245 research outputs found

    An investigation into writing practices in Ba Ria - Vung Tau lower secondary schools

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    In this era of globalization, English is the dominant international language. Therefore, many countries have attached importance to the teaching of English. In Vietnam, the government has seen English as a tool for national development, and this has led to reforms in the English curriculum and then to the launch of a large-scale National Foreign Language Project. These reforms and policy directions aim to enable Vietnamese students to use English confidently and independently to be able to integrate into the international community. This study investigates teachers’ instructional practices of English writing at lower secondary level and examines the influences on instructional practices in one province in Vietnam. In response to the National Foreign Language Project, writing short texts was officially added to English examinations in 2016-2017 in Ba Ria-Vung Tau province where this study took place. Guided by Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory of learning and Fairclough’s conception of discourse, this study addresses the overarching question “What are the practices that influence the teaching of English writing in Ba Ria-Vung Tau (Vietnam) lower secondary schools?” The research employs a qualitative, multi-case study approach and draws on multiple data sources, including documents, classroom observations and semi-structured teacher interviews. This study was carried out at a rural, a suburban and an urban school located in Ba Ria-Vung Tau province. Six teachers, two from each of the schools, participated in this study. Classroom observations were conducted over a period of nearly four months and interviews were conducted with the teachers before and after classroom observations. Study findings reveal a significant gap between government policies and classroom practice. The teachers faced several challenges influencing their instructional practices, including prescriptive teacher professional development, textbook-bound teaching practice, teaching as a paradoxical practice (i.e. conflicting instructional and institutional conditions) and traditional teaching and learning practices. The teachers were often unable to employ instructional practices that supported students in being independent and creative writers. This study provides implications for educational policy makers and the teaching of writing in English as a foreign language


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    The pagoda in Vietnam is an architectural work with many artistic values. The pagoda is a sacred space, and it gathers the cultural and artistic values of the Vietnamese people. In addition, it has satisfied the living needs of life, meeting the aesthetic needs of the people. The temple is the most complete collection of visual elements, closely combining and supporting each other in a unified whole. From an artistic perspective, the temple is the most typical architectural art of the Vietnamese people. The beauty of the temple is reflected in its sanctity. The art of architecture and decoration of the temple expresses the thoughts and feelings of the Vietnamese people. Besides, it shows the creativity and aesthetic aptitude of the Vietnamese people. The pagoda is a typical example, a uniqueness that creates the unique beauty of the Vietnamese people.  Article visualizations


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    Abstract The government's and people's expectations for the successful implementation of this activity are significant, but the scientific basis for its implementation remains limited. This study, the first of its kind in Vietnam since the aforementioned decision, aims to clarify the factors influencing consumer usage of Mobile Money, focusing on businesses in Hanoi, Vietnam. Mobile Money, a form of mobile wallet not linked to bank accounts, represents a new transaction method in Vietnam, catering to consumers' reduced use of cash. This research examines the factors affecting the intention to use Mobile Money among employees of businesses in Hanoi. To achieve this goal, the author relies on the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), and risk perception variables to design the research model. With a sample of 479 employees who intend to use Mobile Money, hypotheses are tested using a multivariate regression model through quantitative analysis with IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0. The research results identify five factors that positively influence the intention to use Mobile Money: Perceived Ease of Use, Trust, Security and Privacy, Social Influence, and COVID-19 Risk Perception. The factor of Perceived Usefulness does not have a significant impact in this case. Particularly, heightened risk perception regarding COVID-19 or social instability leads to an increased intention to use Mobile Money. This study provides guidance to Mobile Money service providers on how to enhance users' intention to use their services. Additionally, it underscores how factors related to diseases or societal instability can alter or even disrupt initial intention or behavior models


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    Abstract: The Mekong Delta has rich and diverse tourism resources, it is also a long-standing residence of the Khmer community with a specific culture. Exploiting community-based tourism from festivals will contribute to preserving ethnic and cultural identities, eradicating poverty, and improving people's living standards in the region. The objective of this study was to examine the factors affecting the community's participation in the development of Khmer festival tourism in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. The research methods used include descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, and regression analysis. The data was collected from the results of a survey of 1258 travelers to the Mekong Delta. SPSS 20, and AMOS 24 software are used to analyze and evaluate the scale and test hypotheses. The research results show that the factors affecting the community's participation in the development of Khmer festival tourism in the Mekong Delta include (1) Economic benefits; (2) Cultural and community; (3) Resources of tourism; (4) Policies for the development of community tourism; (5) Community environment; (6) Tourism products and services. Some contents were discussed, proposed solutions with governance implications to attract community participation in the development of Khmer festival tourism in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam


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    Abstract The research aims to assess the quantitative impact of the Vietnam-European Union Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) on Vietnam's export growth to the EU market. The study employs quantitative analysis using the SMART model with data on export turnover and scenarios of tariff reduction to 0% when EVFTA takes effect. Based on the export turnover data and necessary parameters, the analysis results show an increase in Vietnam's exports to the EU market when EVFTA becomes effective. As a result, the research proposes some implications to promote Vietnam's export activities to the EU in the future


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    By reactive grinding method Vanadium-doped rutile TiO2 nanoparticle material was obtained with an average particle size of 20‐40nm, the Brunauer–Emmet–Teller (BET) specific surface area about 20 m2g−1 and it absorbed strongly in the UV region and increased at the visible wavelength of 430 – 570 nm. This study focused on the improvement of exhaust gas treatment from coal-fired flue gas of the traditional adsorption-catalysis system (Modular System for Treating Flue Gas - MSTFG) by using the V2O5/TiO2 Rutile as photocatalyst. The results showed that integrating both catalytic systems mentioned above increased the gas treatment efficiency: CO from 77 % to over 98 %, NOx from 50 % to 93 %, SO2 was absent as opposed to the input gas component. Also it showed that V2O5/TiO2 Rutile integrated with MSTFG has got high efficiency of CO treatment, also secured the high obtained CO2 concentration as a valuable carbon source for microagal mass culture as well as saving energy and simplifying devices

    Corporate Social Responsibility, Board of Directors’ Affect Financial Performance: Evidence in Vietnam

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    ABSTRACT Purpose: The study aims to explore corporate social responsibility and corporate governance issues such as the board of directors’ characteristics that affect the financial performance of the manufacturing listed companies on the Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange in Vietnam.   Theoretical framework: The study is based on the agency theory, stakeholder theory and the fundamental corporate social responsibility to clarify its role and the importance of information disclosure to interested parties when making economic decisions.   Methodology: Using pooled Ordinary least squares causes biased results because of autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity, thus the authors conduct Feasible Generalized Least Squares to increase the reliability of findings.   Findings: The research results show that there are four statistically significant factors that affect financial performance: corporate social responsibility, board gender diversity, ownership concentration, and government ownership.   Research, Practical & Social implications: The obtained results highlight the direct relationship between corporate social responisibility and financial performance, implying that these listed companies can improve their firm value based on the mentioned factors.   Originality/value: by examing the significant relationship between CSR and performance, the author emphasizes the role of managers in disclosing information relevant to their responsibilies to the environment and community. The problem is still a limited concern by corporates in the emerging market as Vietnam


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    Cassava mosaic disease (Sri Lankan Cassava Mosaic Virus) is one of the most dangerous diseases in the world. The whitefly (Besimia tabasi) has been identified as an important vector in the spread and cause of the cassava mosaic disease. To reduce the transmission of cassava mosaic disease in the field, it is necessary to effectively manage the whitely vector, but there is no research on pesticides conducted in Thua Thien Hue. The study on the use of bioproducts and chemical insecticides to control whiteflies in the greenhouse and in the field showed that the Ascend 20SP (Acetamiprid 97%) expressed the highest effectiveness in controlling whiteflies (81.3%). Bioproduct HD2021 was a fair (70.8%) and long-lasting effectiveness (14 days) on controlling whiteflies. For economic efficiency, Novou 3.6 EC (Abamectin 36g/l) controlled whiteflies with the highest profit (8.84 million/ha). The biological product HD2021 has higher profits than the commercial product Hapmisu 20 EC. This study can be widely applied in the field in the coming years.Bệnh khảm lá sắn (Sri Lankan Cassava Mosaic Virus), một trong những bệnh hại nguy hiểm. Bọ phấn trắng (Besimia tabasi) đã được xác định có vai trò quan trọng trong lây lan và hình thành dịch bệnh khảm lá sắn. Để hạn chế sự lây lan bệnh khảm sắn từ cây bệnh sang cây khỏe trên đồng ruộng, cần quản lý tốt bọ phấn trắng môi giới truyền bệnh hiệu quả tuy nhiên chưa có nghiên cứu nào được thực hiện ở Thừa Thiên Huế về sử dụng thuốc sâu sinh học, hóa học để trừ bọ phấn trắng hại trên cây sắn. Tiến hành nghiên cứu các thuốc hóa học và thảo mộc để trừ bọ phấn trắng trong điều kiện nhà lưới và trên đồng ruộng cho thấy thuốc trừ sâu hóa học Ascend 20SP (Acetamiprid 97%) có hiệu lực trừ bọ phấn trắng cao nhất (81,3%) chế phẩm sinh học HD2021 có hiệu lực khá (70,8%) và kéo dài 14 ngày đối với bọ phấn trắng. Về hiệu quả kinh tế, sử dụng thuốc Novou 3.6 EC (Abamectin 36 g/l) để quản lý bọ phấn trắng cho lợi nhuận cao nhất (8,84 triệu/ha), chế phẩm HD2021 cho lợi nhuận cao hơn sản phẩm đã thương mại Hapmisu 20 EC. Nghiên cứu này có thể áp dụng rộng rãi trên đồng ruộng trong những năm tới

    Preparation of SERS Substrates for the Detection of Organic Molecules at Low Concentration

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    In this paper, we present the results of the preparation of Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) substrates by depositing silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) onto a porous silicon wafer that is produced by the chemical etching process. The influences of the preparation parameters such as resistivity of the silicon wafer, the anodizing current density, etching time to the size of pores were systematically investigated. The SERS substrates prepared were characterised by using appropriate techniques: the morphology and pores size by scanning electron microscope (SEM), the SERS activity by Raman scattering measure of organic molecules malachite green (MG) embedded into the substrate at room temperature. Our experimental results show that a home-made Raman microscope system could be efficiently used to detect the MG molecules at the concentration lower than 10-7 M with the prepared SERS substrates which have Ag NPs in the obtained pores of 10 – 40 nm

    Antibacterial activity of crude methanolic and fractionated extracts of Aaptos suberitoides

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    In this research, we at the first time assessed antibacterial effects of methanolic crude and fractionated extracts from the marine sponge, Aaptos suberitoides against three bacterial strains including E. coli., S. aureus, B. cereus. The anti-bacterial assays were carried out by the disc diffusion method to test the anti-bacterial activity of different concentrations of methanolic crude of A. suberitoides against the indicator bacterial pathogens. The results indicated that extracts of A. suberitoides exhibited anti-microbial activity against all tested bacterial strains in concentrationdependent manner. Moreover, we showed that the majority of the active compound was in the polar fractions