2,217 research outputs found

    Research of Influence of Potassium-rich Diets on the Physical Performance of Students

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    The aim of the work is the scientific substantiation and experimental support of the expedience and use of potassium-cationic water for improving the bread quality and the study of the influence of potassium-rich diets on the physical performance of students. There was studied the influence of potassium cations on the activity of proteolytic enzymes of wheat flour. It was established, that at using potassium-cationic water, the output of wet gluten (35,1 %) essentially increases, at that the output of dry one (8,4 %) decreases to the same extent that is a positive factor in the bakery technology. It was proved that enriching the vital medium of bakery yeast by potassium cations essentially activates their ability to hydrolysis of maltose that favors activation of the process of gassing (Maltase activity – 35,1 min). The process of gassing influences the speed of dough-conduction and ready bread quality, especially volume (357,7, 100 g/ml), porosity (79,1 %) and crumb ability to compression (33,5 c.u.). It was established, that consumption of bread, produced on potassium-cationic water, favors the strengthening of the heart muscle tone, improvement of the general condition of the organism, especially, physical endurance and performance

    The Study of Influence of Aronia Additives on Functional-technological Properties of Wheat Flour

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    The expedience of the use of aronia in technology of short dough products as a source of vitamins, mineral, pectin substances, phenol compounds, easily assimilated sugars, organic acids and so on was substantiated. To study the influence of aronia additives on the main receipt component of short dough (wheat flour) there was elaborated an algorithm of the study that includes theoretical analysis and physical-chemical experiment. The expedience of introduction of aronia as a powder directly into wheat flour was theoretically grounded. The methods of estimation of the content of polyphenol compounds, influence of aronia additives on amylolytic and proteolytic activity of wheat flour, its sugar-creating ability, were selected. The methods of experiment planning and mathematical processing of experimental data were realized using computer program MS Excel 97 2003.In was established, that the aronia additive weakens the gluten of wheat flour and prevents the swelling of gluten proteins. It positively influences the process of short dough formation and provides a possibility of its storage during the long time until baking. The use of aronia additives in technology of short dough products allows not only raise their food value but also improve the quality of short dough

    Технологии обучения публичного выступления с презентацией студентов телекоммуникационных специальностей

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    У статті аналізуються особливості професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців телекомунікаційної галузі, обґрунтовується необхідність та важливість розвитку умінь публічного виступу з презентацією у навчанні англійської мови для професійного спілкування.In the article the author analyzes the peculiarities of future Telecom professionals training, gives arguments for necessity and importance of developing public speaking skills in combination with presentation in teaching English for specific purposes.В статье анализируются особенности профессиональной подготовки будущих специалистов телекоммуникационной отрасли, обосновывается необходимость и важность развития умений публичного выступления с презентацией в обучении английскому языку для профессионального общения

    New Deformed Heisenberg Algebra from the μ\mu-Deformed Model of Dark Matter

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    Recently, the μ\mu-deformation-based approach to modeling dark matter, which exploits μ\mu-deformed thermodynamics, was extended to the study of galaxy halo density profile and of the rotation curves of a number of (dwarf or low brightness) galaxies. For that goal, μ\mu-deformed analogs of the Lane--Emden equation (LEE) have been proposed, and their solutions describing density profiles obtained. There are two seemingly different versions of μ\mu-deformed LEE which possess the same solution, and so we deal with their equivalence. From the latter property we derive new, rather unusual, μ\mu-deformed Heisenberg algebra (HA) for the position and momentum operators, and present the μ\mu-HA in few possible forms (each one at μ0\mu\to0 recovers usual HA). The generalized uncertainty relation linked with the new μ\mu-HA is studied, along with its interesting implications including the appearance of the quadruple of both maximal and minimal lengths and momenta.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, to appear in "Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences

    Direction of improvement of the motivation system of railway transport personnel in the conditions of crisis

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    Запропоновано удосконалення проведення атестації персоналу залізничного транспорту як шлях до більш справедливого та об’єктивного їх оцінювання з метою удосконалення мотивації до праці.The article offers improvement of certification of railway staff as a way to more just and objective evaluation with the aim of improving motivation to work

    Interaction of Kelvin waves and nonlocality of energy transfer in superfluids

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    We argue that the physics of interacting Kelvin Waves (KWs) is highly nontrivial and cannot be understood on the basis of pure dimensional reasoning. A consistent theory of KW turbulence in superfluids should be based upon explicit knowledge of their interactions. To achieve this, we present a detailed calculation and comprehensive analysis of the interaction coefficients for KW turbuelence, thereby, resolving previous mistakes stemming from unaccounted contributions. As a first application of this analysis, we derive a local nonlinear (partial differential) equation. This equation is much simpler for analysis and numerical simulations of KWs than the Biot-Savart equation, and in contrast to the completely integrable local induction approximation (in which the energy exchange between KWs is absent), describes the nonlinear dynamics of KWs. Second, we show that the previously suggested Kozik-Svistunov energy spectrum for KWs, which has often been used in the analysis of experimental and numerical data in superfluid turbulence, is irrelevant, because it is based upon an erroneous assumption of the locality of the energy transfer through scales. Moreover, we demonstrate the weak nonlocality of the inverse cascade spectrum with a constant particle-number flux and find resulting logarithmic corrections to this spectrum

    Accretion disk in the eclipsing binary AU Mon

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    We analyze the CoRoT and V-passband ground-based light curves of the interacting close binary AU Mon, assuming that there is a geometrically and optically thick accretion disk around the hotter and more massive star, as inferred from photometric and spectroscopic characteristics of the binary. Our model fits the observations very well and provides estimates for the orbital elements and physical parameters of the components and of the accretion disk.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA