205 research outputs found

    Impact of social capital on flexible work organisation models: comparative study of european countries

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    The present economic context is heavily marked by a global crisis without precedents. Facing this constraint, companies feel pressured to undertake even greater efforts in order to optimize available resources. Work organisation is one of the mechanisms that managers use to align human resources with that kind of constraints and, thus, develop a better response to the market. Organisational literature shows that flexible and decentralized work organisation models are better suited to this need. These models stress the importance of human resources in promoting a flexible organization capable of change and adapt to market contingencies. This perspective can be seen on the adoption of participation, decentralization of the decision process and information, cooperation among workers through the implementation of working teams. The characteristics of human resources, namely their social and technical skills, knowledge and their ability to learn new things, are frequently pointed out as a key factor for the success of these models. The main goal of this paper is to understand the role of human and social capital for the success of flexible organisation practices. In order to accomplish this goal, it is developed an analysis of European countries from 1990 to 2005, using data from World Values Survey (WVS) and European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS).Work Organisation; HPWS; Social Capital; Europe

    Vanishing Points: David Lamelas and his search for an unimaginable practice in the aesthetic sphere

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    David Lamelas es un artista clave del arte conceptual. Participó en muchos de los hitos de esta Neo-vanguardia (Information, MoMA, 1970 y Documenta, 1972) y, sin embargo, su obra todavía es relativamente desconocida. Tal vez porque nunca se le ha identificado con un contexto concreto (ha vivido en Buenos Aires, Londres, Los Ángeles…) o quizá porque la apariencia de su obra ha cambiado radicalmente en sus distintas fases. Este texto argumenta la centralidad de Lamelas en el conceptual planteando la hipótesis de que la “fuga” es una de las líneas transversales de su trabajo: el tropo que adopta la relación entre presencia y ausencia en su obra. A partir de una investigación que echa mano de documentación inédita, así como de entrevistas con el artista, se trata de analizar las relaciones entre su biografía y su obra. El resultado es un texto que repasa catorce proyectos del periodo 1965-2000David Lamelas is a key artist of conceptual art. He took part in many important exhibitions of this Neo Avant- Garde (Information, MoMA, 1970; Documenta V, 1972). However, his work is still relatively unknown - either because he has never been identified with a particular context (living in Buenos Aires, London, Los Angeles…), or because the formal appearance of his work has changed radically throughout its different periods. This paper argues Lamelas centrality in the context of conceptual art, out of the hypothesis of the “fugue” being one of the main subjects in his practice: the trope which the relation between presence and absence adopts in his art. This research is based on unpublished documentation, as well as interviews with the artist himself. It attempts to analyze the connections between his life and his work. The outcome is a survey of 14 projects from the period 1965-200


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    El objetivo general del trabajo de investigación” Análisis e interpretación de los estados financieros para evaluar la correcta toma de decisiones de la empresa Inversiones Peter Edén SAC, de los años 2015 – 2016” fue analizar e interpretar los estados financieros para evaluar una correcta toma de decisión y así poder demostrar la situación actual en la que se encuentra la empresa con el fin de ayudar a los ejecutivos a tomar decisiones correctas en las inversiones, para ello se empleó un diseño descriptivo no experimental. Se utilizó un método descriptivo, estadístico, de análisis – síntesis, y para este trabajo de investigación se aplicó las técnicas de investigación “encuesta” y “entrevista” como instrumento de investigación. Como resultado de la investigación se vio reflejado que para evaluar los estados financieros carece de falta de análisis e interpretación con el fin de poder evaluar y tomar decisiones eficientes para la empresa, que permita crear o emplear estrategias y mecanismos orientados a mejorar el crecimiento de la empresa.Tesi

    Resistencia a compresión del concreto f’c=210kg/cm² a mayor tiempo de curado que 28 días, utilizando agregados de la cantera del río Chonta, 2016

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    RESUMEN El concreto es uno de los materiales más usados en nuestro medio local y se sabe que este material aumenta su resistencia con el paso del tiempo. La presente investigación tiene por finalidad determinar la variación de la resistencia a la compresión de las probetas de concreto diseñadas con un f’c = 210 kg/cm², elaboradas mediante el método ACI, utilizando para esto agregados de la cantera del río Chonta en un periodo posterior al de 28 días de curado (edad en la que alcanza el 100% de su resistencia); cabe recalcar que el tipo de curado que se utilizó es el curado de tipo “inmersión”. Lo que se realizó fueron probetas estándar de concreto con el método ACI, con los agregados de la “cantera del río Chonta”, para lo cual primero se tuvo que determinar las propiedades físicas, tanto del agregado grueso (Ag), como del agregado fino (Af). Posteriormente se realizó el diseño de mezcla con el método ACI para luego elaborar las probetas de concreto. Luego se las dejó curar y se las ensayó obteniendo los siguientes resultados; a los 28 días (muestra patrón) de 209.76 Kg/cm² equivalente al 100%; a los 35 días de 217.35 Kg/cm² equivalente a 103.62%; a los 42 días de 219.04 Kg/cm² equivalente a 104.42%; a los 49 días de 220.04 Kg/cm² equivalente a 104.90%; y a los 56 días de 220.22 Kg/cm² equivalente a 104.99%. Con esto se pudo validar la hipótesis planteada.ABSTRACT Concrete is one of the most commonly used materials in our local environment and it is known that this material increases its resistance over time. This research aims to determine the variation of the compressive strength of concrete specimens designed with fc = 210 kg / cm², developed by ACI method, using this quarry aggregates in a river Chonta later than 28 days cure (age at which reaches 100% of its strength) period; it should be emphasized that the type of curing used is curing type "immersion". What was done was standard concrete specimens with ACI method with aggregates "quarry of Chonta River," for which first had to determine the physical properties of both the coarse aggregate (Ag) as fine aggregate (Af). Subsequently the mix design was performed with the ACI method and then formulate concrete specimens. Then he left them and heal the rehearsed with the following results; 28 days (standard sample) of 209.76 Kg / cm² equivalent to 100%; 35 days of 217.35 Kg / cm² equivalent to 103.62%; 42 days of 219.04 Kg / cm² equivalent to 104.42%; at 49 days of 220.04 Kg / cm² equivalent to 104.90%; and at 56 days of 220.22 Kg / cm² equivalent to 104.99%. With this might validate the hypothesis

    Metodología para el desarrollo de documentales para proyectos ESPOL

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    La falta de sistemas mediante los cuales se proyecte una imagen entendible y atractiva a los posibles clientes y entes de la sociedad, justifica la elaboración de esta metodología de diseño para los proyectos que desarrolla ESPOL. Ésta, consiste en la elaboración de una serie de pasos acoplados a una metodología que permita en lo actual y futuro desarrollar proyectos de tipo documental para la presentación de los diversos proyectos de ESPOL. Para mostrar los proyectos de ESPOL, generalmente se utilizan productos estáticos como son presentaciones en PowerPoint, documentos impresos y en algunos casos productos multimedia. A través de una obra de carácter audiovisual, como un documental se pueden abarcar lados más humanos que por su baso extremadamente tecnológica talvez un multimedia no pueda presentar. Como base fundamental del desarrollo de este tema de tópico fue importante determinar los objetivos a lograr, además de la implementación de diversas etapas que permitieron llevar a feliz término este proyecto; desde la preproducción, pasando por la producción y finalizando con la postproducción. Para darle tangibilidad a esta metodología y probar de forma eficaz su funcionamiento, se escogió como proyecto piloto a los Proyectos MIDI desarrollados por EDCOM (Escuela de Diseño y Comunicación Visual). Dentro del cual se sustentó con una base audiovisual la cronología de este proyecto junto los principales ejes con los que se trabaja y sus expectativas futuras. Como resultado se obtuvo un atractivo documental el cual fue realizado en su totalidad en ESPOL con el equipamiento e infraestructura del EDCOM quedando las bases sentadas para que en futuras promociones se pueda plasmar esta misma base metodológica en varios proyectos de ESPOL

    QUBO.jl: A Julia Ecosystem for Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization

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    We present QUBO.jl, an end-to-end Julia package for working with QUBO (Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization) instances. This tool aims to convert a broad range of JuMP problems for straightforward application in many physics and physics-inspired solution methods whose standard optimization form is equivalent to the QUBO. These methods include quantum annealing, quantum gate-circuit optimization algorithms (Quantum Optimization Alternating Ansatz, Variational Quantum Eigensolver), other hardware-accelerated platforms, such as Coherent Ising Machines and Simulated Bifurcation Machines, and more traditional methods such as simulated annealing. Besides working with reformulations, QUBO.jl allows its users to interface with the aforementioned hardware, sending QUBO models in various file formats and retrieving results for subsequent analysis. QUBO.jl was written as a JuMP / MathOptInterface (MOI) layer that automatically maps between the input and output frames, thus providing a smooth modeling experience

    Reconfiguración de la forma urbana de centralidades tradicionales en Bogotá. Caso: proyecto centro de Fontibón

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    El propósito de este Trabajo Final de Maestría consiste en demostrar como por medio del proyecto urbano se pueden intervenir los centros tradicionales periféricos de Bogotá en éste caso el centro de Fontibón; ofreciendo nuevas herramientas cualitativas para reconfigurar y renovar los espacios representativos de éstas piezas urbanas, integrando éste centro con su contexto (Bogotá y la sabana), caracterizado por ser un elemento aislado producto de los cambios ocurridos a mitad del siglo XX, el cual yuxtapuso un tejido rectangular tradicional con otros tejidos de origen espontáneo, mostrando una desarticulación espacial y formal de éste centro con el territorio.Abstract. The purpose of this Master's Final Work consists of demonstrating how through the urban project can intervene in traditional peripheral centers of Bogotá, in this case the center of Fontibón: offering new qualitative tools to reconfigure and renew the representative spaces of these urban pieces, integrating this center, characterized by be an outlying element product of the changes, these occurred to half of the 20th century, which juxtaposed a traditional rectangular tissue “fabric” with others spontaneous origin’s tissues, showing a spatial and formal disarticulation of this center with the territory.Maestrí

    Analysis of motivation towards sports practice in students of Primary Education in Galicia. A descriptive study

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    The current technological revolution has benefited the development of the human being. However, sedentary lifestyle has increased, and consequently, health problems, such as childhood obesity. The combination of physical activity with appropriate educational strategies are the most effective tools to fight against childhood obesity. But it is necessary to take into account the motivation towards the practice of physical exercise to generate the necessary adherence to generate healthy lifestyles and increase the effectiveness of the programs. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the reasons for sports practice of students in grades 5 and 6 of Primary Education according to gender and age in 4 Galician schools. 163 students between 10 and 12 years old, of which 80 were boys (49.07%) and 83 girls (50.07%) covered the questionnaire of the Self-Report of Motives for the Practice of Physical Exercise (AMPEF) and the results obtained showed differences statistically significant in the gender factor in weight and body image (p = .022), competition (p < .001), muscular strength and endurance (p = .001) and health urgency (p = .037). Schoolchildren show a motivation for the practice of activity influenced by weight and body image, competition, muscular strength and endurance, these motivations being greater in boys, and the urgency of health in girls

    Impact of social capital on flexible work organisation models: comparative study of european countries

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    The present economic context is heavily marked by a global crisis without precedents. Facing this constraint, companies feel pressured to undertake even greater efforts in order to optimize available resources. Work organisation is one of the mechanisms that managers use to align human resources with that kind of constraints and, thus, develop a better response to the market. Organisational literature shows that flexible and decentralized work organisation models are better suited to this need. These models stress the importance of human resources in promoting a flexible organization capable of change and adapt to market contingencies. This perspective can be seen on the adoption of participation, decentralization of the decision process and information, cooperation among workers through the implementation of working teams. The characteristics of human resources, namely their social and technical skills, knowledge and their ability to learn new things, are frequently pointed out as a key factor for the success of these models. The main goal of this paper is to understand the role of human and social capital for the success of flexible organisation practices. In order to accomplish this goal, it is developed an analysis of European countries from 1990 to 2005, using data from World Values Survey (WVS) and European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS)

    Resource Allocation for Cooperative Transmission in Optical Wireless Cellular Networks With Illumination Requirements

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    This work has been partially funded by the Spanish MECD FPU fellowship program granted to the author Borja Genovés Guzmán, the Catalan Government under Grant 2017-SGR-1479, and the Spanish Government under the national project ’TERESA-ADA’ with ID no. TEC2017-90093-C3-2-R and TEC2017-90093-C3-1-R (MINECO/AEI/FEDER, UE)