259 research outputs found

    Inference on Selected Population under Generalized Stein Loss Function

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    Inference on selected population is concerned with the problem of selecting the best population among the given k populations, and then doing inference on the parameter of selected population. Suppose independent random samples (Xi1,…,Xin), i=1,…,k are drawn from U(0,ϴi) population, respectively. Let Xi= max(Xi1,…,Xin) and X(1)≤X(2)≤…≤X(k) be the order statistics of X1,…,Xk. The population corresponding to largest X(k) (or the smallest X(1)) is selected and the problem of estimation the parameter ϴM (or ϴJ) of the selected population under generalized Stein loss function is considered. We obtain the Uniformly Minimum Risk Unbiased (UMRU) estimator of ϴM (and ϴJ) and show that the UMRU estimator of ϴM is inadmissible. For k=2, we derive the class of all linear admissible estimators of ϴM  and ϴJ, respectively

    Spectral Analysis of Multi-dimensional Self-similar Markov Processes

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    In this paper we consider a discrete scale invariant (DSI) process {X(t),tR+}\{X(t), t\in {\bf R^+}\} with scale l>1l>1. We consider to have some fix number of observations in every scale, say TT, and to get our samples at discrete points αk,kW\alpha^k, k\in {\bf W} where α\alpha is obtained by the equality l=αTl=\alpha^T and W={0,1,...}{\bf W}=\{0, 1,...\}. So we provide a discrete time scale invariant (DT-SI) process X()X(\cdot) with parameter space {αk,kW}\{\alpha^k, k\in {\bf W}\}. We find the spectral representation of the covariance function of such DT-SI process. By providing harmonic like representation of multi-dimensional self-similar processes, spectral density function of them are presented. We assume that the process {X(t),tR+}\{X(t), t\in {\bf R^+}\} is also Markov in the wide sense and provide a discrete time scale invariant Markov (DT-SIM) process with the above scheme of sampling. We present an example of DT-SIM process, simple Brownian motion, by the above sampling scheme and verify our results. Finally we find the spectral density matrix of such DT-SIM process and show that its associated TT-dimensional self-similar Markov process is fully specified by {RjH(1),RjH(0),j=0,1,...,T1}\{R_{j}^H(1),R_{j}^H(0),j=0, 1,..., T-1\} where RjH(τ)R_j^H(\tau) is the covariance function of jjth and (j+τ)(j+\tau)th observations of the process.Comment: 16 page

    Coronary graft patency after perioperative myocardial infarction: a study with multislice computed tomography‏

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    A total of 55 consecutive patients who experienced perioperative myocardial infarction (MI) after coronary artery bypass grafting were studied using multislice computed tomography (MSCT) angiography to evaluate for graft patency. The MSCT detected acute graft occlusion in 23% grafts. Of the 55 patients, 40% patients had occluded grafts and perioperative MI in the area of the grafted vessels; remaining 60% had patent grafts with infarction in the area of the grafted vessels. Compared with the patients with patent grafts, those with occluded grafts had a higher blood sugar level. In addition, graft occlusion was higher in grafts with severe distal disease. Among the patients with patent grafts, luminal stenosis of the native vessels supplying the infarcted myocardium was higher than that in the native vessels supplying the non-infarcted myocardium. In conclusion, MSCT is feasible for the assessment of graft patency in the setting of perioperative MI. Graft occlusion is detected in less than half of the cases and usually occurs in the grafts with severe distal involvement and the patients with uncontrolled hyperglycemia. In patients with patent grafts, the severity of luminal stenosis of the native grafted vessel is the main predisposing factor for perioperative MI

    Second generation of HIV surveillance system: A pattern for IRAN

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    Background: For the purpose of minimizing the HIV/AIDS epidemic effects, one of the programs is the promotion of scientific methods and setting of the suitable surveillance systems. The present research was conducted to design the HIV/AIDS surveillance system in Iran applying WHO recommendations and the experience of some countries. Methods: In 2009, based on the country's requirements, the HIV/AIDS surveillance system was proposed and designed for Iran. The Delphi technique was utilized to find the views of experts. Data analysis was conducted based on a comparison of the attributes of the HIV/AIDS surveillance systems in the countries under consideration using a descriptive and theoretical analysis. Results: The model was approved obtaining the final score of 36.3 out of 44, viz 82.5. Conclusion: Designing and performing of the HIV/AIDS surveillance pattern in the direction of "second generation of HIV/AIDS surveillance" can be considered as an important step in the improvement of the patient's control and precaution of HIV/AIDS. © Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal

    The development of mouse early embryos in vitro in fibroblasts and cumulus cells co-cultures supplemented with retinoic acid

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    This study was designed to examine the effects of retinoic acid adding to cumulus and/or fibroblast cells monolayer on the development of mouse early embryos. One-cell mouse embryos were obtained from NMRI mice after superovulation by an intraperitoneal injection of 5 IU equine chorionic gonadotrophin (eCG) followed 48 hrs later by 5 IU human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). Mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF) were obtained from mouse fetuses and cumulus cells (CC) were prepared from mouse cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs). To produce monolayer of cumulus and fibroblast cells, 1.0 × 105 cells/ml were plated into culture dishes in 100 μl droplets. The collected mouse embryos were cultured randomly into six different conditions, being supplemented (experiment, Exp) or not (control, Con) with 0.28 μg/ml of retinol acetate methyl-β-cyclodextrin (RA) for 96 hrs at 37°C in 5% CO2 in air, including: (1) culture media only (Con 1); (2) culture media plus RA (Exp 1); (3) co-culture with CC (Con 2); (4) co-culture with CC plus RA (Exp 2); (5) co-culture with MEF (Con 3) and (6) co-culture with MEF plus RA (Exp 3). The culture medium was Alpha Modification of Minimum Essential Medium Eagle (α-MEM) + 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) with 100 IU/ml penicillin and 100 μg/ml streptomycin. The proportions of embryos passing the two-cell block were significantly higher in the MEF (Con 3) group compared to the other treatment groups (P<0.05). The percentage of the two-cell passed embryos developing to the blastocyst stage was significantly higher in the co-culture groups than that of the culture medium alone (P<0.05). After 96 hrs in culture, the rate of blastocyst stage for both groups of CC co-culture treatment (Con 2 and Exp 2) was identical but, adding RA into the MEF co-culture (Exp 3) resulted significantly lower in vitro development than that of the Con 3 group (29.2% vs. 57.7%, P<0.05). These results suggest that supplementation of co-culture groups with RA could not affect the embryos passing the block and developing to the blastocyst stage, although the presence of RA into the culture medium alone may improve passing the critical two-cell stage. Also, in vitro addition of RA to cells without receptors for retinol during long term co-culture may result early embryonic growth retardation

    Antifungal activity in vitro of aqueous and total flavnoids extracts of plant myrtus communis L. against two pathogenically important fungi, Saprolegnia and Fusarrium isolated from rainbow trout eggs

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    In the present study, the efficiency of the flavonoid and aqueous extracts of M. communis L. tree leaves, a recognized Iranian medicinal plant, were assessed in vitro on the growth of isolated fungi, Saprolegnia and Fusarrium using the agar disc and well diffusion methods in flat-bottom microplates in the presence of various extract concentrations. The isolated fungi were sampled from the fertilized eggs of rainbow trout fish incubation farms. The leaves were collected from the natural habitats of the province of Chaharmahal-o-Bakhtiary in the earlysummer and extrcation took place through maceration methods with water solvent as well as by flavonoid extraction methods with methanol solvent. During the succeeding trials, the antifungal effects of the flavonoid extracts (by the disk diffusion method) and the aqueous extracts (by the well diffusion method) against isolated Saprolegnia were revealed by MFC (Minimum Fatal Concentration) values 50 and 100 mg/ml, respectively. The only effect of the methanolic and aqueous extracts of M. communis leaves revealed the in vitro inhibiting effect on the growth of isolated Fusarium by MIC values 25 and 12.5 mg/ml, in disc diffusion and well diffusion methods, respectively. The antifungal effects obtained by the extracts had more effective aspects on isolated Saprolegnias in comparison to Fusariums. The results of the study indicate that M. communis could be considered as a potential candidate for designing effective antifungal extracts suitable for the treatment of the fish eggs fungal infections

    Effect of modafinil administration on the level of consciousness in patients with brain injuries of moderate severity

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    Background: With regards to the importance of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and its high incidence rate in Iran as well as its severe consequences, it is important to determine the safety and efficiency of modafinil to increase the level of consciousness in hospitalized TBI patients. Methods: This double-blind randomized controlled trial was done during 2016. Sixty patients with TBI and moderate GCS score between 9 and 13 had the inclusion criteria and entered the study and were divided into two groups. Patients in the treatment group received 200 mg of modafinil once a day and the control group received the placebo. Overall, 24 hours after admission, defined as base day, modafinil was prescribed for 196 hours after admission and GCS scores were recorded: this period was defined as the last day. Level of consciousness in both treatment and control groups was assessed by the GCS score. Data were analyzed by SPSS version 21 software using the independent t-test with intention-to-treat approach. Results: Among 60 patients, there were 34 (56.66) males and 26 (43) females; 45 (75) survived. The ITT analysis was employed to assess changes in the level of consciousness (LOC) after prescribing modafinil and placebo. Based on the findings, modafinil prescription was not associated with significant differences in LoC in the first time period (24 hours after) and the last day (196 hours) (P > 0.05). Conclusions: Prescribing modafinil was not associated with significant changes in LoC in comparison with the placebo. Copyright © 2018, Author(s)

    Effect of folic acid and zinc sulphate on endocrine parameters and seminal antioxidant level after varicocelectomy

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    Varicocele is among the most common problems which may lead to male infertility. Spermatogenesis is impaired as a consequence of this vascular defect, through mechanisms that are not well described. This study aimed to evaluate serum hormonal level (inhibin B, FSH and testosterone) and seminal plasma antioxidant defence levels after folic acid and zinc sulphate administration in varicocelectomised patients. Participants were randomly allocated to four experimental groups. Our randomisation schedule was as follows: zinc sulphate/ folic acid, folic acid, zinc sulphate and placebo. The patients underwent varicocelectomy, before which a blood and semen sample were obtained and also three and six months after varicocelectomy for evaluation of blood hormonal level (FSH, testosterone, inhibin B) and seminal oxidative stress status (nitric oxide, superoxide dismutase, total antioxidant capacity). Patients in different groups took orally one capsule per day after dinner following varicocelectomy for 6 months. A significant rise in peripheral blood inhibin B and seminal plasma activity was detected in the zinc sulphate/folic acid group after 6 months. The present clinical trial indicates a change in the hormonal status of varicocelectomised patients following long-term administration of zinc sulphate and folic acid