25 research outputs found

    Erosion of the continental lithosphere at the cusps of the Calabrian arc: Evidence from S receiver functions analysis

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    Mediterranean tectonics has been characterized by an irregular, complex temporal evolution with episodic rollback and retreat of the subducted plate followed by period of slow trench-migration. To provide insight into the geodynamics of the Calabrian arc, we image the characteristics and lithospheric structure of the convergent, Apulian and Hyblean forelands at the cusps of the arc. Specifically we investigate the crustal and lithospheric thicknesses using teleseismic S-to-p converted phases, applied to the Adria-Africa plate margin for the first time. We find that the Moho in the Apulian foreland is nearly flat at ∌30 km depth, consistent with previousPreceiver functions results, and that the Hyblean crustal thickness is more complex, which can be understood in terms of the nature of the individual pieces of carbonate platform and pelagic sediments that make up the Hyblean platform. The lithospheric thicknesses range between 70–120 km beneath Apulia and 70–90 km beneath Sicily. The lithosphere of the forelands at each end of the Calabrian arc are continental in nature, buoyant compared to the subducting oceanic lithosphere and have previously been interpreted as mostly undeformed carbonate platforms. Our receiver function images also show evidence of lithospheric erosion and thinning close to Mt. Etna and Mt. Vulture, two volcanoes which have been associated with asthenospheric upwelling and mantle flow around of the sides the slab. We suggest that as the continental lithosphere resists being subducted it is being thermo-mechanically modified by toroidal flow around the edges of the subducting oceanic lithosphere of the Calabrian ar

    Crustal and upper mantle response to lithospheric segmentation in the northern Apennines

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    Lithospheric tear faults are expected to develop in response to along-strike variations in the rates of slab rollback. However, the exact geometry of such structures and their crustal and upper mantle expressions are still debated. We present an analysis of seismic, structural and morphological features that possibly represent the expression of lithospheric segmentation in the northern Apennines. Geophysical observations show evidence for the existence of a discontinuity in the lithospheric structure beneath the northern Apennines, characterized by a change in the spatial distribution of intermediate-depth seismicity, along-strike variations in the pattern of crustal seismicity, and a bend in the Moho topography. The near-surface expression of this discontinuity is associated with an abrupt change in the morphology and exhumation history of the northern Apennines in the proximity of the Livorno-Sillaro Lineament. We interpret these features as evidence for incipient tearing of the lithospheric slab beneath the northern Apennines, marking the boundary between domains that underwent contrasting styles of lithospheric deformation, which are either associated with different rates of slab rollback or a transition from underplating to retreat. We suggest that similar types of structures may play a crucial role in the evolution of convergent plate boundaries, allowing segmentation of orogenic belts and facilitating the development of orogenic curvatures, Ultimately, further tearing along such structures could potentially lead to the occurrence of tear–related magmatism and the formation of slab windows

    High frequency seismic waves and slab structures beneath Italy

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    Tomographic images indicate a complicated subducted slab structure beneath the central Mediterranean where gaps in fast velocity anomalies in the upper mantle are interpreted as slab tears. The detailed shape and location of these tears are important for kinematic reconstructions and understanding the evolution of the subduction system. However, tomographic images, which are produced by smoothed, damped inversions, will underestimate the sharpness of the structures. Here, we use the records from the Italian National Seismic Network (IV) to study the detailed slab structure. The waveform records for stations in Calabria show large amplitude, high frequency (f>5 Hz) late arrivals with long coda after a relatively low-frequency onset for both P and S waves. In contrast, the stations in the southern and central Apennines lack such high frequency arrivals, which correlate spatially with the central Apennines slab window inferred from tomography and receiver function studies. Thus, studying the high frequency arrivals provides an effective way to investigate the structure of slab and detect possible slab tears. The observed high frequency arrivals in the southern Italy are the strongest for events from 300 km depth and greater whose hypocenters are located within the slab inferred from fast P-wave velocity perturbations. This characteristic behavior agrees with previous studies from other tectonic regions, suggesting the high frequency energy is generated by small scale heterogeneities within the slab which act as scatterers. Furthermore, using a 2-D finite difference (FD) code, we calculate synthetic seismograms to search for the scale, shape and velocity perturbations of the heterogeneities that may explain features observed in the data. Our preferred model of the slab heterogeneities beneath the Tyrrhenian Sea has laminar structure parallel to the slab dip and can be described by a von KĂĄrmĂĄn function with a down-dip correlation length of 10 km and 0.5 km in thickness with ∌2.5% V_p fluctuations within the slab. This suggests that the heterogeneities are inherited from the melt shear bands formed during the original formation of the oceanic lithosphere near the mid-ocean ridge

    The deep structure of the Larderello-Travale geothermal field (Italy) from integrated, passive seismic investigations

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    AbstractWe report the preliminary results from a project (GAPSS-Geothermal Area Passive Seismic Sources), aimed at testing the resolving capabilities of passive exploration methods on a well-known geothermal area, namely the Larderello-Travale Geothermal Field (LTGF). Located in the western part of Tuscany (Italy), LTGF is the most ancient geothermal power field of the world. GAPSS consisted of up to 20 seismic stations deployed over an area of about 50 x 50 Km. During the first 12 months of measurements, we located more than 2000 earthquakes, with a peak rate of up to 40 shocks/day. Preliminary results from analysis of these signals include: (i) analysis of Shear-Wave-Splitting from local earthquake data, from which we determined the areal distribution of the most anisotropic regions; (ii) local-earthquake travel-time tomography for both P- and S-wave velocities; (iii) telesismic receiver function aimed at determining the high-resolution (<0.5km) S-velocity structure over the 0-20km depth range, and seismic anisotropy using the decomposition of the angular harmonics of the RF data-set; (iv) S-wave velocity profiling through inversion of the dispersive characteristics of Rayleigh waves from earthquakes recorded at regional distances. After presenting results from these different analyses, we eventually discuss their potential application to the characterisation and exploration of the investigated area

    Modeling of anisotropy in the lithosphere and asthenosphere for real Earth cases: a critical assessment of the impact on SKS measurements

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    We investigate effects of realistic Earth's lithospheric structures on measurements of SKS seismic waves birefringence, which could be perturbed by different factors. We present SKS measurements recorded in four different tectonic settings. For each case, a realistic lithospheric structure is assumed and synthetic SKS splitting measurements are compared with the field observations. Our results show that: (a) in simple case, where anisotropy is aligned in both the lithospheric mantle and the asthenosphere, the SKS measurements can be safely interpreted as dominantly related to asthenospheric mantle flow; (b) in case of multi‐layer anisotropy in the lithospheric mantle, SKS measurement can corresponds to a combination of the different fast axis orientations and intensities of the anisotropic layers, dominated by the layer with stronger anisotropy; (c) across orogens, where highly anisotropic ≄ 10%) crustal sections are present, a relevant percent (30‐40%) of SKS measurement can be explained by crustal contributions, with additional challenge related to the different direction of retrieved and expected symmetry axis; and finally (d) in subduction zones, even in absence of mantle corner flow, subducted crust materials can interplay with the overriding plate to generate an interpretable SKS observation. We conclude that complex crustal and/or lithospheric anisotropy can lead to erroneous SKS splitting parameters interpretations in terms of mantle deformations. We show in particular that complex crustal anisotropy can produce both important time delay and back‐azimuthal pattern. We also confirm that SKS splitting parameters do not allow to identify the presence of more than two anisotropic layers in the mantle

    Seismic swarms and diffuse fracturing within Triassic evaporites fed by deep degassing along the low-angle Alto Tiberina normal fault (central Apennines, Italy)

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    We present high‐resolution elastic models and relocated seismicity of a very active segment of the Apennines normal faulting system, computed via transdimensional local earthquake tomography (trans‐D LET). Trans‐D LET, a fully nonlinear approach to seismic tomography, robustly constrains high‐velocity anomalies and inversions of P wave velocity, i.e., decreases of VP with depth, without introducing bias due to, e.g., a starting model, and giving the possibility to investigate the relation between fault structure, seismicity, and fluids. Changes in seismicity rate and recurring seismic swarms are frequent in the Apennines extensional belt. Deep fluids, upwelling from the delaminating continental lithosphere, are thought to be responsible for seismicity clustering in the upper crust and lubrication of normal faults during swarms and large earthquakes. We focus on the tectonic role played by the Alto Tiberina low‐angle normal fault (ATF), finding displacements across the fault consistent with long‐term accommodation of deformation. Our results show that recent seismic swarms affecting the area occur within a 3 km thick, high VP/VS, densely cracked, and overpressurized evaporitic layer, composed of dolostones and anhydrites. A persistent low VP, low VP/VS volume, present on top of and along the ATF low‐angle detachment, traces the location of mantle‐derived CO2, the upward flux of which contributes to cracking within the evaporitic layer.Published308–3311T. Deformazione crostale attiva6T. Variazioni delle caratteristiche crostali e precursoriJCR Journa

    Estimating lateral and vertical resolution in receiver function data for shallow crust exploration

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    In order to test the horizontal and vertical resolution of teleseismic receiver functions, we perform a complete receiver function analysis and inversion using data from the La Barge array. The La Barge Passive Seismic Experiment was a seismic deployment in western Wyoming, recording continuously between November 2008 and June 2009, with 55 instruments deployed 250m apart—up to two orders of magnitude closer than in typical receiver function studies. We analyse each station separately. We calculate receiver functions and invert them using a Bayesian algorithm. The inversion results are in agreement with measurements from nearby wells, and from other studies using the same data set. The resulting posterior probability distributions (PPDs), obtained for each station, are compared to each other by computing the Bhattacharyya coefficients, which quantify the overlap between two PPDs. Our results indicate that (a) the lateral resolution of 8 Hz receiver functions is approximately equal to the width of their first Fresnel zone, (b) minimum investigable depth is about 400m at 8 Hz, (c) lateral resolution depends on the local geology as expected and (d) velocity inversion in the shallow-crust can be resolved in the first few kilometres, even in case of dipping interfaces

    Deep Structure of Northern Apennines Subduction Orogen (Italy) as Revealed by a Joint Interpretation of Passive and Active Seismic Data

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    The Apennines is a well-studied orogeny formed by the accretion of continental slivers during the subduction of the Adriatic plate, but its deep structure is still a topic of controversy. Here we illuminated the deep structure of the Northern Apennines belt by combining results from the analysis of active seismic (CROP03) and receiver function data. The result from combining these two approaches provides a new robust view of the structure of the deep crust/upper mantle, from the back-arc region to the Adriatic subduction zone. Our analysis confirms the shallow Moho depth beneath the back-arc region and defines the top of the downgoing plate, showing that the two plates separate at depth about 40 km closer to the trench than reported in previous reconstructions. This spatial relationship has profound implications for the geometry of the shallow subduction zone and of the mantle wedge, by the amount of crustal material consumed at trench