from a Disaster Risk Reduction perspective. The Philippines is among the most vulnerable countries to the health impacts of climate change and is considered to have a strong experience in DRR. Understanding how disaster management in this country can contribute to the implementation of the SDGs, focused on health, is highly relevant. So, what can we learn from this model? The aim of this paper is to conduct a qualitative analysis with the Philippines model as an example of development policy adaptation and a DRR-centered system in the context of climate change

    International Space Object Orbit Tracker

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    This software engineering project involves development of machine learning algorithms for embedded applications. High speed 32-bit hardware devices such as Raspberry Pi and ARM microcontrollers has become inexpensive and readily available. Machine learning algorithms for applications such as image processing and image recognition are computationally intensive. But with the availability of low cost 32-bit embedded computing devices, it is now feasible to implement then on embedded hardware. This project will explore embedded applications of machine learning algorithms by following a software engineering design and test approach

    Community-Based Health and Exposure Study around Urban Oil Developments in South Los Angeles.

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    Oilfield-adjacent communities often report symptoms such as headaches and/or asthma. Yet, little data exists on health experiences and exposures in urban environments with oil and gas development. In partnership with Promotoras de Salud (community health workers), we gathered household surveys nearby two oil production sites in Los Angeles. We tested the capacity of low-cost sensors for localized exposure estimates. Bilingual surveys of 205 randomly sampled residences were collected within two 1500 ft. buffer areas (West Adams and University Park) surrounding oil development sites. We used a one-sample proportion test, comparing overall rates from the California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) of Service Planning Area 6 (SPA6) and Los Angeles County for variables of interest such as asthma. Field calibrated low-cost sensors recorded methane emissions. Physician diagnosed asthma rates were reported to be higher within both buffers than in SPA6 or LA County. Asthma prevalence in West Adams but not University Park was significantly higher than in Los Angeles County. Respondents with diagnosed asthma reported rates of emergency room visits in the previous 12 months similar to SPA6. 45% of respondents were unaware of oil development; 63% of residents would not know how to contact local regulatory authorities. Residents often seek information about their health and site-related activities. Low-cost sensors may be useful in highlighting differences between sites or recording larger emission events and can provide localized data alongside resident-reported symptoms. Regulatory officials should help clarify information to the community on methods for reporting health symptoms. Our community-based participatory research (CBPR) partnership supports efforts to answer community questions as residents seek a safety buffer between sensitive land uses and active oil development

    Uso de los memes como forma de concientización en los millennials de Trujillo, a través de la fan page de Facebook de la Policía Nacional del Perú, año 2019 - 2021

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    A lo largo de los años la Policía Nacional del Perú (PNP), ha ido abriéndose paso dentro de las redes sociales, siendo su fan page en Facebook uno de sus canales más importantes al momento de informar a la población, llamando la atención de más de un cibernauta cuando empezaron a publicar los populares memes. El objetivo general de esta investigación es determinar si los memes de la fan page de Facebook de la PNP, concientizan a los millennials trujillanos, durante los años 2019 - 2021. Para el desarrollo de este trabajo de investigación, se efectuó una profunda búsqueda de información de las variables meme y concientización dentro de buscadores académicos y/o repositorios institucionales. Asimismo, se aplicaron las herramientas: ficha de observación y encuesta, en donde se analizaron doce publicaciones, y se encuestaron a cien millennials seguidores de la fan page de la PNP. De esta forma, se puede concluir que los memes publicados en la fan page de Facebook de la PNP logran comunicar de manera efectiva su mensaje, y concientizan hasta cierto nivel a los millennials trujillanos.Over the years, The National Police of Peru (PNP) has been making its way into social networks, with its fan page on Facebook being one of its most important channels when informing the population, drawing the attention of more than one citizen. when they started posting popular memes. The general objective of this research is to determine if the memes of the Facebook fan page of the PNP raise awareness among millennials from Trujillo, during the years 2019 - 2021. For the development of this research, a search for information was carried out, considering as variables both the meme and the awareness, within academic search engines and/or institutional repositories. Likewise, the tools applied were the observation sheet and survey, where twelve publications were analyzed, and one-hundred millennial, followers of the PNP fan page were surveyed. In this way, it can be concluded that the memes published on the PNP's Facebook fan page manage to effectively communicate their message, and raise awareness to a certain level among millennials from Trujillo

    The experience of women: thinking about old age from a privileged point of view

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    La ciencia moderna, como modo de producción hegemónica de la verdad se reproduce en clave androcéntrica y patriarcal definiendo y regulando el conocimiento válido en torno a las vejeces. En el presente artículo nos proponemos interrogar el conocimiento hegemónico, a través de los saberes sobre género producidos por mujeres mayores. Así, nutrimos la comprensión de las vejeces femeninas en afinidad con la teoría del punto de vista (Harding,1987), las tecnologías de género y las resistencias desde la acción (Butler, 2007; de Lauretis, 1996), resignificando la experiencia cotidiana y contextual de las mujeres como producciones válidas y atendiendo a la diversidad que caracteriza al envejecimiento como proceso social. A través de los fragmentos de relatos de vida, construidos en conjunto con mujeres de Argentina y Chile, concluimos la importancia de visibilizar las producciones de las viejas como saberes situados, que promueven aprendizajes intergeneracionales y sororos para mujeres de todas las edades.Modern science, as a hegemonic mode of truth production, is reproduced in an androcentric and patriarchal key, defining and regulating valid knowledge around old age. In this article we propose to interrogate hegemonic knowledge, through knowledge about gender produced by older women. Thus, we nurture the understanding of female old age in affinity with the theory of point of view (Harding, 1987), gender technologies and resistance from action (Butler, 2007; de Lauretis, 1996), resignifying everyday experience and contextual of women as valid productions and attending to the diversity that characterizes aging as a social process. Through the fragments of life stories, constructed in conjunction with women from Argentina and Chile, we conclude the importance of making the productions of the old women visible as situated knowledge, which promote intergenerational and sororo learning for women of all ages

    El concepto de la seguridad humana revisión teórica y su aplicación

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    Nowadays, International Relations have been approached from several theoretical perspectives. The emergence of new concepts has come to the area to challenge traditional conceptions and the understanding of world order. The concept of human security comes from the necessity to ensure the individuals’ integrity as a clear understanding and proposition by the United Nations and the constructivist theory of International Relations. From these approaches, nations are beginning to realize the importance of protecting people rather than the reinforcement of its military capabilities. However, in a world where there are many different political positions and forms of government, has not been achieved yet the need for the implementation of the human security concept. States have chosen different ways of implementing the concept guided by their policies, and social and economic interests of them, which are logically hauled under their forms of state government. These forms of application have been the key to the determination of parameters, levels and rates of human development according to each nation and their forms of government.En el mundo actual, las Relaciones Internacionales se han estudiado desde varias perspectivas teóricas. El surgimiento de nuevos conceptos han surgido en la esfera para desafiar las concepciones tradicionales y el orden mundial. El concepto de Seguridad Humana proviene de la necesidad de velar por la integridad del individuo como un entendimiento y proposición clara por parte de las Naciones Unidas y la teoría constructivista de las Relaciones Internacionales. A partir de estos enfoques, los estados empiezan a tomar conciencia de la importancia en cuanto a la protección de las personas más que del reforzamiento de sus capacidades bélicas y militares. Sin embargo, en un mundo donde abundan diferentes posiciones políticas y formas de gobierno no se ha logrado concientizar aún completamente sobre la necesidad de la aplicación del concepto seguridad humana. Se han elegido diversas formas de aplicación guiándose por los intereses políticos y económicos de cada nación, que son lógicamente acarreados bajo su políticas de gobierno y formas de Estado. Dichos comportamientos, han sido claves para la determinación de parámetros, niveles e índices de desarrollo humano según cada nación y sus formas de gobierno

    Marketing turístico : Polonia

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    Este trabajo de fin de grado tiene como objetivo estudiar la posibilidad de crear un producto turístico en Polonia para los españoles y así relacionar el Marketing turístico con Polonia, en primer lugar, se ha hecho una introducción para analizar en mayor profundidad lo que significa el termino turismo y estudiar Polonia como país, desde una perspectiva geográfica, económica e histórica. En segundo lugar, se ha analizado Polonia desde una perspectiva turística, analizándose el turismo actual e histórico del país. A continuación, se han analizado los diferentes tipos de turismo que existen y lo que engloban cada uno de ellos, una vez diferenciados los tipos de turismo se han relacionado con Polonia, y en cada sección se han descrito los principales atractivos turísticos que ofrece Polonia. Posteriormente se ha realizado una encuesta a una muestra de 100 españoles, para descubrir sus interés y hábitos turísticos además de analizar el interés por Polonia de aquellos que no han visitado el país, y la opinión de aquellos que sí que lo han visitado. Por último, se ha realizado un análisis de las respuestas obtenidas en la encuesta y se ha propuesto un producto turístico en Polonia adaptado a los gustos y necesidades de los españoles.<br /