1,095 research outputs found

    Measurements design and phenomena discrimination

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    The construction of measurements suitable for discriminating signal components produced by phenomena of different types is considered. The required measurements should be capable of cancelling out those signal components which are to be ignored when focusing on a phenomenon of interest. Under the hypothesis that the subspaces hosting the signal components produced by each phenomenon are complementary, their discrimination is accomplished by measurements giving rise to the appropriate oblique projector operator. The subspace onto which the operator should project is selected by nonlinear techniques in line with adaptive pursuit strategies

    Constructive approximations to the q=1/2 maximum entropy distribution from redundant and noisy data

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    An approach adopted to consider the problem of constructing the q=1/2 maximum entropy distribution from redundant and noisy data was discussed. The advantage of this generalized approach, when dealing with very noisy data was illustrated by a numerical simulation. A strategy was proposed that evolved through different steps such as independent constraints were first preselected by recourse to a data independent technique. A backward approach was also proposed for reducing the parameters of such distributions. It was found that the sub-optimal strategies could be utilized in a broad range of situations

    On the truncation of the harmonic oscillator wavepacket

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    We present an interesting result regarding the implication of truncating the wavepacket of the harmonic oscillator. We show that disregarding the non-significant tails of a function which is the superposition of eigenfunctions of the harmonic oscillator has a remarkable consequence: namely, there exist infinitely many different superpositions giving rise to the same function on the interval. Uniqueness, in the case of a wavepacket, is restored by a postulate of quantum mechanics

    Contribución al estudio litológico de los materiales empleados en monumentos de Córdoba de distintas épocas

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    En este trabajo se estudian los diferentes tipos de materiales de construcción en monumentos de Córdoba durante distintas épocas y culturas. Se han utilizado las técnicas habituales para la determinación mineralógica, química , petroestructural, etc. Los materiales más empleados son las biocalcarenitas del Mioceno. También se han empleado calizas cámbricas, calizas del Titónico, mármoles, granitos, esquistos, ladrillos, tierra prensada, etc. Se citan algunos monumentos realizados en las épocas: romana, árabe, s. XIII al XIX y s. XX.This work studies the different types of construction materials in monuments in Cordova during different eras and cultures. Usual techniques have been used to determine mineralogical, chemical and petrostructural elements, etc. The most used materials are biocalcarenites from the Miocene period. Other materials include Cambrian limestone, Tithonian limestone, marble, granite, slate, bricks, pressed earth, etc. Monuments are cited from Roman and Arabic eras, and from the 8th to the 19th and 20th century

    Solvent Extraction Reagent Entrainment Effects On Zinc Electrowinning From Waste Oxide Leach Solutions

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    A considerable quantity of metal-containing waste oxide is generated by the primary metal industry, and under increased environmental regulation, treatment of these wastes has become viable. Hydrometallurgical processing is often appropriate and one potential treatment process for zinc oxide wastes involves leaching the oxide with an acid, purifying by a solvent extraction operation, and recovering metallic zinc by electrowinning the purified leach solution. The purification stage is frequently critical and the introduction of a solvent extraction organic reagent into the flowsheet can be detrimental to downstream processes. The object of this study was to determine the effect of organics, entrained during solution purification, on the zinc electrowinning efficiency. Zinc solvent extraction / electrowinning studies were made using di-2-ethylhexyl phosphoric acid (D2EHPA), diluted with kerosene, as the organic extractant. The stripping of the zinc from the organic phase was achieved using spent electrolyte solution. Multiple stages of zinc solvent extraction tests were performed to produce a strong acid electrolyte suitable for electrowinning tests. The entrainment of the organic extractant, from the solvent extraction stage, in the loaded spent electrolyte was found to significantly affect the current efficiency, and to change the zinc deposit morphology and orientation with concurrent modifications to the polarization behavior of the system being noted. Purification of the contaminated electrolyte with activated carbon improved the current efficiency and deposit morphology and decreased the polarization to acceptable levels. The conclusions are that the detrimental effects of entrained organic can be eliminated, and that solvent extraction processing is a viable method for the treatment of zinc containing waste oxides. © 1992

    From cardinal spline wavelet bases to highly coherent dictionaries

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    Wavelet families arise by scaling and translations of a prototype function, called the mother wavelet. The construction of wavelet bases for cardinal spline spaces is generally carried out within the multi-resolution analysis scheme. Thus, the usual way of increasing the dimension of the multi-resolution subspaces is by augmenting the scaling factor. We show here that, when working on a compact interval, the identical effect can be achieved without changing the wavelet scale but reducing the translation parameter. By such a procedure we generate a redundant frame, called a dictionary, spanning the same spaces as a wavelet basis but with wavelets of broader support. We characterize the correlation of the dictionary elements by measuring their 'coherence' and produce examples illustrating the relevance of highly coherent dictionaries to problems of sparse signal representation

    Comparative Analysis of a Transition Region Bright Point with a Blinker and Coronal Bright Point Using Multiple EIS Emission Lines

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    Since their discovery twenty year ago, transition region bright points (TRBPs) have never been observed spectroscopically. Bright point properties have not been compared with similar transition region and coronal structures. In this work we have investigated three transient quiet Sun brightenings including a TRBP, a coronal BP (CBP) and a blinker. We use time-series observations of the extreme ultraviolet emission lines of a wide range of temperature T (log T = 5.3 - 6.4) from the EUV imaging spectrometer (EIS) onboard the Hinode satellite. We present the EIS temperature maps and Doppler maps, which are compared with magnetograms from the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) onboard the SOHO satellite. Doppler velocities of the TR BP and blinker are <,25 km s1^{-1}, which is typical of transient TR phenomena. The Dopper velocities of the CBP were found to be < 20 km s^{-1} with exception of those measured at log T = 6.2 where a distinct bi-directional jet is observed. From an EM loci analysis we find evidence of single and double isothermal components in the TRBP and CBP, respectively. TRBP and CBP loci curves are characterized by broad distributions suggesting the existence of unresolved structure. By comparing and contrasting the physical characteristics of the events we find the BP phenomena are an indication of multi-scaled self similarity, given similarities in both their underlying magnetic field configuration and evolution in relation to EUV flux changes. In contrast, the blinker phenomena and the TRBP are sufficiently dissimilar in their observed properties as to constitute different event classes. Our work indicates that the measurement of similar characteristics across multiple event types holds class-predictive power, and is a significant step towards automated solar atmospheric multi-class classification of unresolved transient EUV sources.Comment: 38 pages, 16 figure

    A competitive scheme for storing sparse representation of X-Ray medical images

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    A competitive scheme for economic storage of the informational content of an X-Ray image, as it can be used for further processing, is presented. It is demonstrated that sparse representation of that type of data can be encapsulated in a small file without affecting the quality of the recovered image. The proposed representation, which is inscribed within the context of data reduction, provides a format for saving the image information in a way that could assist methodologies for analysis and classification. The competitiveness of the resulting file is compared against the compression standards JPEG and JPEG200

    Biocalcarenites as construction materials in Santa Marina de Aguas Santas Church at Cordoba, Spain

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    Para la caracterización litológica y determinación del grado de alteración de los materiales pétreos se han empleado las siguientes técnicas: difracción de rayos X (método del polvo), microscopía petrográfica (sobre lámina delgada) y microscopía de barrido con EDS (energía dispersiva de rayos X), para determinar la composición química. El estado de degradación del material pétreo se ha cuantificado a partir del índice químico de alteración (CIW). Se han realizado cartografías sobre la fachada oeste: a) de las litologías presentes y b) de los diferentes tipos de alteración observados. La comparación de muestras del edificio con las de antiguas canteras ha permitido identificar la del Naranjo como la posible cantera de origen.This study consisted in characterizing the materials used to build Santa Marina de Aguas Santas Church at Cordoba and locating the original quarries. The techniques used in the lithological and chemical characterization included XRD, petrographic microscopy and electron dispersive scanning microscopy. The chemical index of weathering (CIW) was used to quantify the state of stone decay. The lithology and different types of alterations observed were mapped. A comparison of the material on the building to ancient quarries identified “Naranjo” as the possible site where the stone was originally quarried