18 research outputs found

    Asynchronized spawning responses of small pelaigic fish to a short-term enviromental change

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    We provide substantial evidence on how short-term changes in environmental conditions activate and deactivate spawning activities in small pelagic fishes. An ichthyoplankton survey was conducted along the southernmost part of the Canary Current upwelling ecosystem in May 2013, covering the area twice within 20 d. This period coincided with a strong environmental change from a cold productive upwelling regime to a warmer and less productive upwelling relaxation event. This change triggered a shift in spawning activity from European anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus to round/flat sardinella Sardinella spp. We used zero-altered negative binomial regression models with a generalized additive structure based on integrated nested Laplace approximations to link early larval distribution patterns to the 2 different regimes. The models confirmed 2 species-specific temperature spawning windows, suggesting a spawning pause of anchovy during upwelling relaxation while simultaneously activating spawning in sardinella. Observing immediate spawning responses to the 2 environmental regimes underlines the assumption that windows of spawning opportunity are the main drivers of small pelagic fish fluctuations in upwelling regions. The duration of a specific environmental condition can, therefore, increase or decrease the chances for reproductive success. The observations of this study may explain why certain small pelagic fish species can dominate over others during a particular period and might also apply to other upwelling regions of the world oceans where upwelling and relaxation events alternate.publishedVersio

    Deep genetic differentiation in the little tunny from the Mediterranean and east Atlantic.

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    In this study we present the analysis of the stock structure of Little tunny (Euthynnus alletteratus) using the mitochondrial control region as a genetic marker. More than 500 individuals distributed in six locations were analyzed. Samples were from three main regions: Mediterranean (Tunisia and Spain), and northeast Atlantic (Portugal and Senegal) and southeast Atlantic (Côte d’Ivoire and Gabon). Deep genetic differences were found between these locations. The phylogenetic tree showed a complete reciprocal monophyly association of the individuals in two main regions: Portugal, Spain and Tunisia; and Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire and Gabon. The level of genetic differentiation between these two areas is similar to the differences found between species of the genus Euthynnus. These results suggest a scenario of having two species of Little tunny in its Mediterranean-Atlantic distribution. Further evidence with other non-linked genetic markers along morphological and meristic data is necessary to fully confirm these two putative species. However, based on these results a separate management unit can be considered: i) Northeast Atlantic/Mediterranean (Portugal, Spain and Tunisia), and ii) the northeast/Southeast Atlantic (Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire and Gabon). RÉSUMÉ Dans cette étude, nous présentons l'analyse de la structure du stock de la thonine commune (Euthynnus alletteratus) en utilisant la zone mitochondriale de contrôle comme marqueur génétique. Plus de 500 spécimens répartis sur six sites ont été analysés. Les échantillons provenaient de trois régions principales : Méditerranée (Tunisie et UE-Espagne), Atlantique Nord-Est (Portugal et Sénégal) et Atlantique Sud-Est (Côte d'Ivoire et Gabon). De profondes différences génétiques ont été constatées entre ces endroits. L'arbre phylogénétique affichait une association monophylique réciproque complète des spécimens dans deux régions principales : l’UE-Portugal, l’UE-Espagne et la Tunisie ; et le Sénégal, la Côte d'Ivoire et le Gabon. Le niveau de différenciation génétique entre ces deux régions est similaire aux différences constatées entre les espèces du genre Euthynnus. Ces résultats suggèrent un scénario de présence de deux espèces de thonidés mineurs dans sa distribution méditerranéenne-atlantique. Des preuves supplémentaires avec d'autres marqueurs génétiques non liés ainsi que des données morphologiques et méristiques sont nécessaires pour confirmer pleinement ces deux espèces supposées. Toutefois, sur la base de ces résultats, une unité de gestion distincte peut être envisagée : i) Atlantique Nord-Est/Méditerranée (UE-Portugal, UE-Espagne et Tunisie) et ii) Atlantique Nord-Est/Sud-Est (Sénégal, Côte d'Ivoire et Gabon). RESUMEN En este estudio presentamos el análisis de la estructura del stock de la bacoreta (Euthynnus alletteratus) utilizando la región de control mitocondrial como marcador genético. Se analizaron más de 500 ejemplares distribuidos en seis localizaciones. Las muestras procedían de tres regiones principales: Mediterráneo (Túnez y España), Atlántico nororiental (Portugal y Senegal) y Atlántico suroriental (Côte d'Ivoire y Gabón). Se hallaron profundas diferencias genéticas entre las tres localizaciones: El árbol filogenético presentaba una asociación monofilética recíproca completa de los ejemplares en dos regiones principales: Portugal, España y Túnez; y Senegal, Côte d'Ivoire y Gabón. El nivel de diferenciación genética entre estas dos zonas es similar a las diferencias halladas entre especies del género Euthynnus. Estos resultados sugieren un escenario con dos especies de bacoreta en su distribución atlántica-mediterránea. Son necesarias más pruebas con otros marcadores genéticos no vinculados con datos morfológicos y neríticos para confirmar más estas dos especies putativas. Sin embargo, en base a estos resultados, puede considerarse una unidad de ordenación separada: i) Atlántico nororiental/Mediterráneo (Portugal, España y Túnez) y ii) Atlántico suroriental/nororiental (Senegal, Côte d'Ivoire y Gabón).Versión del edito

    Two fish in a pod. Mislabelling on board threatens sustainability in mixed fisheries

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    Accuracy in reporting captures is a key element to achieve fisheries sustainability. However, identification of the catches might be a challenge when two or more species are morphologically similar and caught jointly, like the mixed fisheries of black hakes in East Atlantic African waters. Black hakes (Merluccius senegalensis and M. polli) are tough to differentiate without previous training due to their high morphological resemblance. The two species are managed as a single stock, although the biological differences between them suggest the need of a separate management. In this study, a total of 806 black hakes were visually identified by fishers on deck of fishing vessels operating in Mauritania and Senegal waters, then assigned to a species by sequencing 450bp of the Mitochondrial Control Region. Comparing the results with visual identification we found 31.4% of the total catch were incorrectly labelled on board by the fishermen. The accuracy of the fishers' identification depended on the depth of capture and on fish size, larger individuals caught from deeper waters being more correctly assigned to M. polli. Mislabelling biased to M. polli suggests that M. senegalensis, already catalogued as endangered, is being underreported, which could endanger the conservation of this species and threaten the sustainability of black hake fisheries. Our results highlight the need for separate evaluation of the stocks in mixed fisheries for morphologically similar fish. Thus, monitoring through DNA barcoding in the very first step of the seafood chain surveys would improve accurate species delimitation and reduce its impact on the correct assessment of the stocks.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Deep genetic differentiation in the little tunny from the Mediterranean and east Atlantic.

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    In this study we present the analysis of the stock structure of Little tunny (Euthynnus alletteratus) using the mitochondrial control region as a genetic marker. More than 500 individuals distributed in six locations were analyzed. Samples were from three main regions: Mediterranean (Tunisia and Spain), and northeast Atlantic (Portugal and Senegal) and southeast Atlantic (Côte d’Ivoire and Gabon). Deep genetic differences were found between these locations. The phylogenetic tree showed a complete reciprocal monophyly association of the individuals in two main regions: Portugal, Spain and Tunisia; and Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire and Gabon. The level of genetic differentiation between these two areas is similar to the differences found between species of the genus Euthynnus. These results suggest a scenario of having two species of Little tunny in its Mediterranean-Atlantic distribution. Further evidence with other non-linked genetic markers along morphological and meristic data is necessary to fully confirm these two putative species. However, based on these results a separate management unit can be considered: i) Northeast Atlantic/Mediterranean (Portugal, Spain and Tunisia), and ii) the northeast/Southeast Atlantic (Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire and Gabon). RÉSUMÉ Dans cette étude, nous présentons l'analyse de la structure du stock de la thonine commune (Euthynnus alletteratus) en utilisant la zone mitochondriale de contrôle comme marqueur génétique. Plus de 500 spécimens répartis sur six sites ont été analysés. Les échantillons provenaient de trois régions principales : Méditerranée (Tunisie et UE-Espagne), Atlantique Nord-Est (Portugal et Sénégal) et Atlantique Sud-Est (Côte d'Ivoire et Gabon). De profondes différences génétiques ont été constatées entre ces endroits. L'arbre phylogénétique affichait une association monophylique réciproque complète des spécimens dans deux régions principales : l’UE-Portugal, l’UE-Espagne et la Tunisie ; et le Sénégal, la Côte d'Ivoire et le Gabon. Le niveau de différenciation génétique entre ces deux régions est similaire aux différences constatées entre les espèces du genre Euthynnus. Ces résultats suggèrent un scénario de présence de deux espèces de thonidés mineurs dans sa distribution méditerranéenne-atlantique. Des preuves supplémentaires avec d'autres marqueurs génétiques non liés ainsi que des données morphologiques et méristiques sont nécessaires pour confirmer pleinement ces deux espèces supposées. Toutefois, sur la base de ces résultats, une unité de gestion distincte peut être envisagée : i) Atlantique Nord-Est/Méditerranée (UE-Portugal, UE-Espagne et Tunisie) et ii) Atlantique Nord-Est/Sud-Est (Sénégal, Côte d'Ivoire et Gabon). RESUMEN En este estudio presentamos el análisis de la estructura del stock de la bacoreta (Euthynnus alletteratus) utilizando la región de control mitocondrial como marcador genético. Se analizaron más de 500 ejemplares distribuidos en seis localizaciones. Las muestras procedían de tres regiones principales: Mediterráneo (Túnez y España), Atlántico nororiental (Portugal y Senegal) y Atlántico suroriental (Côte d'Ivoire y Gabón). Se hallaron profundas diferencias genéticas entre las tres localizaciones: El árbol filogenético presentaba una asociación monofilética recíproca completa de los ejemplares en dos regiones principales: Portugal, España y Túnez; y Senegal, Côte d'Ivoire y Gabón. El nivel de diferenciación genética entre estas dos zonas es similar a las diferencias halladas entre especies del género Euthynnus. Estos resultados sugieren un escenario con dos especies de bacoreta en su distribución atlántica-mediterránea. Son necesarias más pruebas con otros marcadores genéticos no vinculados con datos morfológicos y neríticos para confirmar más estas dos especies putativas. Sin embargo, en base a estos resultados, puede considerarse una unidad de ordenación separada: i) Atlántico nororiental/Mediterráneo (Portugal, España y Túnez) y ii) Atlántico suroriental/nororiental (Senegal, Côte d'Ivoire y Gabón).N

    Final report of the short-term contract for ICCAT SMYTP for the biological samples collection for growth, maturity and genetics studies – Year #3

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    This document is the final report of the third year of the short-term contract of the Small Tuna Year Program by ICCAT, with the objectives of: a) conduct additional sampling aiming to fill the specific gaps of the biological samples for estimating the growth and maturity parameters for BON and LTA; b) estimate the referred parameters for both species, and preliminary provide preliminary results for WAH; and, c) refine the sampling and stock structure analysis for BON, LTA and WAH. A total of 374 individuals were collected: 145 of BON, 139 of LTA and 90 WAH. Initial target size class was accomplished only for BON in the Mediterranean. Small individuals are need in the Northeast and no samples were obtained in Southeast Atlantic. For LTA, total target sizes were not completely achieved in any case. However, preliminary results were obtained for growth and reproductive parameters. For BON, with samples arrived from Morocco, no genetic differentiation was detected, and the hypothesis provided in the previous contract is maintained. The population genetic analysis of WAH presents a scenario of homogeneous distribution.En prensa

    Second Workshop on Atlantic chub mackerel (Scomber colias) (WKCOLIAS2)

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    The Atlantic chub mackerel Scomber colias has become an increasingly important commercial species in the European Atlantic waters in the last 10–15 years, probably through an expansion process from NW African waters and due to market needs. However, at present there are no assessment or advice requirements. In the WK framework, available information of the species in the West Atlantic waters has been compiled in order to evaluate possible geographical differences and trends, and the feasibility to describe its population structure. Though the Atlantic chub mackerel is not routinely included among the target species in the acoustic surveys performed in the Atlantic Iberian waters and the Mediterranean Sea, a synoptic overview of the species is possible over all its West Atlantic distribution. Moreover, the data available have indicated latitudinal trends, mainly in the landings’ length composition, L50 and the spawning periods. Nevertheless, even if some degree of connectivity likely exists and migrations are occurring between adjacent areas, some subunits could be considered for management purposes. From the assessment models’ trials carried out, the results or reference points obtained for the European fisheries cannot be retained at present. Therefore, continuing collating information from fisheries and biological sampling of the species, obtaining reliable biomass estimations from scientific surveys and identifying management units seem the main priorities to address in future research work and in case of assessment requirements


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    SUMMARY This report describes the 2020 ICCAT workshop on small tunas biology studies for growth and reproduction, hosted by the Instituto Español de Oceanografía, Málaga, Spain. The major objectives of the workshop were: 1) starting the creation of ageing and reproduction reference sets and, 2) providing more training for the ongoing sample collection and processing to the teams involved in these studies. As approved by the SCRS in 2017, the Small Tuna Species Group intersessional meeting decided to prioritize the collection of biological samples aiming at growth, maturity and stock structure studies on three species: little tunny (Euthynnus alletteratus), Atlantic Bonito (Sarda sarda) and wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri), based on their economic importance and the lack of knowledge on their biology. This work will contribute to the next major advance in the assessment of these three species. RÉSUMÉ Le présent rapport décrit l'atelier de l’ICCAT tenu en 2020 sur les études de la biologie des thonidés mineurs pour la croissance et la reproduction, organisé par l'Instituto Español de Oceanografía, à Malaga, en Espagne. Les principaux objectifs de l'atelier étaient les suivants : 1) commencer à créer des ensembles de référence sur la détermination de l’âge et la reproduction et 2) fournir une formation plus poussée sur la collecte et le traitement des échantillons aux équipes participant à ces études. Tel qu’approuvé par le SCRS en 2017, lors de la réunion intersessions du Groupe d'espèces sur les thonidés mineurs, il a été décidé de donner la priorité à la collecte d'échantillons biologiques visant à étudier la croissance, la maturité et la structure des stocks de trois espèces : la thonine commune (Euthynnus alletteratus), la bonite à dos rayé (Sarda) et le thazard-bâtard (Acanthocybium solandri), sur la base de leur importance économique et des connaissances lacunaires sur leur biologie. Ces travaux contribueront à la prochaine grande avancée dans l'évaluation de ces trois espèces. RESUMEN Este informe describe el taller de ICCAT de 2020 sobre estudios de biología de pequeños túnidos para crecimiento y reproducción, acogido por el Instituto Español de Oceanografía en Málaga, España. Los principales objetivos del taller eran: 1) empezar la creación de conjuntos de referencia de determinación de la edad y reproducción y 2) facilitar más formación a los equipos involucrados en estos estudios para la recopilación de muestras y procesamiento en curso. Como aprobó el SCRS en 2017, en la Reunión intersesiones del Grupo de especies de pequeños túnidos se decidió priorizar la recopilación de muestras biológicas con miras a estudios de crecimiento, madurez y estructura del stock de tres especies: bacoreta (Euthynnus alletteratus), bonito (Sarda sarda) y peto (Acanthocybium solandri), basándose en su importancia económica y la falta de conocimientos sobre su biología. Este trabajo contribuirá a avanzar en la próxima evaluación de estas tres especies.N

    Dynamique du Yabóy mërëg et du Cobo au Sénégal dans un contexte de changement climatique : diagnostic et synthèse bioécologique

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    MESSAGES CLES 1. Améliorer les avis scientifiques nécessaires pour une gestion durable de deux principaux stocks de petits pélagiques côtiers exploités dans la zone sénégalaise (Yabóy mërëg et Cobo)

    Dynamique du Yabóy mërëg et du Cobo au Sénégal dans un contexte de changement climatique : diagnostic et synthèse bioécologique

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    MESSAGES CLES 1. Améliorer les avis scientifiques nécessaires pour une gestion durable de deux principaux stocks de petits pélagiques côtiers exploités dans la zone sénégalaise (Yabóy mërëg et Cobo)

    Fish-length based indicators for improved management of the sardinella fisheries in Senegal

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    WOS:000485654700032International audienceFisheries management is difficult especially in developing countries where there are little or no data available for stock assessment. Here, a simple model based on the length-based Bayesian biomass (LBB) is applied to length frequencies collected on the two sardinella species (Sardinella maderensis and S. aurita) collected in Senegalese waters (2004 to 2014) to diagnose these stocks and to support the development of fishery management options that may improve the livelihoods of artisanal fishermen. Annual mean length of both species of sardinella showed a large variation during the decadal study period. It is assumed that such variations are due to environmental changes. According to our results, based on the current exploitation rate, both sardinella species are overexploited. To reverse these bad stock status, three management indicators were estimated for both sardinella: (i) length at first capture (Total Length (TL); L-c 24 and 27 cm for S. maderensis and S. aurita, respectively); (ii) the length at maximum possible yield per recruit (TL; L-opt 26 and 29 cm for S. maderensis and S. aurita, respectively); and (iii) the optimal length for the first capture (TL; L-c\ₒpt; 25 and 28 cm for S. maderensis and S. aurita, respectively). According to Senegalese maritime fishing code, which sets the small pelagic fish size of the first capture \textgreater= 18 cm, we urge the Senegalese governments to press ahead with much needed reforms of the fishing code. We recommend capturing sardinella at the size L-c\ₒpt to provide a natural safeguard against any recruitment failure related to environmental variability and allow individuals to grow and ensure the long-term survival of populations and thus sustainable fisheries. The results suggest that LBB model could be a tool to assess data-poor fisheries allowing the possibility to include in the analysis several years of length-frequency data with a minimum of prerequisites