415 research outputs found

    Microfinance and Gender Empowerment.

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    In the past 30 years, microfinance has carried many promises of social and economic transformation, with the shift towards targeting women being seen as a major strategic move through which the promise of social development could be most effectively delivered. However, ethnographic studies have shown that many women relinquish the use of their loans to male members of the household, belying the empowering promise of microfinance. We propose a simple model of household bargaining which examines how providing women with credit affects production and decision-making power in the household. Following Bergstrom (1996), we account for the roles of both divorce and non-cooperation in the household as relevant fall-back options in the bargaining strategy of each spouse. We show that the introduction of a microcredit programme is likely to have widely heterogeneous impacts, and can adversely affect the bargaining power of some women. We demonstrate that access to credit allows a woman to strengthen her bargaining position through an expansion of her autonomous activities (the causal mechanism hoped for) only in a limited number of cases: when she is able to invest her new capital profitably in an autonomous activity, and her husband has no alternative activity in which the same capital would generate comparable returns, or lacks the power to overrule her preferred investment choice. The two cases in which it is most likely that the availability of credit would enable the woman to strengthen her bargaining position within the household are (i) when capital can be invested in a cooperative activity to which both spouses contribute in an important way, and (ii) when a large share of the household budget is devoted to expenditures on household public goods.

    Evaluation of Patient Identification Practices by Nurses Working at Saigon ENT Hospital

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    Recently, patient misidentification has been identified as a common error in healthcare systems. Six patient safety recommendations from the World Health Organization (2007) have resulted in research and improvements to increase patient safety. However, patient misidentifications continue and are a challenge to patient safety. Failure to correctly identify patients continues to result in errors with medications, transfusions, diagnostic testing, and wrong person procedures. In the hospital, patient identification is performed throughout the hospitalization stay: at admission, before a treatment procedure or general nursing care, medication administration, and handover from provider to provider. In some hospital settings, this task is supported by technology such as barcode scanning and mobile nursing stations. In other hospitals, patient identification is conducted by the individual nurse. The purpose of this research was to identify gaps in patient identification procedures by nurses in one specialty hospital setting to enhance patient safety and quality of care. A descriptive observational study was conducted with 34 nurses working in in patient, out-patient, and operating room areas of a large Vietnamese city hospital. A questionnaire and checklist, Evaluation of the Nurse’s Practice About Patient Identification Procedure, regarding the use of nine “right” practices in patient identification were developed by an expert clinician based on years of experience, review of the literature, and using the procedure recommended by the WHO and Joint Commission International (2007). Findings revealed statistically significant scores for the use of “right” practices related to the higher education of the nurse and the department type with in-patient nurses demonstrating the highest scores. The study results revealed several indicators of high rate of use of correct practices as well as areas that needed improvement. Findings provided support for improving practice and the role of nurse advocacy in the area of patient identification, and also served to direct further research regarding patient safety

    The impacts of market economy on social Relations: a perspective from household Pottery production in Lai Thieu, Binh Duong Province, South Vietnam

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    Produksi dan kerajinan keramik yang berkembang pesat di Lai Thieu, Vietnam, tidak terlepas dari kedatangan para imigran dari Cina pada abad ke- 1 9. Perusahaan keramik dapat dibedakan menjadi lima, yaitu perusahaan milik negara, patungan, swasta, perseroan terbatas, dan rumah tangga. Kebanyakan perusahaan keramik di Lai Thieu berkembang menjadi perusahaan modern karena perkembangan teknologi dan keharusan berkompetisi dengan produsen lain. Dart sisi manajemen, ada perubahan dari manajemen keluarga ke arah manajemen yang Iebih maju dan terbuka. Perkawinan antara etnis Cinadan wargaVietnam memungkinkan perusahaan keramik yang semula bersifat tertutup menjadi semakin terbuka dan kompetitif. Kata Kunci : keramik, imigran, manajemen, perkawinan campur, perkembangan kompetiti

    How to grow quickly: land distribution, agricultural growth and poverty reduction in Vietnam (1992-1998)

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    This thesis explores how, in the wake of momentous agrarian reforms implemented during the 1980s and 1990s, Vietnam succeeded in generating both a strong increase in agricultural growth, and remarkable trends in poverty reduction. Three specific channels of transmission between agricultural growth and rural poverty reduction are explored and evaluated empirically using the Vietnamese Living Standard Survey. Chapter 2 investigates the impact on agricultural investments of the strengthening in tenure security induced by Vietnam's 1993 Land Law, which set up a new land tenure system based on de jure private property rights. Idiosyncratic characteristics of Vietnam's land reform and the panel nature of the VLSS are taken advantage of to capture the exogenous changes in tenure security brought by the 1993 Land Law. By interpreting the results in the light of Vietnam's agrarian history, I shed light on the role of formal institutions during the process of establishing a new private property right system. Chapter 3 explores the role of education in promoting agricultural growth and documents how, in the 1980s, Vietnam emerged from thirty years of war with literacy levels that are normally achieved by middle-income countries. The differential in educational attainment between North and South Vietnam is used to devise an instrumental variable strategy and to evaluate the contribution of Vietnam's high initial education levels to rice yields. The results confirm the importance of literacy and numeracy skills as pre-conditions for agricultural growth but highlight the importance of non-linearities in the impact of schooling, and of factoring in information on the quality in education in order to better understand the processes through which education affects economic efficiency. Finally, Chapter 4 showed that growth in the agricultural sector had been remarkably pro-poor as it benefited even the poorest of the poor, probably because of favourable initial conditions for pro-poor agricultural growth

    Effets des amendements organiques exogènes sur la composition de la matière organique et le stockage du carbone d'un sol dégradé par l'érosion dans le Nord du Vietnam

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    Intensification of agricultural use of tropical soils in Northern Vietnam leads to acidification associated with organic matter loss, rapid decline of their fertility and high erosion rates. Such negative effects may be counteracted by exogenous organic amendments (EOMs). The application of buffalo manure, its compost and vermicompost and biochar alone or in mixture with other EOMs is promising to improve at low cost soil quality, plant growth and carbon sequestration. The aims of this study were to evaluate (1) the usefulness of the four EOM alone or in mixture to sequester carbon and (2) the effect of these amendments on quantity and quality of soil organic matter of a tropical soil degraded by erosion. To anwer to this objective we carried out incubations in the laboratory, in litterbags under field conditions and we monitored a mesocom experiment, where the EOM were added and subjected during three years to cultivation and natural rainfall conditions. Our results showed that composting in the presence of earthworms led to stronger transformation of buffalo manure than regular composting. Vermicompost was enriched in N-containing compounds and depleted in polysaccharides. It further contained stronger modified lignin compared to regular compost. Biological reactivity of these AOEs was related to their soluble organic matter content, which decreased in the order buffalo manure > compost > vermicompost, whereas their chemical reactivity was similar. Bamboo biochar was enriched in aromatic carbon and characterized by a high biological and chemical recalcitrance. The presence of biochar influenced the biological as well as chemical reactivity of the other organic amendments. It led to a protection of organic matter against chemical oxidation and changed their susceptibility to biological degradation. Our experience with mesocosmes during 3 year under the natural conditions showed that all organic amendments had a positive effect on soil carbon storage and significantly influences soil organic matter quality. Biochar could increase the soil carbon sequestration potential, when applied in mixture with vermicompost. The presence of biochar increased lignin derived compounds abundance as well as both plant and microbial sugar content of soil amended with vermicompost but it had no effect in the case of control soil. Compared to our litterbag experiment these results show that EOM have a strong contrasting effect on plant growth, in particular root litter input. In conclusion, the incorporation of biochar and vermicompost seems to be the best solution to improuve the quality of degraded soil in Northem Vietnam. More studies about the impacts of this amendment on soil physico-chemical and biological properties in long-term are needed to comfirm these results.Une stratégie pour améliorer durablement la fertilité des sols dégradés par érosion au Nord du Vietnam consiste à apporter des amendements organiques exogènes (AOEs). L'application du lisier de buffle, son compost et lombricompost, ainsi que le biochar permettraient à faible coût d’améliorer la qualité des sols et la croissance des plantes en réduisant l'utilisation d'engrais, mais également de séquestrer du carbone. L’objective de cette thèse est d’évaluer (1) l’utilité des quatre AOEs seuls ou en association pour séquestrer du carbone, et (2) l’effet de l’apport des quatre substrats organiques seuls ou en association sur la quantité et qualité des matières organiques d’un sol agricole tropical dégradé typique du Nord du Vietnam. Pour répondre à cet objectif, nous avons effectué des incubations au laboratoire, en sachet de litière dans des conditions de terrain et suivi pendant trois ans une expérience en mesocosme avec ajouts des AOEs au sol cultivé en conditions de terrain.Nos résultats montrent que le compostage en présence de vers de terre conduit à une plus forte transformation de la matière organique issue du lisier de buffle par rapport au compostage traditionel. Le lombricompost était enrichi en composés azotés et appauvri en polysaccharides, et se caractérisait par une altération plus importante des lignines en comparaison avec le compost. La stabilité biologique de ces AOEs a été liée à leur teneur en carbone soluble, diminuant suivant l’ordre : lisier de buffle > compost > lombricompost, alors que leur réactivité chimique était similaire. Le biochar, constitué de carbone aromatique, se caractérisait par une très forte stabilité biologique et chimique. L’association du biochar avec les autres AOEs a influencé leur stabilité chimique et biologique, en protégeant la matière organique labile contre l'oxydation chimique et la dégradation biologique.Notre expérience de trois ans en mésocosmes en conditions naturelles a montré que tous les AOEs ont un effet positif sur le stockage du carbone dans le sol ainsi que sur la qualité de la matière organique de sol. L’association de biochar et de lombricompost en augmenttant l’abondance des composés dérivés de la lignine ainsi que la teneur en sucre provenant des plantes et des microorganismes, semble montrer un effet synergique de cette association sur la fertilité des sols (activité microbienne, prospection racinaire). Comparé aux résultats d’incubation en sachet de litières, ces résultats indiquent un effet significatif et contrasté des AOEs sur la croissance des plantes en particulier sur l’apport racinaire. En conclusion, l’association de biochar et de lombricompost semble la meilleure solution pour améliorer la qualité de sol dégradé par l'érosion dans le Nord du Vietnam. Ces résultats devront être confirmés par des études à long terme, tant du point de vue de la qualité physicochimique que biologique des sols amendés par ces AOEs

    Microfinance and Gender Empowerment

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    In the past 30 years, microfinance has carried many promises of social and economic transformation, with the shift towards targeting women being seen as a major strategic move through which the promise of social development could be most effectively delivered. However, ethnographic studies have shown that many women relinquish the use of their loans to male members of the household, belying the empowering promise of microfinance. We propose a simple model of household bargaining which examines how providing women with credit affects production and decision-making power in the household. Following Bergstrom (1996), we account for the roles of both divorce and non-cooperation in the household as relevant fall-back options in the bargaining strategy of each spouse. We show that the introduction of a microcredit programme is likely to have widely heterogeneous impacts, and can adversely affect the bargaining power of some women. We demonstrate that access to credit allows a woman to strengthen her bargaining position through an expansion of her autonomous activities (the causal mechanism hoped for) only under very specific circumstances: when she is able to invest her new capital profitably in an autonomous activity, and her husband has no alternative activity in which the same capital would generate comparable returns. The case in which the availability of credit is most likely to strengthen women's bargaining position in the household is when capital can be invested in a cooperative activity in which both spouses contribute in an important way

    Microfinance and Gender Empowerment

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    In the past 30 years, microfinance has carried many promises of social and economic transformation, with the shift towards targeting women being seen as a major strategic move through which the promise of social development could be most effectively delivered. However, ethnographic studies have shown that many women relinquish the use of their loans to male members of the household, belying the empowering promise of microfinance. We propose a simple model of household bargaining which examines how providing women with credit affects production and decision-making power in the household. Following Bergstrom (1996), we account for the roles of both divorce and non-cooperation in the household as relevant fall-back options in the bargaining strategy of each spouse. We show that the introduction of a microcredit programme is likely to have widely heterogeneous impacts, and can adversely affect the bargaining power of some women. We demonstrate that access to credit allows a woman to strengthen her bargaining position through an expansion of her autonomous activities (the causal mechanism hoped for) only under very specific circumstances: when she is able to invest her new capital profitably in an autonomous activity, and her husband has no alternative activity in which the same capital would generate comparable returns. The case in which the availability of credit is most likely to strengthen women's bargaining position in the household is when capital can be invested in a cooperative activity in which both spouses contribute in an important way

    Research on the development and innovation of Vietnam television news--A case study about the channel one 's news bulletin of Vietnam television station

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    提到越南,世界各国人民都会想到一个从酷烈战争中站起来的国家,一个深受战争蹂躏的落后贫穷国家,然而,今日的越南在各方面正在展示着迅猛发展的势态。国民经济持续稳定地发展,国家安定团结。 近年来,随着经济的增长和对外开放,加上科学技术日益发展,电视更有信心巩固自己的重要地位。越南新闻业最初只有报纸和广播,在战争期间,它们成为向敌对势力斗争的有效工具,鼓舞群众,弘扬爱国精神。随后,电视应战争期间政治形势的需要而诞生,其直观、生动的传播特点在国家的政治宣传中显示出极大优势。目前,配合国家的政治宣传仍是越南电视新闻的重要任务。 与别的电视节目相比,越南电视消息类新闻的发展显得较为缓慢并受到一定的限制。...Vietnam, in the eyes of the world, has just been through two severe wars for its independence, being damaged and pulled backwards as an obvious consequence of war. Eventhough, it can not be denied that the country is now blooming in every aspects of life. In recent years, with constant development of the economy and science and technology and expansion of foreign affairs, the television indust...学位:文学硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院新闻学系_新闻学学号:1792008115364

    How to grow equitably : land redistribution, agricultural growth and poverty reduction in Vietnam (1992-1998)

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    This thesis explores how, in the wake of momentous agrarian reforms implemented during the 1980s and 1990s, Vietnam succeeded in generating both a strong increase in agricultural growth, and remarkable trends in poverty reduction. Three specific channels of transmission between agricultural growth and rural poverty reduction are explored and evaluated empirically using the Vietnamese Living Standard Survey. Chapter 2 investigates the impact on agricultural investments of the strengthening in tenure security induced by Vietnam's 1993 Land Law, which set up a new land tenure system based on de jure private property rights. Idiosyncratic characteristics of Vietnam's land reform and the panel nature of the VLSS are taken advantage of to capture the exogenous changes in tenure security brought by the 1993 Land Law. By interpreting the results in the light of Vietnam's agrarian history, I shed light on the role of formal institutions during the process of establishing a new private property right system. Chapter 3 explores the role of education in promoting agricultural growth and documents how, in the 1980s, Vietnam emerged from thirty years of war with literacy levels that are normally achieved by middle-income countries. The differential in educational attainment between North and South Vietnam is used to devise an instrumental variable strategy and to evaluate the contribution of Vietnam's high initial education levels to rice yields. The results confirm the importance of literacy and numeracy skills as pre-conditions for agricultural growth but highlight the importance of non-linearities in the impact of schooling, and of factoring in information on the quality in education in order to better understand the processes through which education affects economic efficiency. Finally, Chapter 4 showed that growth in the agricultural sector had been remarkably pro-poor as it benefited even the poorest of the poor, probably because of favourable initial conditions for pro-poor agricultural growth.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo