2,490 research outputs found

    Proton NMR measurements of the local magnetic field in the paramagnetic metal and antiferromagnetic insulator phases of λ\lambda-(BETS)2_{2}FeCl4_{4}

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    Measurements of the 1^{1}H-NMR spectrum of a small (∌\sim 4 ÎŒ\mug) single crystal of the organic conductor λ\lambda-(BETS)2_{2}FeCl4_{4} are reported with an applied magnetic field B\bf{B}0_{0} = 9 T parallel to the a-axis in the acac-plane over a temperature (T)(T) range 2.0 −- 180 K. They provide the distribution of the static local magnetic field at the proton sites in the paramagnetic metal (PM) and antiferromagnetic insulator (AFI) phases, along with the changes that occur at the PM−-AFI phase transition. The spectra have six main peaks that are significantly broadened and shifted at low TT. The origin of these features is attributed to the large dipolar field from the 3d Fe3+^{3+} ion moments (spin SdS_{\rm{d}} = 5/2). Their amplitude and T−T-dependence are modeled using a modified Brillouin function that includes a mean field approximation for the total exchange interaction (J0J_{0}) between one Fe3+^{3+} ion and its two nearest neighbors. A good fit is obtained using J0J_{0} = −- 1.7 K. At temperatures below the PM−-AFI transition temperature TMIT_{MI} = 3.5 K, an extra peak appears on the high frequency side of the spectrum and the details of the spectrum become smeared. Also, the rms linewidth and the frequency shift of the spectral distribution are discontinuous, consistent with the transition being first-order. These measurements verify that the dominant local magnetic field contribution is from the Fe3+^{3+} ions and indicate that there is a significant change in the static local magnetic field distribution at the proton sites on traversing the PM to AFI phase transition.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures. Revised version of cond-mat/0605044 resubmitted to Phys. Rev. B in response to comments of Editor and reviewer

    Asexual and sexual replication in sporulating organisms

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    This paper develops models describing asexual and sexual replication in sporulating organisms. Replication via sporulation is the replication strategy for all multicellular life, and may even be observed in unicellular life (such as with budding yeast). We consider diploid populations replicating via one of two possible sporulation mechanisms: (1) Asexual sporulation, whereby adult organisms produce single-celled diploid spores that grow into adults themselves. (2) Sexual sporulation, whereby adult organisms produce single-celled diploid spores that divide into haploid gametes. The haploid gametes enter a haploid "pool", where they may recombine with other haploids to form a diploid spore that then grows into an adult. We consider a haploid fusion rate given by second-order reaction kinetics. We work with a simplified model where the diploid genome consists of only two chromosomes, each of which may be rendered defective with a single point mutation of the wild-type. We find that the asexual strategy is favored when the rate of spore production is high compared to the characteristic growth rate from a spore to a reproducing adult. Conversely, the sexual strategy is favored when the rate of spore production is low compared to the characteristic growth rate from a spore to a reproducing adult. As the characteristic growth time increases, or as the population density increases, the critical ratio of spore production rate to organism growth rate at which the asexual strategy overtakes the sexual one is pushed to higher values. Therefore, the results of this model suggest that, for complex multicellular organisms, sexual replication is favored at high population densities, and low growth and sporulation rates.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, to be submitted to Journal of Theoretical Biology, figures not included in this submissio

    Dissecting the Cosmic Infrared Background with 3D Instruments

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    The cosmic infrared background (CIB) consists of emission from distant, dusty, star-forming galaxies. Energetically, the CIB is very important as it contains as much energy as the extragalactic optical background. The nature and evolutionary status of the objects making up the background are, however, unclear. The CIB peaks at ~150 microns, and as such is most effectively studied from space. The limited apertures of space-borne telescopes set the angular resolution that can be attained, and so even Herschel, with its 3.5m diameter, will be confusion-limited at this wavelengths at ~5mJy. The bulk of the galaxies contributing to the CIB are fainter than this, so it is difficult to study them without interferometry. Here we present the results of a preliminary study of an alternative way of probing fainter than the continuum confusion limit using far-IR imaging spectroscopy. An instrument capable of such observations is being planned for SPICA - a proposed Japanese mission with an aperture equivalent to that of Herschel and more than 2 orders of magnitude more sensitive. We investigate the potential of imaging spectrometers to break the continuum confusion limit. We have simulated the capabilities of a spectrometer with modest field of view (2'x2'), moderate spectral resolution (R~1-2000) and high sensitivity. We find that such an instrument is capable of not only detecting line emission from sources with continuum fluxes substantially below the confusion limit, but also of determining their redshifts and, where multiple lines are detected, some emission line diagnostics. We conclude that 3-D imaging spectrometers on cooled far-IR space telescopes will be powerful new tools for extragalactic far-IR astronomy.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Herschel PACS Spectroscopic Diagnostics of Local ULIRGs: Conditions and Kinematics in Mrk 231

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    In this first paper on the results of our Herschel PACS survey of local Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies (ULIRGs), as part of our SHINING survey of local galaxies, we present far-infrared spectroscopy of Mrk 231, the most luminous of the local ULIRGs, and a type 1 broad absorption line AGN. For the first time in a ULIRG, all observed far-infrared fine-structure lines in the PACS range were detected and all were found to be deficient relative to the far infrared luminosity by 1 - 2 orders of magnitude compared with lower luminosity galaxies. The deficits are similar to those for the mid-infrared lines, with the most deficient lines showing high ionization potentials. Aged starbursts may account for part of the deficits, but partial covering of the highest excitation AGN powered regions may explain the remaining line deficits. A massive molecular outflow, discovered in OH and 18OH, showing outflow velocities out to at least 1400 km/sec, is a unique signature of the clearing out of the molecular disk that formed by dissipative collapse during the merger. The outflow is characterized by extremely high ratios of 18O / 16O suggestive of interstellar medium processing by advanced starbursts.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astronomy and Astrophysics Herschel Special Issue, 5 pages, 4 figure

    First detection of [CII]158um at high redshift: vigorous star formation in the early universe

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    We report the detection of the 2P_3/2 -> 2P_1/2 fine-structure line of C+ at 157.74 micron in SDSSJ114816.64+525150.3 (hereafter J1148+5251), the most distant known quasar, at z=6.42, using the IRAM 30-meter telescope. This is the first detection of the [CII] line at high redshift, and also the first detection in a Hyperluminous Infrared Galaxy (L_FIR > 10^13 Lsun). The [CII] line is detected at a significance level of 8 sigma and has a luminosity of 4.4 x 10^9 Lsun. The L_[CII]/L_FIR ratio is 2 x 10^-4, about an order of magnitude smaller than observed in local normal galaxies and similar to the ratio observed in local Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies. The [CII] line luminosity indicates that the host galaxy of this quasar is undergoing an intense burst of star formation with an estimated rate of ~3000 Msun/yr. The detection of C+ in SDSS J1148+5251 suggests a significant enrichment of metals at z ~ 6 (age of the universe ~870 Myr), although the data are consistent with a reduced carbon to oxygen ratio as expected from chemical evolutionary models of the early phases of galaxy formation.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted by A&A Letter

    Phenobarbital Indirectly Activates the Constitutive Active Androstane Receptor (CAR) by Inhibition of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Signaling

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    Phenobarbital is a central nervous system depressant that also indirectly activates nuclear receptor constitutive active androstane receptor (CAR), which promotes drug and energy metabolism, as well as cell growth (and death), in the liver. We found that phenobarbital activated CAR by inhibiting epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signaling. Phenobarbital bound to EGFR and potently inhibited the binding of EGF, which prevented the activation of EGFR. This abrogation of EGFR signaling induced the dephosphorylation of receptor for activated C kinase 1 (RACK1) at Tyr52, which then promoted the dephosphorylation of CAR at Thr38 by the catalytic core subunit of protein phosphatase 2A. The findings demonstrated that the phenobarbital-induced mechanism of CAR dephosphorylation and activation is mediated through its direct interaction with and inhibition of EGFR

    On the selection and design of proteins and peptide derivatives for the production of photoluminescent, red-emitting gold quantum clusters

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    Novel pathways of the synthesis of photoluminescent gold quantum clusters (AuQCs) using biomolecules as reactants provide biocompatible products for biological imaging techniques. In order to rationalize the rules for the preparation of red-emitting AuQCs in aqueous phase using proteins or peptides, the role of different organic structural units was investigated. Three systems were studied: proteins, peptides, and amino acid mixtures, respectively. We have found that cysteine and tyrosine are indispensable residues. The SH/S-S ratio in a single molecule is not a critical factor in the synthesis, but on the other hand, the stoichiometry of cysteine residues and the gold precursor is crucial. These observations indicate the importance of proper chemical behavior of all species in a wide size range extending from the atomic distances (in the AuI-S semi ring) to nanometer distances covering the larger sizes of proteins assuring the hierarchical structure of the whole self-assembled system
