30 research outputs found


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    This research aims to know the effects of learning technique and personality The to listening skills in english . this research is an eksperimental research with factorial program 2 x 2 which is conducted in primary school laboratoris of UNDIKSHA Singaraja. Eighty eight students are involved in this research, which were chosen randomly by multi stage random sampling technique. This research shows that (1) no significant difference in listening english skills between students using games for learning and students using  song for learning. 2) listening skills on english for students who have extroversion personality are better than controversy. 3) there are interaction effects between learning technique and personality type to listening skills in english. 4) listening english skill for extroversion students who are learning by playing is lower than who learning by song, and 5) listening skills in english students who are controversy by playing learning is higher than students who learning by song. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh teknik pembelajaran dan tipe kepribadian terhadap keterampilan mendengarkan bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan rancangan faktorial 2 x 2 yang dilaksanakan di SD Lab UNDIKSHA Singaraja. Siswa yang dilibatkan dalam penelitian sebanyal 88 orang, yang ditentukan secara acak melalui Multi stage random sampling technique. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada keterampilan mendengarkan bahasa Inggris antara siswa yang Bear dengan teknik pembelajaran permainan dan lagu, (2) keterampilan mendengarkan bahasa Inggris siswa yang berkepribadian ekstroversi lebih baik baik dari pada yang berkepribadian kontroversi, (3) terdapat pengaruh interaksi antara teknik pembelajaran dan tipe kepribadian terhadap keterampilan mendengarkan bahasa Inggris, (4) keterampilan mendengarkan bahasa Inggris siswa yang berkepribadian ekstroversi, yang belajar dengan teknik pembelajaran permainan lebih rendah dari pada yang belajar dengan teknik pembelajaran lagu, dan (5) keterampilan mendengarkan bahasa Inggris siswa yang berkepribadian kontroversi, yang belajar dengan teknik pembelajaran permainan lebih tinggi daripada yang belajar dengan teknik pembelajaran lagu

    The Use of Personal Photographs in Writing in a Project-Based Language Learning: A Case Study

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    Writing is an important skill needs to be acquired by EFL students in senior secondary schools. However, for most of them, it is considered difficult. This was a case study which aimed at finding out the students‘perception on their problems in writing and utilization of personal photographs. In this project-based language learning (PBL), the students worked in a group to accomplish their writing project. The subjects were 6 students who were determined purposively taking into account on their problems in writing. The results proved that all students conveyed that writing activity became easier since they were helped by their memory shown in their personal photos. The experiences they had guided them to brainstorm the ideas of what to write, thus organizing writing of the paragraphs became much easier. They also stated that writing was more fun and interesting since they could express their feeling freely based on their photos. They finally affirmed that their writing improved through the use of their personal photographs. This could be proven from the result of score achieved which was categorized as good


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    Abstract: Implementation of Board Games and its Effect on Students’ English Learning Achievement. This study is an experimental research which aims at investigating the effect of board games on students’ English learning achievement. The population of this research was all elementary schools in 9 districts of Buleleng Regency determined by intact group random sampling taken using lot­tery. There were 12 experimental groups and 12 control groups which consisted of 681 students of grade 4, 5 and 6 representing 4 areas of eastern, western, northern, and sourthern Buleleng Regency. The experimental groups were taught with board games, while the control groups were taught without board games. The data were analyzed non-parametrically using Kruskal Wallis and Mann-Whitney. The results prove that board games have an effect on the students’ English learning achievement.Abstrak: Implementasi Board Games dan pengaruhnya terhadap Hasil Belajar Bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental yang menginvestigasi pengaruh board games ter­hadap hasil belajar bahasa Inggris siswa. Populasi penelitian adalah sekolah dasar di 9 kecamatan di Kabupaten Buleleng, yang ditentukan dengan menggunakan intact group random sampling berdasar­kan lotere. Terdapat 12 kelompok eksperimental dan 12 kelompok kontrol yang berjumlah 681 siswa kelas 4, 5, dan 6 yang mewakili 4 area Kabupaten Buleleng Timur, Barat, Utara dan Selatan. Kelompok eksperimental mendapatkan tindakan, yaitu diajar dengan menggunakan board games, sedangkan ke­lompok kontrol diajar dengan tanpa menggunakan board games. Data dianalisis secara non parametrik dengan menggunakan analisis Kruskal Wallis dan Mann-Whitney. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa board games berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar Bahasa Inggris siswa

    The Effect of Digital Multilingual Thematic Dictionary Toward The Fifth Grade Students' Literacy Skill

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    This research aimed to discover whether using a digital multilingual thematic dictionary significantly affects fifth-graders' literacy skills. The author applied pre- and post-test control groups alone for its quasi-experimental design. The researcher used a multi-stage sampling technique to select the research sample. The stage consist of three steps namely: (1) determining population; (2) placement of the sampling area using the statistical matching technique proposed by Fraenkel, J.R., Wallen, N.E., and Hyun, H.H. (2012); and (3) selection of the control and experimental groups via lottery. Students in the 5A grade from SD N 1 Seririt served as the control group and fifth-graders from SD N 1 Kubutambahan served as the experimental group for the sample. The research instruments featured teaching scenarios for the control and experimental groups as well as literacy competency exams with pre- and post-test questions. The pre-test was administered before of treatment, and the post-test was done afterwards. Three treatment sessions were provided to each group using three different treatment lesson materials namely: daily activities, my school, and clothes. The acquired data were quantitatively examined using N-Gain score test analysis, inferential statistics, and descriptive statistics. Based on the findings of the N-Gain Score test computation and the descriptive analysis, the experimental group's mean N-Gain score was 70.5453%, whereas the control group's mean N-Gain score was 67.9676%. The use of multilingual thematic printed dictionaries in the control group and multilingual thematic digital dictionaries in the experimental group shared the same effect, particularly regarding that they were "moderately effective " to enhance the literacy skills of class students, according to the results of the N-Gain score test, which showed that the experimental group's average score was 70.5% and the control group's average was 68%. Hence, it is proven that multilingual thematic dictionaries, both printed and digital, have a significant impact on fifth-graders' literacy skills.   Keywords: literacy skills, young learner, digital multilingual thematic dictionar

    Mobile learning application: Infusing critical thinking in the EFL classroom.

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    The emergence of mobile learning applications facilitates the pedagogical approach to developing students’ critical thinking. However, there is a scarcity of investigation on mobile learning applications’ impact on developing critical thinking as the learning outcome. Thus, this study reports the effect of a mobile learning application, ‘English with Noni’, designed to infuse critical thinking instruction in EFL classes on students’ critical thinking level by employing a sequential explanatory mixed-method approach. A quasi-experimental study was conducted to examine the critical thinking level of 65 students of a junior high school in Jakarta, Indonesia, by administering a post-test assessed using a SOLO rubric. Semi-structured interviews to explore students’ responses from using the ‘English with Noni’ application and class observation contributed to the qualitative findings. The quantitative result showed that the critical thinking level of the experimental group using this application improved significantly more than the controlled group did. The qualitative result suggested that the experimental group had positive responses to using it. They confirmed that it was interesting. They also admitted that it contributed to developing their critical thinking (i.e., predicting, providing reasons, expressing viewpoints, finding alternatives, and making conclusions), language skills (i.e., listening, reading, and writing), and sub-skill (vocabulary). The findings imply that critical thinking activities and learning affordances provided in the ‘English with Noni’ application is a potential tool to enhance students’ critical thinking infused in the EFL class, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic situation, by emphasizing self-regulated learning

    Process Approach in the Teaching of Writing for Undergraduate EFL Students

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    Background: This research aimed to investigate the implementation of a process approach for EFL undergraduate students in a private university in Bali. Methodology: The present study involved one lecturer and thirty students enrolled in Paragraph Writing Class. Observations were conducted in twenty-eight meetings of the total meetings to reveal - that strategies of process approach were implemented in each of the stages of writing, namely, prewriting, drafting, editing, revising and, publishing. Findings: The lecturer implemented all nine strategies where seven strategies were optimally conducted and all ten strategies were implemented by the students, where nine strategies were optimally conducted during the editing stage. In the publishing operation, the instructor implemented three of three strategies, and students implemented three of three strategies. Conclusion: Strategies of process approach were implemented by the lecturer and the students during the Paragraph Writing Course. It is implied that in an implementation of a process approach in a writing class, the lecturer and the students need to work together in most of the stages to create a good writing process


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    This research intended to develop assessment instruments for English literacy in blended learning. The study employed survey, observation, interview, and document study as the methods with a questionnaire, observation checklist, interview guide, and school document as the instruments to collect the data framed within RnD design with the 4D model by Thiagarajan et al. The developed instruments were categorized as ‘very high validity’ and ‘very good’ for their content validity (1.00) and product quality (96% and 98%) by the two judges. It indicates that assessment of learning, assessment for learning, and assessment as learning combined with authentic materials are necessary to improve the learning process as well as the students’ English literacy skills. It also implies that English teachers need to highlight the use of assessment for learning and assessment as learning since those assessments lack attention previously

    The Effect of Process and Product Approaches on the Students' Competency in Writing Different Types of Texts

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    This study aims at finding the effect of process and product approaches to the eighth grade students of SMP Harapan 1 Denpasar on their competency in writing different types of texts. This is an experimental study with post-test only comparison group design using 2 x 3 factorial design. The results of the study are: 1) there is a significant difference of process and product approach on the students' writing competency, 2) there is a significant difference on the students' competency in writing narrative paragraph between process and product approach group, 3) there is a significant difference on the students' competency in writing recount paragraph between process and product approach group, 4) there is a significant difference on the students' competency in writing descriptive paragraph between process and product approach group,5) there is an interaction between the writing approaches and types of texts

    An Experimental Study on The Impact of Digital Multilingual Thematic Dictionary for The Sixth Grade Students’ Literacy Skill

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    This research aims to present justification for whether or not there is any significant impact of using a digital multilingual thematic dictionary on sixth-grade students’ literacy skills using quasi-experimental research with a pre-test and post-test only control group design. The researcher determined the research sample using statistical matching scores proposed by Fraenkel et al. (2012). The statistical matching scores were administered in determining the two intact groups. Two intact groups which had similar scores and were statistically proven to have insignificant differences in abilities were selected as the research sample, namely; (1) SD N 1 Kubutambahan was the control group, and (2) SD N 3 Banjar Jawa was the experimental group. The instruments used in this research were literacy skill tests which contain pre-test and post-test questions, and teaching scenarios for the control and experimental group. The pre-test was given before treatment and the post-test was given after treatment. Both groups received three times of treatments with three materials namely home activities, animals, and public places. The obtained data were analyzed quantitatively with descriptive statistical, inferential statistical, and N-Gain score test analysis. Based on the results of the calculation of the N-Gain Score test and the descriptive analysis, the mean score of the N-Gain for the experimental group was 73.3759%, while the mean score of the N-Gain for the control group was 48.0249%. The results of the N-Gain score test show that the use of the digital multilingual thematic dictionary in the experimental group was moderately effective, while the use of the printed thematic picture dictionary in the control group was less effective. Thus, it can be concluded that the digital multilingual thematic dictionary performs better than a printed thematic picture dictionary on sixth-grade students’ literacy skills

    Readiness of Gen-X English High School Teachers in Integrating Teaching with Technology

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    During pandemic, almost all school activities rely on the use of technology. Teachers are expected to teach using the online platforms. This study aims at analyzing the readiness of English high school teachers who are categorized into Gen X in integrating technology in teaching, by using TPACK framework.  The study applies a descriptive qualitative design. Research subjects were 58 Gen X English high school teachers in one province in Indonesia. Data were collected by distributing online questionnaire to the teachers. Data analysis of triangulation was conducted by doing semi-structured interviews to volunteered teachers. The findings revealed that the Gen X teachers were not ready to integrate teaching with technology. Of all seven integration variables in TPACK, the first level knowledge bases are responded positively. When it comes to the second and third level knowledge bases, the teachers’ responses tend to decrease. Some problems in the technology integration were revealed during the interview. Trainings of teachers’ professionalism for teachers from generation X are considered necessary, especially training on the use of technology and the internet in learning. ICT curriculum integration is also an important issue. Finally, limitations and implications for the education authorities and future research were discussed