654 research outputs found

    ‘From Badness to Sickness’ and Back Again: The Use of Medication in the U.S. School and Foster Care Systems

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    This article explores the over- and under-prescription of psychotropic medication to youth of color both in public schools and the foster care system. Under the umbrella of the schools-to-prison pipeline, there is a wide array of literature addressing the under-use of medication for treatment of children of color in the public school system when treating learning or behavioral disabilities. There is also, however, a great deal of literature in a totally different realm surrounding the under-use of medication in treating mental health disorders in the foster care system. This article aims to put these two pieces of discourse in conversation with each other. In examining the use of medication in both of these institutions and the disproportionate rate of black and brown children in the foster care system, I analyze how race, class, and gender play a role in the prescription—or lack thereof—of medication for children of color. These contradicting approaches to treatment and medication illustrate the assumptions that are attached to children of color, and how these institutions ultimately were not made for children of color to survive or thrive. To better serve the needs of children in our country, these two institutions must be considered as co-actors in the system of perpetual social control exerted of youth of color

    Memory of Things Future

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    Lecture given at University of Dayton on January 26, the first of the IntellectuaL Frontiers series for 1965. Anthony A. Nemetz, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy at Univ. of Georgia; Member of Armed Services 1943-1946, received Bronze Star; Good Teaching Award (Ohio State Univ. 1955); Member of Fellowship Selection Committee, Woodrow Wilson Foundation; Member of six or more professional societies; Frequent lecturer; Author of many learned technical articles

    A Study of Communication in Baby Boomers\u27 Romantic Relationships and the Effects of their Children\u27s Communication about the Relationships

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    This study contributes to our knowledge of life-span communication by examining the communication of the Baby Boomer generation (born 1946-1964) as they re-enter the dating scene. Although Baby Boomers\u27 early years of dating (the 1960\u27s, 1970\u27s, and 1980\u27s) occurred in a time of new-found freedom, especially in sexual relationships, the experience of dating several decades later brings many complications due to aging and children. The intent of this study was not to generalize that all Baby Boomers would express the views stated in this study, but to show the complexity of this generation, and to present a theoretical framework for better understanding communication in their romantic relationships, and with their adult children. Information gathered in this research fills an important gap in the information about this generation. Although previous studies have examined romantic communication of much younger or older subjects, the current study employs a life-span perspective with extended interviews of twenty-four men and women age 46-64, to examine changes in communication from the respondents\u27 early years of dating to mid-life. Results indicated that numerous changes in romantic communication and behavior have occurred, especially in the areas of communication channels, use of technology, and physical romance. Bowen Family Systems Theory (1966) and Petronio‟s (2002) Communication Privacy Management Theory were used as a framework to explore how management of communication within the family affects the romantic relationships of single Baby Boomer parents. Results indicate that a poorly differentiated family member can create or amplify privacy boundaries, thus hampering communication within the family unit. Triangulation, the addition of any third person (in this case, the romantic partner of the Baby Boomer parent) to a two-person relationship (parent and child), can potentially affect the original relationship. Most interviewees indicated that they had open communication with their adult children, but they failed to notice that they were not discussing the parent\u27s romantic relationship. Most of them also stated that their children\u27s opinions about their partners would be noted, but not acted upon. These findings suggest that communication in the family should be carefully monitored when triangulating new persons into relationships

    Strategic Responses Arising from Divergent Foreign Policy and Trade Perspectives

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    This article examines the underlying theoretical rationale for different perspectives of foreign policy: Marxism, Wilsonian Idealism, neoconservative idealism, national interest, nationalism, isolationism, and theocracy. Various forms of trade policy are also examined as a function of foreign policy. A technique is suggested for analyzing actionable strategic responses based on foreign policy risks and resource availability. Several strategic responses are presented

    Huffman Codes And Self-information

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    Introduction to Tapestries Volume 7: Breaking the Shackles of Silence: Knowledge Production as Activism and Resistance

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    Introduction to volume 7 of Macalester College\u27s journal Tapestries: Interwoven voices of local and global identities

    Pro-Ana-Foren - berechtigt oder gefährlich?

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    Thema der Arbeit sind Pro-Ana-Foren. Die zentrale Frage lautet: Sind Pro-Ana-Foren gefährlich und gehören verboten, oder haben sie ihre Berechtigung? Diese Fragen sollen anhand einer Online-Befragung geklärt werden. Ziel der Arbeit ist es die Gefährlichkeit, aber auch die möglichen positiven Aspekte der Foren einzuschätzen. Insgesamt betrachtet kann durch die Untersuchungsergebnisse für gewisse, zu Beginn der Arbeit angenommene Gefahren, Entwarnung gegeben werden. Andere von den Foren ausgehende Gefahren müssen aber bestätigt werden. Da durch die Untersuchung jedoch gleichzeitig auch bedeutungsvolle positive Forenaspekte deutlich werden, erscheint ein gänzliches Verbot von Pro-Ana-Foren unangebracht. Stattdessen könnte es sinnvoll sein, bisherige Bemühungen im Kampf gegen gefährliche Pro-Ana-Angebote zu ergänzen. Mit den Untersuchungsergebnissen wird kein Anspruch auf Repräsentativität erhoben

    Untersuchungen zu Inhaltsstoffen von Rudbeckia hirta sowie zu deren immunmodulatorischer Wirkung und Bioverfügbarkeit

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    Rudbeckia hirta L. wird in der Volksmedizin als Arzneipflanze gegen eine Vielzahl verschiedener Erkrankungen eingesetzt. Dabei spielt gerade die immunmodulatorische Anwendung eine große Rolle. Aus oberirdischem Pflanzenmaterial von Rudbeckia hirta wurde ein wässriger Extrakt hergestellt, aus dem Arabinogalaktanproteine (AGPs) isoliert werden konnten. Für diese AGPs wurde in anderen Pflanzenarten (Echinacea, Baptisia) bereits eine Beteiligung an der Immunmodulation nachgewiesen. Die nähere chemische Charakterisierung erbrachte, dass es sich bei dem Rudbeckia-AGP um ein saures, hochverzweigtes Typ II AGP handelt. Das isolierte AGP zeigte bei immun-pharmakologischen in vitro Untersuchungen starke Stimmulationseffekte auf die Proliferation von Milzzellen aus C3H/HeJ-, NMRI- und Balb/c-Mäusestämmen. Darüber hinaus konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Ausschüttung verschiedener Zytokine (GM-CSF, lL-6, TNF-alpha, INF-gamma), die Produktion von Immunglobulin M (IgM), sowie die Bildung des an der Fremdzellenabwehr beteiligten NO angeregt werden konnte