742 research outputs found

    (l+1)-point boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations, a type of global uniqueness of solutions condition

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    We consider (l+1)-point boundary value problems and determine conditions so that solutions of the boundary value problems are unique.https://ecommons.udayton.edu/grad_showcase/1011/thumbnail.jp

    A comparison of atomistic and continuum theoretical approaches to determine electronic properties of GaN/AlN quantum dots

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    In this work we present a comparison of multiband k.p-models, the effective bond-orbital approach, and an empirical tight-binding model to calculate the electronic structure for the example of a truncated pyramidal GaN/AlN self-assembled quantum dot with a zincblende structure. For the system under consideration, we find a very good agreement between the results of the microscopic models and the 8-band k.p-formalism, in contrast to a 6+2-band k.p-model, where conduction band and valence band are assumed to be decoupled. This indicates a surprisingly strong coupling between conduction and valence band states for the wide band gap materials GaN and AlN. Special attention is paid to the possible influence of the weak spin-orbit coupling on the localized single-particle wave functions of the investigated structure

    Controllability of Control Argumentation Frameworks

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    Acceptance in Incomplete Argumentation Frameworks

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    A Abstract argumentation frameworks (AFs), originally proposed by Dung, constitute a central formal model for the study of computational aspects of argumentation in AI. Credulous and skeptical acceptance of arguments in a given AF are well-studied problems both in terms of theoretical analysis-especially computational complexity-and the development of practical decision procedures for the problems. However, AFs make the assumption that all attacks between arguments are certain (i.e., present attacks are known to exist, and missing attacks are known to not exist), which can in various settings be a restrictive assumption. A generalization of AFs to incomplete AFs was recently proposed as a formalism that allows the representation of both uncertain attacks and uncertain arguments in AFs. In this article, we explore the impact of allowing for modeling such uncertainties in AFs on the computational complexity of natural generalizations of acceptance problems to incomplete AFs under various central AF semantics. Complementing the complexity-theoretic analysis, we also develop the first practical decision procedures for all of the NP-hard variants of acceptance in incomplete AFs. In terms of complexity analysis, we establish a full complexity landscape, showing that depending on the variant of acceptance and property/semantics, the complexity of acceptance in incomplete AFs ranges from polynomial-time decidable to completeness for Sigma(p)(3). In terms of algorithms, we show through an extensive empirical evaluation that an implementation of the proposed decision procedures, based on boolean satisfiability (SAT) solving, is effective in deciding variants of acceptance under uncertainties. We also establish conditions for what type of atomic changes are guaranteed to be redundant from the perspective of preserving extensions of completions of incomplete AFs, and show that the results allow for considerably improving the empirical efficiency of the proposed SAT-based counterexample-guided abstraction refinement algorithms for acceptance in incomplete AFs for problem variants with complexity beyond NP. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.Peer reviewe

    A Multilingual Phonological Resource Toolkit for Ubiquitous Speech Technology

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    This paper outlines the generation process of a specifi computational linguistic representation termed the Multilingual Time Map, conceptually a multi-tape finit state transducer encoding linguistic data at different levels of granularity. The fi st component acquires phonological data from syllable labeled speech data, the second component define feature profiles the third component generates feature hierarchies and augments the acquired data with the define feature profiles and the fourth component displays the Multilingual Time Map as a graph

    Cutting a Cake Is Not Always a 'Piece of Cake': A Closer Look at the Foundations of Cake-Cutting Through the Lens of Measure Theory

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    Cake-cutting is a playful name for the fair division of a heterogeneous, divisible good among agents, a well-studied problem at the intersection of mathematics, economics, and artificial intelligence. The cake-cutting literature is rich and edifying. However, different model assumptions are made in its many papers, in particular regarding the set of allowed pieces of cake that are to be distributed among the agents and regarding the agents' valuation functions by which they measure these pieces. We survey the commonly used definitions in the cake-cutting literature, highlight their strengths and weaknesses, and make some recommendations on what definitions could be most reasonably used when looking through the lens of measure theory

    A Critical Race Theory Analysis of Post-Ferguson Critical Incidents Across Ecological Levels of Academia

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    In this article, we explore our experience walking into the academic school year eager and ready for the challenge of taking up the killing of Michael Brown and the events that followed in Ferguson as a catalyst for important conversations around structural injustice. Through exploration of critical incidents (Hamilton, 2004), we review how our attempts to open dialogue were met with defensiveness and a discourse that relegates the responsibility of engaging in conversations about race and power to educators of color. Echoing Pollock, Bocala, Deckman, and Dickstein-Staub (2015), we found that teachers at all levels may resist the ‘diversity’ aspect of preservice education when they view ‘diversity work’ as extraneous or belonging to others. Through a Critical Race Theory (CRT) perspective, we examine incidents that cut across the different ecological levels (Bronfenbrenner, 2005) in which we work, that is, our classrooms, partner public schools, and university. We use a CRT perspective across levels to explore how Michael Brown’s killing and the events that followed in Ferguson, rather than igniting a shared sense of responsibility among educators across these communities, triggered White students’ and teachers’ defense mechanisms, founded on the need to protect Whiteness as illustrated across the three critical incidents we describe

    Werkzeuge für Code-Reviews und Code-Abnahmen

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    Code-Reviews sind ein anerkanntes Mittel um die Codequalität zu verbessern. Sie sind heutzutage zum Standard in der Industrie geworden. Bei der Firma AEB werden seit längerem agile Codereviews für den implementierten Programmcode durchgeführt. Jedoch ist man mit dem Rahmen, in dem die Reviews durchgeführt werden, nicht zufrieden. In dieser Arbeit wurden Prüfwerkzeuge für Codereviews getestet und bewertet. Anhand dieser Bewertung wird eine Empfehlung an AEB gegeben um die Unterstützung bei Codereviews zu verbessern.Code reviews are recognized means of improving code quality. They became standard in the industry nowadays. At AEB they use an agile form of code reviews to check their implemented code. Though they are not pleased with the framework around the reviews. In this study code review tools were tested and rated. As a result of this rating a recommendation were given to AEB to get a better support while doing reviews

    Understanding atom probe's analytical performance for iron oxides using correlation histograms and ab initio calculations

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    Field evaporation from ionic or covalently bonded materials often leads to the emission of molecular ions. The metastability of these molecular ions, particularly under the influence of the intense electrostatic field (1010 Vm-1), makes them prone to dissociation with or without an exchange of energy amongst them. These processes can affect the analytical performance of atom probe tomography (APT). For instance, neutral species formed through dissociation may not be detected at all or with a time of flight no longer related to their mass, causing their loss from the analysis. Here, we evaluated the changes in the measured composition of FeO, Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 across a wide range of analysis conditions. Possible dissociation reactions are predicted by density-functional theory (DFT) calculations considering the spin states of the molecules. The energetically favoured reactions are traced on to the multi-hit ion correlation histograms, to confirm their existence within experiments, using an automated Python-based routine. The detected reactions are carefully analysed to reflect upon the influence of these neutrals from dissociation reactions on the performance of APT for analysing iron oxides