118 research outputs found

    The Method of Forecasting of the Indicators for Drug Reimbursement to Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases in Ukraine

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    The aim of the study is to develop a method for forecasting the indicators for drug reimbursement to patients with cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in Ukraine within the framework of the government program “Available medicines”.Materials and methods: materials of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and medical records of patients with CVD, who were prescribed with medicines according to the government program, were used in the study.Results: according to the method proposed for forecasting the volume of drug reimbursement to patients with CVD under the government program it has been found that Enalapril has the highest indicator – 10916.4 USD thousand in 2019 and 10736.8 USD thousand in 2020. Clopidogrel takes the second position – 12108.13 USD thousand and 11908.24 USD thousand, while Amlodipine occupies the third position – 9105.60 USD thousand and 8955.28 USD thousand.Among the medicines not included in the government program, but prescribed rather frequently the largest forecasting amount required for reimbursement (in case of inclusion in the program) is 18910.55 USD thousand in 2019 and 18598.36 USD thousand in 2020 for Magnicor, and the least amount is 444.55 USD thousand and 437.22 USD thousand for Acetylsalicylic acid, respectively.Conclusions. The government program to provide patients with effective and affordable medicines has a significant impact on reforming the healthcare system of Ukraine. The study conducted can be used to expand the government program in the process of formation and distribution of budget funds


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    The aim of the study is to develop a method for forecasting the indicators for drug reimbursement to patients with cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in Ukraine within the framework of the government program “Available medicines”. Materials and methods: materials of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and medical records of patients with CVD, who were prescribed with medicines according to the government program, were used in the study. Results: according to the method proposed for forecasting the volume of drug reimbursement to patients with CVD under the government program it has been found that Enalapril has the highest indicator – 10916.4 USD thousand in 2019 and 10736.8 USD thousand in 2020. Clopidogrel takes the second position – 12108.13 USD thousand and 11908.24 USD thousand, while Amlodipine occupies the third position – 9105.60 USD thousand and 8955.28 USD thousand. Among the medicines not included in the government program, but prescribed rather frequently the largest forecasting amount required for reimbursement (in case of inclusion in the program) is 18910.55 USD thousand in 2019 and 18598.36 USD thousand in 2020 for Magnicor, and the least amount is 444.55 USD thousand and 437.22 USD thousand for Acetylsalicylic acid, respectively. Conclusions. The government program to provide patients with effective and affordable medicines has a significant impact on reforming the healthcare system of Ukraine. The study conducted can be used to expand the government program in the process of formation and distribution of budget funds


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    The aim of the work. To analyze and systematize the legal framework in the field of ensuring the availability of medicines for the population. Materials and Methods. Regulatory acts, analytical documents, official sites of the authorities, scientific works of domestic scientists on state regulation of pricing on drugs; analysis historical, logical, generalization and systematization. Results and Discussion. In the context of providing the state with guarantees of availability of medical and pharmaceutical care for the population, the state regulation of prices for medicines is carried out by declaring prices, limiting margins, reference pricing. In the absence of compulsory health insurance in Ukraine pilot projects and government programs are being launched to increase the availability of medicines to the general public. During the period of independence the state adopted a number of legal acts in the field of pharmaceutical pricing: 25 CMU Resolutions, more than 20 orders of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. According to the results of the survey of pharmacy workers, frequent change and contradiction of the regulatory framework is one of the main problems, which causes the low efficiency of the state regulation of pharmaceutical activity. This, in turn, affects the quality of providing pharmaceutical care for the population. Conclusions. The regulatory framework governing the availability of drugs and the pricing of drugs is very complex and controversial, often changing. In order to create an effective system of price regulation, it is proposed to optimize the legal framework in the direction of codification (creation of a code), which would allow to make changes promptly and avoid legal conflicts.Мета роботи. Аналіз і систематизація нормативно-правової бази у сфері забезпечення доступності ліків для населення. Матеріали і методи. Нормативно-правові акти, аналітичні документи, офіційні сайти органів влади, наукові праці вітчизняних вчених щодо державного регулювання цін на лікарські засоби; аналіз історичний, логічний, узагальнення і систематизація. Результати й обговорення. В контексті забезпечення державою гарантій доступності медичної та фармацевтичної допомоги для населення держава здійснює регулювання цін на ліки шляхом декларування цін, встановлення граничних націнок, референтного ціноутворення. За умов відсутності в Україні обов’язкового медичного страхування впроваджуються пілотні проекти та урядові програми щодо підвищення доступності ліків для населення. За період незалежності державою прийнято низку нормативно-правових актів у сфері фармацевтичного ціноутворення, а саме: 25 Постанов КМУ, більше 20 наказів МОЗ України. За результатами опитування працівників аптек, часта зміна та суперечливість нормативної бази є однією з основних проблем, що зумовлює низьку ефективність системи державного регулювання фармацевтичної діяльності. Це, у свою чергу, впливає на якість надання фармацевтичної допомоги населенню. Висновки. З метою створення ефективної системи цінового регулювання пропонується оптимізувати нормативно-правову базу в напрямку кодифікації, що дозволило б оперативно вносити зміни, уникати правових колізій та, нарешті, підвищити якість та доступність фармацевтичної допомоги для населення

    Design for special populations

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    There is a small number of people that deviate from the healthy norm in society due to stages in human development, injury, traumas, congenital disease or genetic abnormalities. The design for special groups is created for these groups of people


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    The article analyzes the problems of implementation of drug reimbursement programs in Ukraine and in the countries of the world. One of the key problems in the countries of the world is the low index of cooperation between the doctor and the pharmacist, the patient's failure to adhere to the medication regimen and the recommendations of specialists. In Ukraine through questionnaires specialists found that one of the main problems is the unavailability of feedback through the "doctor-pharmacist-patient" and the interaction doctor pharmacist no number of monitoring of medical appointments. The need for close cooperation between doctors, pharmacists, patients and the state in order to justify improving the delivery and receipt of appropriate medical and pharmaceutical care.The article analyzes the problems of implementation of drug reimbursement programs in Ukraine and in the countries of the world. One of the key problems in the countries of the world is the low index of cooperation between the doctor and the pharmacist, the patient's failure to adhere to the medication regimen and the recommendations of specialists. In Ukraine through questionnaires specialists found that one of the main problems is the unavailability of feedback through the "doctor-pharmacist-patient" and the interaction doctor pharmacist no number of monitoring of medical appointments. The need for close cooperation between doctors, pharmacists, patients and the state in order to justify improving the delivery and receipt of appropriate medical and pharmaceutical care

    Обґрунтування моделі формування цін на основні лікарські засоби в контексті оцінки технологій охорони здоров’я

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    The problem of availability of drugs can be solved by implementation of effective social and economic mechanisms.Aim. To substantiate theoretically the effective management model of pricing for drugs.Materials and methods. The analysis of drug availability has been conducted; the model of pharmaceutical pricing has been proposed.Results and discussion. The effective social pricing model for drugs has been proposed. This model is based on the use of a consolidated list of essential drugs, the method of forming the cost of drugs, scientifically based methods of the state regulation of prices and the results of the Health Technology Assessments .Conclusions. Implementation of effective social pricing model allows improving drug availability and pharmaceutical care for the population.Проблему доступности лекарственных средств (ЛС) можно решить путем внедрения действенных социально-экономических механизмов.Цель работы – теоретическое обоснование эффективной модели управления ценообразованием на ЛС.Материалы и методы. Проведен анализ ценовой доступности ЛС, предложена модель фармацевтического ценообразования.Результаты и их обсуждение. Предложена социально эффективная модель ценообразования на ЛС. Указанная модель основана на использовании единого перечня ОЛС, методики формирования себестоимости ЛС, научно обоснованных методов государственного регулирования цен и результатов оценки технологий здравоохранения.Выводы. Внедрение социально эффективной модели ценообразования позволит повысить доступность лекарств и фармацевтической помощи для населения.Проблему доступності лікарських засобів (ЛЗ) можна вирішити через впровадження дієвих соціально-економічних механізмів.Мета роботи – теоретичне обґрунтування ефективної моделі управління ціноутворенням на ЛЗ.Матеріали та методи. Проведено аналіз цінової доступності ЛЗ, запропоновано модель фармацевтичного ціноутворення.Результати та їх обговорення. Запропоновано соціально ефективну модель ціноутворення на ЛЗ. Вказана модель базується на використанні єдиного переліку ОЛЗ, методики формування собівартості ЛЗ, науково обґрунтованих методів державного регулювання цін та результатів оцінки технологій охорони здоров’я. Висновки. Впровадження соціально ефективної моделі ціноутворення дозволить підвищити доступність ліків та фармацевтичної допомоги для населення.

    The four temperaments in interior design

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    Designers and architects pay special attention to the psychological type, especially, temperament. There are four human temperaments in psychology. They have great influence on creating the interior for each person


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    Today, in the field of healthcare of the leading countries of the world there is a technological breakthrough due to the use of modern electronic systems. Thanks to the use of medical electronic technologies, it is possible to improve the quality of medical and pharmaceutical care for all segments of the population. The eHealth system provides opportunities for direct participation of patients in their health, which involves organization of a healthy lifestyle and disease prevention. The aim of the study was to analyze the experience of implementation of mobile medical applications and electronic medical systems within eHealth in the healthcare systems of the leading countries of the world and Ukraine. Materials and Methods of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, FDA, WHO, NHS, ABI Research and other open information databases and statistical agencies were used in the work. The analytical, comparative and generalization of scientific information methods were chosen for the research. Results and Discussion. Modern reformation and further development of the healthcare system of Ukraine provides for the introduction of not only government programs of reimbursement, but also the introduction of electronic information systems, mobile applications for medical, pharmaceutical workers and patients at all stages of medical and pharmaceutical care. The integrated implementation of eHealth determines availability of the necessary healthcare management information system, which should have the following components: registers of medical institutions, services, doctors, patients, diagnosis coding system and electronic medical documentation (electronic medical records and prescriptions). Currently, 1472 medical institutions, 24506 doctors and 21068249 patients have joined eHealth in Ukraine. Conclusions. It has been determined that information electronic technologies allow not only to reduce government spending on the healthcare, but also to achieve a reduction in the number of errors in prescriptions, visits to doctors without the necessary needs and decrease the total number of deaths. The introduction of electronic technologies, in particular mobile applications for the national healthcare system in Ukraine should be controlled by state authorities and independent international organizations on the control and development of information electronic systems


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    Today, in the field of healthcare of the leading countries of the world there is a technological breakthrough due to the use of modern electronic systems. Thanks to the use of medical electronic technologies, it is possible to improve the quality of medical and pharmaceutical care for all segments of the population. The eHealth system provides opportunities for direct participation of patients in their health, which involves organization of a healthy lifestyle and disease prevention. The aim of the study was to analyze the experience of implementation of mobile medical applications and electronic medical systems within eHealth in the healthcare systems of the leading countries of the world and Ukraine. Materials and Methods of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, FDA, WHO, NHS, ABI Research and other open information databases and statistical agencies were used in the work. The analytical, comparative and generalization of scientific information methods were chosen for the research. Results and Discussion. Modern reformation and further development of the healthcare system of Ukraine provides for the introduction of not only government programs of reimbursement, but also the introduction of electronic information systems, mobile applications for medical, pharmaceutical workers and patients at all stages of medical and pharmaceutical care. The integrated implementation of eHealth determines availability of the necessary healthcare management information system, which should have the following components: registers of medical institutions, services, doctors, patients, diagnosis coding system and electronic medical documentation (electronic medical records and prescriptions). Currently, 1472 medical institutions, 24506 doctors and 21068249 patients have joined eHealth in Ukraine. Conclusions. It has been determined that information electronic technologies allow not only to reduce government spending on the healthcare, but also to achieve a reduction in the number of errors in prescriptions, visits to doctors without the necessary needs and decrease the total number of deaths. The introduction of electronic technologies, in particular mobile applications for the national healthcare system in Ukraine should be controlled by state authorities and independent international organizations on the control and development of information electronic systems