383 research outputs found

    The Role of Felt or Enacted Criticism in Parents' Decision Making in Differing Contexts and Communities : Toward a Formal Grounded Theory

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    Felt or enacted criticism was identified as a significant influence on White British parents' decision making during acute childhood illness in a substantive grounded theory "Containing acute childhood illness within family life." These parents sought to avoid further criticism, sometimes leading to delayed consultation. Using Glaserian grounded theory principles, we conducted a secondary analysis of data from three studies, to establish the transferability and modifiability of the original theory to other settings and communities in Ireland and England. Felt or enacted criticism was found to operate across the childhood age range, social groups, and settings. Parent's strategies to avoid criticism reduced contacts with health professionals, access to support and, more worryingly, communication about their child's health. These findings demonstrate the wider applicability, or "work" in Glaser's terms, of the concept in the English speaking Western world. Findings indicate the need for nurses to identify and mitigate sources of criticism

    How to protect your new-born from neonatal death: Infant feeding and medical practices in the Gambia

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    Since the 1990s, the reduction of under-five child-mortality has been a priority for the WHO (Millennium Development Goal 4). In the last two decades, the greatest reduction has occurred in children older than 1 month, while neonatal mortality (the first 28 days of life) has declined more slowly. Neonatal deaths, estimated at approximately 4 million annually, now account for more than 40% of deaths worldwide. Bacterial infections are the leading cause of neonatal deaths. Although risk factors for community and hospital based infections potentially leading to neonatal sepsis are well researched, local people's childcare practices in the neonatal phase are poorly understood by clinicians and biomedical researchers. This paper is based on ethnographic research on neonatal caring practices in rural Gambia. We show that many practices centre on protecting the newborn from sicknesses that are believed to be caused by spirits and other supernatural inflictions. Other caring and nourishing practices are performed to enhance the baby's physical, cognitive and moral development making him/her a full member of the community

    Placing the Monocots: Conflicting Signal from Trigenomic Analyses

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    Despite recent significant advances in understanding angiosperm phylogeny, the position of monocots remains uncertain. We present here a phylogeny inferred from four genes that unambiguously unite monocots with eumagnoliids. A well-supported position for the monocots was obtained only after we replaced the available nuclear 18S rDNA sequence data with data from phytochrome C in a matrix that also included plastid rbcL and ndhF and mitochondrial atp1. Over 5000 base pairs of sequence data from 42 taxa were analyzed using Bayesian inference. The results of these analyses united monocots with the eumagnoliids in a well-supported clade. Although the substitution of phytochrome C for 18S data led to a highly supported position for the monocots, comparison with more densely sampled single-gene studies revealed conflict among data sets. This indicates that larger data sets from each genome should be explored explicitly to evaluate the position of the monocots, and that each of these larger data sets also should be investigated for insight into potential sources of conflict

    Estratégias de enfermeiros para a vigilância à saúde da criança

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    Objetivo: apreender as estratégias impulsionadas por enfermeiros no contexto da vigilância à saúde da criança, relevantes ao desenvolvimento na primeira infância. Método: estudo qualitativo, com análise temática indutiva dos dados, fundamentado nos princípios conceituais da vigilância à saúde da criança, a partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas gravadas com enfermeiras brasileiras que atuam com famílias, no âmbito da atenção primária à saúde. Resultados: as estratégias das enfermeiras a favor da vigilância à saúde da criança focam em ações que se antecipam aos danos com acompanhamento contínuo e monitorização de indicadores de saúde. O processo de crescimento e desenvolvimento da criança é a base para respostas e benefícios à saúde, conexão com o cotidiano das famílias, busca ativa, articulações entre profissionais e serviços, acesso a cuidado abrangente, ações intrínsecas entre promoção, prevenção e seguimento da saúde. Conclusão: as ações em vigilância à saúde da criança, que os enfermeiros realizam com e junto às famílias, envolvem compartilhamento de saberes, favorecem a resolutividade, incrementam os indicadores de saúde infantil e estreitam relações entre saúde e direitos da criança, as quais sustentam a promoção do desenvolvimento na primeira infância.Objective: to appreciate the strategies promoted by nurses in the context of child health surveillance relevant to early childhood development. Method: this is a qualitative study with an inductive thematic analysis of the data, based on the conceptual principles of child health surveillance, and developed through semi-structured interviews with Brazilian nurses working with families in primary health care. Results: the nurses’ strategies in favor of child health surveillance focus on actions that anticipate harm with continuous follow-up and monitoring of health indicators. The process of child growth and development is the basis for responses and benefits to health, connection with the daily lives of families, active search, articulations between professionals and services, access to comprehensive care, and intrinsic actions between promotion, prevention and health follow-up. Conclusion: child health surveillance actions developed by nurses with families involve knowledge sharing, favor the resolution of problems, increase child health indicators, and strengthen the relationship between health and children’s rights, which support the promotion of development in early childhood.Objetivo: aprovechar las estrategias impulsadas por enfermeros en el contexto de la vigilancia a la salud del niño, relevantes al desarrollo en la primera infancia. Método: estudio cualitativo, con análisis temática inductiva de los datos, fundamentado en los principios conceptuales de la vigilancia a la salud del niño, a partir de entrevistas semi-estructuradas grabadas con enfermeras brasileras que actúan con familias, en el ámbito de la atención primaria a la salud. Resultados: las estrategias de las enfermeras a favor de la vigilancia a la salud del niño enfocan en acciones que se anticipan a los daños con acompañamiento continuo y monitoreo de indicadores de salud. El proceso de crecimiento y desarrollo del niño es la base para respuestas y beneficios a la salud, conexión con lo cotidiano de las familias, busca activa, articulaciones entre profesionales y servicios, acceso a cuidado completo, acciones intrínsecas entre promoción, prevención y seguimiento de la salud. Conclusión: las acciones de vigilancia a la salud del niño, que los enfermeros realizan con y junto a las familias, implican compartir saberes, favorecen la resolución, incrementan los indicadores de salud infantil y estrechan relaciones entre salud y derechos del niño, los cuales sustentan la promoción del desarrollo en la primera infancia

    Sensitivity of palaeotidal models of the northwest European shelf seas to glacial isostatic adjustment since the Last Glacial Maximum

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    AbstractThe spatial and temporal distribution of relative sea-level change over the northwest European shelf seas has varied considerably since the Last Glacial Maximum, due to eustatic sea-level rise and a complex isostatic response to deglaciation of both near- and far-field ice sheets. Because of the complex pattern of relative sea level changes, the region is an ideal focus for modelling the impact of significant sea-level change on shelf sea tidal dynamics. Changes in tidal dynamics influence tidal range, the location of tidal mixing fronts, dissipation of tidal energy, shelf sea biogeochemistry and sediment transport pathways. Significant advancements in glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) modelling of the region have been made in recent years, and earlier palaeotidal models of the northwest European shelf seas were developed using output from less well-constrained GIA models as input to generate palaeobathymetric grids. We use the most up-to-date and well-constrained GIA model for the region as palaeotopographic input for a new high resolution, three-dimensional tidal model (ROMS) of the northwest European shelf seas. With focus on model output for 1 ka time slices from the Last Glacial Maximum (taken as being 21 ka BP) to present day, we demonstrate that spatial and temporal changes in simulated tidal dynamics are very sensitive to relative sea-level distribution. The new high resolution palaeotidal model is considered a significant improvement on previous depth-averaged palaeotidal models, in particular where the outputs are to be used in sediment transport studies, where consideration of the near-bed stress is critical, and for constraining sea level index points

    Mães adolescentes, autocuidado e cuidado infantil: validação de conteúdo de um calendário histórico de eventos

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    RESUMO Objetivo: Validar o conteúdo da ferramenta Event History Calendar Mãe Adolescente: fortalecendo o autocuidado e o cuidado da criança. Método: Estudo metodológico com a técnica Delphi, realizado em duas rodadas, envolvendo 37 especialistas de enfermagem. Na coleta de dados, de dezembro/2019 a agosto/2020, foi utilizado um questionário semiestruturado composto por 47 itens relacionados às duas dimensões da ferramenta: Autocuidado e Cuidado da criança. O Índice de Validade de Conteúdo ≥ 0,80 foi utilizado para avaliar a concordância entre os especialistas. Elementos qualitativos foram analisados quanto à clareza e abrangência do conteúdo. Resultados: Na primeira rodada, 46 itens apresentaram Índice de Validade de Conteúdo ≥ 0,80. Os elementos qualitativos apontaram necessidade de maior clareza para o público adolescente. Após as alterações, a ferramenta apresentou 30 itens. Na segunda rodada, os 30 itens avaliados alcançaram Índice de Validade de Conteúdo ≥ 0,80. As considerações qualitativas foram traduzidas em modificações no conteúdo e sequência na versão final da ferramenta. Conclusão: A ferramenta validada obteve avaliação adequada dos itens de cada dimensão, relacionados ao autocuidado da mãe adolescente e cuidado da criança, com alto grau de compreensibilidade.</jats:p

    Adolescent mothers, self-care and childcare: content validation of an Event History Calendar

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    Objective: To validate the content of the tool Event History Calendar Adolescent Mother: strengthening self-care and child care. Method: Methodological study using the Delphi technique, conducted in two rounds, involving 37 nursing specialists. In data collection, from December/2019 to August/2020, a semi-structured questionnaire composed of 47 items related to the two dimensions of the tool: Self-care and Child Care was used. The Content Validity Index ≥ 0.80 was used to assess agreement among the experts. Qualitative elements were analyzed for clarity and comprehensiveness of content. Results: In the first round, 46 items showed Content Validity Index ≥ 0.80. The qualitative elements pointed out more clarity for the adolescent audience. After the changes, the tool presented 30 items. In the second round, the 30 items evaluated achieved Content Validity Index ≥ 0.80. The qualitative considerations were translated into modifications in the content and sequence in the final version of the tool. Conclusion: The validated tool obtained adequate evaluation of the items of each dimension, related to adolescent mother self-care and child care, with a high degree of comprehensibility

    An Ethnographic Study of Palliative and End-of-Life Care in a Nigerian Hospital:Impact of Education on Care Provision and Utilization

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    Most clinicians receive little or no palliative care (PC) education. Similarly, patients and their families receive little or no information on PC. Our study explored education in PC, while examining for its impacts on service delivery and utilization from the perspective of health care professionals (HCPs), patients, and their families. An ethnographic approach was utilized to gather data from 41 participants. Spradley’s ethnographic analytical framework guided data analysis. Two themes identified were inadequate HCPs’ knowledge base and impact of service-users’ inadequate health education. The findings show that most HCPs had no formal education in PC, attributed to the lack of PC residency programs and the absence of educational institutions that provide such education. Patients and families also conveyed poor understandings of their illness and palliation, rooted in the HCP culture of partial disclosure of information about their diagnosis, care, and prognosis. Findings suggest a cultural shift that supports PC education for professionals is required to promote realist medical approach in the care for patients with life-limiting illnesses. </jats:p

    A systematic review of the organizational, environmental, professional and child and family factors influencing the timing of admission to hospital for children with serious infectious illness

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    Abstract Background Infection, particularly in the first 5 years of life, is a major cause of childhood deaths globally, many deaths from infections such as pneumonia and meningococcal disease are avoidable, if treated in time. Some factors that contribute to morbidity and mortality can be modified. These include organisational and environmental factors as well as those related to the child, family or professional. Objective Examine what organizational and environmental factors and individual child, family and professional factors affect timing of admission to hospital for children with a serious infectious illness. Design Systematic review. Data sources Key search terms were identified and used to search CINAHL Plus, Medline, ASSIA, Web of Science, The Cochrane Library, Joanna Briggs Institute Database of Systematic Review. Study appraisal methods Primary research (e.g. quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods studies) and literature reviews (e.g., systematic, scoping and narrative) were included if participants included or were restricted to children under 5 years of age with serious infectious illnesses, included parents and/or first contact health care professionals in primary care, urgent and emergency care and where the research had been conducted in OECD high income countries. The Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool was used to review the methodological quality of the studies. Main findings Thirty-six papers were selected for full text review; 12 studies fitted the inclusion criteria. Factors influencing the timing of admission to hospital included the variability in children’s illness trajectories and pathways to hospital, parental recognition of symptoms and clinicians non-recognition of illness severity, parental help-seeking behaviour and clinician responses, access to services, use and non-use of ‘gut feeling’ by clinicians, and sub-optimal management within primary, secondary and tertiary services. Conclusions The pathways taken by children with a serious infectious illness to hospital are complex and influenced by a variety of potentially modifiable individual, organisational, environmental and contextual factors. Supportive, accessible, respectful services that provide continuity, clear communication, advice and safety-netting are important as is improved training for clinicians and a mandate to attend to ‘gut feeling’. Implications Relatively simple interventions such as improved communication have the potential to improve the quality of care and reduce morbidity and mortality in children with a serious infectious illness