3,850 research outputs found

    Single-photon space-like antibunching

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    We use heralded single photons to perform an antibunching experiment in which the clicks at the detectors are spacelike separated events. The idea of such experiment dates back to the 5th Solvay conference, when it was proposed by Einstein as an expression of his concerns about quantum theory

    The speed of quantum information and the preferred frame: analysis of experimental data

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    The results of EPR experiments performed in Geneva are analyzed in the frame of the cosmic microwave background radiation, generally considered as a good candidate for playing the role of preferred frame. We set a lower bound for the speed of quantum information in this frame at 1.5 x 10^4 c.Comment: 9 pages including 3 figure

    From Lega Nord to Lega: Matteo Salvini and the rise of far-right nativist Lega

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    This thesis analyzes the exact nature of far-right European populism through an extensive historical case study of the Italian far right party known as Lega. Analysis observes not only the development of a populist regionalist party (Lega Nord) into a far-right nationalist one (Lega), but also analyzes the presence of charismatic populist leaders respectively (i.e. Umberto Bossi and Matteo Salvini

    Optical spin waves

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    Chirality is inherent to a broad range of systems, including in solid-state and wave physics. The precession (chiral motion) of electron spins in magnetic materials, forming spin waves, has various properties and many applications in magnetism and spintronics. We show that an optical analog of spin waves can be generated in arrays of plasmonic nanohelices. Such optical waves arise from the interaction between chiral helix eigenmodes carrying spin angular momentum. We demonstrate that these optical spin waves are reflected at the interface between successive domains of enantiomeric nanohelices, forming a heterochiral lattice, regardless of the wave propagation direction within the lattice. Optical spin waves may be applied in techniques involving photon spin, ranging from data processing and storage to quantum optics

    Caracterización de las personas con disfunción sexual post infarto agudo de miocardio (IAM)

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    Introducción: La disfunción sexual en pacientes infartados es una problemática que poco se ha estudiado y que tiene un gran impacto en la población general. Esta situación afecta negativamente su calidad de vida relacionada con la salud, el bienestar psicológico, la calidad marital y el riesgo de eventos cardiovasculares adversos. Objetivo: Identificar las características de las personas con disfunción sexual post IAM. Metodología: Estudio cuantitativo con abordaje de diseño de revisión narrativa, se usaron bases de datos de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia y otras bases de acceso libre. Después de ejecutar los criterios de selección se emplearon 40 artículos para el análisis de la información. Resultados: La mayoría de los artículos hablan de que los participantes tienen una edad promedio entre 45 y 60 años. Se evidenció que la mayoría de los estudios corresponden a hombres y en menor cantidad a mujeres; entre un 50 a 75% de las personas estaban casadas y la mayoría tenían un nivel de escolaridad bajo. Con relación a la disfunción sexual por IAM se encontró que, las personas presentan alteraciones mentales como ansiedad, temor, preocupaciones de las parejas y depresión a la hora de tener relaciones sexuales. Conclusiones: Las alteraciones de la función psicológica se presentan con mayor prevalencia ya que el iniciar relaciones sexuales posteriores al IAM, implica cambios emocionales del paciente como de su pareja.Introduction: Sexual dysfunction in infarcted patients is a problem that little has been studied and that has a great impact on the general population. This negatively affects their health-related quality of life, psychological well-being, marital quality and the risk of adverse cardiovascular events. Objective: To identify the characteristics of people with post-MIA sexual dysfunction. Methodology: A quantitative study with a narrative review design approach using databases from the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia and other open access databases. After executing the selection criteria 40 articles were used for the analysis of the information. Results: Most of the articles speak of the participants having an average age between 45 and 60 years. It was found that the majority of studies were conducted by men and to a lesser extent by women; between 50 and 75 percent of the people were married and the majority had a low level of schooling. With regard to sexual dysfunction by IAM it was found that, people present mental disorders such as anxiety, fear, partner concerns and depression when having sex. Conclusions: Alterations in psychological function are more prevalent since the initiation of sexual relations after the AMI involves emotional changes of the patient as well as of his partner.1. Introducción. -- 2. Planteamiento del problema. -- 3. Justificación. -- 4. Objetivo. -- 5. Pregunta. -- 6. Marco teórico. -- 6.1 Disfunción sexual . -- 6.1.1 Diagnóstico de la disfunción sexual. -- 6.1.2 Tratamiento de la disfunción sexual. -- 6.2 Infarto agudo de miocardio (IAM) . -- 6.3 Disfunción sexual en pacientes post IAM . -- 6.3.1 Factores que influyen en la disfunción sexual post infarto. -- Fármacos utilizados en el tratamiento del IAM que afectan la función sexual. -- Factores físicos y psicológicos. -- 6.4 Rol de enfermería en la asesoría en educación sexual post IAM . -- 7. Metodología . -- 7.1 Enfoque . -- 7.2 Diseño . -- 7.3 Población estudio . -- 7.4 Muestra . -- 7.5 Identificación . -- 7.5.1 Combinación de booleanos. -- 7.5.2 Fuentes de información. -- 7.6 Selección . -- 7.6.1 Criterios de inclusión. -- 7.6.2 Criterios de exclusión. -- 7.6.3 Tipo de publicación. -- 7.7 Inclusión . -- 7.7.1 Análisis de la información. -- 8. Resultados . -- 8.1 Flujograma. -- 8.2 Variables sociodemográficas. -- 8.3 Alteraciones de la salud mental. -- 9. Conclusiones . -- 10. Recomendaciones. -- 11. Consideraciones éticas . -- 12. Referencias bibliográficas

    Sensitive photonic system to measure oxidative potential of airborne nanoparticles and ROS levels in exhaled air

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    A photonic system has been developed that enables sensitive quantitative determination of reactive oxygen species (ROS) - mainly hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) - in aerosol samples such as airborne nanoparticles and exhaled air from patients. The detection principle relies on the amplification of the absorbance under multiple scattering conditions due to optical path lengthening [1] and [2]. In this study, the presence of cellulose membrane that acts as random medium into the glass optical cell considerably improved the sensitivity of the detection based on colorimetric FOX assay (FeII/orange xylenol). Despite the loss of assay volume (cellulose occupies 75% of cell volume) the limit of detection is enhanced by one order of magnitude reaching the value of 9 nM (H2O2 equivalents). Spectral analysis is performed automatically with a periodicity of 5 to 15 s, giving rise to real-time ROS measurements. Moreover, the elution of air sample into the collection chamber via a micro-diffuser (impinger) enables quantitative determination of ROS contained in or generated from airborne samples. As proof-of-concept the photonic ROS detection system was used in the determination of both ROS generated from traffic pollution and ROS contained in the exhaled breath as lung inflammation biomarkers

    Assessing the impact of very large volcanic eruptions on the risk of extreme climate events

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    Very large volcanic eruptions have substantial impacts on the climate, causing global cooling and major changes to the hydrological cycle. While most studies have focused on changes to mean climate, here we use a large ensemble to assess the impact on extreme climate for three years following tropical and extratropical eruptions of different sulfur emission strength. We focus on the impact of an extremely large eruption, injecting 40 Tg sulfur into the stratosphere, which could be expected to occur approximately twice a millennium. Our findings show that the eruption would have a profound effect on large areas of the globe, resulting in extremely rare drought events that under normal circumstances would occur once every century becoming very likely. Several regions such as West Africa, South and East Asia and the Maritime continent are particularly affected with the expected climate shifting well outside the usual range, by up to five standard deviations. These results have important consequences as they indicate that a severe drought in multiple breadbasket regions should be expected following a large eruption. The risk of heavy rainfall tends to decrease over the same regions but by a reduced amount, heatwaves become extremely rare, however the chance of extreme Winter cold surges do not increase by a corresponding amount, since widespread parts of the Northern Hemisphere display a winter warming. Our results show that the location of the eruption is crucial for the change in extremes, with overall changes larger for a Northern Hemisphere eruption than a tropical and Southern Hemisphere eruption, although there is a regional dependency. Simulations of different eruptions with similar forcing distributions but with different sizes are consistent with a linear relationship, however for smaller eruptions the internal variability tends to become dominant and the effect on extreme climate less detectable

    Breeding distribution and abundance of gulls and terns in the Bahía San Blas protected area, Buenos Aires

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    El conocimiento sobre la distribución reproductiva y la abundancia de aves marinas es clave para su manejo y conservación. Se presenta información sobre la reproducción de gaviotas y gaviotines entre 2006-2013 en la Reserva Natural de Usos Múltiples Bahía San Blas, provincia de Buenos Aires. Se registró la reproducción de ocho especies, en la mayoría de los casos en colonias mixtas. Durante 2013 se contabilizaron 3635 nidos de Gaviota Cocinera (Larus dominicanus) distribuidos en 4 colonias, 359 nidos de Gaviota Cangrejera (Larus atlanticus) en 2 colonias, 6 nidos de Gaviota Capucho Café (Larus maculipennis), 841 nidos de Gaviotín Real (Thalasseus maximus), 195 nidos de Gaviotín Pico Amarillo (Thalasseus sandvicensis), 265 nidos de Gaviotín Lagunero (Sterna trudeaui) distribuidos en 3 colonias y 21 nidos de Gaviotín Sudamericano (Sterna hirundinacea) en 2 colonias. El Gaviotín Pico Grueso (Gelochelidon nilotica) no se reprodujo en el área en 2013, pero sí en las temporadas anteriores. Se observó actividad reproductiva en un total de seis sitios, aunque no todos fueron utilizados en todas las temporadas. La Gaviota Cocinera, la Gaviota Cangrejera, el Gaviotín Real y el Gaviotín Pico Amarillo mostraron una estabilidad en el uso de los sitios entre años, pero la Gaviota Capucho Café, el Gaviotín Pico Grueso y el Gaviotín Lagunero cambiaron de sitio entre temporadas. Los programas de monitoreo deberían incluir varias visitas a lo largo de la temporada a todos los sitios identificados, de manera de poder asegurar la detección de la actividad reproductiva. Además, la accesibilidad de las visitas a las colonias sugiere la necesidad de planificar las actividades humanas en el área protegida dada la sensibilidad de estas especies a los disturbios humanos.The knowledge of seabird breeding distribution and abundance is important for their management and conservation. We present information on the breeding of gulls and terns gathered between 2006-2013 at the Reserva Natural de Usos Múltiples Bahía San Blas, Buenos Aires Province. We recorded the nesting of eight species, in most cases in mixed-species colonies. During 2013, we counted 3635 nests of the Kelp Gull (Larus dominicanus) distributed in 4 colonies, 359 nests of the Olrog's Gull (Larus atlanticus) in 2 colonies, 6 nests of the Brown-hooded Gull (Larus maculipennis), 841 nests of the Royal Tern (Thalasseus maximus), 195 nests of the Sandwich Tern (Thalasseus sandvicensis), 265 nests of the Snowy-crowned Tern (Sterna trudeaui) distributed in 3 colonies, and 21 nests of the South American Tern (Sterna hirundinacea) in 2 colonies. The Gull-billed Tern (Gelochelidon nilotica) did not breed in the area in 2013, but did so in the previous seasons. We observed breeding activities in a total of six sites, although not all of them were used in all breeding seasons. While the Kelp Gull, the Olrog's Gull, the Royal Tern and the Sandwich Tern used the same sites among seasons, the Brown-hooded Gull, the Gull-billed Tern and the Snowy-crowned Tern changed sites among years. Monitoring programs should include several visits throughout the season at all identified sites, so as to ensure detection of bird breeding activity. In addition, the accessibility of visitors to colonies suggests the need for planning of human activities in the protected area given the sensitivity of these species to human disturbance.Fil: Suarez, Nicolas Marcelo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; ArgentinaFil: Marinao, Cristian Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; ArgentinaFil: Kasinsky Aguilera, Lorna Tatiana. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia. Sede Esquel ; ArgentinaFil: Yorio, Pablo Martin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; Argentina. Wildlife Conservation Society; Estados Unido