51 research outputs found

    Minimal shedding of the glycocalyx layer during abdominal hysterectomy

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    Funding Information: This project was funded by the Stockholm City Council, the Kleberg Foundation and Riga Stradins University. Publisher Copyright: Ā© 2017 The Author(s).Background: Surgery with and without hypervolaemia may cause shedding (breakdown) of the endothelial glycocalyx layer, but the severity of this problem is unclear. Methods: In this preliminary report of a larger clinical trial, the plasma and urine concentrations of three biomarkers of glycocalyx shedding (syndecan-1, hyaluronic acid and heparan sulfate) were measured in seven patients before, during, and after open hysterectomy. The fluid therapy consisted of 25ml/kg (approximately 2l) of Ringer's lactate, which was infused over 30min when the surgery started. The resulting plasma volume expansion at the end of the infusion was estimated from the haemodilution. Results: The mean plasma concentration of syndecan-1 was 21.7ng/ml before surgery and averaged 19.7ng/ml during and after the surgery. The plasma concentration of hyaluronic acid decreased from 38.0 to 27.7ng/ml (P<0.05), while heparan sulfate increased from 3.4 to 5.5Ī¼g/ml (P<0.05). The urine concentrations of syndecan-1 decreased significantly, while they increased for hyaluronic acid and heparan sulfate. Despite the vigorous fluid load, the urine flow did not exceed 1ml/min. Conclusions: No clear evidence was found for shedding of the endothelial glycocalyx layer when 2l of Ringer's lactate was infused over 30min during abdominal hysterectomy. Urine analyses yielded patterns of changes that differed from those in plasma. Trial registration:ISRCTN81005631. Registered May 17, 2016.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Fibrinolytic system changes in liver surgery : A pilot observational study

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    Publisher Copyright: Ā© 2018 Ozolina, Nemme, Ozolins, BjertnƦs, Vanags, Gardovskis, Viksna and Krumina.Introduction: Bleeding occurs frequently in liver surgery. Unbalance between tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) concentrations might increase bleeding. Our aim was to analyze perioperative fibrinolytic changes during liver surgery. Materials and Methods: We evaluated 15 patients for inclusion into a prospective pilot study of liver surgery. We assessed fibrinolysis by plasma PAI-1 and t-PA: before surgery (T1), before Pringle maneuver (PM;T2), at the end of surgery (T3) and 24 h postoperatively (T4), and registered demographic and laboratory data, extent and duration of surgery, hemodynamic parameters, blood loss, and transfused volumes of blood products. Data presented as mean Ā± SD. Significance at P < 0.05. Results: After exclusion of six patients only undergoing biopsies, we included six women and three men aged 49.1 Ā± 19.6 years; two patients with liver metastases of colorectal cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma, respectively, two with focal nodular hyperplasia, two with hepatic hemangioma, and one with angiomyolipoma. Six patients underwent PM. PAI-1 plasma concentration (n = 9) rose from 6.25 Ā± 2.25 at T1 through 17.30 Ā± 14.59 ng/ml at T2 and 28.74 Ā± 20.4 (p = 0.007) and 22.5 Ā± 16.0 ng/ml (p = 0.04), respectively, at T3 and T4. Correspondingly, t-PA plasma concentration (n = 9) increased from 4.76 Ā± 3.08 ng/ml at T1 through 8.00 Ā± 5.10 ng/ml (p = 0.012) at T2 and decreased to 4.25 Ā± 2.29 ng/ml and 3.04 Ā± 3.09 at T3 and T4, respectively. Plasma t-PA level at T2 was significantly different from those at T1, T3, and T4 (p < 0.004). In PM patients, t-PA levels increased from T1, peaked at T2 (p = 0.001), and subsequently decreased at T3 and T4 (p = 0.011 and p = 0.037), respectively. Mean blood loss was 1,377.7 Ā± 1,062.8 ml; seven patients received blood products. Patients with higher PAI-1 levels at T3 received more fresh frozen plasma (r = 0.79; p = 0.01) and red blood cells (r = 0.88; p = 0.002). Conclusions: During liver surgery, fibrinolysis increased, as evidenced by rises in plasma PAI-1and t-PA, especially after start of surgery and following PM. Transfused volumes of blood products correlated with higher plasma concentrations of PAI-1. Confirming this tendency requires a larger cohort of patients.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Identifying beliefs underlying pre-driversā€™ intentions to take risks: an application of the theory of planned behaviour

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    Novice motorists are at high crash risk during the first few months of driving. Risky behaviours such as speeding and driving while distracted are well-documented contributors to crash risk during this period. To reduce this public health burden, effective road safety interventions need to target the pre-driving period. We use the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) to identify the pre-driver beliefs underlying intentions to drive over the speed limit (N = 77), and while over the legal alcohol limit (N = 72), talking on a hand-held mobile phone (N = 77) and feeling very tired (N = 68). The TPB explained between 41% and 69% of the variance in intentions to perform these behaviours. Attitudes were strong predictors of intentions for all behaviours. Subjective norms and perceived behavioural control were significant, though weaker, independent predictors of speeding and mobile phone use. Behavioural beliefs underlying these attitudes could be separated into those reflecting perceived disadvantages (e.g., speeding increases my risk of crash) and advantages (e.g., speeding gives me a thrill). Interventions that can make these beliefs safer in pre-drivers may reduce crash risk once independent driving has begun

    Nurturing the inner lives of children: an exploration of children\u27s spirituality in three educational settings

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    Using the theoretical framework of Howard Gardner (1999) and David Hay and Rebecca Nye (2006) this qualitative inquiry aimed to identify and describe childrenā€™s day-to-day experiences of spirituality in a range of social settings. In the context of this study spirituality was described in terms of meaning and connectedness and as a means to direct and give value to an individualā€™s actions and beliefs. Case studies were employed at the early childhood, primary and lower high school settings to gain an understanding of spirituality across childhood. The research focused upon the classroom context and other social situations, investigating both formal teaching of spirituality and childrenā€™s informal interaction and exploration of spiritual matters. Data collection methods were primarily based upon observation but also included interviews, work samples and journal entries. The research involved two phases of data collection. In the course of Phase one, each of the research sites were visited for one day per week across eight weeks, whereby data collection focused on the whole class situation and on all consenting participants. After the eight weeks, data continued to be collected on all participants yet focused more specifically on six case-study children selected purposely for more detailed study. This thesis extends the classic work in the area by Gardner (1999) and Hay and Nye (2006) by illustrating what four spiritual sensing categories ā€“ State of being: Awareness-sensing, State of being: Mystery-sensing, Concern for existential issues: Mystery-sensing, and Concern for existential issues: Values-sensing ā€“ surfaced as in the day-to-day lives of children in secular educational settings and other social environments. What also emerged through the case studies was the existence of various factors that supported childrenā€™s engagement with their spirituality. Differences were identified regarding the approach of families and the educational settings, however, the influences of the media, sports, peers, and religious teachings were also recognised. In particular, spirituality was addressed differently at the three educational settings in terms of the teacherā€™s influence, school curriculum, and physical environment. Variance among these elements impacted the ways in which children could express their spirituality at school, thus affirming the important contribution that public school education can make towards young people\u27s spiritual development. As the result of this investigation, this present study suggested several recommendations for nurturing childrenā€™s spirituality at their home settings and in secular educational settings. These included: recognising childrenā€™s spirituality as an integral aspect of the childā€™s development; the provision of adequate time; demonstrating an open and approachable manner; awareness to spiritual dialogue and nonverbal communication; facilitating and addressing spiritual questions; creating belonging and community; encouraging self-reflection; demonstrating role-modeling behaviours and attitudes; attending to informal moments; awareness of expectation; creation of space and environment; and, supplying resources and experiences for engagement with the spiritual domain. Several factors were also identified specific to facilitating spirituality at educational settings. These included, building teacher-student relationships to develop awareness of the context in which children are located and employing spirituality as both an entry point and subject matter to engage learning. The recommendations also indicated the need for further policy development based upon empirical work, integrating the understanding of childrenā€™s spirituality into teacher training courses, and, future research which extends the spiritual framework of this inquiry to other populations of children

    Texting while driving: Psychosocial influences on young people's texting intentions and behaviour

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    Despite the dangers and illegality, there is a continued prevalence of texting while driving amongst young Australian drivers. The present study tested an extended theory of planned behaviour (TPB) to predict young driversā€™ (17 to 24 years) intentions to [1] send and [2] read text messages while driving. Participants (N = 169 university students) completed measures of attitudes, subjective norm, perceived behavioural control, intentions, and the additional social influence measures of group norm and moral norm. One week later, participants reported on the number of texts sent and read while driving in the previous week. Attitude predicted intentions to both send and read texts while driving, and subjective norm and perceived behavioural control determined sending, but not reading, intentions. Further, intention, but not perceptions of control, predicted both texting behaviours 1 week later. In addition, both group norm and moral norm added predictive ability to the model. These findings provide support for the TPB in understanding studentsā€™ decisions to text while driving as well as the inclusion of additional normative influences within this context, suggesting that a multi-strategy approach is likely to be useful in attempts to reduce the incidence of these risky driving behaviours

    Trading development tendencies in the Baltic States and their impact on national economic growth

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    Viens no ekonomiskās izaugsmes ietekmes faktoriem ir starptautiskā tirdzniecÄ«ba. Starptautiskā tirdzniecÄ«ba ietekmē valstu ekonomiskās izaugsmes tempu vai to lejupslÄ«di, ietekmē vispārējo valsts labklājÄ«bas lÄ«meni. Diplomdarbā tiek veikta statistikas datu analÄ«ze. Diplomdarba izvirzÄ«tais uzdevums ir izanalizēt Baltijas valstu tirdzniecÄ«bas attÄ«stÄ«bas tendences un to ietekmi uz valstu ekonomisko izaugsmi. PētÄ«juma daļā tiek veikta eksporta, importa attiecÄ«bā pret iekÅ”zemes kopproduktu uz vienu iedzÄ«votāju datu pāru korelāciju. Veikt secinājumus un priekÅ”likumus vadoties pēc diplomdarbā veiktajiem pētÄ«jumiem balstoties uz darba autores secinājumiem darba izpildes procesā. Galvenais secinājums ā€“ Starptautiskajai tirdzniecÄ«bai ir bÅ«tiska loma valstu ekonomikas izaugsmes procesā. Ārējā tirdzniecÄ«ba un valstu ekonomiskā izaugsme ir savstarpēji cieÅ”i saistÄ«ti valstu ekonomiskās attÄ«stÄ«bas procesā.One of the economic growth factors is impact of international trade. International trade can affect economic growth or recession, international trade affecting the overall national level of welfare. In diploma thesis are carried out statistical data analysis. The present paper main task is to analyze the Baltic States trade tendencies and their impact of national economic growth. Part of the research study is carried out exports, imports relations with GDP per capita data pair correlation. Take the conclusions and recommendations based on diploma thesis author conclusions execution of work process. The main conclusion ā€“ International trade plays an important role for economic growth process. Foreign trade and national economic growth are closely related in national economic development process

    Patient-related potential risk factors for postoperative nausea and vomiting after caesarean section

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    MedicÄ«naVeselÄ«bas aprÅ«peMedicineHealth CareIevads. Spinālā anestēzija ir visbiežāk lietotā anestēzijas metode Ä·eizargrieziena operācijā, kuras bieža komplikācija ir pēcoperācijas slikta dÅ«Å”a un vemÅ”ana (PONV). Riska faktori PONV dzemdniecÄ«bā nav specifiski pētÄ«ti. PētÄ«juma mērÄ·is bija noskaidrot ar pacientēm saistÄ«tos riska faktorus pēcoperācijas sliktai dÅ«Å”ai un vemÅ”anai pēc Ä·eizargrieziena operācijas. Metodes. RetrospektÄ«vā pētÄ«jumā piedalÄ«jās 133 grÅ«tnieces, kurām tika veikta Ä·eizargrieziena operācija ar spinālo anestēziju RÄ«gas DzemdÄ«bu Namā laikā no 2017. gada novembra lÄ«dz 2018. gada jÅ«nijam. Dati, kas tika iegÅ«ti no atlasÄ«tām slimÄ«bu vēsturēm, iekļāva mātes vecumu, grÅ«tniecÄ«bas Ä·ermeņa masas indeksu, grÅ«tniecÄ«bu skaitu, dzemdÄ«bu skaitu, Ä·eizargriezienu skaitu, Ä·eizargrieziena steidzamÄ«bas kategoriju, smÄ“Ä·Ä“Å”anas statusu un postoperācijas intervijas rezultātus par PONV 3, 6, 12, 24 stundas pēc Ä·eizargrieziena operācijas. AtpazÄ«stos intratekāli saņemto morfiju kā jaucējfaktoru, statistiskai analÄ«zei pacientes tika sadalÄ«tas 2 grupās: M50 (50 Ī¼g) un M100 (100 Ī¼g). Rezultāti. Dati tika iekļauti no 133 slimÄ«bas vēsturēm (M50 grupā 67; M100 grupā 66). Kopējā PONV incidence bija 22,5% (n=30) un tikai vemÅ”anas incidence bija 17,2% (n=23). PONV incidence pēc 6 stundām bija lielāka pacientēm ar vairāk nekā vienu grÅ«tniecÄ«bu nekā pacientēm ar pirmo grÅ«tniecÄ«bu M100 grupā (31,9% vs 5,3%, p=0,027); lielāka multiparām nekā pacientēm, kurām pirmās dzemdÄ«bas notika pētÄ«juma laikā M100 grupā (35,9% vs 7,4%, p=0,008) un M50 grupā (19,5% vs 0%, p = 0,019); lielāka pacientēm ar otro un treÅ”o Ä·eizargrieziena operāciju nekā pirmo Ä·eizargrieziena operāciju pētÄ«juma laikā M100 grupā (35,5% vs 14,3%, p=0,045) un M50 grupā (22,6% vs 2,8%, p=0,020). Secinājumi. Lielāks grÅ«tniecÄ«bu skaits, multiparitāte un lielāks Ä·eizargrieziena operāciju skaits pacientēm ir saistÄ«ts ar augstāku risku pēcoperācijas sliktai dÅ«Å”ai un vemÅ”anai pēc Ä·eizargrieziena operācijas. SalÄ«dzinoÅ”i mazs pacientu skaits var ietekmēt rezultātu ticamÄ«bu.Objectives. Spinal anaesthesia is the most common method in Caesarean section (CS) with postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) being a common complication of anaesthesia.Risk factors for PONV have not been specifically studied in obstetric patients. Aim of the study was to investigate patient-related potential risks factors for PONV after CS. Materials and Methods. A retrospective study was conducted on 133 pregnant women who had Caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia in Riga Maternity Hospital between 2017 November and 2018 June. Data used for analysis was taken from eligible charts and included maternal age, pregnancy body mass index, gravidity, parity, number of CS, category of CS urgency, smoking history and postoperative interview results about PONV 3, 6, 12, 24 hours after CS. Recognizing intrathecally received morphine as a confounding factor, patients were divided in 2 groups for statistical analysis: M50 (50 Ī¼g) and M100 (100 Ī¼g). Results. Data from 133 medical charts (M50 group 67; M100 group 66) were included. The overall incidence of PONV was 22,5% (n=30) and incidence of only vomiting was 17,2% (n=23). PONV incidence after 6 hours was higher among multigravida than primigravida in M100 group (31,9% vs 5,3%, p=0,027); higher among multiparous women than primiparous who had delivered during the study period in M100 group (35,9% vs 7,4%, p=0,008) and in M50 group (19,5% vs 0%, p=0,019); higher among women who had their second and third CS than first CS during the study period in M100 group (35,5% vs 14,3%, p=0,045) and in M50 group (22,6% vs 2,8%, p=0,020). Conclusions. Multigravidity, multiparity and higher number of Caesarean sections are associated with higher risk of PONV after CS. Relatively small sample size may influence result reliability

    The executives and subordinates assumptions about the factors of employee motivation.

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    Å Ä« darba mērÄ·is ir noskaidrot, vai pastāv statistiski nozÄ«mÄ«gas atŔķirÄ«bas darba motivācijas faktoriem valsts pārvaldē strādājoÅ”iem vadoÅ”ajiem un padotajiem darbiniekiem, kā arÄ«, vai pastāv statistiski nozÄ«mÄ«gas atŔķirÄ«bas starp Å”o vadÄ«tāju pieņēmumiem par padoto darbinieku darba motivācijas faktoriem un padoto darbinieku darba motivācijas faktoriem. Kā mērinstruments darba motivācijas faktoriem Ŕī darba kontekstā tika izmantotas darba vērtÄ«bas. Tika izvirzÄ«ti Ŕādi pētÄ«juma jautājumi: 1. Kādas ir vadoÅ”o darbinieku galvenās darba vērtÄ«bas? 2. Kādas ir padoto darbinieku galvenās darba vērtÄ«bas? 3. Vai pastāv statistiski nozÄ«mÄ«gas atŔķirÄ«bas starp vadoÅ”o un padoto darbinieku galvenajām darba vērtÄ«bām? 4. Vai pastāv statistiski nozÄ«mÄ«gas atŔķirÄ«bas starp vadÄ«tāju pieņēmumiem par padoto darbinieku galvenajām darba vērtÄ«bām un padoto darbinieku galvenajām darba vērtÄ«bām? PētÄ«jumā piedalÄ«jās divas respondentu grupas: 1. Viena grupa sastāvēja no 5 augstākā un 25 vidējā lÄ«meņa vadÄ«tājiem strādājoÅ”iem valsts pārvaldē, vecumā no 35 lÄ«dz 62 gadiem. No tiem 14 vÄ«rieÅ”i un 16 sievietes. 28 respondentiem no Ŕīs grupas dzimtā valoda ir latvieÅ”u valoda un 2 respondentiem ā€“ krievu. Visi Å”ajā grupā esoÅ”ie respondenti ir ieguvuÅ”i augstāko izglÄ«tÄ«bu. 2. Otra grupa sastāvēja no 30 padotajiem darbiniekiem strādājoÅ”iem valsts pārvaldē, pēc amata ā€“ 5 lietveži, 19 pārvaldes vecākie referenti, 2 personāla inspektori, 3 namu pārziņi un viens jaunākais grāmatvedis, vecumā no 22 lÄ«dz 58 gadiem. No tiem 11 vÄ«rieÅ”i un 19 sievietes. 29 respondentiem no Ŕīs grupas dzimtā valoda ir latvieÅ”u valoda un 1 respondentam ā€“ krievu. 21 respondents ir ieguvis augstāko izglÄ«tÄ«bu, 5 respondenti ā€“ vidējo profesionālo izglÄ«tÄ«bu, bet 4 respondenti ā€“ vispārējo vidējo izglÄ«tÄ«bu. Kā pētÄ«juma metode tika izmantota Furnhama (Furnham, Petrides, Thaousis, Pappas & Garrod, 2005) izstrādātā aptauja WVQ (Work Values Questionaire). Galvenie Ŕī darba secinājumi ir, ka vadÄ«tājiem visu darba vērtÄ«bu veidi ir izteikti spilgtāk. Pastāv statistiski nozÄ«mÄ«gas atŔķirÄ«bas starp vadoÅ”o un padoto darbinieku galvenajām darba vērtÄ«bām. VadoÅ”ajiem darbiniekiem izteiktāki ir satura jeb iekŔējie faktori, bet padotajiem darbiniekiem konteksta jeb ārējie faktori. Kā arÄ«, ka nepastāv statistiski nozÄ«mÄ«gas atŔķirÄ«bas starp vadÄ«tāju pieņēmumiem par padoto darbinieku galvenajām darba vērtÄ«bām un padoto darbinieku galvenajām darba vērtÄ«bām. Å ajā pētÄ«jumā iegÅ«tos rezultātus var izmantot, lai efektÄ«vāk veidotu izmaiņas personāla vadÄ«bas politikā valsts pārvaldē, piedāvājot nodarbinātajiem darba motivācijas sistēmu, kas izstrādāta, ņemot vērā nodarbināto darba vērtÄ«bas. Atslēgas vārdi: darba motivācija, vadoÅ”ais darbinieks, padotais darbinieks, darba vērtÄ«bas, satura jeb iekŔējie faktori, konteksta jeb ārējie faktori.The goal of this research paper is to find out if there exist some statistically significant differences between managers and subordinates in state administration factors of work motivation and also to find out if there exist some statistically significant differences between the managerā€™s presumptions about the factors that motivate the subordinates and the real factors that motivate them. The work values are used as measurement instrument for the factors of work motivation. The following research questions have been raised: 1.What kind of work values do managers set as the most important? 2.What kind of work values do subordinates set as the most important? 3.Does there exist some statistically significant differences between the work values to managers and subordinates? 4.Does there exist some statistically significant differences between the managerā€™s presumptions about the factors that motivate the subordinates and the real factors that motivate them? Two groups of respondents have taken part in the research: 1. First group was composed of 5 highest level and 25 middle level managers, working in the state administration, 35 to 62 aged, 14 male, 16 female, out of 30 participants, 28 consider Latvian to be their mother tongue, while remaining 2 consider Russian to be their mother tongue. All respondents in this group are with higher education. 2. Second group was composed of 30 subordinates, working in the state administration, varied professions, 22 to 58 aged, 11 male, 19 ā€“ female, out of 30 participants, 29 consider Latvian to be their mother tongue, while remaining 1 consider Russian to be their mother tongue. 21 respondents in this group are with higher education, 5 respondents ā€“ with vocational education, but 4 respondents ā€“ with secondary education. Furnham`s (Furnham, Petrides, Thaousis, Pappas & Garrod, 2005) WVQ (Work Values Questionnaire) is used as the measurement method. The main conclusions of this research are that all the kinds of work values are more important for managers and there exist statistically significant differences between the work values to managers and subordinates. Intrinsic factors are more typical to managers, while extrinsic factors are more typical to subordinates. But there are no statistically significant differences between the managerā€™s presumptions about the factors that motivate the subordinates and the real factors that motivate them. The outcome of this research can be used to make changes in policy of human resources management more effectively ā€“ offering employees the work motivational system, developed in response to the employees work values. Keywords: work motivation, manager, subordinate, work values, intrinsic factors, extrinsic factors

    In support of authentic research practice by students in design education

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    Both the Animation and Product design programmes at the University of Technology Sydney share a common goal, with the early teaching focus being engagement with traditional analogue skills. We deem observational drawing and analysis from life an authentic research tool as it creates a clear and tangible experience between the observer and the subject in three-dimensional space. It also provides the opportunity for a physical and empathetic response to occur. Where students have not been directed to observe from life, we find they rely on the collection of images and video from online sources. The experience of pre-formatted, screen-based observation restricts the possibility of authentic engagement as the chosen subject matter is already pre-designed by a third party. In order to understand if students identify the benefits of an authentic research experience an experiment with two separate tasks was conducted. In the first task, students were asked to undertake a drawing exercise inside a computer lab with a computer terminal being the only research tool available. We call this the ā€˜screen-based studioā€™ (SBS). The second task directed the students to undertake a studio exercise where they drew from life, which we call the ā€˜drawing from life studioā€™ (DFLS). The goal of these studio exercises was to investigate ways for students to understand that producing innovative work requires stepping out of their comfort zones and engaging in a more challenging and authentic information gathering experience. This paper discusses the results of this experiment

    Integrating generative design and topology optimisation with product design values

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    Advances in computer technology and software increasingly encourage the usage of CAD tools for designing forms that algorithmically manipulate ā€˜structuralā€™ and ā€˜surfaceā€™ features. These sophisticated new computational processes, broadly known as ā€˜generative designā€™ and ā€˜topology optimisationā€™, are very likely to become a regular part of the product design process for many types of products. A core value of design practice is the development of intuition and iterative skills to explore the technical and experiential performance of design concepts through sketching, model making, and prototyping. Identifying ways to integrate ā€˜generative designā€™ and ā€˜topology optimisationā€™ CAD processes with ā€˜makingā€™ as a core value in product design concept development is a significant challenge - particularly for design education. A related concern is that ā€˜topology optimisationā€™ can generate structurally optimised parts for the amount and type of material used, which essentially determines the fabrication method. Often these parts in their raw form can only be made using 3D printing technologies, though they can (and often need to) be ā€˜styledā€™ or modified. Therefore, the relationship to 3D printing and its limitations as an end-part manufacturing technology must be critically tested as part of the design process. The practice-led research presented includes a case study of the design of a mountain bike (MTB) crank arm developed using an integrated design process that incorporates a series of ā€˜topology optimisationā€™ simulations. The authors undertook the project to inform the design of a new ā€˜generative designā€™ and ā€˜topology optimisationā€™ studio-based subject to be offered to second and third-year product design students at the University of Technology Sydney. The research proposes a form of integrated design practice that values ā€˜makingā€™ iteratively, and the advancing CAD-based ā€˜generative designā€™ and ā€˜topology optimisationā€™ tools to responsibly support experiential learning in product design, manufacturing and engineering
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