46 research outputs found

    Intra-tester and inter-tester reliability of the MicroFET 3 hand-held dynamometer.

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    Background: The reliability of the MicroFET 3 has not previously been reported in the literature. The aim of this study was to evaluate intra-tester and inter-tester reliability of the MicroFET3 hand-held dynamometer (HHD) in three lower limb muscle groups. Methods: Maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) of hip extension, knee extension and ankle plantar-flexion were measured in 38 healthy participants (males=18, females= 20) by two testers on separate days using the MicroFET3 HHD. The reliability analysis was carried out using intra-class correlation coefficients (ICCs) to measure association and Band and Altman plots to demonstrate agreement. Results: The results showed that intra-tester reliability was moderate to excellent; with associations ranging from ICC 0.56 - 0.92 and higher agreement for knee and ankle than hip measurements was shown. Inter-tester reliability was lower, with hip and knee associations ranging from ICC 0.60 - 0.66. Ankle measurements intertester associations were particularly low (ICC 0.23 and 0.15). These values would not be considered acceptable for clinical use. Bland and Altman plots used to demonstrate agreement between testers displayed a considerable lack of agreement with discrepancies of up to 150N noted in measurements. Conclusion: The results suggest that the MicroFET3 HHD displayed moderate to excellent intra-tester reliability and poor to moderate inter-tester reliability and agreement with discrepancies noted between muscle groups. While use of this instrument can be recommended when consistently used by a single tester, further reliability analysis should be carried out before this instrument could be recommended for use by different testers in the clinical setting

    Clinically guided core biopsy and cutaneous punch biopsy in the evaluation of breast lesions:a necessary test or an obsolete skill?

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    OBJECTIVE: The vast majority of breast cancers are diagnosed via image-guided procedures yet despite significant advances, imaging does not identify all breast malignancies. Clinically suspicious breast lesions with normal breast imaging remain a cause for concern. The aim of this study is to determine the diagnostic value of clinical core and cutaneous punch biopsies in the diagnosis of breast malignancy in clinically suspicious lesions with normal breast imaging. METHODS: All patients with suspicious clinical breast findings and normal imaging who underwent a clinical core and/or cutaneous punch biopsy from 2012 to 2019 were reviewed retrospectively. Patients with subsequent breast malignant diagnosis were analysed. RESULTS: A total of 283 biopsies (166 clinical core, 117 cutaneous punch) performed over the 7-year period were included in the analysis. A total of 263/283 (93%) yielded a benign outcome. A total of 2/283 (0.7%) yielded B3 lesions (probably benign). These lesions were benign on final surgical excision. A total of 18/283 (6.3%) yielded a malignant histopathology. Sixteen out of 18 were cutaneous punch biopsies, and 2/18 were clinical core biopsies. A total of 14/18 patients presented with nipple changes, while 4/18 had a palpable area of concern. Histopathological analysis demonstrated Paget’s disease of the nipple in 8/18, invasive carcinoma in 9/18 out of which two represented a recurrence of breast malignancy. Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma was diagnosed in 1/18. CONCLUSION: Clinical core and cutaneous punch biopsies remain a valuable tool in the diagnosis of breast cancer particularly in the management of clinically suspicious radiographically occult malignancies

    New insights into the impact of neuro-inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis.

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is considered to be, in many respects, an archetypal autoimmune disease that causes activation of pro-inflammatory pathways resulting in joint and systemic inflammation. RA remains a major clinical problem with the development of several new therapies targeted at cytokine inhibition in recent years. In RA, biologic therapies targeted at inhibition of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) have been shown to reduce joint inflammation, limit erosive change, reduce disability and improve quality of life. The cytokine TNFα has a central role in systemic RA inflammation and has also been shown to have pro-inflammatory effects in the brain. Emerging data suggests there is an important bidirectional communication between the brain and immune system in inflammatory conditions like RA. Recent work has shown how TNF inhibitor therapy in people with RA is protective for Alzheimer's disease. Functional MRI studies to measure brain activation in people with RA to stimulus by finger joint compression, have also shown that those who responded to TNF inhibition showed a significantly greater activation volume in thalamic, limbic, and associative areas of the brain than non-responders. Infections are the main risk of therapies with biologic drugs and infections have been shown to be related to disease flares in RA. Recent basic science data has also emerged suggesting that bacterial components including lipopolysaccharide induce pain by directly activating sensory neurons that modulate inflammation, a previously unsuspected role for the nervous system in host-pathogen interactions. In this review, we discuss the current evidence for neuro-inflammation as an important factor that impacts on disease persistence and pain in RA

    The neurophysiology of sedation

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    We recognise consciousness in ourselves and in those around us. Consciousness is the essence of our existence, who and what we are, but we are willing and able to let go of it daily during sleep, which we welcome and associate with rest, recovery and well being, knowing that consciousness will return reliably, when we are ready. Yet we cannot define this thing or process which makes us "us". We do not understand how it is constructed from the activity in our brains, how it is deconstructed by sleep, drugs or disease, or how it can be reconstructed by waking or recovery. Our ignorance renders us reliant on inadequate means of measuring consciousness, dependent on movement for its detection. Propofol is an intravenous anaesthetic drug with the capacity to safely, rapidly and reliably produce sedation and anaesthesia, providing an ideal model of unconsciousness for study. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) provides a non-invasive means of measuring activity within the brain. EEG is a convenient broad measure of neuronal activity. This thesis exploits the advantages of each of these techniques, fMRI and EEG, first separately and then together, to link highly informative, spatially specific fMRI observations to convenient, reproducible electrophysiological surface measurements. A safe and reliable model of unconsciousness suitable for fMRI interrogation is first developed and explored. Changes in the spatial extent and interregional correlation of neuronal activity when subjects become unresponsive show that the functional connectivity of the striatum is specifically impaired as perception fails. Disruption of the brain’s internal temporal frame of reference impairs the synthesis of perceptions from their fragments. The second experimental chapter specifically examines the behaviour of sleep oscillations during ultraslow increases and decreases in the depth of sedation with propofol. Functional activity shows that the brain is intensely active despite loss of consciousness and reveals measurable transitions in neuronal activity. Combined simultaneous EEG/FMRI then shows that these transitions reflect stepwise changes in the processing of experience and a shift from externally modulated thalamocortical signaling to an internal dialogue.</p

    The neurophysiology of sedation

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    We recognise consciousness in ourselves and in those around us. Consciousness is the essence of our existence, who and what we are, but we are willing and able to let go of it daily during sleep, which we welcome and associate with rest, recovery and well being, knowing that consciousness will return reliably, when we are ready. Yet we cannot define this thing or process which makes us "us". We do not understand how it is constructed from the activity in our brains, how it is deconstructed by sleep, drugs or disease, or how it can be reconstructed by waking or recovery. Our ignorance renders us reliant on inadequate means of measuring consciousness, dependent on movement for its detection. Propofol is an intravenous anaesthetic drug with the capacity to safely, rapidly and reliably produce sedation and anaesthesia, providing an ideal model of unconsciousness for study. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) provides a non-invasive means of measuring activity within the brain. EEG is a convenient broad measure of neuronal activity. This thesis exploits the advantages of each of these techniques, fMRI and EEG, first separately and then together, to link highly informative, spatially specific fMRI observations to convenient, reproducible electrophysiological surface measurements. A safe and reliable model of unconsciousness suitable for fMRI interrogation is first developed and explored. Changes in the spatial extent and interregional correlation of neuronal activity when subjects become unresponsive show that the functional connectivity of the striatum is specifically impaired as perception fails. Disruption of the brain’s internal temporal frame of reference impairs the synthesis of perceptions from their fragments. The second experimental chapter specifically examines the behaviour of sleep oscillations during ultraslow increases and decreases in the depth of sedation with propofol. Functional activity shows that the brain is intensely active despite loss of consciousness and reveals measurable transitions in neuronal activity. Combined simultaneous EEG/FMRI then shows that these transitions reflect stepwise changes in the processing of experience and a shift from externally modulated thalamocortical signaling to an internal dialogue.</p

    Bone tumor mimickers: A pictorial essay

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    Focal lesions in bone are very common and many of these lesions are not bone tumors. These bone tumor mimickers can include numerous normal anatomic variants and non-neoplastic processes. Many of these tumor mimickers can be left alone, while others can be due to a significant disease process. It is important for the radiologist and clinician to be aware of these bone tumor mimickers and understand the characteristic features which allow discrimination between them and true neoplasms in order to avoid unnecessary additional workup. Knowing which lesions to leave alone or which ones require workup can prevent misdiagnosis and reduce patient anxiety


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    Anthias, Floya &amp; Gabriella Lazaridis (toim.): Gender and Migration in Southern Europe – Women on the Move. Berg, Mediterranea Series, New York, 2000. 263 s. Pentti Lempiäinen: Nuortuu vanhetessaan. Merimieskirkot muutosten puhureissa. Gummerus Kirjapaino Oy, Jyväskylä 2000. 403 s. Asylum and Migration Policies in the European Union, edited by Steffen Angenendt. Research Institute of the German Society for Foreign Affairs. Europa Union Verlag, Berlin, 1999. 345 p. Varpu Lindström. From Heroes to Enemies: Finns in Canada, 1937–1947. Beaverton, Ont.: Aspasia Books, 2000. 265 p

    Perception loss detection: WO/2013/179048

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    The present invention relates to a device for detecting a state of true perception loss of a human, the device including processing means operable to detect from information on electrical signals sensed adjacent to the scalp of the human the activity of oscillations present in the electrical signals as a marker for the state of true perception loss of the human