657 research outputs found

    Students as Partners with Faculty in a Teacher Education Program

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    The authors share their experiences of working with student partners within a Physical Education Teacher Education Program. Through partnership they more deeply understand how their role as professor was a barrier to open and honest student-faculty communication

    The South American fruit fly : an important pest insect with RNAi-sensitive larval stages

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    RNA interference (RNAi) technology has been used in the development of approaches for pest control. The presence of some essential genes, the so-called "core genes," in the RNAi machinery is crucial for its efficiency and robust response in gene silencing. Thus, our study was designed to examine whether the RNAi machinery is functional in the South American (SA) fruit fly Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae) and whether the sensitivity to the uptake of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) could generate an RNAi response in this fruit fly species. To prepare a transcriptome database of the SA fruit fly, total RNA was extracted from all the life stages for later cDNA synthesis and Illumine sequencing. After the de novo transcriptome assembly and gene annotation, the transcriptome was screened for RNAi pathway genes, as well as the duplication or loss of genes and novel target genes to dsRNA delivery bioassays. The dsRNA delivery assay by soaking was performed in larvae to evaluate the gene-silencing of V-ATPase, and the upregulation of Dicer-2 and Argonaute-2 after dsRNA delivery was analyzed to verify the activation of siRNAi machinery. We tested the stability of dsRNA using dsGFP with an in vitro incubation of larvae body fluid (hemolymph). We identified 55 genes related to the RNAi machinery with duplication and loss for some genes and selected 143 different target genes related to biological processes involved in postembryonic growth/development and reproduction of A. fraterculus. Larvae soaked in dsRNA (dsV-ATPase) solution showed a strong knockdown of V-ATPase after 48 h, and the expression of Dicer-2 and Argonaute-2 responded with an increase upon the exposure to dsRNA. Our data demonstrated the existence of a functional RNAi machinery in the SA fruit fly, and we present an easy and robust physiological bioassay with the larval stages that can further be used for screening of target genes at in vivo organisms' level for RNAi-based control of fruit fly pests. This is the first study that provides evidence of a functional siRNA machinery in the SA fruit fly

    Primeiro registro de Trichopria anastrephae, parasitoide de moscas-das-frutas, no Rio Grande do Sul.

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    Existem poucas informações sobre as espécies nativas de himenópteros parasitoides de moscas-das-frutas da Região Neotropical, o que objetivou a realização do presente trabalho. Assim, coletas de goiaba (Psidium guajava L.) foram realizadas de janeiro a março de 2009 na Área Experimental em Estudos de Produção Agroecológica (AEEPA) da Universidade Federal de Pelotas, no município de Capão do Leão, Rio Grande do Sul. Os frutos foram levados ao laboratório, contados, pesados e acondicionados individualmente em potes plásticos contendo areia umedecida e telado na parte superior. Semanalmente, o substrato foi peneirado, os pupários recolhidos e acondicionados em placas de Petri com papel filtro umedecido com água destilada. Os pupários foram mantidos em sala climatizada (26±2°C, 60±10% de umidade relativa e 12h fotofase) onde foram efetuadas observações semanais para verificar a emergência de moscas e/ou parasitoides e posterior identificação das espécies. Trichopria anastrephae Lima (Hymenoptera: Diapriidae) foi obtida de pupários de Anastrepha fraterculus,com parasitismo de 5,8%

    FFQ for the adult population of the capital of Ecuador (FFQ-Quito) : development, reliability and validity

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    Objective: To assess the reliability and validity of a semi-quantitative FFQ designed to evaluate the usual nutrient intake of adults in Quito, Ecuador. Design: Dietary data using 24 h recalls (24hR) were used to design a list of commonly consumed foods. The relative validity of a 111-item FFQ was evaluated by comparing nutrient intakes against three non-consecutive 24hR. All nutrients were energy-adjusted. Reliability was assessed using two FFQ (FFQ1 and FFQ2) and assessed by the intra-class correlation coefficient. The comparisons between the FFQ and the 24hR were assessed by the de-attenuated Pearson correlation coefficient, weighted kappa and by Bland–Altman plots. Setting: Quito, Ecuador. Subjects: Overall, 345 adults were enrolled in the present study. Two hundred and fifty participated in FFQ development and ninety-five participated in the FFQ validity and reliability. Results: The FFQ produced higher energy and nutrient intakes. Reliability correlation coefficients after adjusting for energy ranged from 0·62 to 0·88 for protein and Ca, respectively. For the validity study, energy-adjusted and de-attenuated correlation coefficients between the questionnaire and the 24hR ranged from 0·21 for fat to 0·65 for Ca. Only 4% of the participants were grossly misclassified and 46%had weighted kappa higher than 0·42. The Bland–Altman plot showed a constant bias with a tendency to increase according to the intake level. Conclusions: The FFQ showed reasonably good relative validity and reliable measurements, especially for nutrients considered protective and risk markers of non-communicable disease, and can be used to assess usual nutrient intake in this population

    Farmers’ attitudes towards participation in short food supply chains: Evidence from a Chinese field research

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    As the industrialized agro-food supply systems have been commonly criticized for their adverse environmental and social impact, Short food supply chains have emerged as a promising sustainable alternative. Given that the history of SFSCs is relatively short, the majority of empirical evidences is from developed countries, and existing studies on SFSCs in developing country context are rather limited. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the farmers’ attitudes towards participating in SFSCs by conducting a field research in China. Semi-structured interviews were implemented with eight participants selected from a local farmer market as a pilot study. The social and economic reasons are found to be the main motivations of Chinese farmers participating in SFSCs. However, none of these interviewed participants are aware of the environmental effects of SFSCs. Moreover, the findings were cross-compared with existing studies conducted in developed countries. It was found that Chinese farmers participating in SFSCs are mainly passive choice, as they lack of relevant knowledge and governmental support

    Evolução da Geleira Ana, Ilha Rei George, Antártica e o ensino de Ciências da Natureza

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    O presente estudo apresenta resultados da análise de mudanças ambientais na Geleira Ana Sul que se situa na Baía Rei George, localizada na ilha Rei George, Antártica, e disponibiliza um infográfico de divulgação científica sobre a pesquisa. Através de imagens SPOT e Landsat (1989), dados do GLIMS (2000) e duas imagens Planet Scope de 2020 foram gerados um Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG) e vetores de área da geleira para auxiliar na reconstrução do padrão e estilo de retração da geleira. Os dados de retração obtidos mostram que a geleira teve uma perda de 13,5% de área em 31 anos. A área glacial passou de 33,52 km² em 1989 para 28,97 km² em 2020. Os dados indicam que a geleira era de descarga com sua parte frontal fluindo diretamente para o ambiente marinho em 1989 e passou a ter um ambiente proglacial (emerso) a partir de 2000. Diversas alterações no ambiente são observadas desde 2000 e dentre as mais importantes feições no am biente proglacial pode - se citar as morainas, lagos e canais de água de degelo. Foi elaborado um material educativo - informativo na forma de um infográfico visando a divulgação científica da temática no contexto não acadêmico e acadêmico visando a formação docente em cursos de Licenciatura em Ciências da Natureza.The study aims to investigate de glacier shrinkage processes in the Western King George Bay Sector, Antarctica, and to elaborate on Scientific infographics improving communication in science. The Geographical Infomation System and remote sensing data (SPOT and Landsat images, 2000 GLIMS data and Planet Scope imagery were applied in the analysis and mapping. The Ana Glacier South lost 13% of the total area in 31 years (since 1989). The shrinkage data reveal that the glacier has 33.52 km² of the glacial area in 1989 and 28.97 km² in 2020. The glacier changed from the tidewater (marine) glacier to land - terminating (no - marine) since 1989. Several changes in the environment are observed since 2000. There are foreland expansion and morainic, lakes and meltwater ch annels expansion. An educational - informative infographic was prepared for scientific divulgation for academic and non - academic audiences

    Capacidades empreendedoras e coordenadoras de empresas incubadas: um estudo no centro de empreendimento de informática da UFRGS

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    This article aims to identify the entrepreneurial and coordinative capacities, the innovative potentialities of technology bases companies incubated at a Technology Enterprise Center from a Brazilian public University. We’ve interviewed the incubator’s manager as well as the managers of the companies in search of evidence that demonstrated the processes of internalization and externalization of its capacities. The results show that most companies internalize the coordinative aspects through the hiring of managers leaving to the incubator the essential part of allowing the proximity to research centers and the link with the university, to which we refer to as the University factor.Este artigo visa identificar as características coordenadoras, empreendedoras e as potencialidades inovadoras das empresas incubadas de base tecnológica na incubadora do Centro de Empreendimentos de Informática da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Foram entrevistados a gestora da incubadora bem como os gestores das empresas incubadas à procura de evidências que demonstrem processos de internalização e externalização de suas capacidades. O resultado mostrou que a maioria das empresas internaliza os aspectos de coordenação através da contratação de gestores sendo a incubadora essencial por possibilitar a proximidade com os centros de pesquisas e o vínculo com a universidade, o que se denominou de fator Universidade

    Production and milk marketing strategies of small-scale dairy farmers in the South of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    Milk production is a socio-economically relevant activity for many small-scale family farms in southern Brazil. The objective of this study was to analyse their production and marketing strategies. A questionnaire was administered to 199 farm households in Rio Grande do Sul State to collect information on farm assets and activities, and particularly on the contribution of milk sale to farm income. Through categorical principal component analysis and two-step clustering, farmers were classified into three types: farmers selling only milk (M); farmers selling cash crops and milk (CM); farmers selling cash crops and surplus milk (Cm). Cattle herd (heads) and size of pasture land were larger on M farms (114 ±71.9; 51 ±49.4 ha) than on CM (31 ±13.4; 9 ±8.9 ha) and Cm (12 ±7.5; 5 ±8.1 ha) farms. Livestock husbandry contributed 71, 59 and 16 % to family income on M, CM and Cm farms, respectively. Daily milk production of the individual cow depended on the area cultivated with fodder maize (ha per cow; p ≤ 0.001), on sale of milk to cooperatives or to private companies (p ≤ 0.01), on summer pasture area (ha per cow; p = 0.001) and on daily amount of concentrates offered (kg per cow; p ≤ 0.01). These results indicate that the area available for fodder cultivation is a key factor for milk production on small-scale dairy farms in southern Brazil, while concentrate feeding plays a less important role even for highly market-oriented farms. This must be accounted for when exploring options for strengthening the regional small-scale milk production, in which dairy cooperatives do play an important role

    O setor externo da economia brasileira durante e após o Plano Real

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    This article analyzes the external sector of the Brazilian economy during and after the “Real Plan”. This analysis emphasizes variables such as the exchange rate and trade balance. The “Real Plan, which was implemented in Brazil from 1994 to 1999, successfully controlled inflation from the 1980s. However, there was an increase in public debt, net external liabilities and unemployment. Brazil started to have deficits in the trade balance, faced a stagnation in its gross domestic product and a decline in the external sector.Key words: Real plan, trade balance, economic developmentO propósito deste artigo é analisar o setor externo da economia brasileira durante e após o Plano Real, com ênfase nas variáveis taxa de câmbio e balança comercial. O Plano Real, que vigorou no Brasil no período de 1994-1999, conseguiu controlar com êxito o processo inflacionário herdado dos anos 80. Porém, o custo foi elevado: ao lado do aumento da dívida pública o país passou a apresentar déficits na balança comercial, bem como aumentou seu passivo externo líquido, travou o crescimento do PIB, aumentou o desemprego.Palavras-chave: Plano Real, balança comercial, desenvolvimento econômic