2,255 research outputs found

    How did the Bauhaus get its name?

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    Historians have always assumed that Walter Gropius (1883-1969) invented the name Das Bauhaus (somewhat inadequately translated as ‘house for building’) for the school he founded in Weimar in 1919. Often, critics have noted the brilliance of this “unique creation”, as it announced the radical change from the “Grand Ducal Saxon School of Arts and Crafts” to a new institution that was going to be more accessible, grounded and humble. It promised both a new beginning and a connection to builders’ guilds of the medieval past. However, when Walter Gropius founded his school in April 1919, a Das Bauhaus G.m.b.H. had already existed in Berlin for four years. Founder and owner was the prominent architect and developer Albert Gessner (1868-1953)

    Mies van der Rohe Chair

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    Ludwig Mies van der Rohe succeeded Walter Gropius as director of the Bauhaus school in 1930, after Mies had become a pioneer of Modernist metal furniture. The Bauhaus became the seat of the Modernist movement through its efforts to reconcile principles of design with the latest materials in order to mass-produce objects that were handsome, inexpensive, and easy to care for. This MR model chair, designed in 1927, is one of the 20th century’s most influential creations. The bent-steel frame was made to look like one continuous loop of metal tubing, elegantly referring to its manufacture. While Mies van der Rohe was not the first to make a cantilevered chair—meaning one without back legs—he is known for exploiting the qualities of bent metal that give a springy comfort. By mixing woven cane with metal tubing, his design takes on a complexity in which the texture of natural material contrasts markedly with the machined steel frame. 1927https://digitalcommons.risd.edu/risdmuseum_channel/1029/thumbnail.jp

    Die Analyse limitierender Ionenwirkungen bei Meeres- und SĂŒsswassertieren mit Hilfe ökologischer, physiologischer und zĂŒchterischer Methoden

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    With the analysis of the ecologic-physiological differentiation of aquatic animals the question arises, to that extent - in addition to effects of salinity - the distribution of species is limited by the specific effect of certain ions or ionic ratios. Limiting ionic effects are to be expected in such extcrnal mediums, in which a species doesn't posess the necessary mechanisms for ionic regulation, in orcler to compensate either deficiency or excessive supply of certain ions and to keep a defined salt balance in its cells. As in the field two clifferently settled locations are always to be distinguishecl by several physiographical conditions, the describing ancl comparing ecological method is generally overcharged, in defining the limiting ionic effects without the aid of experimental researches. Results, which have been found by physiological und breeding methods, are permitting a view at the complex structure of the salt balance of animals. Within ecologic-physiological questioning these results thus allow conclusions concerning the conditions in the field. Together with measurements about active absorption of ions breeding experiments have shown the significant advantage, in testing the ionic effects in the course of the whole individual development, as well as the uptake of ions in connection with food. Researches performecl uptill now show that specific ionic effects limit the range of several fresh-water animals. Further more ionic effects may be stated in oligohaline brackish-waters as well as in inland saline waters and in few cases even in the sea as the effect of copper ions has proved

    Das GeschlechtsverhÀltnis bei marinen Chironomiden der Gattung Clunio Hal. (Diptera)

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    Literaturangaben ĂŒber ein abnormes ZahlenverhĂ€ltnis der Geschlechter der marinen Chironomide Clunio haben sich nicht bestĂ€tigen lassen. Zuchtversuche mit StĂ€mmen von 8 europĂ€ischen Populationen und eine Untersuchung an ausgewachsenen Freilandlarven zeigten jeweils ein annĂ€hernd genaues 1 : 1-VerhĂ€ltnis. Trotz der nur wenige Stunden wĂ€hrenden SchlĂŒpf- und Fortpflanzungszeit der Imagines ermöglichen NetzfĂ€nge im Freiland keine RĂŒckschlĂŒsse auf das durchschnittliche ZahlenverhĂ€ltnis, da sich die Geschlechter innerhalb dieses eng begrenzten Zeitraumes in ihrer SchlĂŒpfzeit unterscheiden und sich infolge ihres verschiedenen Verhaltens in dem ĂŒberschaubarem SchwĂ€rmareal unterschiedlich verteilen. The reported data on abnormal sex ratios in the marine chironomid Clunio have not been confirmed. Breeding experiments with strains of 8 Europaen populations and inspections of mature larvae of natural populations always show an almost perfect 1 : 1-ratio. In spite of the definite diurnal hatching and reproduction time of only a few hours, net collections of imagos in nature do not give representative results: since the sexes differ slightly but significantly in their hatching time and in their behavior, they are unequally distributed in space and time

    Timing the tides: Genetic control of diurnal and lunar emergence times is correlated in the marine midge Clunio marinus

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    Background The intertidal zone of seacoasts, being affected by the superimposed tidal, diurnal and lunar cycles, is temporally the most complex environment on earth. Many marine organisms exhibit lunar rhythms in reproductive behaviour and some show experimental evidence of endogenous control by a circalunar clock, the molecular and genetic basis of which is unexplored. We examined the genetic control of lunar and diurnal rhythmicity in the marine midge Clunio marinus (Chironomidae, Diptera), a species for which the correct timing of adult emergence is critical in natural populations. Results We crossed two strains of Clunio marinus that differ in the timing of the diurnal and lunar rhythms of emergence. The phenotype distribution of the segregating backcross progeny indicates polygenic control of the lunar emergence rhythm. Diurnal timing of emergence is also under genetic control, and is influenced by two unlinked genes with major effects. Furthermore, the lunar and diurnal timing of emergence is correlated in the backcross generation. We show that both the lunar emergence time and its correlation to the diurnal emergence time are adaptive for the species in its natural environment. Conclusions The correlation implies that the unlinked genes affecting lunar timing and the two unlinked genes affecting diurnal timing could be the same, providing an unexpectedly close interaction of the two clocks. Alternatively, the genes could be genetically linked in a two-by-two fashion, suggesting that evolution has shaped the genetic architecture to stabilize adaptive combinations of lunar and diurnal emergence times by tightening linkage. Our results, the first on genetic control of lunar rhythms, offer a new perspective to explore their molecular clockwork

    Towards an Ontological Modelling of Preference Relations

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    Preference relations are intensively studied in Economics, but they are also approached in AI, Knowledge Representation, and Conceptual Modelling, as they provide a key concept in a variety of domains of application. In this paper, we propose an ontological foundation of preference relations to formalise their essential aspects across domains. Firstly, we shall discuss what is the ontological status of the relata of a preference relation. Secondly, we investigate the place of preference relations within a rich taxonomy of relations (e.g. we ask whether they are internal or external, essential or contingent, descriptive or nondescriptive relations). Finally, we provide an ontological modelling of preference relation as a module of a foundational (or upper) ontology (viz. OntoUML). The aim of this paper is to provide a sharable foundational theory of preference relation that foster interoperability across the heterogeneous domains of application of preference relations

    Das Meisterwerk als AutoritÀt. Zur Wirkmacht kultureller Figurationen

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    Meisterwerke sind allgegenwĂ€rtig: Obwohl der Begriff wissenschaftlich ĂŒberholt erscheint, begegnet er uns doch tagtĂ€glich. Museen, Verlage und KonzerthĂ€user werben mit diesem Etikett fĂŒr Werke als ausgezeichnete Vorbilder, denen unsere ungeteilte Aufmerksamkeit gebĂŒhrt. Das wirft die Frage auf, welche Faktoren den Status von Artefakten als Meisterwerke begrĂŒnden und tradieren. Auch AutoritĂ€t ist allgegenwĂ€rtig: Als auszeichnende Eigenschaft strukturiert sie unsere Gesellschaft und ermöglicht, steuert oder verhindert soziales Handeln. Verbindet man den Meisterwerkbegriff mit dem der AutoritĂ€t, eröffnen sich neue Perspektiven, um die Funktion und Dynamik von Ă€sthetischen Vorbildern zu verstehen. Der vorliegende Band untersucht so das Meisterwerk als AutoritĂ€t in unterschiedlichen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen und verdeutlicht im Wechsel der Fragestellungen die Erkenntnismöglichkeiten dieses Konzeptes

    Gluons, tadpoles, and color neutrality in a two-flavor color superconductor

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    Considering cold, dense quark matter with two massless quark flavors, we demonstrate how, in a self-consistent calculation in the framework of QCD, the condensation of Cooper pairs induces a non-vanishing background color field. This background color field has precisely the right magnitude to cancel tadpole contributions and thus ensures overall color neutrality of the two-flavor color superconductor.Comment: 10 pages, contribution to the proceedings of the Erice school "Heavy-Ion Collisions from Nuclear to Quark Matter" 200
