670 research outputs found

    Triplen Harmonics Study at Gas District Cooling, University Teknologi PETRONAS (GDC, UTP)

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    The voltage and current waveform in AC power circuits are expected to be sinusoidal with constant amplitude and frequency. However under certain extent, all power plant components posses the undesirable property of introducing distortion into the AC power circuit causing the voltage and current waveforms to deviate from their otherwise intended sinusoidal form. Therefore, the voltage and current waveform are decomposed to the frequency that are integer multiples of fundamental frequency that called harmonic


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    Pengaruh Pupuk Kompos Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Beberapa Varietas Kedelai (Glycine max(L.) Merrill)

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    Kebutuhan kedelai di Indonesia terus meningkat seiring dengan kesadaran masyarakat dalam mengonsumsi makanan bergizi. Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan hasil kedelai adalah dengan varietas dan kompos yang bersumber dari eceng gondok. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui respon pertumbuhan dan hasil dari berbagai varietas kedelai pada penambahan kompos eceng gondok. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Aula Teungku Mahmud, Desa Uteun Geulinggang, Dewantara, Aceh Utara, mulai dari bulan Maret hingga Juli 2018. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) faktorial yang terdiri dari dua faktor dengan 3 ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah varietas kedelai (V1 = Baluran, V2 = Anjasmoro, V3 = Kipas Merah). Faktor kedua adalah dosis kompos eceng gondok (terdiri dari 3 level: E0 = 0 g, E1 = 17,5 g, E2 = 24,5 g). Untuk membandingkan setiap perlakuan, tes lebih lanjut dilakukan menggunakan uji lanjutan Duncan pada tingkat 5 %. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis varietas memiliki diameter batang, jumlah cabang produktif, jumlah polong per tanaman, bobot biji kering per tanaman, Sedangkan pemberian kompos eceng gondok mempengaruhi tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, diameter batang, dan volume akar. Interaksi antara penambahan kompos eceng gondok dan varietas tidak mempengaruhi semua variabel yang diamati

    Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi Pada Kondisi Osteoarthritis Genu Dextra Di RSUD Sragen

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    Osteoarthritis adalah gangguan degeneratif dengan terjadinya penipisan dan pecahnya tulang rawan yang bersifat progresif. yang dapat menyebabkan seluruh fungsi sendi hilang Gangguan yang terjadi pada kondisi Osteoarthritis adalah nyeri pada lutut, keterbatasan lingkup gerak sendi (LGS), penurunan kekuatan otot dan gangguan aktifitas fungsional Terapi yang di berikan berupa Infra red dengan tujuan mengurangi nyeri dan meningkatkan aktifitas fungsional, terapi latihan dengan tujuan menambah lingkup gerak sendi (LGS) dan meningkatkan kekuatan otot. Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui manfaat Infra red dan terapi latihan pada kondisi Osteoarthritis genu dextra terhadap peningkatkan luas gerak sendi, kekuatan otot, lingkar segmen, penurunan nyeri dan peningkatkan kemampuan fungsional. Hasil : Setelah dilakukan terapi selama enam kali didapatkan hasil adanya pengurangan nyeri T0 4 menjadi T6 2, peningkatan lingkup gerak sendi T0 S: 0 – 0 - 125 menjadi T6 S: 0 – 0 – 135, lingkar segmen T0 41, 40, 39, 38 cm menjadi T6 39, 39, 37, 37, peningkatan kekuatan otot T03+ menjadi T6 4+, peningkatan Skala Jette T0 posisis berdiri dari duduk 3, berjalan 15 meter 2, naik tangga 3 trap 2 menjadi T6 posisi berdiri dari duduk 2, berjalan 15 meter 2, naik tangga 3 trap 2. Kesimpulan : Setelah di lakukan Penata laksanaan Fisioterapi pada kondisi Osteoarthritis Genu Dextra dengan menggunakan Infra red dan Terapi latihan dengan Pemeriksaan menggunakan Verbal Desciptive Scale (VDS), Manual Mascel Testing (MMT), Lingkup Gerak Sendi (LGS) dengan Goniometer, Lingkar Segmen dengan Midline dan Skala Jette. ditemukan hasil adanya pengurangan nyeri, peningkatan otot, peningkatan lingkup gerak sendi, penurunan lingkar segmen, dan peningkatan Aktifitas fungsiona


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    Berdasarkan hasil kerja praktek yang penulis lakukan pada Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial, maka penulis mengambil kesimpulan yaitu :1.Badan Penyelenggara jaminan Sosial Ketenagakerjaan (BPJS) Ketenagakerjaan adalah badan hukum publik yang bertanggung jawab kepada presiden dan berfungsi menyelenggarakan program jaminan hari tua,jaminan kecelakaan kerja, jaminan kematian, jaminan pensiun bagi seluruh pekerja indonesia termasuk orang asing yang bekerja paling singkat 6 (enam) bulan di indonesia.2.Jaminan pensiun adalah jaminan sosial yang bertujuan untuk mempertahankan derajat kehidupan yang layak bagi peserta dan/atau ahli warisnya dengan memberikan penghasilan setelah peserta memasuki usia pensiun, mengalami cacat total tetap, atau meninggal dunia.3.Manfaat Pensiun adalah sejumlah uang yang dibayarkan kepada peserta atau penerima manfaat lainnya dalam hal peserta memasuki usia pensiun, mengalami cacat total tetap atau meninggal dunia yang memenuhi ketentuan masa iuran dan ketentuan lainnya yang berlaku.4.Usia Pensiun adalah usia saat peserta dapat mulai menerima manfaat pensiun ditetapkan pertama kali 56 tahun, pada bulan Januari 2019 menjadi 57 tahun selanjutnya bertambah 1 tahun setiap 3 tahun berikutnya sampai mencapai usia pensiun 65 tahun

    Ranking trapezoidal fuzzy numbers based on set theoretic indices with Hurwicz criterion / Nazirah Ramli

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    Ranking of fuzzy numbers (FNs) is an important procedure for many applications in fuzzy theory, in particular, decision-making. Various methods of ranking fuzzy numbers (RFNs) have been developed but no method can rank overlapped trapezoidal fuzzy numbers (TrFNs) satisfactorily in all cases and situations. Some methods produce non-discriminate and non-intuitive results, limited to normal TrFNs and only consider neutral decision makers’ perspective. Some methods also have complex computation and cannot discriminate the ranking of TrFNs having the same mode and symmetric spread. The objective of this thesis is to develop new ranking indices (NRI) based on Sokal & Sneath, Dice and Ochiai set theoretic similarity measure (STSM) indices, and formulate the procedures for ranking overlapped TrFNs where the overlapped TrFNs are classified into seven main types. Eight phases are involved in the development of the NRI which consist of determining the fuzzy maximum (FMax), fuzzy minimum (FMin), evidences, total evidences, pair wise ranking, transitivity of relation and ranking of n TrFNs. The TrFNs involved are taken from the benchmark cases in the literature. The usage of second function principle in determining the FMax and FMin enables the NRI to rank non-normal TrFNs and this has overcome the limitations in some of the previous ranking indices which can only rank normal TrFNs. This study investigates on the development of the NRI and based on that, two observations and three algorithms are created. The determination of ranking results of the NRI involved three stages which are by comparing the values of total evidences in the development phase, by using the observations and by using the algorithms. The observations had rendered the NRI as advantageous method in RFNs since the ranking results can be obtained for all with , and represent pessimistic, neutral and optimistic decision makers’ perspective respectively. Based on the algorithms, the ranking of each type of overlapped TrFNs can be determined merely by the point wise operations. This study evaluates the performance of NRI in terms of rationality, consistency and robustness criteria. The NRI satisfies five axioms on the rationality properties which is similar with some of the previous ranking indices. Most of the ranking results for NRI which are independent with decision makers’ perspective have consistent ranking with the previous methods. The ranking results for some TrFNs with included TrFNs having the same mode and symmetric spread (which cannot be discriminated by a number of the previous methods) are affected by the decision makers’ perspective and this shows that the NRI has strong discrimination ability. For the robustness criterion of the NRI, type of changes of the TrFNs and conditions for robustness are proposed, and these have been applied to the Anugerah Kualiti Naib Canselor (AKNC) case study. The findings show that the NRI is robust for solving AKNC case study with the Dice and Ochiai ranking indices have less computing time compared with some of the previous methods. As the NRI can rank all types of FNs and all types of decision makers’ perspective, and the ranking can be determined merely by the point wise operations, NRI becomes an advantageous ranking method for solving multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) problems in fuzzy environment. 1 ,05 .0,05 .01 ,5.

    Temporal variation in fruit-feeding forest butterfly communities in Sabah, Borneo.

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    This study investigated temporal variation in fruit-feeding butterfly communities in Sabah, Borneo. Fruit-baited traps were used to sample butterflies in primary forest and forest that had been selectively logged 11-12 years previously in 1988 and 1989. Traps were hung 1-2m from the ground along four transects in primary and logged forest (8 km in total). Traps were operated for 12 days each month for a year (October 1999 to September 2000). This study focused on Nymphalid species whose adults feed on rotting fruit. A total of 3996 individuals from 63 species were recorded during the study. Rates of species accumulation were slightly higher in logged forest than in primary forest, but there was no difference between habitats in species diversity over the whole year. However, whereas diversity was generally higher in primary forest during March-July, it was higher in logged forest during August-February, resulting in a significant habitat by time-of-year interaction for two separate diversity indices. β diversity (species turnover) also showed opposite differences between habitats at different times of year. These results have important implications for the reliability of short-term studies that do not sample over the course of an entire year. Effects of three environmental factors (sunshine, rainfall and fruit availability) on butterfly diversity were investigated. Rainfall had a significant positive effect on species evenness (Simpson's index) and abundance of P. franck. Rainfall may have acted via its effects on adult survival as well as via indirect effects on larval host plant quality
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