418 research outputs found

    No-Core shell model for A = 47 and A = 49

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    We apply an {\it ab-initio} approach to the nuclear structure of odd-mass nuclei straddling 48Ca^{48}Ca. Starting with the NN interaction, that fits two-body scattering and bound state data we evaluate the nuclear properties of A=47A = 47 and A=49A = 49 nuclei in a no-core approach. Due to model space limitations and the absence of 3-body interactions, we incorporate phenomenological terms determined by fits to A=48A = 48 nuclei in a previous effort. Our modified Hamiltonian produces reasonable spectra for these odd mass nuclei. In addition to the differences in single-particle basis states, the absence of a single-particle Hamiltonian in our no-core approach obscures direct comparisons with valence effective NN interactions. Nevertheless, we compare the fp-shell matrix elements of our initial and modified Hamiltonians in the harmonic oscillator basis with a recent model fp-shell interaction, the GXPF1 interaction of Honma, Otsuka, Brown and Mizusaki. Notable differences emerge from these comparisons. In particular, our diagonal two-body T=0T = 0 matrix elements are, on average, about 800-900keV more attractive. Furthermore, while our initial and modified NN Hamiltonian fp-shell matrix elements are strongly correlated, there is much less correlation with the GXPF1 matrix elements.Comment: 17 pages including 14 figure

    Unveiling the intruder deformed 02+^+_2 state in 34^{34}Si

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    The 02+^+_2 state in 34^{34}Si has been populated at the {\sc Ganil/Lise3} facility through the β\beta-decay of a newly discovered 1+^+ isomer in 34^{34}Al of 26(1) ms half-life. The simultaneous detection of e+ee^+e^- pairs allowed the determination of the excitation energy E(02+^+_2)=2719(3) keV and the half-life T1/2_{1/2}=19.4(7) ns, from which an electric monopole strength of ρ2\rho^2(E0)=13.0(0.9)×103\times10^{-3} was deduced. The 21+^+_1 state is observed to decay both to the 01+^+_1 ground state and to the newly observed 02+^+_2 state (via a 607(2) keV transition) with a ratio R(21+^+_101+/21+\rightarrow0^+_1/2^+_102+\rightarrow0^+_2)=1380(717). Gathering all information, a weak mixing with the 01+^+_1 and a large deformation parameter of β\beta=0.29(4) are found for the 02+^+_2 state, in good agreement with shell model calculations using a new {\sc sdpf-u-mix} interaction allowing \textit{np-nh} excitations across the N=20 shell gap.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Interaction potential between dynamic dipoles: polarized excitons in strong magnetic fields

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    The interaction potential of a two-dimensional system of excitons with spatially separated electron-hole layers is considered in the strong magnetic field limit. The excitons are assumed to have free dynamics in the xx-yy plane, while being constrained or `polarized' in the zz direction. The model simulates semiconductor double layer systems under strong magnetic field normal to the layers. The {\em residual} interaction between excitons exhibits interesting features, arising from the coupling of the center-of-mass and internal degrees of freedom of the exciton in the magnetic field. This coupling induces a dynamical dipole moment proportional to the center-of-mass magnetic moment of the exciton. We show the explicit dependence of the inter-exciton potential matrix elements, and discuss the underlying physics. The unusual features of the interaction potential would be reflected in the collective response and non-equilibrium properties of such system.Comment: REVTEX - 11 pages - 1 fi

    Prolate-Spherical Shape Coexistence at N=28 in 44^{44}S

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    The structure of 44^{44}S has been studied using delayed γ\gamma and electron spectroscopy at \textsc{ganil}. The decay rates of the 02+^+_2 isomeric state to the 21+^+_1 and 01+^+_1 states have been measured for the first time, leading to a reduced transition probability B(E2~:~21+^{+}_1\rightarrow02+)^{+}_2)= 8.4(26)~e2^2fm4^4 and a monopole strength ρ2\rho^2(E0~:~02+^{+}_2\rightarrow01+)^{+}_1) =~8.7(7)×\times103^{-3}. Comparisons to shell model calculations point towards prolate-spherical shape coexistence and a phenomenological two level mixing model is used to extract a weak mixing between the two configurations.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Spectroscopy of 26^{26}F

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    The structure of the weakly-bound     926^{26}_{\;\;9}F17_{17} odd-odd nucleus, produced from 27,28^{27,28}Na nuclei, has been investigated at GANIL by means of the in-beam γ\gamma-ray spectroscopy technique. A single γ\gamma-line is observed at 657(7) keV in 926^{26}_{9}F which has been ascribed to the decay of the excited J=2+2^+ state to the J=1+^+ ground state. The possible presence of intruder negative parity states in 26^{26}F is also discussed.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Collapse of the N=28 shell closure in 42^{42}Si

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    The energies of the excited states in very neutron-rich 42^{42}Si and 41,43^{41,43}P have been measured using in-beam γ\gamma-ray spectroscopy from the fragmentation of secondary beams of 42,44^{42,44}S at 39 A.MeV. The low 2+^+ energy of 42^{42}Si, 770(19) keV, together with the level schemes of 41,43^{41,43}P provide evidence for the disappearance of the Z=14 and N=28 spherical shell closures, which is ascribed mainly to the action of proton-neutron tensor forces. New shell model calculations indicate that 42^{42}Si is best described as a well deformed oblate rotor.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. let

    Study on the One-Proton Halo Structure in 23^{23}Al

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    The Glauber theory has been used to investigate the reaction cross section of proton-rich nucleus 23^{23}Al. A core plus a proton structure is assumed for 23^{23}Al. HO-type density distribution is used for the core while the density distribution for the valence proton is calculated by solving the eigenvalue problem of Woods-Saxon potential. The transparency function in an analytical expression is obtained adopting multi-Gaussian expansion for the density distribution. Coulomb correction and finite-range interaction are introduced. This modified Glauber model is apt for halo nuclei. A dominate s-wave is suggested for the last proton in 23^{23}Al from our analysis which is possible in the RMF calculation.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Strong field physics and QED experiments with ELI-NP 2×10PW laser beams

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    The ELI-NP facility will focus a 10 PW pulsed laser beam at intensities of ∼10 23 W/cm 2 for the first time, enabling investigation of the new physical phenomena at the interfaces of plasma, nuclear and particle physics. The electric field in the laser focus has a maximum value of ∼10 15 V/m at such laser intensities. In the ELI-NP Experimental Area E6, we propose the study of Radiation Reaction, Strong Field Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) effects and resulting production of Ultra-bright Sources of Gamma-rays which could be used for nuclear activation. Two powerful, synchronized 10 PW laser beams will be focused in the E6 Interaction Chamber on either gas or solid targets. One 10 PW beam is the Pump-beam and the other is the Probe-beam. The focused Pump beam accelerates the electrons to relativistic energies. The accelerated electron bunches interact with the very high electro-magnetic field of the focused Probe beam. The layout of the experimental area E6 will be presented with several options for the experimental configurations

    Recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Clinica I Chirurgie, Spitalul “Sf.Spiridon”, Departamentul de Chirurgie, Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie “Gr.T.Popa”, Iași, România, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Introducere: Rezecția hepatică rămâne “standardul de aur” în tratamentul cancerului hepatocelular (CHC). Alegerea variantei de rezecție hepatică depinde de mai mulți factori: localizarea tumorii, dimensiunile tumorii, starea parenchimului hepatic nontumoral, scorul Child-Pugh. Problema recurenței locoregionale în funcție de tipul de rezecție rămâne controversată. Scopul studiului: Ne-am propus să comparăm rata recurenței loco-regionale a CHC în funcție de tipul de rezecție hepatică (anatomică versus non-anatomică). Material și metode: Am analizat 64 de pacienți cu CHC, care au beneficiat de rezecție hepatică curativă în perioada 2005- 2013. Pacienții au fost împărțiți în două loturi: lotul A – 26 de pacienți la care s-a practicat o rezecție hepatică anatomică și lotul B – 38 de pacienți la care s-a practicat o rezecție hepatică non-anatomică. Rezultate: Pe o perioadă de urmărire postoperatorie cuprinsă între 12 și 60 de luni, rata recurenței CHC în cele două loturi a fost de 32% în grupul A și 31,4% în grupul B (P=0,963). Durata medie de apariție a recurenței a fost de 15,63±7,46 luni (între 5 și 25 luni) în lotul A și 16,91±9,35 luni (între 5 și 33 luni) în lotul B (P=0,753). Concluzii: Tipul de rezecție hepatică (anatomică sau non-anatomică) nu influențează apariția recurenței CHC, dacă se respectă limitele oncologice de rezecție.Introduction: Liver resection remains the gold standard in the treatment of hepatocellular cancer (HCC). Choosing liver resection depends on several factors: tumor location, tumor size, condition nontumoral liver parenchyma, Child-Pugh score. The locoregional recurrence problem depending on the type of resection remains controversial. The purpose of the study: We aimed to compare loco-regional recurrence rate of HCC according to the type of hepatic resection (anatomic versus non-anatomical). Material and methods: We analyzed 64 patients with HCC who received curative liver resection during the period 2005-2013. Patients were divided into two groups: group A – 26 patients who underwent hepatic anatomical resection and group B – 38 patients who underwent non-anatomical hepatic resection. Results: On a postoperative follow-up period between 12 and 60 months, HCC recurrence rate in the two groups was 32% in group A and 31.4% in group B (P=0.963). The average length of developing appellant was 15.63±7.46 months (between 5 and 25 months) in group A and 16.91±9.35 months (between 5 and 33 months) in group B (P=0.753). Conclusions: The type of liver resection (anatomical or non-anatomical) does not influence the occurrence of HCC recurrence, if we respect the oncologic limits resection

    Experimental investigation of the effect of ionization on the 51V(p,n)51Cr reaction

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    The investigation of the effects of average atomic ionization on nuclear reactions is of prime importance for nuclear astrophysics. No direct experimental measurement using a plasma target has been done yet. In this regard, we measured for the first time the neutron production of a (p,n) reaction in different states of ionization. The studied nuclear reaction was 51V(p,n)51Cr. We measured a significantly lower neutron production than expected when the target was ionized, even when taking into account existing electron screening theory or the effect of the stopping power in the target on the injected proton beam. This experiment is a first step in the process to characterize the influence of ionization at astrophysically relevant energies.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, submitted to EP