136 research outputs found
Análisis y desarrollo de heurísticas y guías de usabilidad de RESTFUL APIs y aplicación a un caso práctico
La usabilidad se refiere a la capacidad de un software de ser comprendido, aprendido,
usado y ser atractivo para el usuario, en condiciones específicas de uso (ISO/IEC 9126). Por
tanto, integrar la usabilidad es uno de los factores clave en cualquier proceso para el desarrollo
de software. El objetivo principal de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado es desarrollar un conjunto
de heurísticas y guías de usabilidad para el diseño de APIs RESTful a partir de un análisis
exhaustivo sobre los principios del estilo REST dentro de un modelo expandido de usabilidad
aplicable a cualquier producto o sistema. Para demostrar la eficacia de este conjunto, se estudió
la usabilidad en un caso práctico, precisamente en la API REST para desarrolladores de Twitter,
mediante una evaluación heurística, una técnica introducida por Nielsen y Molich en 1990 que
consiste en examinar la calidad de uso de un sistema a partir del cumplimiento de un conjunto
de heurísticas. Previamente, caracterizamos el contexto de uso a partir de las características
de los usuarios, tareas y entorno que están implicados en una API REST para definir con
mayor precisión los problemas encontrados mediante el estudio de usabilidad. Por último,
propusimos varias mejoras para resolver algunas de las carencias de usabilidad detectadas.[Abstract]
Usability refers to the ability of a software to be understood, learned, used and attractive
to the user, under specific conditions of use (ISO/IEC 9126). Therefore, integrating usability
is one of the key factors in any software development process. The main objective of this end
of degree project is to develop a set of heuristics and usability guidelines for the design of
RESTful APIs based on an exhaustive analysis of the principles of the REST style within an
expanded usability model applicable to any product or system. To demonstrate the effectiveness
of this set, we studied usability in a case study, specifically the REST API for Twitter
developers, using heuristic evaluation, a technique introduced by Nielsen and Molich in 1990,
which consists of examining the quality of use of a system based on compliance with a set of
heuristics. Previously, we characterized the context of use from the characteristics of users,
tasks and environment that are involved in an API REST to define more precisely the problems
found through the usability study. Finally, we proposed several improvements to solve
some of the detected usability shortcomings.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FIC). Enxeñaría informática. Curso 2019/202
Relations between components of executive function in reading tasks in TEA
[Resumo]: A lectura é un proceso mediante o cal os seres humanos poden interpretar uns caracteres para
a posterior comprensión dun texto. Para que esta comprensión poida ter lugar son necesarios
uns procesos cognitivos que permitan unha boa análise e integración da información.
Estes procesos cognitivos teñen lugar grazas ás funcións executivas, como son a memoria de
traballo, que é un sistema que permite almacenar información ao mesmo tempo que estes
datos son utilizados para a execución de tarefas cognitivas complexas e o control atencional,
que supón manter unha atención selectiva durante períodos prolongados de tempo, inhibindo
así comportamentos automáticos e irrelevantes, permitindo centrar o uso dos recursos a nivel
cognitivo na realización dunha tarefa concreta.
O obxectivo principal do presente estudo é realizar unha análise descritiva do nivel de eficacia en tarefas de control executivo nun suxeito con trastorno do espectro autista (TEA) en medidas de memoria de traballo, control inhibitorio e procesos atencionais. Para isto
empréganse diversas probas como son o ReadingSpan Test, o Test Stroop de Cores e
Palabras, o DysexecutiveQuestionnaire e a subproba de Span de Debuxos do WISC-V.[Abstract]: Reading is a process by which humans can interpret some characters for the further
understanding of a text. So that this understanding can take place are necessary cognitive
processes that allow a good analysis and integration of the information.
These cognitive processes take place through executive functions, such as working memory,
which is a system that allows you to store information while these data are used for the
execution of complex cognitive tasks and the attention control, which involves maintaining
selective attention for prolonged periods of time, thereby inhibiting automatic and irrelevant
behavior, allowing focus on the use of resources at the cognitive level in carrying out a
specific task.
The main objective of the present study is to perform a descriptive analysis of the level of
effectiveness in tasks of executive control in a subject with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
in working memory measures, inhibitory control and attention processes. For this, several
tests are used, such as the Reading Span Test, the Test Stroop of Colors and Words, the
Dysexecutive Questionnaire and the WISC-V Drawing Sub-Test.Traballo fin de mestrado (UDC.CIE). Neurociencia. Curso 2018/201
Synthesis of 5-/8-Halogenated or Ethynylated Lipophilic Nucleobases as Potential Synthetic Intermediates for Supramolecular Chemistry
This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2015.32 (2015): 7160-7175, which has been published in final form at http://dx.doi.org/10486/10.1002/ejoc.201501026A series of lipophilic nucleobases that are substituted at the 5- (pyrimidines) or 8- (purines) position with either a halogen atom or a terminal triple bond have been synthesized. The sequences and reactions studied in this work, which mainly comprise halogenation, alkylation, Sonogashira coupling, and trimethylsilylacetylene deprotection, have been carefully optimized, to reach the final compounds in the most straightforward and convenient way, with the highest possible purity and yield. These compounds include cytosine, isocytosine, and uracil derivatives as pyrimidine heterocycles, and guanine, isoguanine, and 2-aminoadenine derivatives as complementary purine bases. Variability was introduced at the N-1/N-9 positions of these pyrimidine/purine nucleobases, which were functionalized with alkyl or benzyl groups, as well as with protected amine or carboxylic acid substituents. The molecules prepared constitute a useful collection of synthetic intermediates for the field of chemical self-assembly. A series of lipophilic nucleobases substituted at the 5- (pyrimidines) or 8-position (purines) with either a halogen atom or a terminal triple bond have been synthesized. These molecules comprise a useful collection of synthetic intermediates for the field of chemical self-assemblyFunding from the European Research Council (ERC-StG 279548) and MINECO (CTQ2011-23659) is gratefully acknowledged. V.V.-G. is grateful for a F.P.I. fellowship from MINECO
Desarrollo de modelos de impedancia de antenas integradas en dispositivos móviles
El objetivo de este proyecto es el análisis de la variación dinámica de impedancia para antenas integradas en dispositivos móviles, para sistemas LTE y que permita simplificar en la medida de lo posible el diseño de circuitos sintetizadores de impedancias. Dada la escasez de análisis de este tipo en la literatura especializada, se va a comenzar por un análisis estocástico sencillo en estático, y con ciertas hipótesis como por ejemplo estacionariedad y/o independencia que permitan simplificar el problema. Para este proyecto se han desarrollado cuatro antenas para las bandas de los sistemas de comunicaciones LTE, atendiendo a su compactación y prestaciones, y posteriormente el modelado de la impedancia con especial énfasis en la interacción antena-usuario
Mulleres e independencia económica: traballo e sociedade en perspectiva histórica A Coruña 2024
Cursos, congresos e simposios, CCS-163[Resumo] Co gallo da conmemoración do 8M, a Oficina para a Igualdade de Xénero (OIX) da Facultade de Economía e Empresa (FEE) da Universidade da Coruña (UDC) organizou no ano 2024 unhas xornadas centradas nas Mulleres e independencia económica. Estas xornadas levaban por subtítulo Traballo e sociedade en perspectiva histórica, xa que a participación laboral e a conquista dos espazos sociais por parte das mulleres están ligados. Estes aspectos abordáronse dende a perspectiva histórica para tratar de amosar que foron avances lentos e nos que, en moitas ocasións, houbo retrocesos. Dende as institucións é fundamental continuar traballando na concienciación da participación das mulleres no mercado laboral como factor para o crecemento económico e para o benestar, tanto a nivel xeral, como a título particular. Non só iso, senón que cómpre rachar coas ideas preconcibidas e os estereotipos sobre a devandita participación laboral emanados dende o cinema, as redes sociais e outros medios de entretemento. Especialmente aqueles que sitúan á muller como persoa inactiva no eido laboral, demostrando que traballaron de xeito activo, malia que, maioritariamente, no mercado laboral informal. Deste xeito, non só se eliminan representacións das mulleres erróneas, senón que ao mesmo tempo se aportan referentes para as novas xeracións
In Vitro and In Vivo Activity of Citral in Combination with Amphotericin B, Anidulafungin and Fluconazole against Candida auris Isolates
Candida auris is an emerging fungal pathogen responsible for hospital outbreaks of invasive candidiasis associated with high mortality. The treatment of these mycoses is a clinical challenge due to the high resistance levels of this species to current antifungal drugs, and alternative therapeutic strategies are needed. In this study, we evaluated the in vitro and in vivo activities of combinations of citral with anidulafungin, amphotericin B or fluconazole against 19 C. auris isolates. The antifungal effect of citral was in most cases similar to the effect of the antifungal drugs in monotherapy. The best combination results were obtained with anidulafungin, with synergistic and additive interactions against 7 and 11 of the 19 isolates, respectively. The combination of 0.06 μg/mL anidulafungin and 64 μg/mL citral showed the best results, with a survival rate of 63.2% in Caenorhabditis elegans infected with C. auris UPV 17-279. The combination of fluconazole with citral reduced the MIC of fluconazole from > 64 to 1–4 μg/mL against 12 isolates, and a combination of 2 μg/mL fluconazole and 64 μg/mL citral was also effective in reducing mortality in C. elegans. Amphotericin B combined with citral, although effective in vitro, did not improve the activity of each compound in vivo.The research group was funded by the Consejería de Educación, Universidades e Investigación (GIC IT-1607-22) of Gobierno Vasco-Eusko Jaurlaritza and by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2020-117983RB-I00)
Sensory descriptive analysis and hedonic consumer test for Galician type breads
Bread consumption has declined in recent years due to the loss of its sensory quality. To identify the key sensory attributes for the consumer, in this study will provide to the bakery industry with a powerful tool to design products adapted to the consumer preferences will be provided to the bakery industry.
For identifying the key attributes 7 Galician breads were evaluated by a trained panel using 22 attributes using the Quantitative Descriptive Analysis. In addition, a sensory acceptance test carried out by 97 consumers provided hedonic evaluations.
The results of the joint analysis (trained panel and consumers) demonstrated that the loaves with the moistest bread crumb, with a predominance of large cells, and an alveolation with non-uniform distribution were the ones that presented the greatest acceptance.
The use of an artisanal production process (sourdough and long fermentation time) and the incorporation into the recipe of indigenous flour (around 40%) improved the acceptance of the Galician breadS
Mutations in LRRK2 impair NF-κB pathway in iPSC-derived neurons
Background: Mutations in leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) contribute to both familial and idiopathic forms of Parkinson's disease (PD). Neuroinflammation is a key event in neurodegeneration and aging, and there is mounting evidence of LRRK2 involvement in inflammatory pathways. In a previous study, we described an alteration of the inflammatory response in dermal fibroblasts from PD patients expressing the G2019S and R1441G mutations in LRRK2.
Methods: Taking advantage of cellular reprogramming, we generated induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines and neurons thereafter, harboring LRRK2G2019S and LRRK2R1441G mutations. We used gene silencing and functional reporter assays to characterize the effect of the mutations. We examined the temporal profile of TNF alpha-induced changes in proteins of the NF-kappa B pathway and optimized western blot analysis to capture alpha-synuclein dynamics. The effects of the mutations and interventions were analyzed by two-way ANOVA tests with respect to corresponding controls.
Results: LRRK2 silencing decreased alpha-synuclein protein levels in mutated neurons and modified NF-kappa B transcriptional targets, such as PTGS2 (COX-2) and TNFAIP3 (A20). We next tested whether NF-kappa B and alpha-synuclein pathways converged and found that TNF alpha modulated alpha-synuclein levels, although we could not detect an effect of LRRK2 mutations, partly because of the individual variability. Nevertheless, we confirmed NF-kappa B dysregulation in mutated neurons, as shown by a protracted recovery of I kappa B alpha and a clear impairment in p65 nuclear translocation in the LRRK2 mutants.
Conclusions: Altogether, our results show that LRRK2 mutations affect alpha-synuclein regulation and impair NF-kappa B canonical signaling in iPSC-derived neurons. TNFa modulated alpha-synuclein proteostasis but was not modified by the LRRK2 mutations in this paradigm. These results strengthen the link between LRRK2 and the innate immunity system underscoring the involvement of inflammatory pathways in the neurodegenerative process in PDThis study is funded by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias PI15/00486, the European Commission FP7 Health -278871, and the Joint Program in Neurodegenerative Diseases AC 14/0041 (DAMNDPATHS) to RSP
Sirolimus for the Treatment of Juvenile Polyposis in Childhood
Juvenile polyposis syndrome (JPS) is a rare disease with an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern characterized by the development of multiple hamartomatous polyps in the gastrointestinal tract. The most frequent signs and symptoms are recurrent abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, anemia, and iron deficiency. The treatment of JPS is symptomatic, requiring serial endoscopic polypectomies or intestinal resections in the most severe cases. We describe the clinical case of a patient with JPS with a childhood juvenile polyposis phenotype because of a mutation on the SMAD4 gene, who received treatment with sirolimus successfully
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