2,248 research outputs found


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    This final project is entitled “The Conflict Between The Weis Timelenders Bank and Society in Andrew Niccol`sIn Time.” The aim of this final project is to describe the conflict in In Time`s. This final project adopts Marxist theory of capitalism. The theory is used to figure out the impact of capitalism on the society. The method used in this study is cinematic analysis and textual analysis. To get the data, the writer reads books and took some notes that are related to the topic, both trough the library research and the internet. The conclusion of this final project shows that the working class makes resistances to the capitalist; and the working class needs a freedom to actualize themselve

    Machiavelli’s Possibility Hypothesis

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    This paper discusses the thesis that in Arrow’s Possibility Theorem the dictator (merely) serves as a solution to the logical problem of aggregating preference while Machiavelli’s dictator, the Prince, has the historical function to bring order into a world of chaos and thus make society ready for the implementation of a republican structure.Dictator, aggregation of preferences, republic, democracy

    The Disappearance of an Author and the Emergence of a Genre: Niccolò da Poggibonsi and Pilgrimage Guidebooks between Manuscript and Print

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    While the anonymous Viaggio da Venetia al Sancto Sepolchro et al Monte Sinai, first published in Venice in 1518, was the most popular Holy Land guidebook in Renaissance Italy, the historical origins of the book have never been fully understood. From four illustrated versions of an earlier manuscript guide, the Libro d’Oltramare (1346 –50), one can hypothesize about both the text and its author. The ultimate prototype for the Viaggio da Venetia was very likely one or more of these illustrated manuscripts, and the original author of both the text and illustrations was the Franciscan pilgrim Niccoloda Poggibonsi. Despite the eventual erosion of his name from the printed versions of the guidebook, the assertiveness and originality of the author parallels the production of other vernacular literature in mid-fourteenth-century Italy. Unlike Latin guidebooks of previous centuries, the intent to include illustrations that re-create the pilgrimage experience and the unprecedented descriptiveness of the prose together suggest that the book can be considered the foundational text for the genre of the illustrated pilgrimage guidebook.published_or_final_versio

    Simulación Uno. Un encuentro mediático entre comunicación ficcional y universo empírico

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    Con la película Simone (Niccol, 2002) como objeto de estudio y adoptando un enfoque pragmático y estético, se aborda la trascendencia social empírica de los textos ficcionales en los medios de comunicación de masas: los efectos empíricos de lo llamado virtual, las dinámicas de simulación y duplicación puestas al servicio de la industria cultural... todo ello articulado mediante las lógicas no verificables, según criterios proposicionales, de los lenguajes secundarios.With the movie Simone (Niccol, 2002) as main objetc and adopting a pragmatic and aesthetic point of view, it is studied the empiric social trascendence of the ficcional texts on the mass media: the empiric effects of the so called virtual, the dynamics of simulation and duplication as tools of the cultural industry... each of these items articulated by the non checkable logics, under propositional criterions, of the secondary languages

    The Truman Show : eine filmographische und bibliographische Dokumentation

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    Die zentrale Figur des Films ist der Versicherungsvertreter Truman Burbank, der – ohne davon zu wissen – der Hauptdarsteller einer Fernsehserie ist, die sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, das Leben eines Menschen von Geburt an zu dokumentieren und live im Fernsehen zu präsentieren. Zu diesem Zweck hat Christof, der Produzent der Serie, Truman als Baby von seiner Firma adoptieren lassen und eigens Seahaven, eine von Wasser umgebene Küstenstadt unter einer riesigen Kuppel – dem OmniCam-Ecosphere-Gebäude – bauen lassen, eine Art 1950er Jahre Spießer-Idylle mit simuliertem Wetter, Sternenhimmel, Sonne und Mond. Die Kuppel befindet sich auf den aufgeschütteten Hollywood Hills, oberhalb des Hollywood-Schriftzuges. Hier wächst Truman auf, umgeben von Schauspielern, täglich beobachtet von über 5.000 Kameras. Finanziert wird die Truman Show, die 24 Stunden täglich live übertragen wird, hauptsächlich durch Product Placement

    Spartan Daily, September 19, 2005

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    Volume 125, Issue 13https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/10156/thumbnail.jp

    Particle production in proton-proton collisions

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    Proton-proton collision is a simple system to investigate nuclear matter and it is considered to be a guide for more sophisticated processes in the proton-nucleus and the nucleus-nucleus collisions. In this article, we present a phenomological study of how the mechanism of particle production in pp interaction changes over a wide range of interaction energy. This study is done on data of charged particle produced in pp experiments at different values of energy. Some of these data give the created particles classified as hadrons, baryons and mesons, which help us compare between production of different particles. This might probe some changes in the state of nuclear matter and identify the mechanism of interaction.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1410.715

    Estimating multidimensional persistent homology through a finite sampling

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    An exact computation of the persistent Betti numbers of a submanifold X of a Euclidean space is possible only in a theoretical setting. In practical situations, only a finite sample of X is available. We show that, under suitable density conditions, it is possible to estimate the multidimensional persistent Betti numbers of X from the ones of a union of balls centered on the sample points; this even yields the exact value in restricted areas of the domain. Similar inequalities are proved for the multidimensional persistent Betti numbers of the ball union and the one of a combinatorial description of it
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