46 research outputs found

    Evaluating seawater quality objectives: Application to the Andalusian littoral

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    The University of Cadiz (southern Spain) and the Andalusian Environmental Agency (AMA) have signed an agreement to draw up a proposal of quality objectives for Andalusian littoral waters in accordance with the classification of zones approved in the Andalusian Littoral Waters Quality Objectives Regulations (Decree 14/1996, 01-16-1996, BOJA no. 19, 02-08-1996). The present paper reviews different regulations (European Union, Spain and the United States) concerning seawater quality criteria and presents the quality criteria proposed by the University of Cadiz.La Universidad de Cádiz y la Agencia de Medio Ambiente Andaluza (AMA) han desarrollado un convenio cuya finalidad es la realización de una propuesta de objetivos de calidad para las aguas litorales andaluzas según la clasificación de zonas establecida en el Decreto 14/1996, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de Calidad de las Aguas Litorales Andaluzas (BOJA n.° 19 de 8 de febrero de 1996). En este trabajo se hace una revisión de la normativa referente a los objetivos de calidad de las aguas marinas en la Unión Europea, España y Estados Unidos. Además, se recoge la propuesta de objetivos de calidad de aguas litorales realizada por la Universidad de Cádiz.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Evaluation of ion mobility for the separation of glycoconjugate isomers due to different types of sialic acid linkage, at the intact glycoprotein, glycopeptide and glycan level.

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    The study of protein glycosylation can be regarded as an intricate but very important task, making glycomics one of the most challenging and interesting, albeit under-researched, type of "omics" science. Complexity escalates remarkably when considering that carbohydrates can form severely branched structures with many different constituents, which often leads to the formation of multiple isomers. In this regard, ion mobility (IM) spectrometry has recently demonstrated its power for the separation of isomeric compounds. In the present work, the potential of traveling wave IM (TWIMS) for the separation of isomeric glycoconjugates was evaluated, using mouse transferrin (mTf) as model glycoprotein. Particularly, we aim to assess the performance of this platform for the separation of isomeric glycoconjugates due to the type of sialic acid linkage, at the intact glycoprotein, glycopeptide and glycan level. Straightforward separation of isomers was achieved with the analysis of released glycans, as opposed to the glycopeptides which showed a more complex pattern. Finally, the developed methodology was applied to serum samples of mice, to investigate its robustness when analyzing real complex samples.Ion mobility mass spectrometry is a promising analytical technique for the separation of glycoconjugate isomers due to type of sialic acid linkage. The impact of such a small modification in the glycan structure is more evident in smaller analytes, reason why the analysis of free glycans was easier compared to the intact protein or the glycopeptides. The established methodology could be regarded as starting point in the separation of highly decorated glycoconjugates. This is an important topic nowadays, as differences in the abundance of some glycan isomers could be the key for the early diagnosis, control or differentiation of certain diseases, such as inflammation or cancer

    Supporting data for the MS identification of distinct transferrin glycopeptide glycoforms and citrullinated peptides associated with inflammation or autoimmunity

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    This data article presents the results of all the statistical analyses applied to the relative intensities of the detected 2D-DiGE protein spots for each of the 3 performed DiGE experiments. The data reveals specific subsets of protein spots with significant differences between WT and CD38-deficient mice with either Collagen-induced arthritis (CIA), or with chronic inflammation induced by CFA, or under steady-state conditions. This article also shows the MS data analyses that allowed the identification of the protein species which serve to discriminate the different experimental groups used in this study. Moreover, the article presents MS data on the citrullinated peptides linked to specific protein species that were generated in CIA(+) or CFA-treated mice. Lastly, this data article provides MS data on the efficiency of the analyses of the transferrin (Tf) glycopeptide glycosylation pattern in spleen and serum from CIA(+) mice and normal controls. The data supplied in this work is related to the research article entitled "identification of multiple transferrin species in spleen and serum from mice with collagen-induced arthritis which may reflect changes in transferrin glycosylation associated with disease activity: the role of CD38" [1]. All mass spectrometry data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange Consortium via the PRIDE partner repository with identifiers PRIDE: PXD002644, PRIDE: PXD002643, PRIDE: PXD003183 and PRIDE: PXD003163

    Interventions in health organisations to reduce the impact of adverse events in second and third victims

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    Background Adverse events (AE) are also the cause of suffering in health professionals involved. This study was designed to identify and analyse organization-level strategies adopted in both primary care and hospitals in Spain to address the impact of serious AE on second and third victims. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted in healthcare organizations assessing: safety culture; health organization crisis management plans for serious AE; actions planned to ensure transparency in communication with patients (and relatives) who experience an AE; support for second victims; and protective measures to safeguard the institution’s reputation (the third victim). Results A total of 406 managers and patient safety coordinators replied to the survey. Deficient provision of support for second victims was acknowledged by 71 and 61 % of the participants from hospitals and primary care respectively; these respondents reported there was no support protocol for second victims in place in their organizations. Regarding third victim initiatives, 35 % of hospital and 43 % of primary care professionals indicated no crisis management plan for serious AE existed in their organization, and in the case of primary care, there was no crisis committee in 34 % of cases. The degree of implementation of second and third victim support interventions was perceived to be greater in hospitals (mean 14.1, SD 3.5) than in primary care (mean 11.8, SD 3.1) (p?<?0.001). Conclusions Many Spanish health organizations do not have a second and third victim support or a crisis management plan in place to respond to serious AEs

    The aftermath of adverse events in spanish primary care and hospital health professionals

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    Background Adverse events (AEs) cause harm in patients and disturbance for the professionals involved in the event (second victims). This study assessed the impact of AEs in primary care (PC) and hospitals in Spain on second victims. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted. We carried out a survey based on a random sample of doctors and nurses from PC and hospital settings in Spain. A total of 1087 health professionals responded, 610 from PC and 477 from hospitals. Results A total of 430 health professionals (39.6%) had informed a patient of an error. Reporting to patients was carried out by those with the strongest safety culture (Odds Ratio –OR- 1.1, 95% Confidence Interval –CI- 1.0-1.2), nurses (OR 1.9, 95% CI 1.5-2.3), those under 50 years of age (OR 0.7, 95% CI 0.6-0.9) and primary care staff (OR 0.6, 95% CI 0.5-0.9). A total of 381 (62.5%, 95% CI 59-66%) and 346 (72.5%, IC95% 69-77%) primary care and hospital health professionals, respectively, reported having gone through the second-victim experience, either directly or through a colleague, in the previous 5 years. The emotional responses were: feelings of guilt (521, 58.8%), anxiety (426, 49.6%), re-living the event (360, 42.2%), tiredness (341, 39.4%), insomnia (317, 38.0%) and persistent feelings of insecurity (284, 32.8%). In doctors, the most common responses were: feelings of guilt (OR 0.7 IC95% 0.6-0.8), re-living the event (OR 0.7, IC95% o.6-0.8), and anxiety (OR 0.8, IC95% 0.6-0.9), while nurses showed greater solidarity in terms of supporting the second victim, in both PC (p?=?0.019) and hospital (p?=?0.019) settings. Conclusions Adverse events cause guilt, anxiety, and loss of confidence in health professionals. Most are involved in such events as second victims at least once in their careers. They rarely receive any training or education on coping strategies for this phenomenon

    Advances in structure elucidation of small molecules using mass spectrometry

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    The structural elucidation of small molecules using mass spectrometry plays an important role in modern life sciences and bioanalytical approaches. This review covers different soft and hard ionization techniques and figures of merit for modern mass spectrometers, such as mass resolving power, mass accuracy, isotopic abundance accuracy, accurate mass multiple-stage MS(n) capability, as well as hybrid mass spectrometric and orthogonal chromatographic approaches. The latter part discusses mass spectral data handling strategies, which includes background and noise subtraction, adduct formation and detection, charge state determination, accurate mass measurements, elemental composition determinations, and complex data-dependent setups with ion maps and ion trees. The importance of mass spectral library search algorithms for tandem mass spectra and multiple-stage MS(n) mass spectra as well as mass spectral tree libraries that combine multiple-stage mass spectra are outlined. The successive chapter discusses mass spectral fragmentation pathways, biotransformation reactions and drug metabolism studies, the mass spectral simulation and generation of in silico mass spectra, expert systems for mass spectral interpretation, and the use of computational chemistry to explain gas-phase phenomena. A single chapter discusses data handling for hyphenated approaches including mass spectral deconvolution for clean mass spectra, cheminformatics approaches and structure retention relationships, and retention index predictions for gas and liquid chromatography. The last section reviews the current state of electronic data sharing of mass spectra and discusses the importance of software development for the advancement of structure elucidation of small molecules

    Regulatory feedback from nascent RNA to chromatin and transcription

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    Transcription and chromatin function are regulated by proteins that bind to DNA, nucleosomes or RNA polymerase II, with specific non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) functioning to modulate their recruitment or activity. Unlike ncRNAs, nascent pre-mRNA was considered to be primarily a passive player in these processes. In this Opinion article, we describe recently identified interactions between nascent pre-mRNAs and regulatory proteins, highlight commonalities between the functions of nascent pre-mRNA and nascent ncRNA, and propose that both types of RNA have an active role in transcription and chromatin regulation

    Ontopath: A language for retrieving ontology fragments

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    Abstract. In this work we introduce a novel retrieval language, named OntoPath, for specifying and retrieving relevant ontology fragments. This language is intended to extract customized self-standing ontologies from very large, general-purpose ones. Through OntoPath, users can specify the desired detail level in the concept taxonomies as well as the properties between concepts that are required by the target applications. The syntax and aims of OntoPath resemble XPath’s in that they are simple enough to be handled by non-expert users and they are designed to be included in other XML-based applications (e.g. transformations sheets, semantic annotation of web services, etc.). OntoPath has been implemented on the top of the graph-based database G, for which a Protégé OWL plug-in has been designed to access and retrieve ontology fragments