179 research outputs found

    The Problem of Prickling on Fabrics of South American Camelids Fibers: Possible Approaches for Mechanical Solutions

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    In this minireview it is to analyze the physical attributes that determine the comfort of fabrics made of South American Camelid fibers (Lama and Alpaca), discuss the effect on their textile value and evaluate an possible approache on their possible mechanical solutions. Taking the distribution of all fibers do not respond to a normal distribution, but the different fiber types identified by the type of medulla, they do respond to a normal distribution. While emphasis has always been on mean fiber diameter, the fiber frequency exceeding 30 microns (objectionable fibres) has a key role in quality. This is essential for light fabrics, where the effect of prickle plays a critical part in consumer´s choice. Dehairing, as a mechanical way, provides an immediate solution, though excessive fiber breakage should be addressed. It is concluded that the textile fiber quality of South American Camelids is promissory if the presence of objectionable fibers is solved, resulting in a tolerable frequency for consumers (<3%). This implies a true paradigm shift with regard to the classic textile processing of Alpaca and Lama fibers (from worsted to woolen system). This would enhance the fiber softness to touch, together with other important features that would render the fiber price more competitive

    [effect Of Eggplant On Plasma Lipid Levels, Lipidic Peroxidation And Reversion Of Endothelial Dysfunction In Experimental Hypercholesterolemia].

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    To study the effect of egg plant on endothelium-dependent relaxation, and plasma lipids in hypercholesterolemic rabbits, and to assess influence of this plant on the malondialdehyde (MDA) content of LDL particles and the arterial wall. Thirteen male rabbits were randomly assigned to control (C), hypercholesterolemic (H) and egg plant (E) treated groups (n = 10 each). The H and E rabbits were fed a diet supplemented with cholesterol (0.5%) and coconut oil (10%) for 4 weeks. In addition, group E received 10 mL of the fruit juice/day during the last 2 weeks. The animals were killed and the aorta removed to measure MDA content and the endothelium dependent relaxation responses. Total plasma cholesterol, VLDL, LDL, HDL and triglyceride levels were determined using commercial kits. MDA was quantified in native and oxidized LDL and in the arterial wall. After 4 weeks, the E group rabbits had a significantly lower weight, plasma cholesterol, LDL, triglyceride and aortic cholesterol content than group H(p < 0.05). The MDA content that was significantly increased in the LDL particles and in the arterial wall of H rabbits was reduced in the E group (p < 0.05). Endothelium-dependent relaxation were significantly higher in the E group compared H group rabbits (p < 0.05). In hypercholesterolemic rabbits egg plant juice significantly reduced weight, plasma cholesterol levels, aortic cholesterol content and the MDA concentrations in native-oxidized LDL and in the arterial wall and increased the endothelium-dependent relaxations.7087-9

    Association of Phosphate-Containing versus Phosphate-Free Solutions on Ventilator Days in Patients Requiring Continuous Kidney Replacement Therapy

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    Background and objectives Hypophosphatemia is commonly observed in patients receiving continuous KRT. Patients who develop hypophosphatemia may be at risk of respiratory and neuromuscular dysfunction and therefore subject to prolongation of ventilator support. We evaluated the association of phosphate-containing versus phosphate-free continuous KRT solutions with ventilator dependence in critically ill patients receiving continuous KRT. Design, setting, participants, & measurements Our study was a single-center, retrospective, pre-post cohort study of adult patients receiving continuous KRT and mechanical ventilation during their intensive care unit stay. Zeroinflated negative binomial regression with and without propensity score matching was used to model our primary outcome: ventilator-free days at 28 days. Intensive care unit and hospital lengths of stay as well as hospital mortality were analyzed with a t test or a chi-squared test, as appropriate. Results We identified 992 eligible patients, of whom 649 (65%) received phosphate-containing solutions and 343 (35%) received phosphate-free solutions. In multivariable models, patients receiving phosphate-containing continuous KRT solutions had 12% (95% confidence interval, 0.17 to 0.47) more ventilator-free days at 28 days. Patients exposed to phosphate-containing versus phosphate-free solutions had 17% (95% confidence interval, 20.08 to 20.30) fewer days in the intensive care unit and 20% (95% confidence interval, 2 0.12 to 20.32) fewer days in the hospital. Concordant results were observed for ventilator-free days at 28 days in the propensity score matched analysis. There was no difference in hospital mortality between the groups. Conclusions The use of phosphate-containing versus phosphate-free continuous KRT solutions was independently associated with fewer ventilator days and shorter stay in the intensive care unit

    Violencia de pareja en adolescentes estudiantes de colegios estatales de Lima Norte

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    Objective: Determine the frequency of partner violence among teenager students of state high schools in a district of North Lima. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study conducted in five state high schools at Puente Piedra district. The instrument used was the Conflict Questionnaire in teenager relationships (CQTR). Results: Of the 208 teenagers (Mean = 15.48, SD = 0.99, Range: 14 to 18), 59.6% (n = 124) corresponded to the male sex and the female, most of them were from the third and fourth year. Almost all the teenagers have committed or suffered some type of violence; emotional verbal violence was the most frequent in both groups. The violence committed, in its relational violence dimension, occurred in a greater proportion in male teenagers [p = 0.045; OR = 2.52 (95% CI: 1.01-6.33)]. Violence committed in the threat dimension also occurred in a greater proportion in males [p = 0.002; OR = 8.15 (95% CI: 1.71-38.87)]. The violence suffered, in the verbal emotional dimension, threat and physical violence was presented in greater proportion in male teenagers, whit significant differences in verbal violence [p = 0.04; OR = 2.45 (1.99-3.02)], threat [p = 0.001; OR = 14.55 (95% CI: 1.78-118.58)] and in physical violence [p = 0.009; OR = 4.46 (95% CI: 1.34-14.86)]. Conclusion: The violence committed and suffered in teenager couples is frequent and occurs mainly in males, the emotional verbal component and the threat predominated. It is recommended to strengthen the work of both the education and health sector to contribute to the reduction of violence.Objetivos: Determinar la frecuencia de violencia de pareja en los adolescentes estudiantes de los colegios estatales de un distrito de Lima Norte. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal realizado en cinco colegio estatales del distrito de Puente Piedra. El instrumento utilizado fue el cuestionario de conflictos en las relaciones de pareja en adolescentes (CADRI). Resultados: De 208 adolescentes (Media=15,48; DE=0,99; Rango: 14 a 18), el 59,6% (n=124) correspondió al sexo masculino y el resto femenino, en su mayoría cursaban el tercero y cuarto año. Casi todos los adolescentes han cometido o sufrido algún tipo de violencia, la violencia verbal emocional fue el más frecuente en ambos grupos. La violencia cometida, en su dimensión violencia relacional se presentó en mayor proporción en los adolescentes varones [p=0,045; OR=2,52 (IC95%: 1,01-6,33)]. La violencia cometida en la dimensión amenaza, también se presentó en mayor proporción en los varones [p=0,002; OR=8,15 (IC95%: 1,71-38,87)]. La violencia sufrida, en la dimensión verbal emocional, amenaza y violencia física se presentó en mayor proporción en los adolescentes varones. Mostrando diferencias significativas en la violencia verbal emocional [p=0,04; OR=2,45 (1,99-3,02)], amenaza [p=0,001; OR=14,55 (IC95%:1,78-118,58)] y en la violencia física [p=0,009; OR=4,46 (IC95%: 1,34-14,86)]. Conclusiones: La violencia cometida y sufrida en parejas de adolescentes es frecuente y ocurre principalmente en los varones, destacando el componente verbal emocional y la amenaza. Se recomienda fortalecer el trabajo tanto del sector educación y salud para contribuir con la reducción de la violencia

    Caractérisation de la diversité des microorganismes symbiotiques de Pterocarpus officinalis dans des forêts marécageuses de Guadeloupe et Martinique

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    We have isolated 17 strains of rhizobiums from nodules collected on roots of Pterocarpus officinalis in different sites of swamp forest in Guadeloupe and Martinique. The genotypic diversity of these strains were characterized by PCR-RFLP analysis of the IGS (intergenic spacer) region between 16S and 23S rRNA genes, by using two 4-base restriction endonucleases Hae III and Msp I. Results of IGS PCR-RFLP analysis showed that restriction patterns were similar for DNA extract from root nodules and cultures of rhizobium strains. The diversity of these strains varied from one site to another. They were grouped into 5 ribotypes by IGS PCR-RFLP analysis. Results of IGS sequence analysis showed that the 5 ribotypes are very close to the genus Bradyrhizobium. The symbiotic properties of the 5 ribotypes were evaluated on Acacia seyal, a plant test that is able to form nodules with several Bradyrhizobium species. One month and nineteen days after inoculation, the green colour of the leaves and the best growth of inoculated seedlings contrasting with the yellow colour of the leaves and the lowest growth of uninoculated seedlings, were the parameters indicating the level of nitrogen-fixing activity of the three Bradyrhizobium strains. Concurrently, the vesicular and arbuscular mycorrhizal status of P. officinalis was established. The two types of symbiotic microorganisms could contribute to mobilize available phosphorus and nitrogen for improving the growth of P. officinalis in degraded swamp forestsNous avons isolé 17 souches de rhizobiums à partir de nodules récoltés sur des racines de Pterocarpus officinalis dans différents sites de forêt marécageuse en Guadeloupe et Martinique. La diversité de ces souches a été caractérisée par PCR-RFLP de l'intergène IGS situé entre les gènes nucléaires codant pour les ARNr 16S et 23S en utilisant deux enzymes de restriction Hae III et Msp I. Des profils RFLP obtenus par digestion de l'IGS d'extraits d'ADN de nodules ou de cultures bactériennes sont comparables. L'analyse de ces profils RFLP a révélé une hétérogénéité génétique des souches qui varie suivant les sites. Les 17 souches de P. officinalis ont été groupées en 5 ribotypes par comparaison de leur profil RFLP. L'analyse phylogénétique de l'IGS a montré que ces ribotypes sont très proches du genre Bradyrhizobium. Les propriétés symbiotiques d'un représentant de chaque groupe de souches ont été testées sur Acacia seyal, espèce qui nodule avec un grand nombre d'espèces de Bradyrhizobium. Un mois et dix neuf jours après inoculation, l'observation de la vigueur et de la couleur verte des parties aériennes des plantes inoculées, comparativement aux plantes témoins peu vigoureuses et de couleur jaune, ont été des paramètres indiquant le caractère fixateur de trois souches de Bradyrhizobium. Parallélement, la présence de champignons mycorhiziens à vésicules et à arbuscules a été révélée sur des racines de P. officinalis. Ces deux types de symbiose pourraient agir en synergie sur la mobilisation du phosphore et de l'azote pour améliorer la croissance de P. officinalis dans des forêts marécageuses dégradées

    Development, Implementation and Outcomes of a Quality Assurance System for the Provision of Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy in the Intensive Care Unit

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    Critically ill patients with requirement of continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) represent a growing intensive care unit (ICU) population. Optimal CRRT delivery demands continuous communication between stakeholders, iterative adjustment of therapy, and quality assurance systems. This Quality Improvement (QI) study reports the development, implementation and outcomes of a quality assurance system to support the provision of CRRT in the ICU. This study was carried out at the University of Kentucky Medical Center between September 2016 and June 2019. We implemented a quality assurance system using a step-wise approach based on the (a) assembly of a multidisciplinary team, (b) standardization of the CRRT protocol, (c) creation of electronic CRRT flowsheets, (d) selection, monitoring and reporting of quality metrics of CRRT deliverables, and (e) enhancement of education. We examined 34-month data comprising 1185 adult patients on CRRT (~ 7420 patient-days of CRRT) and tracked selected QI outcomes/metrics of CRRT delivery. As a result of the QI interventions, we increased the number of multidisciplinary experts in the CRRT team and ensured a continuum of education to health care professionals. We maximized to 100% the use of continuous veno-venous hemodiafiltration and doubled the percentage of patients using regional citrate anticoagulation. The delivered CRRT effluent dose (~ 30 ml/kg/h) and the delivered/prescribed effluent dose ratio (~ 0.89) remained stable within the study period. The average filter life increased from 26 to 31 h (p = 0.020), reducing the mean utilization of filters per patient from 3.56 to 2.67 (p = 0.054) despite similar CRRT duration and mortality rates. The number of CRRT access alarms per treatment day was reduced by 43%. The improvement in filter utilization translated into ~ 20,000 USD gross savings in filter cost per 100-patient receiving CRRT. We satisfactorily developed and implemented a quality assurance system for the provision of CRRT in the ICU that enabled sustainable tracking of CRRT deliverables and reduced filter resource utilization at our institution

    Trustport : plataforma ?nica de pago para el transporte p?blico en Lima y Callao

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    Trustport, es un modelo de negocio enfocado a centralizar los diversos medios de pagos en el transporte p?blico de Lima y Callao, permitiendo al usuario ahorrar dinero, tiempo y mejorando la experiencia en el uso del servicio. Actualmente se tienen diversos medios de transporte y el sistema de recaudo es independiente por cada uno. Con la creaci?n del ATU, se toma la decisi?n a mediano plazo de poder tener un ?nico sistema de recaudo, que permita gestionar mejor el tarifario. La integraci?n del sistema de recaudo y la revisi?n de contratos de las empresas de transporte, permitir? tener una mejor oferta de pasajes, ofreciendo precios estandarizados y paquetizados que permitan usar diversos servicios al mismo precio, o, en su defecto, tener menores precios por cada pasaje al comprar en paquete. La integraci?n del sistema de pago con Trustport, permitir? hacer uso de saldos de viajes en diversos medios de transporte, hacer un trasbordo, realizar recargas online y compartir saldos entre los usuarios; adem?s, tener informaci?n en tiempo real para tomar la mejor decisi?n de elegir la ruta id?nea para el viaje. La informaci?n que se enviar? a las empresas ser? vital para mejorar la frecuencia y distribuci?n de las l?neas de transporte

    Saphenofemoral arteriovenous fistula as hemodialysis access

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>An upper limb arteriovenous (AV) fistula is the access of choice for haemodialysis (HD). There have been few reports of saphenofemoral AV fistulas (SFAVF) over the last 10-20 years because of previous suggestions of poor patencies and needling difficulties. Here, we describe our clinical experience with SFAVF.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>SFAVFs were evaluated using the following variables: immediate results, early and late complications, intraoperative and postoperative complications (up to day 30), efficiency of the fistula after the onset of needling and complications associated to its use.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Fifty-six SFAVF fistulas were created in 48 patients. Eight patients had two fistulas: 8 patent (16%), 10 transplanted (20%), 12 deaths (24%), 1 low flow (2%) and 20 thrombosis (39%) (first two months of preparation). One patient had severe hypotension during surgery, which caused thrombosis of the fistula, which was successfully thrombectomised, four thrombosed fistulae were successfully thrombectomised and revised on the first postoperative day. After 59 months of follow-up, primary patency was 44%.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>SFAVF is an adequate alternative for patients without the possibility for other access in the upper limbs, allowing efficient dialysis with good long-term patency with a low complication rate.</p

    In silico exploration of Red Sea Bacillus genomes for natural product biosynthetic gene clusters

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    Background: The increasing spectrum of multidrug-resistant bacteria is a major global public health concern, necessitating discovery of novel antimicrobial agents. Here, members of the genus Bacillus are investigated as a potentially attractive source of novel antibiotics due to their broad spectrum of antimicrobial activities. We specifically focus on a computational analysis of the distinctive biosynthetic potential of Bacillus paralicheniformis strains isolated from the Red Sea, an ecosystem exposed to adverse, highly saline and hot conditions. Results: We report the complete circular and annotated genomes of two Red Sea strains, B. paralicheniformis Bac48 isolated from mangrove mud and B. paralicheniformis Bac84 isolated from microbial mat collected from Rabigh Harbor Lagoon in Saudi Arabia. Comparing the genomes of B. paralicheniformis Bac48 and B. paralicheniformis Bac84 with nine publicly available complete genomes of B. licheniformis and three genomes of B. paralicheniformis, revealed that all of the B. paralicheniformis strains in this study are more enriched in nonribosomal peptides (NRPs). We further report the first computationally identified trans-acyltransferase (trans-AT) nonribosomal peptide synthetase/polyketide synthase (PKS/ NRPS) cluster in strains of this species. Conclusions:B. paralicheniformis species have more genes associated with biosynthesis of antimicrobial bioactive compounds than other previously characterized species of B. licheniformis, which suggests that these species are better potential sources for novel antibiotics. Moreover, the genome of the Red Sea strain B. paralicheniformis Bac48 is more enriched in modular PKS genes compared to B. licheniformis strains and other B. paralicheniformis strains. This may be linked to adaptations that strains surviving in the Red Sea underwent to survive in the relatively hot and saline ecosystems