894 research outputs found

    The Very Highly Ionized Broad Absorption Line System of the QSO SBS1542+541

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    We have analyzed the broad absorption line system of the bright (V=16.5) high-redshift (z=2.361) QSO SBS1542+541 using UV spectra from the HST FOS along with optical data from the MMT and the Steward Observatory 2.3m telescope. These spectra give continuous wavelength coverage from 1200 to 8000 Angstroms, corresponding to 340 to 2480 Angstroms in the QSO rest frame. This object therefore offers a rare opportunity to study broad absorption lines in the rest-frame extreme UV. We find that the absorption system is dominated by very high-ionization species, including O VI, NeVIII, and SiXII. We also identify apparently saturated broad Lyman-series lines of order Ly-gamma and higher. There is strong evidence for partial occultation of the QSO emission source, particularly from the higher-order Lyman lines which indicate a covered fraction less than 0.2. Overall, the data suggest a correlation between a larger covered fraction and a higher state of ionization. We suggest that the different covered fractions can be explained by either a special line of sight through a disk-like geometry or by the existence of density fluctuations of a factor >2 in the BAL gas. Our photoionization models of the system indicate a large column density and high ionization state similar to that found in X-ray ``warm absorbers''.Comment: 31 pages, 13 figures, to be published in Ap

    XMM-Newton RGS observation of the warm absorber in Mrk 279

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    The Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 279 was observed by XMM-Newton in November 2005 in three consecutive orbits, showing significant short-scale variability (average soft band variation in flux ~20%). The source is known to host a two-component warm absorber with distinct ionisation states from a previous Chandra observation. We aim to study the warm absorber in Mrk 279 and investigate any possible response to the short-term variations of the ionising flux, and to assess whether it has varied on a long-term time scale with respect to the Chandra observation. We find no significant changes in the warm absorber on neither short time scales (~2 days) nor at longer time scales (two and a half years), as the variations in the ionic column densities of the most relevant elements are below the 90% confidence level. The variations could still be present but are statistically undetected given the signal-to-noise ratio of the data. Starting from reasonable standard assumptions we estimate the location of the absorbing gas, which is likely to be associated with the putative dusty torus rather than with the Broad Line Region if the outflowing gas is moving at the escape velocity or larger.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Emission-Line Properties of z > 4 Quasars

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    We present results of a program of high signal-to-noise spectroscopy for 44 QSOs at redshifts > 4 using the MMT and Keck observatories. The quasar spectra cover 1100 -- 1700 A in the rest frame for sources spanning a luminosity range of approximately 2 orders of magnitude. Comparisons between these data and spectra of lower redshift quasars reveal a high degree of similarity, although differences are present in the profiles and the strengths of some emission features. An examination of the luminosity dependence of the emission lines reveals evidence for a weak or absent Baldwin effect among z > 4 QSOs. We compare measurements for objects in our sample with results from other high redshift surveys characterized by different selection techniques. Distributions of equivalent widths for these different ensembles are consistent with a common parent population, suggesting that our sample is not strongly biased, or in any case, subject to selection effects that are not significantly different from other surveys, including the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Based on this comparison, we tentatively conclude that the trends identified here are representative of high z QSOs. In particular, the data bolster indications of supersolar metallicities in these luminous, high-z sources, which support scenarios that assume substantial star formation at epochs preceding or concurrent with the QSO phenomena.Comment: 26 pages (incl. 9 figures), AASTeX v5.0, to appear in The Astrophysical Journa

    Magnetic Confinement, MHD Waves, and Smooth Line Profiles in AGN

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    In this paper, we show that if the broad line region clouds are in approximate energy equipartition between the magnetic field and gravity, as hypothesized by Rees, there will be a significant effect on the shape and smoothness of broad emission line profiles in active galactic nuclei. Line widths of contributing clouds or flow elements are much wider than their thermal widths, due to the presence of non-dissipative MHD waves, and their collective contribution produce emission line profiles broader and smoother than would be expected if a magnetic field were not present. As an illustration, a simple model of isotropically emitting clouds, normally distributed in velocity, is used to show that smoothness can be achieved for less than 80,000 clouds and may even be as low as a few hundred. We conclude that magnetic confinement has far reaching consequences for observing and modeling active galactic nuclei.Comment: to appear in MNRA

    Variable UV Absorption in the Seyfert 1.5 Galaxy NGC 3516: The Case for Associated UV and X-ray Absorption

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    We present observations of the UV absorption lines in the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 3516, obtained at a resolution of λ\lambda/Δλ\Delta\lambda \approx 40,000 with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) on 2000 October 1. The UV continuum was \sim4 times lower than that observed during 1995 with the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS), and the X-ray flux from a contemporaneous {\it Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO)} observation was a factor of \sim8 below that observed with {\it ASCA}. The STIS spectra show kinematic components of absorption in Lyα\alpha, C IV, and N V at radial velocities of -376, -183, and -36 km s1^{-1} (components 1, 2, and 3+4, respectively), which were detected in the earlier GHRS spectra; the last of these is a blend of two GHRS components that have increased greatly in column density. Four additional absorption components have appeared in the STIS spectra at radial velocities of -692, -837, -994, and -1372 km s1^{-1} (components 5 through 8); these may also have been present in earlier low-flux states observed by the {\it International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE)}. Based on photoionization models, we suggest that the components are arranged in increasing radial distance in the order, 3+4, 2, 1, followed by components 5 -- 8. We have achieved an acceptable fit to the X-ray data using the combined X-ray opacity of the UV components 1, 2 and 3+4. By increasing the UV and X-ray fluxes of these models to match the previous high states, we are able to match the GHRS C IV column densities, absence of detectable C IV absorption in components 5 through 8, and the 1994 {\it ASCA} spectrum. We conclude that variability of the UV and X-ray absorption in NGC 3516 is primarily due to changes in the ionizing flux.Comment: 7 figures (note that Fig6 is not referenced in the .Tex file and must be printed separately). There are 6 tables in the .tex file and an additional 8 tables included as separate .ps files. Accepted for Publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    X-ray imaging of the Seyfert 2 galaxy Circinus with Chandra

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    We present results from the zeroth-order imaging of a Chandra HETGS observation of the nearby Seyfert 2 galaxy Circinus. Twelve X-ray sources were detected in the ACIS-S image of the galaxy, embedded in diffuse X-ray emission. The latter shows a prominent (~18arcsec) soft ``plume'' in the N-W direction, coincident with the [OIII] ionization cone. The radial profiles of the brightest X-ray source at various energies are consistent with an unresolved (FWHM ~0.8arcsec) component, which we identify as the active nucleus, plus two extended components with FWHMs ~ 2.3arcsec and 18arcsec, respectively. In a radius of 3arcsec, the nucleus contributes roughly the same flux as the extended components at the softest energies (< 2 keV). However, at harder energies (> 2 keV), the contribution of the nucleus is dominant. The zeroth-order ACIS spectrum of the nucleus exhibits emission lines at both soft and hard X-rays, including a prominent Fe Kalpha line at 6.4 keV, showing that most of the X-ray lines previously detected with ASCA originate in a compact region (<15 pc). Based on its X-ray spectrum, we argue that the 2.3arcsec extended component is scattered nuclear radiation from nearby ionized gas. The large-scale extended component includes the emission from the N-W plume and possibly from the outer starburst ring.Comment: Figure 1 in color. ApJ Letters, in pres

    Probing the Ionizing Continuum of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies. I.Observational Results

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    We present optical spectra and emission-line ratios of 12 Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) galaxies that we observed to study the ionizing EUV continuum. A common feature in the EUV continuum of active galactic nuclei is the big blue bump (BBB), generally associated with thermal accretion disk emission. While Galactic absorption prevents direct access to the EUV range, it can be mapped by measuring the strength of a variety of forbidden optical emission lines that respond to different EUV continuum regions. We find that narrow emission-line ratios involving [OII]3727, Hbeta, [OIII]5007, [OI]6300, Halpha,[NII]6583, and [SII]6716,6731 indicate no significant difference between NLS1s and Broad-Line Seyfert 1 (BLS1) galaxies, which suggests that the spectral energy distributions of their ionizing EUV - soft X-ray continua are similar. The relative strength of important forbidden high ionization lines like [NeV]3426 compared to HeII4686 and the relative strength of [FeX]6374 appear to show the same range as in BLS1 galaxies. However, a trend of weaker F([OI]6300)/F(Halpha) emission-line ratios is indicated for NLS1s compared to BLS1s. To recover the broad emission-line profiles we used Gaussian components. This approach indicates that the broad Hbeta profile can be well described with a broad component (FWHM = 3275 +- 800 km/s) and an intermediate broad component (FWHM = 1200 +- 300 km/s). The width of the broad component is in the typical range of normal BLS1s. The emission-line flux that is associated with the broad component in these NLS1s amounts to at least 60% of the total flux. Thus it dominates the total line flux, similar to BLS1 galaxies.Comment: 34 pages, 9 figures. accepted for publication in the Astrophys.Journa

    Obscured GOODS AGN and Their Host Galaxies at z < 1.25: The Slow Black Hole Growth Phase

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    We compute black hole masses and bolometric luminosities for 87 obscured AGN in the redshift range 0.25 < z < 1.25, selected from the GOODS deep multi-wavelength survey fields via their X-ray emission. We fit the optical images and obtain morphological parameters for the host galaxy, separating the galaxy from its central point source, thereby obtaining a four-band optical SED for each active nucleus. We calculate bolometric luminosities for these AGN by reddening a normalized mean SED of GOODS broad-line AGN to match the observed central point-source SED of each obscured AGN. This estimate of Lbol has a smaller spread than simple bolometric corrections to the X-ray luminosity or direct integration of the observed multi-wavelength SED, suggesting it is a better measure. We estimate central black hole masses from the bulge luminosities. The black hole masses span a wide range, 7 x 10^6 M_sun to 6 x 10^9 M_sun; the median black hole mass is 5 x 10^8 M_sun. The majority of these AGN have L/L_Edd < 0.01, and we detect no significant evolution of the mean Eddington ratio to z = 1.25. This implies that the bulk of black hole growth in these obscured AGN must have occurred at z > 1 and that we are observing these AGN in a slow- or no-growth state.Comment: Accepted to ApJ; 17 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables; Updated version has 1 corrected referenc

    Principles of practice parameters for the treatment of sleep disordered breathing in the elderly and frail elderly: the consensus of the International Geriatric Sleep Medicine Task Force

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    Sleep disordered breathing (SDB) is a leading cause of morbidity worldwide. Its prevalence increases with age. Due to the demographic changes in industrial societies, pulmonologists and sleep physicians are confronted with a rapidly growing number of elderly SDB patients. For many physicians, it remains unclear how current guidelines for SDB management apply to elderly and frail elderly patients. The goal of this consensus statement is to provide guidance based on published evidence for SDB treatment in this specific patient group. Clinicians and researchers with expertise in geriatric sleep medicine representing several countries were invited to participate in a task force. A literature search of PubMed from the past 12 years and a systematic review of evidence of studies deemed relevant was performed. Recommendations for treatment management of elderly and frail elderly SDB patients based on published evidence were formulated via discussion and consensus. In the last 12 years, there have been surprisingly few studies examining treatment of SDB in older adults and even fewer in frail older adults. Studies that have been conducted on the management of SDB in the older patient population were rarely stratified for age. Studies in SDB treatment that did include age stratification mainly focused on middle-aged and younger patient groups. Based on the evidence that is available, this consensus statement highlights the treatment forms that can be recommended for elderly SDB patients and encourages treatment of SDB in this large patient group

    The Ionized Gas and Nuclear Environment in NGC 3783. I. Time-Averaged 900 ks Chandra Grating Spectroscopy

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    We present results from a 900 ks exposure of NGC 3783 with the High-Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer on board the Chandra X-ray Observatory. The resulting X-ray spectrum has the best combination of signal-to-noise and resolution ever obtained for an AGN. This spectrum reveals absorption lines from H-like and He-like ions of N, O, Ne, Mg, Al, Si, and S. There are also possible absorption lines from H-like and He-like Ar and Ca. We also identify inner-shell absorption from lower-ionization ions such as Si_VII-Si_XII and S_XII-S_XIV. The iron absorption spectrum is very rich; L-shell lines of Fe_XVII-Fe_XXIV are detected, strong complex of M-shell lines, and probable resonance lines from Fe_XXV. The absorption lines are blueshifted relative to the systemic velocity by a mean velocity of -590+-150 km/s. We resolve many of the absorption lines, and their mean FWHM is 820+-280 km/s. We do not find correlations between the velocity shifts or the FWHMs with the ionization potentials of the ions. Most absorption lines show asymmetry, having more extended blue wings than red wings. In O_VII we have resolved this asymmetry to be from an additional absorption system at ~ -1300 km/s. The two X-ray absorption systems are consistent in velocity shift and FWHM with the ones identified in the UV lines of C IV, N V, and H I. Equivalent width measurements for all lines are given and column densities are calculated for several ions. We resolve the narrow Fe_K\alpha line at 6398.2+-3.3 eV to have a FWHM of 1720+-360 km/s, which suggests that this narrow line may be emitted from the outer part of the broad line region or the inner part of the torus. We also detect a `Compton shoulder' redward of the narrow Fe_K\alpha line which indicates that it arises in cold, Compton-thick gas.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures (2 in color), emulateapj5, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement