10 research outputs found

    Prooxidant-antioxidant balance, hsTnI and hsCRP: mortality prediction in haemodialysis patients, two-year follow-up

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    Oxidative stress and inflammation are highly intertwined pathophysiological processes. We analyzed the markers of these processes and high-sensitive troponin I (hsTnI) for mortality prediction in patients on haemodialysis. This study enrolled a total of 62 patients on regular haemodialysis. The patients were monitored for two years, and the observed outcomes were all-cause and cardiovascular mortality. Blood samples were taken before one dialysis session for analysis of the baseline concentrations of prooxidant-antioxidant balance (PAB), total antioxidant status (TAS), total oxidative status (TOS), hsTnI, hsCRP and resistin. The overall all-cause mortality was 37.1% and CVD mortality 16.1%. By univariate and multivariate logistic regression, our findings suggest that good predictors of all-cause mortality include hsCRP and PAB (p lt .05) and of CVD mortality hsCRP (p lt .05) and hsTnI (p lt .001). To evaluate the relationship between the combined parameter measurements and all-cause/CVD mortality risk, patients were divided into three groups according to their PAB, hsCRP and hsTnI concentrations. The cutoffs for hsCRP and hsTnI and the median for PAB were used. Kaplan-Meier survival curves pointed out that the highest mortality risk of all-cause mortality was in the group with hsCRP levels above the cutoff and PAB levels above the median (p lt .001). The highest risk of CVD mortality was found in the group with hsCRP and hsTnI levels above the cutoff levels (p =.001). Our data suggest that hsCRP and PAB are very good predictors of all-cause mortality. For CVD complications and mortality prediction in HD patients, the most sensitive parameters appear to be hsTnI and hsCRP

    Psihoanaliza i njezine sudbine: Radovi Ŕestog Okruglog stola Odsjeka za filozofiju

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    Uzimajući za povod obljetnice dvaju najpoznatijih Freudovih djela, u napetosti između znanstveno-teorijskog optimizma Tumačenja snova i kulturno-povijesnog pesimizma Nelagode u kulturi, željeli bismo iznova ispitati istraživačke potencijale i/ili granice Freudova djela u njegovim različitim aspektima i primjenama na kritičko promiÅ”ljanje suvremenih fenomena 21. stoljeća. Iako su ta Freudova djela već davno prerasla okvire i doseg pojedinačnih teorema psihoanalize i postala ishodiÅ”tem kako mnogih znanstvenih doprinosa tokom 20. stoljeća tako i druÅ”tvenih i kulturnih formi života, poput terapijskih praksĆ¢ i primjenĆ¢ psihoanalize u akademskim studijima, polazimo od pretpostavke da ta djela i dalje predstavljaju neiscrpljeno teorijsko uporiÅ”te i metodoloÅ”ki pokretač bazičnih istraživanja od metapsiholoÅ”kih i analitičko-praktičkih preko filozofskih i znanstveno-teorijskih do njihovih različitih interdisciplinarnih primjenĆ¢ na druÅ”tvene fenomene, uključujući i preoblikovanja psihoanalitičkih teorema u bliskim izvanznanstvenim područjima psihoterapije te prikazivačkih i izvedbenih umjetnosti.Ā (Iz Uvodne riječi.)Uzimajući za povod obljetnice dvaju najpoznatijih Freudovih djela, u napetosti između znanstveno-teorijskog optimizma Tumačenja snova i kulturno-povijesnog pesimizma Nelagode u kulturi, željeli bismo iznova ispitati istraživačke potencijale i/ili granice Freudova djela u njegovim različitim aspektima i primjenama na kritičko promiÅ”ljanje suvremenih fenomena 21. stoljeća. Iako su ta Freudova djela već davno prerasla okvire i doseg pojedinačnih teorema psihoanalize i postala ishodiÅ”tem kako mnogih znanstvenih doprinosa tokom 20. stoljeća tako i druÅ”tvenih i kulturnih formi života, poput terapijskih praksĆ¢ i primjenĆ¢ psihoanalize u akademskim studijima, polazimo od pretpostavke da ta djela i dalje predstavljaju neiscrpljeno teorijsko uporiÅ”te i metodoloÅ”ki pokretač bazičnih istraživanja od metapsiholoÅ”kih i analitičko-praktičkih preko filozofskih i znanstveno-teorijskih do njihovih različitih interdisciplinarnih primjenĆ¢ na druÅ”tvene fenomene, uključujući i preoblikovanja psihoanalitičkih teorema u bliskim izvanznanstvenim područjima psihoterapije te prikazivačkih i izvedbenih umjetnosti.Ā (Iz Uvodne riječi.

    Psihoanaliza i njezine sudbine: Radovi Ŕestog Okruglog stola Odsjeka za filozofiju

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    Uzimajući za povod obljetnice dvaju najpoznatijih Freudovih djela, u napetosti između znanstveno-teorijskog optimizma Tumačenja snova i kulturno-povijesnog pesimizma Nelagode u kulturi, željeli bismo iznova ispitati istraživačke potencijale i/ili granice Freudova djela u njegovim različitim aspektima i primjenama na kritičko promiÅ”ljanje suvremenih fenomena 21. stoljeća. Iako su ta Freudova djela već davno prerasla okvire i doseg pojedinačnih teorema psihoanalize i postala ishodiÅ”tem kako mnogih znanstvenih doprinosa tokom 20. stoljeća tako i druÅ”tvenih i kulturnih formi života, poput terapijskih praksĆ¢ i primjenĆ¢ psihoanalize u akademskim studijima, polazimo od pretpostavke da ta djela i dalje predstavljaju neiscrpljeno teorijsko uporiÅ”te i metodoloÅ”ki pokretač bazičnih istraživanja od metapsiholoÅ”kih i analitičko-praktičkih preko filozofskih i znanstveno-teorijskih do njihovih različitih interdisciplinarnih primjenĆ¢ na druÅ”tvene fenomene, uključujući i preoblikovanja psihoanalitičkih teorema u bliskim izvanznanstvenim područjima psihoterapije te prikazivačkih i izvedbenih umjetnosti.Ā (Iz Uvodne riječi.)Uzimajući za povod obljetnice dvaju najpoznatijih Freudovih djela, u napetosti između znanstveno-teorijskog optimizma Tumačenja snova i kulturno-povijesnog pesimizma Nelagode u kulturi, željeli bismo iznova ispitati istraživačke potencijale i/ili granice Freudova djela u njegovim različitim aspektima i primjenama na kritičko promiÅ”ljanje suvremenih fenomena 21. stoljeća. Iako su ta Freudova djela već davno prerasla okvire i doseg pojedinačnih teorema psihoanalize i postala ishodiÅ”tem kako mnogih znanstvenih doprinosa tokom 20. stoljeća tako i druÅ”tvenih i kulturnih formi života, poput terapijskih praksĆ¢ i primjenĆ¢ psihoanalize u akademskim studijima, polazimo od pretpostavke da ta djela i dalje predstavljaju neiscrpljeno teorijsko uporiÅ”te i metodoloÅ”ki pokretač bazičnih istraživanja od metapsiholoÅ”kih i analitičko-praktičkih preko filozofskih i znanstveno-teorijskih do njihovih različitih interdisciplinarnih primjenĆ¢ na druÅ”tvene fenomene, uključujući i preoblikovanja psihoanalitičkih teorema u bliskim izvanznanstvenim područjima psihoterapije te prikazivačkih i izvedbenih umjetnosti.Ā (Iz Uvodne riječi.


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    Abstract The paper considers the problem of optimization of the box section of the main girder of the double beam bridge crane for the case of placing the rail above the web plate. Reduction of the girder mass is set as the objective function. Research on the mutual dependence of geometric parameters of cross section, and their ratio, using the method of Lagrange multiplier as characteristic criteria is done. Also, the paper shows an algorithm for selection of the optimal criteria and determining the optimal geometric parameters of cross section. The criteria of lateral stability and local stability of plates were applied as the contraint functions. The obtained results of optimization of geometrical parameters were verified on numerical examples

    Double orifice mitral valve: A case report

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    Introduction. Double orifice mitrol valve (DOMV) is a very rare congenital heart defect. Case report. We reported 20-year-old male referred to our center due to evaluation of his cardiologic status. He was operated on shortly after birth for a tracheoesophageal fistula. Accidentally, echocardiography examination at the age of 4 years revealed double orifice mitral valve (DOMV) without the presence of mitral regurgitation, as well as mitral stenosis, with normal dimensions of all cardiac chambers. The patient was asymptomatic, even more he was a kick boxer. His physical finding was normal. Electrocardiography showed regular sinus rhythm, incomplete right bundle branch block. Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) examination revealed the normal size of the left atrial, mitral leaflets were slightly more redundant. The left and right heart chambers, aorta, tricuspid valve and pulmonary artery valve were normal. During TTE examination on a short axis view two asymmetric mitral orifices were seen as a double mitral orifice through which we registered normal flow, without regurgitation and mitral stenosis. Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) examination from the transgastric view at the level of mitral valve, showed 2 single asymmetric mitral orifices separated by fibrous tissue, mitral leaflet with a separate insertion of hordes for each orifice. Conclusion. The presented patient with DOMV is the only one recognized in our country. The case is interesting because during 16-year a follow-up period there were no functional changes despite the fact that he performed very demanded sport activities. This is very important because there is no information in the literature about that

    Decision making analysis of walnut seedling production on a small family farm in Serbia

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    The wide range of walnut application makes it one of the most appreciated fruit species. In 2008, Serbian government started providing subsidies for every planted walnut seedling. These incentives have already increased the interest in this type of seedlings on the market. One of the main objectives of each farm is to maximize economic results. For a family farm, there are many alternatives on how to accomplish this objective. The decision making analysis has been done on the basis of the case study for the typical small family farm that produces walnut seedlings, located in the central part of Serbia. One of the options for the farm is to proceed to use current technology, while the other possibility is to be reduced some of production operations. A third alternative is to give up the seedlings production and to put that money in the bank as savings. The decision has to be made between those three alternatives aiming at achievement of optimal/best economic result for the family farm. Summarizing results obtained from the decision tree, simulation and sensitivity analysis, the optimal solution for the family farm should be to continue production of walnut seedlings with technology it is currently using

    Survival Benefit of the Late Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in the Patients after Acute Myocardial Infarction Who Are Or Who Are Not Treated with Thrombolysis

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    The impact of late percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in the patients after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) on long term mortality remains to be established. At currently, thrombolysis is accepted as standard therapy when PCI is not immediately available. However, PCI is often performed in stable patients with AMI who are/are not received thrombolysis . We performed the trial that enrolled myocardial infarction patients treated with thrombolysis, late PCI and medically to assess the potential benefits of delayed PCI. We follow up 164 consecutive patients after AMI one year. The patients are divided in two groups; first group-66 patients who received reperfusion (37 patients received only thrombolysis, 10 patients received thrombolysis and PCI 7-9 days after thrombolysis and 19 patients underwent only PCI after 7-9 days) and second group-98 patients medically treated. One year mortality was 3% in the reperfusion group (2/66) and 14,3% in the medical group (14/98) (p=0,016). There were not significant differences between groups about other end points-reinfarctus, coronary artery bypass surgery and PCI performed later after discharge. The major predictors of one year mortality were ages (p<0,001) and ejection fraction (p=0,003). Also, therapy with beta-blockers (p=0,002), statins (p=0,001) and ACE-inhibitors (p=0,024) was associated with better survival. Delayed PCI performed 7-9 days after AMI in the patients who underwent thrombolysis or those did not improves outcome at long-term follow-u

    Survival Benefit of the Late Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in the Patients after Acute Myocardial Infarction Who Are Or Who Are Not Treated with Thrombolysis

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    The impact of late percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in the patients after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) on long term mortality remains to be established. At currently, thrombolysis is accepted as standard therapy when PCI is not immediately available. However, PCI is often performed in stable patients with AMI who are/are not received thrombolysis . We performed the trial that enrolled myocardial infarction patients treated with thrombolysis, late PCI and medically to assess the potential benefits of delayed PCI. We follow up 164 consecutive patients after AMI one year. The patients are divided in two groups; first group-66 patients who received reperfusion (37 patients received only thrombolysis, 10 patients received thrombolysis and PCI 7-9 days after thrombolysis and 19 patients underwent only PCI after 7-9 days) and second group-98 patients medically treated. One year mortality was 3% in the reperfusion group (2/66) and 14,3% in the medical group (14/98) (p=0,016). There were not significant differences between groups about other end points-reinfarctus, coronary artery bypass surgery and PCI performed later after discharge. The major predictors of one year mortality were ages (p<0,001) and ejection fraction (p=0,003). Also, therapy with beta-blockers (p=0,002), statins (p=0,001) and ACE-inhibitors (p=0,024) was associated with better survival. Delayed PCI performed 7-9 days after AMI in the patients who underwent thrombolysis or those did not improves outcome at long-term follow-u

    The 'peptide for life' initiative in the emergency department study

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    Aims: Natriuretic peptide (NP) uptake varies in Emergency Departments (EDs) across Europe. The 'Peptide for Life' (P4L) initiative, led by Heart Failure Association, aims to enhance NP utilization for early diagnosis of heart failure (HF). We tested the hypothesis that implementing an educational campaign in Western Balkan countries would significantly increase NP adoption rates in the ED. Methods and results: This registry examined NP adoption before and after implementing the P4L-ED study across 10 centres in five countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia. A train-the-trainer programme was implemented to enhance awareness of NP testing in the ED, and centres without access received point-of-care instruments. Differences in NP testing between the pre-P4L-ED and post-P4L-ED phases were evaluated. A total of 2519 patients were enrolled in the study: 1224 (48.6%) in the pre-P4L-ED phase and 1295 (51.4%) in the post-P4L-ED phase. NP testing was performed in the ED on 684 patients (55.9%) during the pre-P4L-ED phase and on 1039 patients (80.3%) during the post-P4L-ED phase, indicating a significant absolute difference of 24.4% (95% CI: 20.8% to 27.9%, PĀ <Ā 0.001). The use of both NPs and echocardiography significantly increased from 37.7% in the pre-P4L-ED phase to 61.3% in the post-P4L-ED phase. There was an increased prescription of diuretics and SGLT2 inhibitors during the post-P4L-ED phase. Conclusions: By increasing awareness and providing resources, the utilization of NPs increased in the ED, leading to improved diagnostic accuracy and enhanced patient care

    Ružička days : International conference 17th Ružička Days ā€œToday Science ā€“ Tomorrow Industryā€ : Proceedings

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    In front of you are the Proceedings of the International Conference 17th Ružička days: ā€žToday Science ā€“ Tomorrow Industryā€œ that was held in Vukovar, Croatia at September 19-21, 2018. The main goal of this interdisciplinary conference is to promote excellence in science and engineering as well as application of up-to-date research results and technological achievements in industry. In its fifth issue (2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019) the Proceedings continues with publishing of quality scientific and professional full papers in sections Chemical Analysis and Synthesis (2), Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (3), Food Technology and Biotechnology (4), Medical Chemistry and Pharmacy (2), Environmental Protection (9) and Meeting of Young Chemists (4). All the papers were thoroughly reviewed from respectable evaluators, to whom we express our gratitude. We are also thankful to all the authors and participants of the Ružička days, and to all that support and contribute in its organization; especially our international coorganizers EuCheMS, EFFoST and EHEDG, the members of organizing and scientific committee, plenary and invited lecturers, sponsors, and of course our highly skilled and committed associates, which put a lot of effort in preparation of this book