219 research outputs found
Effet Dâune Sollicitation En Face A Face Et Dâun Contact Tactile Sur Lâacception Du Don Du Sang : Une Evaluation Lors Dâune Collecte En Milieu Universitaire
The positive effect of touching on compliance with a request has been widely reported in the social psychology literature. However its effect on blood donation has never been tested. Yet, research found that many further compliance gaining procedures were not efficient with blood donation requests. University students were solicited to give blood during a special one-day drive. Solicitations were made through face-to-face interactions. During the solicitation some participants were lightly touched or not on the forearm. No difference was found between the two experimental groups in the number of participants who agreed to give blood. Such results show that tactile contact is not an effective technique for increasing compliance with a blood donation request, and confirm previous studies which found that other compliance-growth techniques are not effective with blood donation requests. However, if was found that, compared to previous blood campaigns conducted in the same setting, more blood donations were observed attesting that face to face solicitation of potential blood donors significantly increased donations
The Effect of Glass Colour on the Evaluation of a Beverageâs Thirst-Quenching Quality
Des recherches ont montrĂ© que la couleur peut influencer la façon dont on Ă©value les aliments et les boissons. Lâobjectif de cette recherche est dâĂ©tudier lâinfluence de la couleur sur la perception de la valeur dĂ©saltĂ©rante de breuvages. Quarante Ă©tudiants (20 de chaque sexe) avaient Ă goĂ»ter la mĂȘme boisson dans des verres de diffĂ©rentes couleurs (bleu, vert, jaune, rouge) selon un ordre au hasard. Ils avaient ensuite Ă dĂ©signer le verre quâils trouvaient le plus dĂ©saltĂ©rant. Les rĂ©sultats font apparaĂźtre des diffĂ©rences significatives entre les quatre couleurs, le verre bleu Ă©tant jugĂ© comme contenant la boisson la plus dĂ©saltĂ©rante.Studies have shown that colour can influence the evaluation of food and beverages. The purpose of this study was to test the influence of colour on the perceived thirst-quenching quality of beverages. Forty undergraduate students (20 males and 20 females) have tested the same beverage presented in glasses of different colours (Blue, Green, Yellow, Red). The subjects were instructed to test each of the glasses according to a random order. Afterwards, they had to indicate the most thirst-quenching glass. Results show a significant difference between the four colours where the blue glass was evaluated as the most thirst-quenching beverage
The Effect of Glass Colour on the Evaluation of a Beverageâs Thirst-Quenching Quality
Des recherches ont montrĂ© que la couleur peut influencer la façon dont on Ă©value les aliments et les boissons. Lâobjectif de cette recherche est dâĂ©tudier lâinfluence de la couleur sur la perception de la valeur dĂ©saltĂ©rante de breuvages. Quarante Ă©tudiants (20 de chaque sexe) avaient Ă goĂ»ter la mĂȘme boisson dans des verres de diffĂ©rentes couleurs (bleu, vert, jaune, rouge) selon un ordre au hasard. Ils avaient ensuite Ă dĂ©signer le verre quâils trouvaient le plus dĂ©saltĂ©rant. Les rĂ©sultats font apparaĂźtre des diffĂ©rences significatives entre les quatre couleurs, le verre bleu Ă©tant jugĂ© comme contenant la boisson la plus dĂ©saltĂ©rante.Studies have shown that colour can influence the evaluation of food and beverages. The purpose of this study was to test the influence of colour on the perceived thirst-quenching quality of beverages. Forty undergraduate students (20 males and 20 females) have tested the same beverage presented in glasses of different colours (Blue, Green, Yellow, Red). The subjects were instructed to test each of the glasses according to a random order. Afterwards, they had to indicate the most thirst-quenching glass. Results show a significant difference between the four colours where the blue glass was evaluated as the most thirst-quenching beverage
On the Testing of Ground--Motion Prediction Equations against Small--Magnitude Data
Ground-motion prediction equations (GMPE) are essential in probabilistic
seismic hazard studies for estimating the ground motions generated by the
seismic sources. In low seismicity regions, only weak motions are available in
the lifetime of accelerometric networks, and the equations selected for the
probabilistic studies are usually models established from foreign data.
Although most ground-motion prediction equations have been developed for
magnitudes 5 and above, the minimum magnitude often used in probabilistic
studies in low seismicity regions is smaller. Desaggregations have shown that,
at return periods of engineering interest, magnitudes lower than 5 can be
contributing to the hazard. This paper presents the testing of several GMPEs
selected in current international and national probabilistic projects against
weak motions recorded in France (191 recordings with source-site distances up
to 300km, 3.8\leqMw\leq4.5). The method is based on the loglikelihood value
proposed by Scherbaum et al. (2009). The best fitting models (approximately
2.5\leqLLH\leq3.5) over the whole frequency range are the Cauzzi and Faccioli
(2008), Akkar and Bommer (2010) and Abrahamson and Silva (2008) models. No
significant regional variation of ground motions is highlighted, and the
magnitude scaling could be predominant in the control of ground-motion
amplitudes. Furthermore, we take advantage of a rich Japanese dataset to run
tests on randomly selected low-magnitude subsets, and check that a dataset of
~190 observations, same size as the French dataset, is large enough to obtain
stable LLH estimates. Additionally we perform the tests against larger
magnitudes (5-7) from the Japanese dataset. The ranking of models is partially
modified, indicating a magnitude scaling effect for some of the models, and
showing that extrapolating testing results obtained from low magnitude ranges
to higher magnitude ranges is not straightforward
Le toucher : un indicateur culturel implicite du statut et du rÎle
Introduction De tous les modes de communication non-verbale Ă©tudiĂ©s par les psychologues sociaux, le toucher est, peut-ĂȘtre, la source dâinfluence la plus puissante mais aussi la moins connue. AprĂšs plus de 20 ans de recherches consacrĂ©es Ă cet effet, il semble maintenant acquis que le toucher peut ĂȘtre caractĂ©risĂ©, en soi, comme un facteur dâinfluence indĂ©pendant. Pour autant, les mĂ©canismes cognitifs de cet effet restent encore Ă dĂ©terminer ainsi que les facteurs culturels et sociologiques ..
Auto-perception des inférences liées au traitement des informations non-verbales sur autrui : le cas de la construction du jugement chez des magistrats
Introduction Ă propos des descriptions « scientifiques » de la personnalitĂ©, Jean-Marc Monteil qui rassemble des conceptions thĂ©oriques des chercheurs en socio-cognition, avance ceci : « La structure de la personnalitĂ© dâun individu se situerait, plus probablement, dans la sphĂšre cognitive de celui qui juge, que dans le sujet dont on observe le comportement. » Les recherches sur lâattribution et plus particuliĂšrement sur lâauto-attribution ont montrĂ© que nous nâavons pas accĂšs aux processus m..
Comment recruter plus efficacement les « publics précaires » ? Une approche contextuelle et collective des recrutements sur les postes de bas niveaux de qualification
Cette Ă©tude traite de lâinsertion professionnelle des publics prĂ©caires dans les entreprises du secteur marchand et sous contrat de droit commun. Sur la base du constat selon lequel les entretiens dâembauche classiques seraient tout particuliĂšrement excluants pour ces publics, une alternative est expĂ©rimentĂ©e : lâEntretien de Mise en Relation (EMR). Cette formule fait intervenir un mĂ©diateur ou intermĂ©diaire du marchĂ© du travail dans lâentreprise pour amener employeur et candidat Ă sâaccorder sur un objectif commun, lâintĂ©gration durable. LâefficacitĂ© comparĂ©e de lâEMR selon diverses conditions de mise en Ćuvre est analysĂ©e. Il ressort de cette Ă©tude quâune forme de recrutement moins concurrentielle et plus collective (associant des salariĂ©s de lâentreprise) favorise lâinsertion professionnelle. Ces rĂ©sultats qui se veulent utiles aux professionnels de lâinsertion, sont analysĂ©s en rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă la thĂ©orie de lâengagement (Kiesler, 1971).The present study deals with vocational rehabilitation of unemployed people. On the basis of report according to which traditional recruitment procedure would be particularly excluding for these public, an alternative is tested: the âEntretien de Mise en Relationâ (EMR). This formula utilizes a mediator or intermediary of the labour market in the company to bring employer and candidate to agree on a common objective: durable integration. The compared effectiveness of the EMR according to various conditions of implementation is analyzed. It comes out from this study that a form of recruitment less competing and more collective (associating employees of the company) supports vocational rehabilitation. These results which can be useful for the insertion professionals are analyzed with reference to the commitment theory (Kiesler, 1971
Les cartes auto-organisatrices de Kohonen appliquées à l'étude des communautés de micro-algues des cours d'eau
Les cartes auto-organisatrices de Kohonen appliquées à l'étude des communautés de micro-algues des cours d'ea
ImitaciĂłn y honestidad: La gente es mĂĄs sincera con su imitador
Mimicry is generally associated with a positive perception of the mimicker. Our hypothesis stated that participants would become more honest in their responses to a survey administered by a mimicking interviewer. Students were invited to participate in a survey on their ecological behavior. During the first part of the survey, the âexperimental confederateâ either mimicked their interlocutor or did not. It was found that participants declared less ecological behavior in their everyday life in the mimicry condition than in the non-mimicry condition.La imitaciĂłn estĂĄ generalmente asociada con una percepciĂłn positiva del imitador. Nuestra hipĂłtesis consistĂa en que los participantes debĂan ser mĂĄs sinceros en sus respuestas en una entrevista conducida por un entrevistador que los imitarĂĄ. Algunos estudiantes fueron invitados a participar en una entrevista acerca de sus comportamientos ecolĂłgicos. Durante la primera parte de esta, el âcĂłmplice experimentalâ imitaba a su interlocutor o no lo hacĂa. Se encontrĂł que los participantes reportaron menos comportamientos ecolĂłgicos en su diario vivir en la condiciĂłn de imitaciĂłn que en el caso contrari
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