209 research outputs found

    Atenção automática para faces de compaixão no auto-criticismo

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    Mestrado em Psicologia da Saúde e Reabilitação NeuropsicológicaO auto-criticismo é um traço de personalidade preditor de psicopatologia. Sabe-se que indivíduos com elevado auto-criticismo tendem a processar a compaixão como um estímulo ameaçador. Apesar destes dados, a literatura é escassa no que se refere à forma como os indivíduos com elevado auto-criticismo reagem perante emoções complexas, como o criticismo e a compaixão. Desta forma, no presente estudo foram utilizadas faces de compaixão, criticismo e neutras como estímulos distratores, em que o estímulo relevante consistiu na identificação de uma letra num conjunto delas. Os resultados mostraram que as pessoas com elevado auto-criticismo tenderam a errar mais e a ter maiores tempos de resposta na tarefa principal quando o estímulo distrator foi uma face de compaixão. Estes dados sugerem que a atenção automática de indivíduos com elevado auto-criticismo pode ser afetada perante estímulos faciais de compaixão.Self-criticism is a personality trait that predicts psychopathology. Is known that people with high self-criticism tend to process compassion as a threatening stimulus. However, there is little research about how individuals with high self-criticism react with complex emotions, such as criticism and compassion. Thus, in the present study we used compassionate, critical and neutral faces as distractor stimulus, where the relevant attentional stimulus consisted in a letter identification from a group of letters. The results showed that people with high self-criticism tended to be less accurate and have longer reaction times in the main task when the distractor stimulus was a compassion face. These data suggests that the automatic attention of individuals with high self-criticism can be automatically captured faces displaying compassion stimuli

    Neonatal Diagnosis of Prader-Willi Syndrome

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    A síndrome de Prader-Willi tem uma prevalência aproximada de 1:25000 nascimentos. No período neonatal há hipotonia severa, atraso de crescimento e dificuldade alimentar que persistem durante o primeiro ano de vida. O quadro clínico inicial contrasta com a bulimia que se evidencia mais tarde e que, não controlada, pode conduzir à obesidade mórbida. Descrevem-se as características clínicas, o diagnóstico genético e os cuidados específicos a ter na promoção da saúde a propósito de cinco crianças com síndrome de Prader Willi, cujo diagnóstico foi feito no período neonatal

    Crescimento de raízes no solo baseado em modelos de enxame

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    Tese de mestrado. Biologia (Bioinformática e Biologia Computacional). Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2011Recentemente, surgiram novas propostas de explicação para o crescimento de raízes que sugerem que estas apresentam uma forma de inteligência colectiva, proveniente dos comportamentos simples dos ápices que se baseiam em informações locais. A esta propriedade, é dado o nome de Swarm Intelligence. Com o objectivo de verificar a viabilidade de explicar o crescimento das raízes utilizando modelos de inteligência colectiva, no que se refere à exploração que efectuam do solo, foi criado um modelo do crescimento de raízes no solo discreto, programado em Java e acessível através de uma página de Internet. Este incorpora processos de escolha distribuídos que são realizados pelos ápices, que decidem, baseados em informação local, que nutriente explorar, se irão ramificar-se e em que direcção do solo crescer. O solo faz também parte do modelo, sendo composto por vários elementos cúbicos, dispostos num paralelepípedo. Cada um pode conter uma quantidade variável de água, azoto e fósforo, apresentando entre si processos de difusão simples. A raiz interage com o solo através do processo de uptake, que consiste no processo de aquisição de nutrientes do solo pela raiz. O modelo é controlado através de uma interface gráfica que apresenta um variado leque de sliders e checkboxes que permitem controlar os vários parâmetros envolvidos no crescimento dos ápices e apresenta como resultado a arquitectura tridimensional da raiz, passível de ser visualizada de várias formas. Com a observação das simulações realizadas através do modelo, verificou-se que as características gerais da exploração realizada por raízes eram replicadas por este. Concluiu-se, portanto, que, apesar de algumas limitações do modelo, a explicação das estratégias de exploração do solo pela raiz à luz de uma forma primitiva de inteligência é, efectivamente, viável.Recently, new proposals have arisen regarding the explanation of root growth. These suggest that the roots present a type of collective intelligence derived from the simple behaviours of the apexes, which are based on local information. This property is named Swarm Intelligence. With the objective of verifying the viability of explaining root growth using models of collective intelligence, namely regarding the process of soil exploration, a discrete model of root growth in soil, programmed in Java and accessible via a website, was constructed. The model incorporates processes of distributed decisions that are made by the apexes, which decide, based on local information, what nutrient to explore, if they’ll branch and the direction of growth. The soil is also integral to the model, being composed of several cubic elements, arranged in a parallelepiped. Each cube contains a variable quantity of water, nitrogen and phosphorus, and interacts with its neighbours by processes of diffusion. The root interacts with the soil by the process of uptake, which consists in the acquisition of nutrients from the soil by the root. A graphical user interface, utilized to control the model, presents a vast array of sliders and checkboxes that allow the user to control the various parameters involved in the growth of the apexes. The result of the model is presented by a display of the simulated three-dimensional architecture of the root that can be visualized in a variety of ways. With the observation of the resulting simulations, it was verified that the model replicated the general characteristics of the exploration of the soil by the root. It was thus concluded that, despite some limitations of the model, the explanation of the soil exploration strategies by the root, in light of this type of intelligence, is indeed viable

    Rubinstein Taybi Syndrome. A Case Report

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    Os autores descrevem um caso de Síndrome de Rubinstein-Taybi em que as características faciais e os polegares alargados permitiram o diagnóstico na primeira semana de vida. Salientam na evolução as infecções respiratórias de repetição, o atraso psicomotor e estaturo ponderal. Discutem as prováveis formas de transmissão deste síndrome

    Bio-Hydrogen production from glycerol by a strain of Enrerobacter aerogenes

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    In this work, H2 production by a strain of Enterobacter aerogenes using as substrate pure glycerol and glycerol-containing biodiesel wastes was compared. The effect of physico-chemical parameters such as temperature, initial substrate and biomass concentrations on the bio-hydrogen production efficiency was investigated. The influence of the simultaneous removal of gases produced was also evaluated The results obtained showed that a decrease of the process temperature of 37 to 30 ºC leads to both, an increase of the bio-hydrogen production rate and a decrease of the equilibrium time of the process. Furthermore, it was also observed that using 10 g/dm3 of pure glycerol or biodiesel wastes containing the same concentration of glycerol as substrate lead to very similar bio-hydrogen production yields (2.5dm3 H2/dm3 fermentation medium). This proves that the performance of the strain of E. aerogenes used was not influenced by the presence of other components than glycerol in biodiesel residues, at least for the biodiesel wastes concentration studied. Simultaneous removal of gaseous phase (mainly H2 and CO2), with its production, shows to be very efficient leading to an increase of the value of the H2/CO2 volumetric ratio, in the headspace, from 2 to 8, which is very promising regarding costs involved in the technologies for purification of H2 produced

    Imersão e obsessão: o carácter obsidente da produção/criação artística

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    Mestrado em Criação Artística ContemporâneaFrequentemente vemos associada à prática artística, pontualmente pela crítica, ou pelos próprios artistas, uma condição obsessiva. Efectivamente, ainda que não sendo comum a todos os autores, esta condição parece surgir anunciada na generalidade das práticas artísticas de forma transversal a qualquer época. Assim, interessou-nos identificar causas e consequências deste comportamento num período em que multiplicam as obras que utilizam as novas tecnologias em ambientes imersivos interactivos e se verifica uma grande complexidade nos sistemas utilizados que relegam igualmente para os espectadores o papel de “artista”. O desenvolvimento da investigação, enriquecida transdiciplinarmente, objectivou consolidar um corpo de trabalho assente numa prática artística baseada no paradigma da interacção, explorando, em dois projectos, sistemas de realidade virtual e realidade aumentada em ambientes imersivos.We frequently see an obsessive condition associated with the artistic practice, whether by critics or the artists themselves. Actually, though not common to all authors, this condition seems to emerge in the general artistic practice throughout any time, transversally. So, it is interesting to identify causes and effects of this behavior in a time when the works which use new technologies thrive in immersive and interactive environments and when a great complexity is observed in the systems which are used and that also relegate the role of “artist” to the public. The development of the investigation, enriched in a transdisciplinary manner, aims at consolidating a body of work consisting in an artistic practice based on the interactive paradigm, exploring, in two projects, virtual reality systems and augmented reality in immersive environments

    Impact of MOF-5 on pyrrolidinium-based poly(ionic liquid)/ionic liquid membranes for biogas upgrading

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    PostprintBearing in mind that Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) have remarkable CO2 adsorption selectivity and Mixed Matrix Membranes (MMMs) have been identified as potential solution for advancing the current state of the art of membrane separation technology, this work investigates the effect of combining a MOF, with high adsorption properties towards CO2 when compared to CH4 (MOF-5), with a blend of poly(ionic liquid)/ionic liquid (PIL/IL) for biogas upgrading. The blend system consisted of a pyrrolidinium-based PIL, poly([Pyr11][Tf2N]), and a free imidazolium-based IL, [C2mim][BETI]. The MOF-5 was incorporated at different loadings (10, 20, 30 wt%), and MMMs were prepared by solvent evaporation technique and characterized by diverse techniques (FTIR, SEM, TGA, puncture tests, water contact angle and single gas transport). The results showed that the free IL is miscible with the PIL, while MOF-5 particles were uniformly dispersed into the PIL/IL matrix. The formed PIL/IL/MOF-5 membranes revealed suitable thermal stability (Tonset up to 656 K) for biogas upgrading processes, but a loss of mechanical stability was found after the incorporation of MOF-5, and thus more rigid and fragile membranes were obtained. Besides, increasing MOF-5 content in the MMMs resulted in improved CO2 permeability. At 30 wt% of MOF-5 loading the CO2 permeability increased 133% when compared to that of the pristine PIL/IL membrane, while the ideal selectivity CO2/CH4 decreases. It was possible to demonstrate the relevance of studying different components within the polymeric matrix in order to assess not only thermal, mechanical and chemical properties, but also gas transport response.This work was supported by FCT (Fundação para Ciência e a Tecnologia) through the project PTDC/CTM-POL/2676/2014 and the Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry - LAQV (UID/QUI/50006/2019). Ana R. Nabais and Luísa A. Neves are grateful to FCT/MCTES for their PhD grant (SFRH/BD/136963/2018) and FCT Investigador Contract (IF/00505/2014), respectively. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 745734