7 research outputs found

    Transformation of labour relations in the field of education during military conflicts (International experience)

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    Ongoing military conflicts necessitate changes in the regulation of labor relations in the education sector. Normal labor laws are partially disregarded during this period due to special wartime acts. Many education workers and students, who have become refugees, are seeking employment and opportunities to continue their education. Host countries should make effective decisions to improve labor relations in this field. The research employed forecasting, observation, and legal modulation as methodological tools. The EU aims to integrate Ukrainian education workers, including refugees and those seeking legal protection, into the education systems of member states. Efforts are made to simplify employment procedures, recognize professional qualifications, and offer additional educational specializations. Poland's experience demonstrates the possibility of swift development and implementation of legislative initiatives to employ Ukrainian education workers in Polish institutions. The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), functioning as an ENIC-NARIC center, facilitates recognition and internationalization of higher education, assisting with the recognition of Ukrainian qualifications in Poland. Poland's legislative initiatives in transforming labor relations in the education sector amid the conflict in Ukraine can serve as an example for other nations. Ukraine has developed and implemented necessary components of legal regulation for labor relations in the studied area during martial law

    The New Public Management paradigm as a further interaction of the public and private sectors

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of the development of the paradigm of the new public management on improving the efficiency of the public administration system; the need to use the basic principles of theory in the practice of public administration; the state's opportunities to benefit from strengthening cooperation between the public and private sectors

    Features of explication "Practice": : Between Ukrainian Soviet and Chinese Marxism

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    The article carries out a comprehensive comparative analysis of the understanding of "practice" in the context of thinkers of two directions of Marxism – Ukrainian-Soviet and Chinese philosophers. When examining the concept of "practice" in Ukrainian Soviet Marxism, the work of the following domestic thinkers is studied: P. Kopnin, V. Shynkaruk, V. Tabachkovskyi, V. Ivanov, O. Yatsenko. It is substantiated that domestic thinkers in the 60s and 80s of the XX century. focused their attention on practice not so much in the epistemological or socio-philosophical content, but in the anthropological and existential one. According to most of them, practice is not so much the opposite of theory, but a fundamental principle of consideration of all scientific and theoretical problems through the prism of their humanistic content, which allows us to realize the connection of theoretical knowledge with all the variety of ways of mastering a person. being, reveals the essence of knowledge as a cultural phenomenon. The work "On Practice" by Mao Zedong is analyzed, which reveals the prospect of further understanding of the researched concept within the framework of Chinese Marxism. In particular, he singles out two key aspects of the explanation of "practice": epistemological and political-philosophical. Therefore, Marxism in China is used to solve its problems and transform the rich practical experience of the state into theory, as well as in combination with Chinese history and unique Chinese traditional culture

    Priority areas for development of scientific research: domestic and foreign experience

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    The collective monograph describes the priority areas for development of scientific research: domestic and foreign experience. The general issues of economic theory and history, economics and business management, finance and tax policy, modern management, public management and administration, etc. are considered. The publication is intended for scholars, teachers, postgraduate students, and students, as well as a wide readership

    The Role of Trade Unions in the Development of the Aerospace Industry

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    The development of society in the direction of space exploration makes its own adjustments to the development of trade unions. A new system of social partnership is being created in society, in which individualized forms of labor use are dominated. It became possible to establish direct informal contacts between employers and employees. In fact, modern labor relations do not provide for mediation services that have historically been performed by trade unions. However, the activities of trade unions have gone beyond the narrow framework of the previously inherent to them functions of protecting the interests and rights of employees. Trade unions have become a social institution that provides a balance of social and economic interests of employees and employers. In the article, the authors proved that, reflecting the interests of civil society on the transition from planetary to space activities, the unions of the aerospace industry had changed the format of their activities: 1) the educational function became the priority function of trade unions of the aerospace industry, which oriented the work of trade unions towards continuous staff development; 2) the qualified personnel was in need of special working conditions and protection. In order to preserve qualified personnel in the aerospace industry, trade unions with a complex of institutional, infrastructural and legislative measures had to ensure the most favorable working conditions and their protectio

    Democracy Backsliding as a Danger of Sustainable Development in the Post-Pandemic Period: Social and Legal aspects of Decision

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    The article considers topical issues of the threat of collapse of democracy. Examples of the democracy collapse have shown the lack of free and fair elections in the world, which threatens the independence of the judiciary, restrictions on the right to freedom of speech, which limits the ability of the political opposition to challenge the government, to prosecute, to offer alternatives to the regime. The collapse of democracy in connection with the spread of COVID-19 is being considered, as the democratic spectrum has repeatedly resorted to excessive control, discriminatory restrictions on freedoms such as movement and assembly, and arbitrary or coercive coercion. Attention is drawn to the fact that the outbreak of coronavirus COVID-19 has led to the introduction in all countries of restrictions on the rights and freedoms of the individual in order to prevent the spread of this infectious disease, declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization. Thus, the unusual nature of the COVID - 19 coronavirus pandemic poses numerous dilemmas to the public, governments, parliaments, the judiciary, law enforcement and many other actors when it comes to the need for effective protection of health and, ultimately, human life, as well as adherence to and ensuring the fundamental democratic principles of man and society

    When Does the State Disappear? (in Memory of Rudolf Kjellen)

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    Geopolitical tensions in the world are recognised as the first in the list of threats to the progress and potential of the 21st century. It is impossible to understand the essence of this geopolitical tension without clarifying the semantics of the adjective “geopolitical”, which, in turn, requires elucidation of the meaning of the concept of geopolitics, as outlined by its author – Swedish historian Rudolf Kjellen. The occasion of appealing to the figure of this researcher can be considered the fulfilment in 2021 of 105 years since the publication of his fundamental work “The State as a Living Organism.” Namely: why R. Kjellen is talking about the “immortality of territorial domination” as opposed to the “perishability of the state”; whether digital technologies cancel “immortality of territorial domination” and, accordingly, geopolitics are abolished; which is hidden behind calls to abandon geopolitics as some “scientific nonsense.” It is concluded that, first, in light of R. Kjellen 's doctrine of the state, the latter is doomed to destruction in case of refusal to build its own system of “territorial domination” in favour of another state, which, of course, does so in view of ensuring its own self-preservation and its own viability